Authorized View or Configure View as Authorized? -

Is it best to create a separate view for authorized and unauthorized even if there will not be a lot of additional information in the authorized view? Or should there be one view and with model data adjusted accordingly?
EDIT: In MVC, I believe it better to have 2 views and then use partial views for the duplicate information. agree?

There is no "the best" solution. It's all depends on the situation. As for me I used not to create "almost identic" Views without important reason.
I think fist you should try "adjusting" the ViewModel in the Controller and then passing it to the View. This makes your Views "more general"

I use a single view for both authenticated/unauthenticated states. I have helpers for the parts of the view that are for authenticated users only.
For example: if i have a "New Contact" link that i need to render onto the view but it should only be visible to authenticated users, then i'll use my helper (something like this):
<% =Html.RenderNewLink() %>
..that helper will first check if the user IsAuthenticated before it renders anything.
I'll have these types of helpers scattered throughout my views in the places where, for authenticated users, there would need to be more markup. And so, for the un-authenticated users, those places are blank/empty.
I hope this makes sense.. prob not the best way to explain it.


Ember: How to link to sections and actions (without nesting routes)

Let's say that I have a blog where each post can have several sections and comments and I'd like to use a hard-links to navigate and operate on this. There are several samples using some pseudo-code, of course they doesn't work, just demonstring my intends :)
Of course /blog.html#/posts/1 uses PostRoute, PostController etc and uses :post_id for finding object - that's obvoius.
How can I pass (and then access) additional params which doesn't change the controller but I can use them to navigation. ie /blog.html#/posts/1?section=123 should use the same route, controller and view as it was just Post, but I'd like to read the section and just navigate to section with #123
/blog.html#/posts/1/?comments=456 - actually should behave like section from point 1, but navigates to comment and optionally add some class to the container.
Other case: I'd like to go to section 123 AND additionally edit it with link like: /blog.html#/posts/1?section=123&action=edit. Now I'm using a button with an action like {{action editSection section}} and {{#if isEdit}} but I'd like to be able to reflect this in URL and also go to this state from URL (de facto my post can have several different modes not only preview/edit, therefore it should be accesible by the link).
I hope that cases makes sense, TBH I have no idea in which direction should I go. Tried with nested routes, but I'd like to avoid changing the controller. Also have no concept how to reflect the action in the URL...
I'm using Ember 1.1.2
You can use the model method of the route to handle such parameters, separate them from the model parameter and set the appropriate controller state.
Another approach would be to use nested routes that will render un-nested views(and controllers) - as explained towards the bottom here.

What is the Rails way to split a view into separate pages?

Within my show action/view I'm displaying a lot of data that I want to split-up into separate pages (in this case three pages total). I can do this easily by adding a new action and view for each additional page, but is that the "correct" way to do it in Rails?
Great question!
I can do this easily by adding a new action and view for each additional page, but is that the "correct" way to do it in Rails?
I suspect you are unsure about violating REST?
I don't know what data you are displaying, but In the end the clearest and simplest solution for you (code wise) and your users (design wise) should win, if that means adding a new action, so be it. Avoid adding a new controller just for the sake of a new show action.
Are you looking for a pagination solution? If so, I would suggest either kaminari or will_paginate. Also, they each have railscast if you need any help getting set up.

ROR: Nested views

I have a page object and various template objects in my application. pages have names, descriptions urls etc and each have a relationship with a template. templates have different numbers of content boxes and relationships with other controllers (like blogs, galleries etc.).
When I am rendering a page I can work out what template is attached to the page, and what the relevant content is based on that. but I am not sure what the best way is to render the nested Items.
Are you meant to somehow render the templates view from within the other view? Or would you have to just rewrite the view altogether? In this case would I have to create an extra template view for each different template, bundle it with the page views, and then only include it if it is the right one?
Would this be the same for galleries and blogs? do they all need to be bundled with the page? Or can it be called from its proper location?
I'm not sure what the best practice is here and haven't had any luck googling it. I'm suspecting that the key words im using aren't correct. Or this is common knowledge that isn't worth documenting.
You can use shared partials to render views. Check out this guide.
In the views, you can render the partials based upon whatever condition you want.
For example:
- if params[:page] == "my_page"
= render "shared/my_page"
Naturally, you will still need to set up the needed data in the controller.
Shared logic for this can be placed in the Application Controller.

Still having a hard time with RoR MVC approach

I suppose it should do justice to state what I think I know so far as well as what I've done:
1) I created the app and did my first db migration; I now have my dev, test and production databases. The dev db has a table called 'wines'.
2) I made a scaffold which created the necessary files.
3) The basic index/update/destroy methods are set up and I can browse the pages.
4) From what I gather, the ActiveRecord class "Wine" automatically inherits properties from the database? Each column is a property and each row in the table 'wines' is a potentially instantiated object which is called from the wine_controller script.
The problem I'm having now is that I want to create a common layout that all controllers use. The only things that will change will be the page title, potentially some <link> tags in the header, the <body> attributes (javascript onload events most likely) and whatever lies inside the <body> tag.
I find myself looking up functions that will do what I want (like "favicon_link_tag", "stylesheet_link_tag" and "auto_discovery_link_tag"...) but I can't find the right place to PUT them! I know this has something to do with my lack of understanding of how things are executed/inherited. For example if I were to declare #pageTitle in application_controller.rb and use #pageTitle in ApplicationHelper it won't work. Or even using "stylesheet_link_tag" in application_controller.rb throws an error. I'm just not getting something.
How does each thing relate to another in terms of chronological execution, scope, etc.?
In your "app/views" directory there is a folder called "layouts." By default there should be an "application.html.erb" file in there, but if there isn't you can create it.
Your "application" layout file is the default layout file used by any view. However, if you want a particular controller to use a different view, you can override this. See this railscast, and this one is helpful too.
The main thing to understand is the content from any particular view will show up wherever the yield method appears in your application layout. The main 'yield' block gets the view file specified by your controller action, but you can mark anything inside any view to be passed to another yield block instead. For instance, the "title" example you gave could be passed to the head of your application layout. See this railscast for a detailed example of that.
For more, you should read the Rails Guide, and you might want to consider picking up a Rails starter book.
I got my feet wet with "Beginning Rails 3," which was a phenomenal introduction to the framework. A couple days with that book and it was all making sense to me, and I was developing faster than I ever had before. Rails rocks once you get to know it, but it's definitely worth going through a book.
Please continue to ask questions, I'll help if I can :)
-EDIT- To answer your question about control flow, it basically works like this:
Your browser sends a GET request for a particular URL.
The router takes that request, matches it to a controller action, triggers that controller action, and provides the controller any parameters associated with the request. For instance: if you requested this would trigger the SHOW action of your posts_controller, and would pass {:color => 'red'} to the params hash. You would access that using params[:color]
The controller action does its thing, and when it's done it renders output. By default it renders whatever view is located in app/<controller_name>/<action_name>, and will whichever file matches the extension appropriate to the request (ie an AJAX request would trigger <action_name>.js.erb and a GET request would trigger <action_name>.html.erb.
You can override this using the render method, for example by passing render 'foo/bar' to render using the view for FooController, Bar action instead of your current action.
Note that no matter what you render, the data available to the view is whatever is in the specific controller action the router triggered, not the controller action that would 'normally' render that view.
The view file is parsed using the data from the controller that called it. If you have any content_for methods then the view code that is inside the content_for block will go where you tell it, otherwise everything else will go to the main YIELD block in your application layout (or whatever layout your controller specified instead).
The application layout is parsed, and the content from the view is inserted into the appropriate areas.
The page is served to the user.
That's a simplification in some ways, but I think it answers your question. Again, feel free to keep asking :)

Route rewriting in mvc

I'm having a really hard time understanding routing.
Please help me with this problem.
Each of my controllers have these three actions right now
Users have Index, Create and Edit
Locations have Index, Create and Edit
Companies have Index, Create and Edit
The thing is, it all gets done through ajax.
I have jquery ui tabs with two tabs for each, Create and Edit
So the Index method is always the one that gets called for action links.
and inside this main view is that you can call(by clicking on the tab icon) the other methods that return an ajax view that gets output into the jQuery tab (I hope that's clear)
I have a sidebar with links to the controllers. and to specific methods of these controllers. The wanted behavior is that it should actually go into the Index Method and then with some logic autoload the wanted tab.
It all works just fine right now. But my urls are horrible.
To get to the create method for Users I have to go this url
I want the behavior of these links to be remapped to these links
So even though it seems as if you are calling the Create method of the controller you are actually always calling the Index method.... (I know how to transform Create into "1" and Edit into two, so don't worry about that part
Hope that's clear.
Thanks in advance
Just realized that this might not be possible cause then when I actually need to call the methods (with ajax) it wont know what to do.... am I correct?
Without seeing your controller action, you should be able to add a route something like this:
routes.MapRoute("myroute","users/{option}",new {controller="Users",action="Index"});
