Why are all files marked with 'merge' in TFS? - tfs

I am merging my development branch into the main branch. There is only a subset of files that I have changed in my development branch, all other files should remain unchanged. Logically, I only want to merge files which I've changed. I would not check in a file which I did not change.
But when I do the merge operation in TFS, it marks every single file in the tree with change type 'merge'. It looks like I must checkin every single file in the whole source code tree! I really do not want to do this becasue then it becomes impossible to look at the changeset and see what files I acctually changed as part of my project.
At first, I thought I could use the tfpt.exe Undo Unchanged command to undo all the 'merge' changes, but this won't undo those changes.
Anyone have any ideas on this? thanks.

This also happens with a baseless merge. A baseless merge occurs when TFS doesn't have an existing merge relationship between the branches you're merging. As a result, it considers every file 'new' in both branches, so it 'merges' every file.
To create a merge relationship, so that future merges only list the files that you've actually changed, you need to do a baseless merge of all changes up to a specified version so that TFS knows what the common baseline should be. You should do this after merging these changes - it's too late to correct the baseline for this branch now.
If you don't actually want to take any changes from the other branch, but just tell TFS that these are logically at the same version, you can do a merge 'giving credit' for the changesets: tf merge /discard.

There are a number of possible reasons. This is not a complete list:
You performed a namespace operation (delete, undelete, rename) on a parent folder of the
files marked "merge"
You performed a namespace operation (delete, undelete, rename) that had already been performed in the target branch
You performed a sequence of namespace operations that collapsed into a no-op (eg delete + undelete, or rename a -> b -> a)
There are unresolved conflicts
You performing a discard
Note: all of these apply equally to 2005 & 2008.

In Visual Studio 2008 and TFS 2008, this does not occur. Only files that have changed will be marked as merge. If you do a compare of a file between the branch and the trunk are there any changes? Changes such as encoding will still make TFS merge this file back.


HowTo: correctly synchronize TFS branches with missing changesets?

If I merge our main branch to our development branch, TFS will state that there are no changes to commit. And yet, a file level comparison (using WinMerge) clearly shows that there are differences (e.g. files missing, files with different content, etc.).
In short, our main and development branches are no longer in sync which is most likely due to changesets that were lost during previous TFS migrations.
What is the best way to produce the following?
Synchronizing the main and development branches by: performing all of the necessary insert/update/delete operations on the development branch. (i.e. main is the master copy).
At the end of the process WinMerge should indicate that there are zero (0) differences between the two branches.
Keeping the development branch history intact.
Notifying TFS that the development branch is now fully synchronized with main so that:
TFS won't try to merge older development changesets with main
only future changes to development will be pushed to main during a merge operation.
TFS is not my area of expertise - any guidance that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Visual Studio 2015
TFS (version 14.95.25122)
Merge Command
"Performs a merge without a base version. That is, allows the user to merge files and folders that do not have a merge relationship. After a baseless merge, a merge relationship exists, and future merges do not have to be baseless."
Although Development was branched from Main, it looks like this might address my lack of history (i.e. missing changesets) problem.
TFS Merge: Best Practices
TFS: Overwrite a branch with another
tf merge A B -r -force -version:T
I don't think this will work for us because changesets are missing.
When TFS does a merge, it bases the merge on prior merge history, not on the actual contents of the source and target files.
This issue may by caused by picking keep target when perform merge or at one time, a merge with the discard option performed (using the command line TF merge /discard).
To solve this issue, you can try to:
Use the /force option with the tf merge command. If there is a changeset that was previously merged (perhaps incorrectly) and you want to merge it again. The /force flag ignores merge history that indicates a particular changeset was previously merged from source to target, and merges the changeset again.
Undo the previous merge using Rollback. If you've recently done the merge in which changesets have been discarded. Find it in the history, rightclick the changeset and pick Rollback and check in the code that has been undone.

Merging a branch back in - every single file listed as modified

I have a branch created some time ago in TFS of our main trunk branch. I've periodically been merging trunk->branch to keep it up to date and now I'm ready to push back to trunk.
I have modified about 10 files in 3 projects, however when doing the merge TFS marks 7000 files as modified, seemingly every file in the branch. I can see that the files are nor modified in every case I check but I don't dare check them in without checking every file and clearly that's no good in this case!
In the Source Control Explorer view, all these files and folders are marked as "merge" in the "Pending Change" column.
Can I fix things somehow or do I need to undo the merge and manually merge only the files I know I actually modified, breaking the whole point of merging?
Reasons for this might be one of the listed items in Why are all files marked with 'merge' in TFS?
But there are other cases as well:
Another branch of the target branch had itself a branch that was renamed then merged to the child branch then that child branch was merged to your target branch;
There was a move or rename of your branch and it was rolled back (but you can see it in the changesets still);
The way I solved it was to do a merge using the "Selected changesets" instead of "All changes up to a specific version". Then in the following dialog, exclude the renaming attempts.
Once this is done, you will still have these changesets in the history bugging you for every merge, so you might want to discard them with "tf merge /discard".

TFS: Undo checkout from "merge, branch, edit" to "merge, branch"

I have following situation:
I have created some new projects in solution in one development branch in TFS
I'm now merging them into the main branch.
Architect has idea to merge two new modules into one.
I have moved the code files
Project files has already been changed within the merge.
These files have pending changes in form merge, branch, edit. I wan't to make this file merge, branch, delete but TFS won't do that because the file has pending changes. Is it possible to force the deletion or undo edit without undoing merge, branch?
I don't want to try the merge again and combine files from two shelvesets... Is there any possibility to modify the status of pending changes?
No, TFS does not support that.
You could "undo" the file and just pend a delete instead.
As best practice you shouldn't be making changes as part of a merge, you should just do the minimum possible to resolve the conflicts and get it to build (or not even that sometimes) and then make your required changes in a subsequent check-in. This makes it easier to see in the version control history what changes were made when - I very rarely look to see if a merge of a change is any different from a prior edit.

TFS 2010: Branching - Why do changesets say they haven't been merged when they were from before the Branch?

I made a branch and the first time I went to merge from the source to the branch there were a whole bunch of old changesets coming up that it says were not merged but they were present well before the branch and I confirm that they were there.
Say I branched from Source to Target when there were 9 changesets in Source.
Change 10 was made in Source.
I go to merge from Source to Target and TFS tells me change 6 and 7 and 10 need to be merged (even though 6 and 7 were there before I branched and I can confirm those changes are in the Target)
I am new to TFS and this happened when I first started to implement Branching and Merging.
The newest branch I made did not do this.
Right now we have a Trunk and then 1 Branch for the ongoing QA for the next release and another Branch for the Hotfixes to Production. It was the QA branch that had this issue but when I made the hotfix branch it was fine.
I have come across this a few times. I eventually just merged the "rogue" candidate change-sets from source to target. I examined the pending merge and determined that there were no changes. Committing the merge got rid of these candidate change-sets. I figured that I could roll back if it didn't work out.
EDIT: It appears that if you upgraded to TFS 2010, there is a bug that will cause extra merge candidates (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2135068)
"Any items on a branch that have been renamed multiple times or have had multiple other items occupy their namespace (through add/delete combinations) will have lost their relationships with the corresponding items on other branches."
As for a resolution, the support article says:
"To resolve the issue with extra merge candidates, the /discard option should be used. To do this, run a merge of the following format from a command line:
tf merge <source branch> <target branch> /r /discard:CXXX~CYYY
In this example, XXX and YYY represent the changeset IDs of the range of changes to discard. After this merge has been checked in, the unwanted candidates will no longer appear for future merges. Also be aware that, because of improvements in the merge algorithm in TFS 2010, items deleted in both the source and target branches will result in changes to be merged. In those cases, it is best not to discard the changesets so that the merge history is updated correctly. "
I've had this a few times too. I suspect the cause is some funnyness in the way TFS manages pending merges. If you try to merge these changes, and the Change type is just "merge" and not "merge, edit", then it is safe to merge them and be confident that no changes have occurred. If you don't merge them, TFS will keep trying to merge the non-changes indefinitely, possibly obscuring real changes eventually. I advise merging these non-changes ASAP.

What does it mean when Source Control Explorer shows both branch and merge for a changeset?

I am trying to understand the history of my codebase, which resides in TFS 2005, and I encountered a changeset where all changes were marked as both branch and merge.
Name Change Folder
A.cs merge, branch $/Root/Solution/Project
I am unable to find anything (especially on MSDN) describing what the various combinations of Add, Edit, Delete, Branch, Merge, Undelete, Encoding, etc mean. Each is pretty self explanatory when used alone and some do not make sense together like Add and Delete so I am looking for information on the legal combinations and what they mean.
Merge can be combined with anything except Add. On its own, Merge just means that (1) whatever happened is the result of invoking the Merge command (2) when you checkin, TFS will record the appropriate merge history metadata in addition to the changes themselves. The remaining operation(s) in the list of changetypes tells you exactly what kind of change is being applied to the target item. Thus:
Merge, Branch = an item that exists in the source branch but not the target branch is being copied over to the target for the first time
This might make sense if the file were created during a branch operation and changes from the source branch were then merged into the new branch without having checked in at any point.
