F# Print if true - f#

I'm trying to print the output of function only when it is true but so far all attempts have been unsuccsessful.
Something on the lines of:
let printFactor a b = if b then print_any((a,b))
Where b is a boolean and a is an integer.
When I try it I get:
val printFactor : 'a -> bool -> unit
Any suggestions?
To put things in context im trying to use this with a pipe operator. Lets say I have a function xyz that outputs a list of (int, bool). Id like to do something on these lines:
xyz |> printFactor
to print the true values only.

You could do e.g. this
let xyz() = [ (1,true); (2,false) ]
let printFactor (i,b) =
if b then
printfn "%A" i
xyz() |> List.iter printFactor
but it would probably be more idiomatic to do, e.g. this
|> List.filter (fun (i,b) -> b)
|> List.iter (fun (i,b) -> printfn "%d" i)
that is, first filter, and then print.


F# List.exists on two lists

I have two lists listA and listB where I want to return true if listB contains any element also in listA.
let listA = ["A";"B";"C"]
let listB = ["D";"E";"A"]
Should return true in this case. I feel like this should be easy to solve and I'm missing something fundamental somewhere.
For example, why can't I do like this?
let testIntersect = for elem in listA do List.exists (fun x -> x = elem) listB
You can't write something like your example code because a plain for doesn't return a result, it just evaluates an expression for its side-effects. You could write the code in a for comprehension:
let testIntersect listA listB =
[for elem in listA do yield List.exists (fun x -> x = elem) listB]
Of course, this then returns a bool list rather than a single bool.
val testIntersect :
listA:seq<'a> -> listB:'a list -> bool list when 'a : equality
let listA = ["A";"B";"C"]
let listB = ["D";"E";"A"]
testIntersect listA listB
val it : bool list = [true; false; false]
So, we can use the List.exists function to ensure that a true occurs at least once:
let testIntersect listA listB =
[for elem in listA do yield List.exists (fun x -> x = elem) listB]
|> List.exists id
val testIntersect :
listA:seq<'a> -> listB:'a list -> bool list when 'a : equality
val listA : string list = ["A"; "B"; "C"]
val listB : string list = ["D"; "E"; "A"]
val it : bool = false
It's pretty inefficient to solve this problem using List though, it's better to use Set. With Set, you can calculate intersection in O(log N * log M) time rather than O(N*M).
let testSetIntersect listA listB =
Set.intersect (Set.ofList listA) (Set.ofList listB)
|> Set.isEmpty
|> not
One function that you could use is List.except, which is not yet documented (!) but can be seen in this pull request that was merged a couple of years ago. You'd probably use it like this:
let testIntersect a b =
let b' = b |> List.except a
// If b' is shorter than b, then b contained at least one element of a
List.length b' < List.length b
However, this runs through list B about three times, once to do the except algorithm and once each to do both the length calls. So another approach might be to do what you did, but turn list A into a set so that the exists call won't be O(N):
let testIntersect a b =
let setA = a |> Set.ofList
match b |> List.tryFind (fun x -> setA |> Set.contains x) with
| Some _ -> true
| None -> false
The reason I used tryFind is because List.find would throw an exception if the predicate didn't match any items of the list.
Edit: An even better approach is to use List.exists, which I temporarily forgot about (thanks to Honza Brestan for reminding me about it):
let testIntersect a b =
let setA = a |> Set.ofList
b |> List.exists (fun x -> setA |> Set.contains x)
Which, of course, is pretty much what you were originally wanting to do in your testIntersect code sample. The only difference is that you were using the for ... in syntax in your code sample, which wouldn't work. In F#, the for loop is exclusively for expressions that return unit (and thus, probably have side effects). If you want to return a value, the for loop won't do that. So using the functions that do return value, like List.exists, is the approach you want to take.
let testIntersect listA listB =
(Set.ofList listA) - (Set.ofList listB) |> Set.isEmpty |> not

How to create a dependency between observables?

I want a tool for testing Rx components that would work like this:
Given an order of the events specified as a 'v seq and a key selector function (keySelector :: 'v -> 'k) I want to create a Map<'k, IObservable<'k>> where the guarantee is that the groupped observables yield the values in the global order defined by the above enumerable.
For example:
makeObservables isEven [1;2;3;4;5;6]
...should produce
{ true : -2-4-6|,
false: 1-3-5| }
This is my attempt looks like this:
open System
open System.Reactive.Linq
open FSharp.Control.Reactive
let subscribeAfter (o1: IObservable<'a>) (o2 : IObservable<'b>) : IObservable<'b> =
fun (observer : IObserver<'b>) ->
let tempObserver = { new IObserver<'a> with
member this.OnNext x = ()
member this.OnError e = observer.OnError e
member this.OnCompleted () = o2 |> Observable.subscribeObserver observer |> ignore
o1.Subscribe tempObserver
|> Observable.Create
let makeObservables (keySelector : 'a -> 'k) (xs : 'a seq) : Map<'k, IObservable<'a>> =
let makeDependencies : ('k * IObservable<'a>) seq -> ('k * IObservable<'a>) seq =
let makeDep ((_, o1), (k2, o2)) = (k2, subscribeAfter o1 o2)
>> Seq.map makeDep
let makeObservable x = (keySelector x, Observable.single x)
let firstItem =
Seq.head xs
|> makeObservable
|> Seq.singleton
let dependentObservables =
|> Seq.map makeObservable
|> makeDependencies
|> Seq.append firstItem
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> Seq.map (fun (k, obs) -> (k, obs |> Seq.map snd |> Observable.concatSeq))
|> Map.ofSeq
let main argv =
let isEven x = (x % 2 = 0)
let splits : Map<bool, IObservable<int>> =
|> makeObservables isEven
use subscription =
|> Map.toSeq
|> Seq.map snd
|> Observable.mergeSeq
|> Observable.subscribe (printfn "%A")
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code
...but the results are not as expected and the observed values are not in the global order.
Apparently the items in each group are yield correctly but when the groups are merged its more like a concat then a merge
The expected output is: 1 2 3 4 5
...but the actual output is 1 3 5 2 4
What am I doing wrong?
You describe wanting this:
{ true : -2-4-6|,
false: 1-3-5| }
But you're really creating this:
{ true : 246|,
false: 135| }
Since there's no time gaps between the items in the observables, the merge basically has a constant race condition. Rx guarantees that element 1 of a given sequence will fire before element 2, but Merge offers no guarantees around cases like this.
You need to introduce time gaps into your observables if you want Merge to be able to re-sequence in the original order.

Combining functions with the same, but partially unknown signature

Suppose we have a number of filter functions that accept the same parameters and return a boolean result.
let filter1 _ _ = true
let filter2 _ _ = false
These can be combined into a single filter.
let combine2 f1 f2 = fun a b -> f1 a b && f2 a b
combine2 filter1 filter2
Our implementation requires some knowledge of the parameters of f1 and f2. More generally, we may find functions combine1 ... combineN useful, where N is the number of parameters to the filter functions. Can a generic combine function be written that is independent of N?
I am interested in the capabilities of F# and being able to apply this concept in other situations.
Update: My understanding of the problem is that functions succeed in ignoring any remaining parameters when they don't care whether the result is a simple type or a partially applied function. In the example above, we only reach a boolean type after applying all parameters, so they need to be specified.
use high order function, passing the function as argument
let combineN invoke filters = filters |> List.map invoke |> List.reduce (&&)
and use it like this
[filter1; filter2] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2) |> printfn "%b"
demo: https://dotnetfiddle.net/EHC5di
you can also pass List.reduce parameter as argument, like combineN (&&) (fun f -> f 1 2)
but usually is easier to write List.map |> List.reduce
you can also use it with more arguments
let filter3 _ _ _ = true
let filter4 _ _ _ = true
[filter3; filter4] |> List.map (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> List.reduce (&&) |> printfn "%b"
[filter3; filter4] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> printfn "%b"
compiler will check types (number arguments)
//call list of function with 2 argument, with more arguments doesnt compile
[filter1; filter2] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> printfn "%b"
//mix functions with different arguments, doesnt compile either
[filter1; filter3] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> printfn "%b"
see demo

Yet Another Value Restriction Question

In the following code Seq.generateUnique is constrained to be of type ((Assembly -> seq<Assembly>) -> seq<Assembly> -> seq<Assembly>).
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Reflection
module Seq =
let generateUnique =
let known = HashSet()
fun f initial ->
let rec loop items =
seq {
let cachedSeq = items |> Seq.filter known.Add |> Seq.cache
if not (cachedSeq |> Seq.isEmpty) then
yield! cachedSeq
yield! loop (cachedSeq |> Seq.collect f)
loop initial
let discoverAssemblies() =
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() :> seq<_>
|> Seq.generateUnique (fun asm -> asm.GetReferencedAssemblies() |> Seq.map Assembly.Load)
let test() = printfn "%A" (discoverAssemblies() |> Seq.truncate 2 |> Seq.map (fun asm -> asm.GetName().Name) |> Seq.toList)
for _ in 1 .. 5 do test()
System.Console.Read() |> ignore
I'd like it to be generic, but putting it into a file apart from its usage yields a value restriction error:
Value restriction. The value
'generateUnique' has been inferred to
have generic type val
generateUnique : (('_a -> '_b) -> '_c
-> seq<'_a>) when '_b :> seq<'_a> and '_c :> seq<'_a> Either make the
arguments to 'generateUnique' explicit
or, if you do not intend for it to be
generic, add a type annotation.
Adding an explicit type parameter (let generateUnique<'T> = ...) eliminates the error, but now it returns different results.
Output without type parameter (desired/correct behavior):
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["FSharp.Core"; "System"]
["System.Core"; "System.Security"]
And with:
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
Why does the behavior change? How could I make the function generic and achieve the desired behavior?
generateUnique is a lot like the standard memoize pattern: it should be used to calculate memoized functions from normal functions, not do the actual caching itself.
#kvb was right about the change in the definition required for this shift, but then you need to change the definition of discoverAssemblies as follows:
let discoverAssemblies =
let generator = Seq.generateUnique (fun (asm:Assembly) -> asm.GetReferencedAssemblies() |> Seq.map Assembly.Load)
fun () ->
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() :> seq<_>
|> generator
I don't think that your definition is quite correct: it seems to me that f needs to be a syntactic argument to generateUnique (that is, I don't believe that it makes sense to use the same HashSet for different fs). Therefore, a simple fix is:
let generateUnique f =
let known = HashSet()
fun initial ->
let rec loop items =
seq {
let cachedSeq = items |> Seq.filter known.Add |> Seq.cache
if not (cachedSeq |> Seq.isEmpty) then
yield! cachedSeq
yield! loop (cachedSeq |> Seq.collect f)
loop initial

Split seq in F#

I should split seq<a> into seq<seq<a>> by an attribute of the elements. If this attribute equals by a given value it must be 'splitted' at that point. How can I do that in FSharp?
It should be nice to pass a 'function' to it that returns a bool if must be splitted at that item or no.
Input sequence: seq: {1,2,3,4,1,5,6,7,1,9}
It should be splitted at every items when it equals 1, so the result should be:
All you're really doing is grouping--creating a new group each time a value is encountered.
let splitBy f input =
let i = ref 0
|> Seq.map (fun x ->
if f x then incr i
!i, x)
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> Seq.map (fun (_, b) -> Seq.map snd b)
let items = seq [1;2;3;4;1;5;6;7;1;9]
items |> splitBy ((=) 1)
Again, shorter, with Stephen's nice improvements:
let splitBy f input =
let i = ref 0
|> Seq.groupBy (fun x ->
if f x then incr i
|> Seq.map snd
Unfortunately, writing functions that work with sequences (the seq<'T> type) is a bit difficult. They do not nicely work with functional concepts like pattern matching on lists. Instead, you have to use the GetEnumerator method and the resulting IEnumerator<'T> type. This often makes the code quite imperative. In this case, I'd write the following:
let splitUsing special (input:seq<_>) = seq {
use en = input.GetEnumerator()
let finished = ref false
let start = ref true
let rec taking () = seq {
if not (en.MoveNext()) then finished := true
elif en.Current = special then start := true
yield en.Current
yield! taking() }
yield taking()
while not (!finished) do
yield Seq.concat [ Seq.singleton special; taking()] }
I wouldn't recommend using the functional style (e.g. using Seq.skip and Seq.head), because this is quite inefficient - it creates a chain of sequences that take value from other sequence and just return it (so there is usually O(N^2) complexity).
Alternatively, you could write this using a computation builder for working with IEnumerator<'T>, but that's not standard. You can find it here, if you want to play with it.
The following is an impure implementation but yields immutable sequences lazily:
let unflatten f s = seq {
let buffer = ResizeArray()
let flush() = seq {
if buffer.Count > 0 then
yield Seq.readonly (buffer.ToArray())
buffer.Clear() }
for item in s do
if f item then yield! flush()
yield! flush() }
f is the function used to test whether an element should be a split point:
[1;2;3;4;1;5;6;7;1;9] |> unflatten (fun item -> item = 1)
Probably no the most efficient solution, but this works:
let takeAndSkipWhile f s = Seq.takeWhile f s, Seq.skipWhile f s
let takeAndSkipUntil f = takeAndSkipWhile (f >> not)
let rec splitOn f s =
if Seq.isEmpty s then
let pre, post =
if f (Seq.head s) then
takeAndSkipUntil f (Seq.skip 1 s)
|> fun (a, b) ->
Seq.append [Seq.head s] a, b
takeAndSkipUntil f s
if Seq.isEmpty pre then
Seq.singleton post
Seq.append [pre] (splitOn f post)
splitOn ((=) 1) [1;2;3;4;1;5;6;7;1;9] // int list is compatible with seq<int>
The type of splitOn is ('a -> bool) -> seq<'a> -> seq>. I haven't tested it on many inputs, but it seems to work.
In case you are looking for something which actually works like split as an string split (i.e the item is not included on which the predicate returns true) the below is what I came up with.. tried to be as functional as possible :)
let fromEnum (input : 'a IEnumerator) =
seq {
while input.MoveNext() do
yield input.Current
let getMore (input : 'a IEnumerator) =
if input.MoveNext() = false then None
else Some ((input |> fromEnum) |> Seq.append [input.Current])
let splitBy (f : 'a -> bool) (input : 'a seq) =
use s = input.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop (acc : 'a seq seq) =
match s |> getMore with
| None -> acc
| Some x ->[x |> Seq.takeWhile (f >> not) |> Seq.toList |> List.toSeq]
|> Seq.append acc
|> loop
loop Seq.empty |> Seq.filter (Seq.isEmpty >> not)
seq [1;2;3;4;1;5;6;7;1;9;5;5;1]
|> splitBy ( (=) 1) |> printfn "%A"
