This is a continuation of this question:
Original Question (SO)
The answer to this question involved the following set of models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :friendships
has_many :friends, :through => :friendships #...
class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :friend, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'friend_id'
<% for friendship in #user.friendships %>
<%= friendship.status %>
<%= friendship.friend.firstname %>
<% end %>
This works fine if say, I have a user and I want to get all the "friendships" for which his or her id is the :user_id FK on the Friendship model. BUT, when I run something like
I would like it to return all User records for which that User is either the :user or the :friend in the friendship - so, in other words, return all friendships in which that user is involved.
Hopefully the above makes sense. I'm still quite new to rails and hope there is a way to do this elegantly without making just a standard link table or providing custom SQL.
Thank you!
railscasts episode on this topic
You cannot just use #user.friendships here because it will only give you those friendships where #friendship.user_id ==
The only thing I can think of right now is just to do
Friendship.find_by_user_id( Friendship.find_by_friend_id(
my solution is a a scope:
# model
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sender, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :recipient, :class_name => "User"
scope :of_user, lambda { |user_id| where("sender_id = ? or recipient_id = ?",
user_id, user_id) }
# in controller
#messages = Message.of_user(current_user)
From the railscast link:
# models/user.rb
has_many :friendships
has_many :friends, :through => :friendships
has_many :inverse_friendships, :class_name => "Friendship", :foreign_key => "friend_id"
has_many :inverse_friends, :through => :inverse_friendships, :source => :user
Model User:
has_many :shipments, dependent: :destroy
has_many :friendships
has_many :friends, through: :friendships
has_many :inverse_friendships, :class_name => 'Friendship',
:foreign_key => 'friend_id'
has_many :inverse_friends, :through => :inverse_friendships, :source => :user
Model Friendship:
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :friend, :class_name => 'User'
Model Shipment:
belongs_to :user
I need User to create an Shipment-object and add (or link somehow) another User from its friendlist to that object.
For example: "User-1" creates object from Shipment-model and in the process (while filling form fields) adds "User-2" from his friendlist (Friendship model object) to that Shipment-model object. So the final Shipment-model object looks somehow like the last example:
Update from 05.04:
Made a lots of research and found similar solution with adding another model, now the app looks like this (updates made strong):
Model User:
has_many :shipments, dependent: :destroy
has_many :friendships
has_many :friends, through: :friendships
has_many :inverse_friendships, :class_name => 'Friendship',
:foreign_key => 'friend_id'
has_many :inverse_friends, :through => :inverse_friendships, :source => :user
has_many :shipment_users
has_many :shipments, through: :shipment_users
Model Friendship:
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :friend, class_name: "User"
Model Shipment:
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :friend, class_name: "User"
has_many :shipment_users
has_many :users, through: :shipment_users
Model Shipment_User:
belongs_to :shipment
belongs_to :user
Form for creating Shipment object:
<%= form_for(#shipment, html: { multipart: true, role: "form"}) do |f| %>
<%= f.collection_check_boxes :friend_id, User.all, :id, :name do |cb| %>
<% cb.label(class: "checkbox") {cb.check_box(class: "checkbox") + cb.text} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Shipment view file:
<h4><%= #shipment.user(:id).name %></h4>
<h4><%= #shipment.user.friend(:id).name %></h4>
As a result for now:
In form Rails founds all existing users and puts them in checkboxes, but ater that nothing happens and in view-file it shows the name of a User who creates the Shipping, but for part "<%= #shipment.user.friend(:id).name %>" I get another error:
NoMethodError in ShipmentsController#show
undefined method `friend' for #<User:0x007f1e400e8e08> Did you mean? friends friends=
First off friend is not an association of shipment. Furthermore, it's not clear which user friend would refer to. If you could clarify this it would help to provide a more specific answer.
Judging by your code, why not just add a simple friend_id column to reference the user who is supposed to be a friend for that shipment? In this case your belongs_to would look like:
After you add your friend_id, foreign key. In the Shipment model:
belongs_to :friend, class_name: "User"
I have this polymorphic association where a user can have many comments, a school can have many comments, and a comment can have many comments (or in my naming case replies):
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :content
has_many :replies, :as => :commentable, :class_name => "Comment" # replies to comments
belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :commentor, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "user_id"
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
has_many :commentors, # all users who commented on a user
:through => :comments,
:source => :commentor
class School < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
has_many :commentors, # all users who commented on a school
:through => :comments,
:source => :commentor
In the User, I can retrieve all who commented on a user using #user.commentors. Same goes for School, i.e. #school.commentors.
For the comments model, I would like to acheive the same thing for the Comments model where I can find all the commentors (or I guess repliers) to a comment; however, I have no idea what kind of association to create since a has_many :through association will not work like how it worked for the User and School model.
Use this:
has_many :reply_commentors, :through => :replies, :source => :commentor
I have two models: Company and User
This is the situation:
Company can follow another company
User can follow a company
User can follow another user
What is the best way to define the relationships and how will the join model look like?
Also, are there any best practises when addressing such situations?
Sorry, to have not mentioned this earlier. I am aware of the various relationship types available. My question is 'which is the best fit'?
Regarding your question I would suggest you to go through couple of Railscasts videos:
And this is described very well on RubyonRails website
I would say look these for your case:
I hope this will help you.
Thanks to polymorphic associations, we can put all relations into one table which like this:
create_table :follows do |t|
t.references :followable, :polymorphic => true
t.references :followed_by, :polymorphic => true
Then the models are:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :following_objects, :class_name => 'Follow', :as => :followed_by
has_many :followed_objects, :class_name => 'Follow', :as => :followable
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :following_objects, :class_name => 'Follow', :as => :followed_by
has_many :followed_objects, :class_name => 'Follow', :as => :followable
class Follow < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :followable, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :followed_by, :polymorphic => true
Sorry for the ugly names.
A basic idea would be to use two self-referencing assocations:
User -> Friendship <- User
Company -> Partnership <- Company
has_many :friendships
has_many :friends, :through => :friendships
has_many :inverse_friendships, :class_name => "Friendship", :foreign_key => "friend_id"
has_many :inverse_friends, :through => :inverse_friendships, :source => :user
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :friend, :class_name => "User"
has_many :partnerships
has_many :partners, :through => :partnerships
has_many :inverse_partnerships, :class_name => "Partnership", :foreign_key => "partner_id"
has_many :inverse_partners, :through => :inverse_partnerships, :source => :company
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :partner, :class_name => "Company"
And one many-to-many assocation:
User -> CompanyUser <- Company
has_and_belongs_to_many :companies
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
So for this implementation you will need 5 tables (users, friendships, companies, partnerships and companies_users) if you are using a RDBMS.
You can get a nice example in this screencast:
This is my code:
class Friend < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :friend, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "friend_id"
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :friends
has_many :users, :through => :friends
When I now start adding users by...
user.users << user2
Only the user_id of friend is filled, friend_id is null.
Any help?
Try: Railscasts - Self-Referential Associations. Generally has very good tutorials on all topics listed.
You need to add the :source attribute to your has_many through association.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :friends
has_many :users, :source => :friend, :through => :friends
Now the following calls will work.
u1.users << u2
# will print #<Friend id: 1, user_id: 1, friend_id: 4>
Rails auto saves the associations.You need to call save only if the user model is new.
You probably should rename the association to something more explicit. E.g: friend_users etc.
I think you need delete the belongs_to :user in your Friend model
I want to (as an example) create a has_many association to all posts by friends of a person, something like has_many :remote_posts to give me something like person > friends > person > posts. is how I would go about it
script/generate model post title:string person_id:integer
script/generate model friendship person_id:integer friend_id:integer
script/generate model person name:string
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
has_many :friendships, :foreign_key => 'friend_id'
has_many :people, :through => :friendships
has_many :remote_posts, :class_name => 'Post', :through => :people, :source => :posts
class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
#also has a 'friend_id' to see who the friendship is aimed at
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
# generate some people and friends
{'frank' => ['bob','phil'], 'bob' => ['phil']}.each {|k,v|
v.each {|f|
:person_id => Person.find_or_create_by_name(f).id,
:friend_id => Person.find_or_create_by_name(k).id
# generate some posts
Person.all.each {|p|
p.posts.create({:title => "Post by #{}"})
Person.first.friendships #
Person.first.people # (friends)
Person.first.posts #
Person.first.remote_posts #....
...and I get this error..
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: people.person_id: SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" INNER JOIN "people" ON "posts".person_id = "people".id WHERE (("people".person_id = 1))
Aside from the foreign key error - seems like the friendships association isn't coming into play at all. I was thinking that this might be because of the :source => :posts, since the posts association would come into it twice.
I could write some finder sql (and that is what I have working at the moment), though I'd sooner do it this way.
Any ideas of how to get this to work?
How about this:
In the FriendShip class, add:
has_many :posts, :through => :person
and in the Person class, change the remote_posts to:
has_many :remote_posts, :class_name => 'Post',
:through => :friendships, :source => :person
How about a nested has_many :through relationship. This seems to work for me:
class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
belongs_to :friend, :class_name => 'Person'
has_many :posts, :through => :friend, :source => :posts
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
has_many :friendships, :foreign_key => 'friend_id'
has_many :people, :through => :friendships
has_many :remote_posts, :through => :friendships, :source => :posts
Note: this requires this nested_has_many_through plugin. (Note: direct linking to github repos seems to be broken... but that repo is there despite the error message.)