Trying to make Weborb .NET work with ASP.NET MVC -

We have been using weborb for .net on an existing application for some time now and it has worked very well. We decided to rewrite our application in ASP.NET MVC and now I need to make weborb work with mvc. I have been getting a 404 the resource cannot be found error while trying to connect to the weborb.aspx page. I have added all of the appropriate entries to the web.config file and I even found this article explaining how to make the two work together
But to no avail. I can't make it work. Thanks.

If 404 is given then there is no such resource. Most likely the MVC tries to route the request and cannot find appropriate one.
Try to add ignore route in the beginning of routes registration. Something like this:

My problem was that I had the project set up incorrectly as a website and not an mvc application. Once I did that the route explained the blog post I referenced worked like a charm.


Is it possible to remove all .Net MVC components in a .Net Web Api application so that I can use AngularJS as the front end?

I'm creating an application with a .Net Web Api project wanting to use pure AngularJS as the client side. Since Web Api is built on top of MVC, it creates MVC specific and default items that I feel is not needed. These items include the HomeController, _ViewStart.cshtml, _layout.cshtml, etc. I tried removing them but it comes up with errors. Has anyone tried to remove the MVC stuff out of the web api project and used separate client side front-end? Is it even possible to remove the MVC items without errors?
Remove RouteConfig.cs from App_Start, remove the Views directory and all sub-directories including the Views internal web.config file. Comment out or delete all the lines in the Global.asax.cs Application_Start method except GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register). Remove the HomeController, add an index.html and any needed Angular scripts and go at it. I also added solution folders to organize my views as reusing the existing Views folders did not work. I'm using VS 2015 but is should work for 2013 also. PWE
Web API is not built on top of MVC.
The default templates bring in MVC for the sake of supporting a help page, but you don't need to use it.
You can start with an empty web project and just check Web API.
The routing piece is server routing and it's part of what maps the URL to Controllers+Actions, it has nothing to do with Angular routing.
As Mike Cheel alluded to, there are no dependencies between MVC and Web API. However, if you use the built-in templates, it's easy to get the impression that the 2 are linked. They include a lot of stuff in these templates because they can't anticipate where you want to go with your project... so they try to cover all the bases.
For your purposes, you would probably be better off to start with an empty project and add only the components that you actually need. For this approach, some of the best tutorials and starter projects are from Taiseer Joudeh's "Bit of Technology" blog. His tutorials helped me to build an "MVC Free" web application from scratch that uses JSON Web Tokens and AngularJS Interceptors for security and Web API 2 and Entity Framework to serve up the data.
He has many tutorials on his website... but you might want to start with "AngularJS Token Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity". What what.. you didn't ask about security? Well... security is an issue that you will need to confront at some point anyway... and Taiseer presents a nice solution for securing an Angular/Web API application.

Hosting an MVC and a webforms site on the same IIS7 instance - web.config inheritance

We have a website that was written in classic ASP, then I started to extend it using web forms. These extensions exist in a subfolder of the main folder. Now we've decided we'd prefer to use MVC3. Also, as we'd like to convert all our site to MVC3 over time, we are hosting the MVC code in the application root. I've found some other questions where people have a similar issue to mine, but no solution. The issue is simply that my web forms app can't seem to be stopped from inheriting the web.config settings from the root folder, and as a result, it won't run, it either complains about missing dlls, or complains about running the wrong version of .NET, or complains I need to remove some settings ( which I try and can never get to work right ). The app in the subfolder is also hosting a webservice that is called by our application, and it also runs HTTP handlers to protect our imaging content, so it's got a bit of stuff in it. Do I need to run my MVC site in a subfolder ? Is there any way to have MVC in the folder above a web forms app ? I'd prefer to set things up so they share session data, but that's looking likely to be impossible at this stage...
So to be clear the folder structure is:
contains asp site and MVC site.
contains webforms application
and my issue is getting the subfolder to run, preferably in the same session as the MVC app.
There is no reason you can't run regular .aspx files on an MVC site. You are correct though, web.config settings are inherited from the parent (chain), but you just add a new web.config in your directory with relevant settings.
What you will have to do is play with the routes, because by default MVC will route all requests into your controller classes. But if you google around its fairly simple to add an exception to the routing.
If you post some of the specific errors we can probably help further.
Oh and do you mean Classic ASP? i.e. not Classic ASP.NET? Because you'll have fun sharing session data between ASP & ASP.NET.

ASP.NET MVC app not browsing to pages only Index.aspx on root

I have an MVC 1.0 app just setup but it only shows the Index.aspx page
of Home.
Seems like the routing engine is not being engaged.
I get a 404 error when i try to browse other pages.
Any ideas why this might be?
It's probably that the ASP.NET DLL isn't being called for your request. If you are talking about IIS, Phil Haack has a great article on how to sort it out. Note: Scroll down for .* version :)
Essentially, you are telling IIS that for every extension, it should look use the .NET DLL to run it, but don't check to see if the file exists first (because in MVC, the files don't exist).


I have a ASP.NET MVC app and when I run it, it loads my Index action on my HomeController
by default ok.
But when I put in this URl I get 404 - Not Found error
This is the same for any action I put in in Home Controller.
Something fundamentally wrong, any ideas?
You probably have a configuration problem with URL mapping in IIS itself.
I haven't worked much with IIS7, but I think this is what you should check:
Managed pipeline mode should be 'Integrated'.
web.config should include system.webServer with all standard stuff new MVC project puts there (I can't check what exactly right now).

Adding mvc to existing web app how to get scaffold options

I followed the guidance in the Professional 1.0 Wrox book for adding the MVC references to an exisiting web application and it works well except for the scaffolding options. When i right click a controller i do not get the scaffold view options that you get in a new mvc app. I am sure there is a .csproj hack that is needed to get the scaffold options but i can't find any references anywhere. Has anyone else run into this and found a solution?
Well google to the rescue. I found an answer at the following blog:
You need to edit the .csproj file and add to ProjectTypeGuids {603c0e0b-db56-11dc-be95-000d561079b0}. Order seems to matter. Originally i added to the end of the guid list and the project would not load and threw an unsupported error. I created an empty mvc site and looked at the guids and the guid above was listed 1st. So i added it to the beginning and everything worked fine.
Have you looked at how you register the data context in you Global.asax file?
This link may have more details that can help:
and this:
