Problem with Check for updates in RAD studio - delphi

I installed Embarcadero RAD Studio (Delphi 2009). When the IDE ran for the first time, it downloaded updates and ran the MSI automatically. Accidentally I pressed cancel, instead of ok.
So I thought of reopening the studio so that it may check for updates. But this time it didnot happen !!
So, I used "Check for updates" from menu options. Surprising it gave me "RAD sudio is upto date".
What is the location of these downloaded update files on the system? Where do these files get saved after auto download?

Registered users can download the updates here:
You can also get a number of "freebies" there including the TMS Smooth Controls, the InfoPower Essentials, and Marco Cantus "Delphi 2009 Handbook" as a PDF.

In the following location
<\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data{65B1AA84-C1DF-4A2E-A28C-E242BD7DE4B3}>
there is a file InstalledUpdates.dat , open the file in notepad, and you can see the entries of updates installed.
Remove the entries from the file and save it.
Now click on "Check for updates". It brings up the screen giving available updates and then you can proceed further.
Note that updates screen asks to download again, but it doesnt download, as updates are already downloaded and on clicking next it proceeds to screen where it asks for install updates.
Thanks & Regards,

I had this problem also, you don't have to reinstall Delphi!
I can't remember the exact location, but you have to find were the update started downloading the update (I don't remember if it is on the Documents folder or the user folder) and execute the update manually.
Try searching for BDS, Codegear or RadStudio under you User's folder, I'm sure you will find the temp location, from there you can just execute the update and it will resume.

Another tip about Delphi updating that confused me for a while: When installing help update 2, I got kind of a popup under. Some question was asked (by the separate installer), but it wasn't modal, and switching to and from the IDE didn't bring it up.


Delphi not opening projects

I have been using Delphi 2010 for some time with no issues but recently every time I try to open a project I get a dialog box asking me to open the project
with a folder that doesn't exist. How do I change the path Delphi opens projects.
Assuming you are using Windows...(up to 10 anyway)
Right click on the project's DPR and choose Properties.
What does the Opens with: line say? Mine says bdsLauncher.exe
If it says anything else, then you somehow had the system change it directly or indirectly. Virus, installation of some other text editor, whatever...not a big deal in any case. Do the same check for files with extensions DPROJ, GROUPPROJ, ...
If you need to change it, the file should be in a path similar to my C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin except that your version isn't 21.0
I did have issues once upon a time with XE7 where I had to set DPR to open with bds.exe, and DPROJ opened fine with bdsLauncher, but it was probably due to IT's setup of my laptop for someone else, and something with the Win 10 software reset (instead of a format or restore from clone) when they gave it to me. Installing an XE7 update fixed the problem, and it hasn't been an issue since we moved to 10.4

Delphi 11 / RAD Studio 11 November Patch - Is it done?

Does anyone know if the last message that shows regarding "PatchTool.exe" is complete? It would appear that it is not progressing. Is it safe to cancel and restart my computer?
I downloaded it via gettit for an automatic installation.
I restarted my computer and it finished with the installation when I opened the Rad Studio/Delphi IDE. It asked if I wanted to complete the installation of the remaining components.
You probably missed to accept the UAC prompt as mentioned in the article:
Remember you’ll need to accept the UAC Windows prompt immediately after the start of the installation process (which appears as stuck while the UAC prompt get displayed in separate window).

How to install Virtual Treeview?

Virtual treeview by Mike Lischke seems so popular on the web and as third party component. I just downloaded version 4.8.7 on my machine.
I have Delphi 2010 and Delphi 7.0 in 2 partitions.
Aftter clicking installer of virtual treeview, a log file prompts, saying it has been installed successfully.
I check Delphi 2010, yes, it is on component palette showing 3 controls.
But when I start Delphi 7.0, IDE prompts 'Can not load VirtualtreesD7.bpl...'. I ignore it, and find that Virtual treeview design time package is in list but UNCHECKED. If I try to check it, again it promts "Can not load virtualtreesD7...".
I search whole Disk and find a VirtualTreesD7D.bpl, and manually add it in design time package list. It is on palette with 3 controls.
I tested it quickly and exit Delphi 7.0. But when I restart Delphi 7.0, again it prompts "Can not load VirtualtreesD7.bpl...", it is again not on palatte and not Checked in design time package list.
This is very simple question. Can you let me know how to solve it?
Thank you very much in advance.
Thanks for comments.
I tested your comments, but not work.
New problem:
If I uninstall virtual treeview by clicking unins000.exe and reinstall it only in Delphi 7.0, the installer prompts in the last screen ''...completed.." and no error prompts. When I start Delphi 7, the virtual treeview design time package is not in package list. This is even worse than the last time (last time it is in package list but not checked).
I check very carefully one line by one line of that log file, it says:
**VirtualTreesD7D.dpk(32) Fatal: Required package 'VirtualTreesD7' not found**
Why it does not successfully install and does not prompts the error in installation in the last install screen.
How to solve this "Fatal...not found" problem.
Thank you all for help.
New Edit: (Is this Answer?)
Thanks for your help and suggestion first.
I take 2 hours to test and find a possible solution. It works on my machine and it can be installed in Delphi 7.0.
1. uninstall virtual treeview by clicking unins000.exe from Delphi 7.0 ( you can separately install virtual treeview in Delphi 2010)
2. clicking newly downloaded VirtualTreeview setup 4.8.7.exe, install it in Delphi 7 folder, do not install it in default...Rad..path. Important: INGNORE ALL ERROR PROMPTS DURING INSTALLATION (INCLUDING ERROR PROMPT IN THAT LARGE INSTALLATION LOG FILE).
3. Go to $\Virtual Treeview, right click VirtualTreesD7D.dpk, select Open with Delphi 32 development environment. A window prompts for you to compile. JUST CLICK COMPILE, DO NOT CLICK INSTALL.
4. Go to Component -> Install Packages. Go to $\Bpl folder and manually add VirtualTreesD7D.bpl into Design Package. The three controls will appear in Palette.
5. Go to folder $\Bpl and YOU MUST COPY VirtualTreesD7.bpl (NOT VirtualTreesD7D.bpl) INTO $\Bin folder.
6. Close Delphi 7 and restart it, you will find that this component is on Palette and in Package list, it is in Design package list and CHECKED.
I personally feel that the installer of Virtual treeview needs improvements to free users from such trouble and test in installation. The installer needs rewrite.
This is my case of installation. I do not know if it can be generalized to all users.
Thank you all.
The IDE uses LoadLibrary (actually, LoadPackage) to load packages for components that are installed. This means that it follows the same logic for where it looks for files that LoadLibrary does.
The problem is that the IDE can't find the package using LoadLibrary's search logic - see the Remarks section here. So the solution is to add the folder to Delphi's Library Path (Tools->Options->Environment Options->Delphi Options->Library - Win32), or move it somewhere on the system PATH.
Ensure you have the folder where the virtualtrees.pas (\source) is located in the environment search path.
You may manually need to install the *.dpk file for Delphi 7. Open the D7.dpk, compile then open and install the D7D.dpk (Runtime first then Designtime package)
Haven't done it on Delphi2010 w/ Delphi7, but installing with just Delphi7 is fine.

Delphi 2010 remote debugging - unable to get breakpoints working

I recently posted this question about my inability to get Delphi 2010 working with remote debugging. I have not had any success and decided to post up a simple step-by-step test technique that might highlight what I'm doing wrong. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT to me - I've used Delphi since V1.0 and earn my living from it. Being stuck like this is a pain and its keeping me on Delphi 7.
Anyway, here goes.
Ensure that Delphi 2010 has updates 4&5.
Fire up Delphi 2010, then File | New | VCL Forms App. Put a button on the form, put 'ShowMessage( 'hello' ) in the button OnClick event. Save the project and its unit in a local folder "C:\scratch". Build the project, run it, click the button, 'hello' appears, all fine.
On a networked PC (, create a new folder "c:\DebugTest" and share it with R/W access.
On install the Remote Debugger from the latest download on the Embarcadero Website (RemoteDebugger_upd2.exe). CLick rmtdbg140.exe to run. Accept the 'un-block' message from the firewall.
Edit the DEBUG build configuration compiler settings with Output directory=\\DebugTest and unit output directory = c:\scratch - see
Edit the Linking settings to set Debug Information=True, Include remote debug symbols=True. See
Leave compiling settings at defaults. See
Do a full build. The relevant project exe 'project2.exe' and 'project2.rsm' appear in the remote folder \\DebugTest. Blue dots are visible in Unit2 in the IDE.
Set a breakpoint on the 'ShowMessage' line (the button OnClick event).
Use 'Run' | 'Load Process' with Remote path=c:\DebugTest\Project2.exe, Remote Host= and Working directory=c:\DebugTest see
Click 'Load'. The visible breakpoint is immediately disabled, the project starts running and opens the CPU window and stops. Pressing f9 cause the exe to run fully on the remote machine, the button works, you just cannot debug it.
I've tried various 'obvious' things like firewall off but all to no avail. Could some kind person suggest further ideas?
Many thanks.
Well, for me the problem has now been solved, although as a 'work around' and after significant interaction with Embarcadero and an upgrade to XE (which also did not work).
It would appear that the remote debugger is flaky (or possibly just picky) in its ability to load rsm (remote symbols) files - they are still looking into why mine wont load. My rsm file is big at around 50Mb although this is no problem for Delphi 7's remote debugger.
The work around involved upgrading to Delphi XE and then choosing the compiler link option 'Place Debug Information in separate TDS file'. This seems to create a tds file onthe remote target instead of a rsm file and breakpoints then work fine.
I've submitted my rsm and tds files to Embarcadero for investigation as to why this happens.
What Windows OS? Maybe run rmtdbg140.exe as admin.
I run D2010 remote debugging on XP versus XP. My How-To is at
I had this problem. Installing Update 4 for Delphi 2010 solved my problem. It is also listed in the list of fixed problems of Update 4.
It is imperative to have correct time zone and clock on remote system. In my case I set up remote debugging and when I load process the breakpoints turned green. I checked remote system timezone and clock, set it right and remote dubugger worked again.

Delphi won't run

If I try to run Delphi 7, I get this frightening message:
Borland license information was found, but it is not valid for Delphi.
You cannot run Delphi without this information. Click the exit button
to exit Delphi.
Delphi was running fine this morning, but choked when I tried to load the project I'm working on.
I reinstalled Delphi from the original disk - same message
I have just done a system restore from a few days ago - same message
I don't know why.
According to the archives of Chillibear, here is what you do:
Delete your registry.slm file from the .borland directory within your user's folder within documents and settings.
Run the D7Reg.exe file from within your Delphi7 Bin directory.
Follow the registration steps (you don't have to register now!)
All done. Open Delphi7 as normal.
Try to delete file documents and settings\.borland\registry.slm (of course backup at first) and rerun Delphi
Invalid Delphi license
Delete your registry.slm file from the .borland directory within your
user's folder within Documents and Settings.
Run the D7Reg.exe file from within your Delphi7 Bin directory.
Follow the registration steps (you don't have to register now!)
All done. Open Delphi7 as normal.
Using this 4 step program made my blood pressure drop to safe levels again.
Thank you very much.
You'll also encounter this similar error message when your C drive where C:\Documents and Settings\username\borland folder is located doesn't have enough disk space left to write to. You must free up as much disk space as you could or transfer some of files to another drive and the error message will simply vanish without a trace.
Contact their support. Go at The last menu option is 'Services'. From there I'd would choose
I had this problem after the recent update to W10. I found the slm file in C:\users\.borland and just renamed it (in case). I was then able to run D7Reg.exe - if you try it before deleting the slm file it doesnt accept your registration details!! I cancelled the program after it had accepted the details so that it didnt wipe all the 3rd party connections and Delphi7 now works fine. Thank you so much for this fix.
The same message problem but with a change of hard disk for a new(copy all the partition)
The solucion change the name of the unit, becouse any program work. But maybe happend if you install in other unit and the borland to start try to find in the other name of unit.
Try to run Delphi 7 in Windows XP compatibility mode
