Access the website settings of an mvc app stored in a database table using NHibernate -

I have an ASP.NET MVC app which depends on a lot of settings (name-value pairs), I am planning to store this information in a database table called SiteSettings. Is there an easy way in which I can get these settings using NHibernate. And what are the best practices when saving settings for a web application. And by settings I mean the settings which control the flow of processes in the web application and which are governed by business rules. These are not the typical connection string kind of settings. I was unable to get much information on the web on this topic. Maybe I am not searching on the right keywords, Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I can't answer in the context of nhibernate (which I'm not using) or best practices (I came up with this on my own recently). However, it works well for me, and will probably work for you.
I have a table (Biz_Config) in the database to store business preferences. (I've created a web.config section for what I call IT preferences.)
I have a class that is in charge of managing the biz preferences. The constructor grabs the entire table (one row per setting) and copies these into a dictionary, and it has methods to access (such as bizconfig.get("key")) and update this dictionary, also updating the table at the same time. It also has a few shortcut properties for specific dictionary values, especially where the value has to be cast (I have a few important numbers). It works quite well.
In order to be more efficient and not instantiate it every time I need a setting, and also to access it easily from my controllers and views, I created a static class, Globals, that is in charge of getting things out of the session or application variables. For the biz config object, it checks the application variable and, if null, creates a new one. Otherwise it just returns it. Globals is part of my helpers namespace, which is included in my web.config to be available to my views. So I can easily call:
<% Globals.Biz_Config.Get("key") %>
I hope this helps. If you'd like code, I can dig that up for you.

If you have a set of key/value pairs, you probably want to use a <map>. See the official NHibernate documentation or Ayende's post about 'NHibernate Mapping - <map/>'.

I have come up with a solution which is quite similar to the one suggested by James. I have an SiteSettingsService class which manages the settings for the whole site, it has a simple dependency on an interface called ISiteServiceRepository. This might not be the most elegant solution, But it is working perfectly for me. I have also configured the SiteSettingsService class as a Singleton using StructureMap. So, it saves me unnecessary instantiantion every time I need any settings.
//ISiteServiceRepository, an implementation of this uses NHibernate to do just two things
//i)Get all the settings, ii)Persist all the settings
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain.Model;
namespace Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain {
public interface ISiteServiceRepository {
IList<Setting> GetSettings();
void PersistSettings(IDictionary<string, string> settings);
//The main SiteSettingsService class depends on the ISiteServiceRepository
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain;
using Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain.Model;
namespace Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Services {
public class SiteSettingsService : ISiteSettingsService {
private readonly ISiteServiceRepository _siteServiceRepository;
private IDictionary<string, string> _settings;
public SiteSettingsService(ISiteServiceRepository siteServiceRepository) {
_siteServiceRepository = siteServiceRepository;
//Fill up the settings
public int ActiveDegreeId {
get {
return int.Parse(GetValue("Active_Degree_Id"));
public string SiteTitle {
get { return GetValue("Site_Title"); }
public decimal CounsellingFee {
get { return decimal.Parse(GetValue("Counselling_Fee")); }
public decimal TuitionFee {
get { return decimal.Parse(GetValue("Tuition_Fee")); }
public decimal RegistrationFee {
get { return decimal.Parse(GetValue("Registration_Fee")); }
public void UpdateSetting(string setting, string value) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) {
SetValue(setting, value);
//Helper methods
private void HydrateSettings() {
_settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
IList<Setting> siteRepoSettings = _siteServiceRepository.GetSettings();
if (siteRepoSettings == null) {
throw new ArgumentException("Site Settings Repository returned a null dictionary");
foreach (Setting setting in siteRepoSettings) {
_settings.Add(setting.Name.ToUpper(), setting.Value);
private string GetValue(string key) {
key = key.ToUpper();
if (_settings == null) {
throw new NullReferenceException("The Site Settings object is Null");
if (!_settings.ContainsKey(key)) {
throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("The site setting {0} was not found", key));
return _settings[key];
private void SetValue(string key, string value) {
key = key.ToUpper();
if (_settings == null) {
throw new NullReferenceException("The Site Settings object is Null");
if (!_settings.ContainsKey(key)) {
throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("The site setting {0} was not found", key));
_settings[key] = value;
private void PersistSettings() {
Hope this helps future developers facing similar problems. Any suggestions for improving this are more than welcome.


How to count number of hits to the website using MVC [duplicate]

what is the best way to capture page views by person without slowing down performance on the site. I see that stackoverflow show page views all over the place. Are they doing an insert into a db everytime i click on a page?
In, Is there any recommended way to track page view per user (my site has a login screen) so i can review which pages people are going to and how often
First off.. if what you really care about is how are customers using my site then you most likely want to look into Google Analytics or a similar service.
But if you want a quick and dirty page view record and you are using ASP.Net MVC 3 then as Chris Fulstow mentioned you're going to want to use a mix of global action filters and caching. Here is an example.
public class PageViewAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private static readonly TimeSpan pageViewDumpToDatabaseTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10);
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var calledMethod = string.Format("{0} -> {1}",
var cacheKey = string.Format("PV-{0}", calledMethod);
var cachedResult = HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey];
if(cachedResult == null)
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, new PageViewValue(), null, DateTime.Now.Add(pageViewDumpToDatabaseTimeSpan) , Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Default,
var currentValue = (PageViewValue) cachedResult;
private static void onRemove(string key, object value, CacheItemRemovedReason reason)
if (!key.StartsWith("PV-"))
// write out the value to the database
// Used to get around weird cache behavior with value types
public class PageViewValue
public PageViewValue()
Value = 1;
public int Value { get; set; }
And in your Global.asax.cs
public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new PageViewAttribute());
For pre-ASP.Net MVC 3 ONLY you are going to have to apply the same attribute manually to all of your actions.
public ActionResult CallOne()
public ActionResult CallTwo()
The best way would probably be a global action filter that intercepts requests to all actions on all controllers, then increments a counter in the database for the current user and page. To save hitting the database too hard, you could cache these values and invalidate them every few minutes, depending on how much traffic you're dealing with.
We use the open source Piwik:, which is setup on it's own server. One line of Javascript in the _Layout page makes a call to Piwik after the page has loaded (put the JS at the end) and does not affect page load performance at all.
In addition to just counts, you'll get a ton of info about where your users are coming from, browser, screen resolutions, installed plugins. Plus you can track conversions and use the same tool to track marketing campaigns, etc.
I cannot think of a situation where you'd be better off implementing this in MVC or in your web app in general. This stuff simply does not belong in your web app and is a meta-concern that should be separated out. This approach has enabled us to track analytics for all of our apps (32 of them: mvc 2/3, webforms, php...) in a unified manner.
If you really don't want to use another tool for this purpose, I would recommend tapping into your IIS log and getting your stats from there. Again, to get any real decision making power out of it, you'll need to put a good analyzer on it. I recommend Splunk:
I wanted to post an updated version of Shane's answer for those who are interested. Some things to consider:
You have to set the action attribute up as a service when decorating your
methods using syntax like the following :
As far as I can tell, HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert isn't a thing in .NET Core, so I used a simple implementation of IMemoryCache (You may need to add this line to your startup.cs in order to use the interface):
Because we are injecting IMemoryCache into a class that is not a controller, we need to register our attribute as a service in startup.cs, like so:
services.AddScoped<[PageViewAttribute]>(); - without brackets!
Whatever object you return when creating a cacheKey will be assigned to the 'value' parameter of the OnRemove method.
Below is the code.
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var controllerActionDescriptor = filterContext.ActionDescriptor as ControllerActionDescriptor;
var arguments = filterContext.ActionArguments;
ActionId = arguments["id"].ToString();
var calledMethod = string.Format("{0} -> {1}",
var cacheKey = string.Format("PV-{0}", calledMethod);
var cachedResult = _memoryCache.Get(cacheKey);
if (cachedResult == null)
//Get cacheKey if found, if not create cache key with following settings
_memoryCache.GetOrCreate(cacheKey, cacheKey =>
= pageViewDumpToDatabaseTimeSpan;
return cacheKey.Value;
//Called when Memory entry is removed
private void onRemove(object key, object value, EvictionReason reason, object state)
if (!key.ToString().StartsWith("PV-"))
// write out the value to the database
SaveToDataBase(key.ToString(), (int)value);
As a point of reference, this was done for a .NET Core 5 MVC App.

How to use a Session provider in a DI project

I am developing a web application in ASP.NET MVC5.
Like all basic web applications it also has a login page where a user can authenticate himself. Once authenticated I want to store a couple of user-related items in the Session so I don't have to query the database every time to reconstruct the authenticated user.
After having read Mark Seemann's book about Dependency Injection I want to loosely couple all my layers and make sure that everything can easily be replaced.
At the moment my SessionProvider is by default using the Session object, but maybe in the future this could change to another type of storage mechanism.
The approach I have taken is by using Ambient Context which he explained with the TimeProvider example, but I am wondering if this is the right approach for this functionality and if it is thread safe (also for unit testing).
Is my solution proper or how would you implement such a mechanism? This has been in my head for days now so who can help me define the best solution?
public abstract class SessionProvider
private static SessionProvider _current;
static SessionProvider()
_current = new DefaultSessionProvider();
public static SessionProvider Current
get { return _current; }
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
_current = value;
public abstract string UserName { get; set; }
My local default:
public class DefaultSessionProvider : SessionProvider
public override string UserName
get { return (string) HttpContext.Current.Session["username"]; }
set { HttpContext.Current.Session["username"] = value; }
So I have access in my entire solution to my SessionProvider, whether this is a real session object or a database-driven storage mechanism...
SessionProvider.Current.UserName = "myUserName";
Once authenticated I want to store a couple of user-related items in
the Session so I don't have to query the database every time to
reconstruct the authenticated user.
Well, it looks like you're working on some sort of caching mechanism. It doesn't really matter if it's in a Session or in Redis cache, or any other type of cache. And this cache is key-value storage. I would create cache interface, something like that:
interface ICache
object this[string key] {get; set;}
And create concrete classes. SessionCache in your case:
public SessionCache : ICache
private IHttpSessionState _session;
public SessionCache(IHttpSessionState session)
_session = session;
// ICache implementation goes here...
So you'll narrow down the problem to dependency-inject Session object to concrete class (SessionCache). With Ninject you can do something like:
And after that you can finally make your controllers dependent on ICache.
In your unit tests project you can create another ICache concrete class, something like DummyCache with in-memory cache. So you can test your controllers without sticking to Session object.

Using WCF DataContract in MVC SessionState using AppFabric cache

I have a Data Access Layer, a Service Layer, and a Presentation Layer. The Presentation Layer is ASP.NET MVC2 RTM (web), and the Service Layer is WCF (services). It's all .NET 3.5 SP1.
The problem is that in the services, the objects being returned are marked with the [DataContract] attribute. The web is using the AppFabric Cache (a.k.a Velocity) SessionStateProvider to store session state. Due to this, anything I store in the session must be serializable.
Here comes the problem: the DataContracts aren't marked with [Serializable] and as far as I can remember, by introducing it onto a class already marked with [DataContract] some issues arise, and so I don't believe this is a solution.
I was initially planning on using the DataContracts right in the web layer, using them as models to views related to rendering the DataContracts (probably nested inside a higher level ViewModel class). But due to the session state provider requiring all objects stored inside it to be serializable, I'm starting to rethink this strategy. It would be nice to have though, since they contain validation logic using the IDataErrorInfo interface, and the same validation logic could be re-used in MVC as part of model binding.
What do you believe is the best way to allow me to reduce the work needed?
I've currently thought of the following different ways:
A. Create a 'ServiceIntegration' part in the web project.
This would be a middle man between my controllers and my WCF service layer. The ServiceIntegration part would speak to the service layer using DataContracts, and to the Web layer using ViewModels, but would have to transform between the DataContracts and ViewModels using a two-way Transformer.
Also, since the IDataErrorInfo Validation wouldn't be re-usable, it would be necessary to create a Validator per DataContract too, that uses the Transformer to convert from ViewModel to DataContract, perform validation using IDataErrorInfo and return its results. This would then be used inside action methods of Controllers (e.g. if (!MyValidator.IsValid(viewModel)) return View();)
Different classes required: xDataContract, xViewModel, xTransformer, xValidator
B. Create a 'SessionIntegration' part in the web project
This would be a middle-man between the controllers (or anything accessing the session) and the session itself. Anything requiring access to the session would go through this class. DataContracts would be used in the entire application, unless they are being stored into the session. The SessionIntegration part would take the responsibility of transforming the DataContract to some ISerializable form, and back. No additional Validator is needed because of the use of of IDataErrorInfo interface on the DataContract.
Different classes required: xDataContract, xTransformer, xSerializableForm
Note: there would still be ViewModels around in both scenarios, however with (B) I'd be able to compose ViewModels from DataContracts.
(B) has the benefit of not needing an extra validator.
Before I go off and implement (A)/(B) fully, I'd like some feedback. At the moment, I'm starting to lean towards (B), however, (A) might be more flexible. Either way, it seems like way too much work for what it's worth. Has anyone else come across this problem, do you agree/disagree with me, and/or do you have any other way of solving the problem?
Without going the full blown route of A or B, could you just make a generic ISerializable wrapper object and put those in your SessionState?
public class Wrapper : ISerializable
public object Value { get; set; }
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
if (Value != null)
info.AddValue("IsNull", false);
if (Value.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DataContractAttribute), false).Length == 1)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(Value.GetType());
serializer.WriteObject(ms, Value);
info.AddValue("Bytes", ms.ToArray());
info.AddValue("IsDataContract", true);
else if (Value.GetType().IsSerializable)
info.AddValue("Value", Value);
info.AddValue("IsDataContract", false);
info.AddValue("Type", Value.GetType());
info.AddValue("IsNull", true);
public Wrapper(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
if (!info.GetBoolean("IsNull"))
var type = info.GetValue("Type", typeof(Type)) as Type;
if (info.GetBoolean("IsDataContract"))
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(info.GetValue("Bytes", typeof(byte[])) as byte[]))
var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(type);
Value = serializer.ReadObject(ms);
Value = info.GetValue("Value", type);
As an extension to the provided answer, I added these two methods to ease storing/retrieving the data.
public static void Set<T>(HttpSessionStateBase session, string key, T value)
session[key] = new Wrapper(value);
public static T Get<T>(HttpSessionStateBase session, string key)
object value = session[key];
if (value != null && typeof(T) == value.GetType())
return (T) value;
Wrapper wrapper = value as Wrapper;
return (T) ((wrapper == null) ? null : wrapper.Value);
This makes it a little easier to set/get values from the session:
MyDataContract c = ...;
Wrapper.Set(Session, "mykey", c);
c = Wrapper.Get<MyDataContract>(Session, "mykey");
To make it even easier, add extension methods:
public static class SessionWrapperEx
public static void SetWrapped<T>(this HttpSessionStateBase session, string key, T value)
Wrapper.Set<T>(session, key, value);
public static T GetWrapped<T>(this HttpSessionStateBase session, string key)
return Wrapper.Get<T>(session, key);
And use as below:
MyDataContract c = ...;
Session.SetWrapped("mykey", c);
c = Session.GetWrapped<MyDataContract>("mykey"); Mvc - Kigg: Maintain User object in HttpContext.Items between requests

first I want to say that I hope this doesn't look like I am lazy but I have some trouble understanding a piece of code from the following project.
I was going through the source code and I noticed something that would be usefull for my own little project I am making. In their BaseController they have the following code:
private static readonly Type CurrentUserKey = typeof(IUser);
public IUser CurrentUser
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentUserName))
IUser user = HttpContext.Items[CurrentUserKey] as IUser;
if (user == null)
user = AccountRepository.FindByClaim(CurrentUserName);
if (user != null)
HttpContext.Items[CurrentUserKey] = user;
return user;
return null;
This isn't an exact copy of the code I adjusted it a little to my needs. This part of the code I still understand. They store their IUser in HttpContext.Items. I guess they do it so that they don't have to call the database eachtime they need the User object.
The part that I don't understand is how they maintain this object in between requests. If I understand correctly the HttpContext.Items is a per request cache storage.
So after some more digging I found the following code.
internal static IDictionary<UnityPerWebRequestLifetimeManager, object> GetInstances(HttpContextBase httpContext)
IDictionary<UnityPerWebRequestLifetimeManager, object> instances;
if (httpContext.Items.Contains(Key))
instances = (IDictionary<UnityPerWebRequestLifetimeManager, object>) httpContext.Items[Key];
lock (httpContext.Items)
if (httpContext.Items.Contains(Key))
instances = (IDictionary<UnityPerWebRequestLifetimeManager, object>) httpContext.Items[Key];
instances = new Dictionary<UnityPerWebRequestLifetimeManager, object>();
httpContext.Items.Add(Key, instances);
return instances;
This is the part where some magic happens that I don't understand. I think they use Unity to do some dependency injection on each request? In my project I am using Ninject and I am wondering how I can get the same result.
I guess InRequestScope in Ninject is the same as UnityPerWebRequestLifetimeManager? I am also wondering which class/method they are binding to which interface? Since the HttpContext.Items get destroyed each request how do they prevent losing their user object?
Anyway it's kinda a long question so I am grateful for any push in the right direction.
In Ninject, you pick your tech-specific extension (Ninject.Web or Ninject.Web.Mvc) and use InRequestScope to manage stuff in 'the .Items context'. They get Disposed at the end of the request and fresh ones will be Resolved as needed on subsequent requests.
It definitely wont be as much code or as complex as some of the stuff you're citing IMO :D

Session variables in ASP.NET MVC

I am writing a web application that will allow a user to browse to multiple web pages within the website making certain requests. All information that the user inputs will be stored in an object that I created. The problem is that I need this object to be accessed from any part of the website and I don't really know the best way to accomplish this. I know that one solution is to use session variables but I don't know how to use them in asp .net MVC. And where would I declare a session variable? Is there any other way?
I would think you'll want to think about if things really belong in a session state. This is something I find myself doing every now and then and it's a nice strongly typed approach to the whole thing but you should be careful when putting things in the session context. Not everything should be there just because it belongs to some user.
in global.asax hook the OnSessionStart event
void OnSessionStart(...)
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("__MySessionObject", new MySessionObject());
From anywhere in code where the HttpContext.Current property != null you can retrive that object. I do this with an extension method.
public static MySessionObject GetMySessionObject(this HttpContext current)
return current != null ? (MySessionObject)current.Session["__MySessionObject"] : null;
This way you can in code
void OnLoad(...)
var sessionObj = HttpContext.Current.GetMySessionObject();
// do something with 'sessionObj'
The answer here is correct, I however struggled to implement it in an ASP.NET MVC 3 app. I wanted to access a Session object in a controller and couldn't figure out why I kept on getting a "Instance not set to an instance of an Object error". What I noticed is that in a controller when I tried to access the session by doing the following, I kept on getting that error. This is due to the fact that this.HttpContext is part of the Controller object.
// or
However, what I wanted was the HttpContext that's part of the System.Web namespace because this is the one the Answer above suggests to use in Global.asax.cs. So I had to explicitly do the following:
this helped me, not sure if I did anything that isn't M.O. around here, but I hope it helps someone!
Because I dislike seeing "HTTPContext.Current.Session" about the place, I use a singleton pattern to access session variables, it gives you an easy to access strongly typed bag of data.
public sealed class SessionSingleton
#region Singleton
private const string SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME = "Singleton_502E69E5-668B-E011-951F-00155DF26207";
private SessionSingleton()
public static SessionSingleton Current
if ( HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME] == null )
HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME] = new SessionSingleton();
return HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_SINGLETON_NAME] as SessionSingleton;
public string SessionVariable { get; set; }
public string SessionVariable2 { get; set; }
// ...
then you can access your data from anywhere:
SessionSingleton.Current.SessionVariable = "Hello, World!";
Well, IMHO..
never reference a Session inside your view/master page
minimize your useage of Session. MVC provides TempData obj for this, which is basically a Session that lives for a single trip to the server.
With regards to #1, I have a strongly typed Master View which has a property to access whatever the Session object my instance the stongly typed Master View is generic which gives me some flexibility with regards to strongly typed View Pages
SomeImportantObjectThatWasInSession ImportantObject
AdminViewModel<TModel> : AdminViewModel where TModel : class
TModel Content
and then...
If you are using mvc, here is a simple way to access the session.
From a Controller:
From a View:
<%=Session["{name}"] %>
This is definitely not the best way to access your session variables, but it is a direct route. So use it with caution (preferably during rapid prototyping), and use a Wrapper/Container and OnSessionStart when it becomes appropriate.
Although I don't know about mvc, but this is what we should do in a normal .net website. It should work for mvc also.
YourSessionClass obj=Session["key"] as YourSessionClass;
obj=new YourSessionClass();
You would put this inside a method for easy access.
There are 3 ways to do it.
You can directly access HttpContext.Current.Session
You can Mock HttpContextBase
Create a extension method for HttpContextBase
I prefer 3rd way.This link is good reference.
Get/Set HttpContext Session Methods in BaseController vs Mocking HttpContextBase to create Get/Set methods
My way of accessing sessions is to write a helper class which encapsulates the various field names and their types. I hope this example helps:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
namespace dmkp
/// <summary>
/// Encapsulates the session state
/// </summary>
public sealed class LoginInfo
private HttpSessionState _session;
public LoginInfo(HttpSessionState session)
this._session = session;
public string Username
get { return (this._session["Username"] ?? string.Empty).ToString(); }
set { this._session["Username"] = value; }
public string FullName
get { return (this._session["FullName"] ?? string.Empty).ToString(); }
set { this._session["FullName"] = value; }
public int ID
get { return Convert.ToInt32((this._session["UID"] ?? -1)); }
set { this._session["UID"] = value; }
public UserAccess AccessLevel
get { return (UserAccess)(this._session["AccessLevel"]); }
set { this._session["AccessLevel"] = value; }
Great answers from the guys but I would caution you against always relying on the Session. It is quick and easy to do so, and of course would work but would not be great in all cicrumstances.
For example if you run into a scenario where your hosting doesn't allow session use, or if you are on a web farm, or in the example of a shared SharePoint application.
If you wanted a different solution you could look at using an IOC Container such as Castle Windsor, creating a provider class as a wrapper and then keeping one instance of your class using the per request or session lifestyle depending on your requirements.
The IOC would ensure that the same instance is returned each time.
More complicated yes, if you need a simple solution just use the session.
Here are some implementation examples below out of interest.
Using this method you could create a provider class along the lines of:
public class CustomClassProvider : ICustomClassProvider
public CustomClassProvider(CustomClass customClass)
CustomClass = customClass;
public string CustomClass { get; private set; }
And register it something like:
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
() => new CustomClassProvider(new CustomClass())).LifestylePerWebRequest());
You can use ViewModelBase as base class for all models , this class will take care of pulling data from session
class ViewModelBase
public User CurrentUser
get { return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] as User };
You can write a extention method on HttpContextBase to deal with session data
T FromSession<T>(this HttpContextBase context ,string key,Action<T> getFromSource=null)
return (T) context.Session[key];
else if(getFromSource!=null)
var value = getFromSource();
return value;
return null;
Use this like below in controller
User userData = HttpContext.FromSession<User>("userdata",()=> { return user object from service/db });
The second argument is optional it will be used fill session data for that key when value is not present in session.
