How to resolve a shift-reduce conflict in unambiguous grammar - parsing

I'm trying to parse a simple grammar using an LALR(1) parser generator (Bison, but the problem is not specific to that tool), and I'm hitting a shift-reduce conflict. The docs and other sources I've found about fixing these tend to say one or more of the following:
If the grammar is ambiguous (e.g. if-then-else ambiguity), change the language to fix the ambiguity.
If it's an operator precedence issue, specify precedence explicitly.
Accept the default resolution and tell the generator not to complain about it.
However, none of these seem to apply to my situation: the grammar is unambiguous so far as I can tell (though of course it's ambiguous with only one character of lookahead), it has only one operator, and the default resolution leads to parse errors on correctly-formed input. Are there any techniques for reworking the definition of a grammar to remove shift-reduce conflicts that don't fall into the above buckets?
For concreteness, here's the grammar in question:
%token LETTER
%start input;
input: /* empty */ | input input_elt;
input_elt: rule | statement;
statement: successor ';';
rule: LETTER "->" successor ';';
successor: /* empty */ | successor LETTER;
The intent is to parse semicolon-separated lines of the form "[A-Za-z]+" or "[A-Za-z] -> [A-Za-z]+".

Using the Solaris version of yacc, I get:
1: shift/reduce conflict (shift 5, red'n 7) on LETTER
state 1
$accept : input_$end
input : input_input_elt
successor : _ (7)
$end accept
LETTER shift 5
. reduce 7
input_elt goto 2
rule goto 3
statement goto 4
successor goto 6
So, the trouble is, as it very often is, the empty rule - specifically, the empty successor. It isn't completely clear whether you want to allow a semi-colon as a valid input - at the moment, it is. If you modified the successor rule to:
successor: LETTER | successor LETTER;
the shift/reduce conflict is eliminated.

Thanks for whittling down the grammar and posting it. Changing the successor rule to -
successor: /* empty */ | LETTER successor;
...worked for me. ITYM the language looked unambiguous.


ANTLR: Why is this grammar rule for a tuples not LL(1)?

I have the following grammar rules defined to cover tuples of the form: (a), (a,), (a,b), (a,b,) and so on. However, antlr3 gives the warning:
"Decision can match input such as "COMMA" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
I believe this means that my grammar is not LL(1). This caught me by surprise as, based on my extremely limited understanding of this topic, the parser would only need to look one token ahead from (COMMA)? to ')' in order to know which comma it was on.
Also based on the discussion I found here I am further confused: Amend JSON - based grammar to allow for trailing comma
And their source code here:
Is this because of the kind of parser that antlr is trying to generate and not because my grammar isn't LL(1)? Any insight would be appreciated.
options {k=1; backtrack=no;}
tuple : '(' IDENT (COMMA IDENT)* (COMMA)? ')';
DIGIT : '0'..'9' ;
LOWER : 'a'..'z' ;
UPPER : 'A'..'Z' ;
IDENT : (LOWER | UPPER | '_') (LOWER | UPPER | '_' | DIGIT)* ;
edit: changed typo in tuple: ... from (IDENT)? to (COMMA)?
The question has been edited since this answer was written. In the original, the grammar had the line:
tuple : '(' IDENT (COMMA IDENT)* (IDENT)? ')';
and that's what this answer is referring to.
That grammar works without warnings, but it doesn't describe the language you intend to parse. It accepts, for example, (a, b c) but fails to accept (a, b,).
My best guess is that you actually used something like the grammars in the links you provide, in which the final optional element is a comma, not an identifier:
tuple : '(' IDENT (COMMA IDENT)* (COMMA)? ')';
That does give the warning you indicate, and it won't match (a,) (for example), because, as the warning says, the second alternative has been disabled.
LL(1) as a property of formal grammars only applies to grammars with fixed right-hand sides, as opposed to the "Extended" BNF used by many top-down parser generators, including Antlr, in which a right-hand side can be a set of possibilities. It's possible to expand EBNF using additional non-terminals for each subrule (although there is not necessarily a canonical expansion, and expansions might differ in their parsing category). But, informally, we could extend the concept of LL(k) by saying that in every EBNF right-hand side, at every point where there is more than one alternative, the parser must be able to predict the appropriate alternative looking only at the next k tokens.
You're right that the grammar you provide is LL(1) in that sense. When the parser has just seen IDENT, it has three clear alternatives, each marked by a different lookahead token:
COMMA ↠ predict another repetition of (COMMA IDENT).
IDENT ↠ predict (IDENT).
')' ↠ predict an empty (IDENT)?.
But in the correct grammar (with my modification above), IDENT is a syntax error and COMMA could be either another repetition of ( COMMA IDENT ), or it could be the COMMA in ( COMMA )?.
You could change k=1 to k=2, thereby allowing the parser to examine the next two tokens, and if you did so it would compile with no warnings. In effect, that grammar is LL(2).
You could make an LL(1) grammar by left-factoring the expansion of the EBNF, but it's not going to be as pretty (or as easy for a reader to understand). So if you have a parser generator which can cope with the grammar as written, you might as well not worry about it.
But, for what it's worth, here's a possible solution:
tuple : '(' idents ')' ;
idents : IDENT ( COMMA ( idents )? )? ;
Untested because I don't have a working Antlr3 installation, but it at least compiles the grammar without warnings. Sorry if there is a problem.
It would probably be better to use tuple : '(' (idents)? ')'; in order to allow empty tuples. Also, there's no obvious reason to insist on COMMA instead of just using ',', assuming that '(' and ')' work as expected on Antlr3.

Shift/Reduce conflict in CUP

I'm trying to write a parser for a javascript-ish language with JFlex and Cup, but I'm having some issues with those deadly shift/reduce problems and reduce/reduce problems.
I have searched thoroughly and have found tons of examples, but I'm not able to extrapolate these to my grammar. My understanding so far is that these problems are because the parser cannot decide which way it should take because it can't distinguish.
My grammar is the following one:
start with INPUT;
FUNCTION ::= function OPTIONAL id p_izq ARG p_der NEWLINE l_izq NEWLINE BODY l_der;
TYPE::= integer
| boolean
ARG ::=
| colon TYPE id MORE_ARGS;
| ;
BODY ::= ;
I'm getting several conflicts but these 2 are a mere example:
Warning : *** Shift/Reduce conflict found in state #5
between NEWLINE ::= (*)
and NEWLINE ::= (*) salto NEWLINE
under symbol salto
Resolved in favor of shifting.
Warning : *** Shift/Reduce conflict found in state #0
between NEWLINE ::= (*)
and FUNCTION ::= (*) function OPTIONAL id p_izq ARG p_der NEWLINE l_izq NEWLINE BODY l_der
under symbol function
Resolved in favor of shifting.
PS: The grammar is far more complex, but I think that if I see how these shift/reduce problems are solved, I'll be able to fix the rest.
Thanks for your answers.
PROGRAM is useless (in the technical sense). That is, it cannot produce any sentence because in
both productions for PROGRAM are recursive. For a non-terminal to be useful, it needs to be able to eventually produce some string of terminals, and for it to do that, it must have at least one non-recursive production; otherwise, the recursion can never terminate. I'm surprised CUP didn't mention this to you. Or maybe it did, and you chose to ignore the warning.
That's a problem -- useless non-terminals really cannot ever match anything, so they will eventually result in a parse error -- but it's not the parsing conflict you're reporting. The conflicts come from another feature of the same production, which is related to the fact that you can't divide by 0.
The thing about nothing is that any number of nothings are still nothing. So if you had plenty of nothings and someone came along and asked you exactly how many nothings you had, you'd have a bit of problem, because to get "plenty" back from "0 * plenty", you'd have to compute "0 / 0", and that's not a well-defined value. (If you had plenty of two's, and someone asked you how many two's you had, that wouldn't be a problem: suppose the plenty of two's worked out to 40; you could easily compute that 40 / 2 = 20, which works out perfectly because 20 * 2 = 40.)
So here we don't have arithmetic, we have strings of symbols. And unfortunately the string containing no symbols is really invisible, like 0 was for all those millenia until some Arabian mathematician noticed the value of being able to write nothing.
Where this is all coming around to is that you have
PROGRAM::= ... something ...
But NEWLINE is allowed to produce nothing.
| ;
So the second recursive production of PROGRAM might add nothing. And it might add nothing plenty of times, because the production is recursive. But the parser needs to be deterministic: it needs to know exactly how many nothings are present, so that it can reduce each nothing to a NEWLINE non-terminal and then reduce a new PROGRAM non-terminal. And it really doesn't know how many nothings to add.
In short, optional nothings and repeated nothings are ambiguous. If you are going to insert a nothing into your language, you need to make sure that there are a fixed finite number of nothings, because that's the only way the parser can unambiguously dissect nothingness.
Now, since the only point of that particular recursion (as far as I can see) is to allow empty newline-terminated statements (which are visible because of the newline, but do nothing). And you could do that by changing the recursion to avoid nothing:
PROGRAM ::= ...
| salto PROGRAM;
Although it's not relevant to your current problem, I feel obliged to mention that CUP is an LALR parser generator and all that stuff you might have learned or read on the internet about recursive descent parsers not being able to handle left recursion does not apply. (I deleted a rant about the way parsing technique are taught, so you'll have to try to recover it from the hints I've left behind.) Bottom-up parser generators like CUP and yacc/bison love left recursion. They can handle right recursion, too, of course, but reluctantly because they need to waste stack space for every recursion other than left recursion. So there is no need to warp your grammar in order to deal with the deficiency; just write the grammar naturally and be happy. (So you rarely if ever need non-terminals representing "the rest of" something.)
PD: Plenty of nothing is a culturally-specific reference to a song from the 1934 opera Porgy and Bess.

Why doesn't this grammar have a reduce/reduce conflict?

Consider the following (admittedly nonsensical - it has been vastly simplified to illustrate the point) grammar:
: TOK_MINUS constantExpression %prec UNARYOP
| testRule
: negationExpression constantExpression // call this Rule 1
| constantExpression // Rule 2
Bison does not complain about a reduce/reduce conflict when ran on this grammar, but to me it seems like there is one. Assume we have parsed a negationExpression and a constantExpression; to me it seems there are two things the parser could now do, based on the above definition:
Reduce the sequence into a testRule using Rule 1 above
Reduce the constantExpression into a testRule using Rule 2 above (the negationExpression would be left untouched in this case, so the parse stack would look like this: negationExpression testRule)
However no warnings are emitted, and when I look at the .output file Bison generates, it seems there is no ambiguity whatsoever:
state 5
6 testRule: constantExpression .
$default reduce using rule 6 (testRule)
state 9
5 testRule: negationExpression constantExpression .
$default reduce using rule 5 (testRule)
According to the Bison docs:
A reduce/reduce conflict occurs if there are two or more rules that apply to the same sequence of input.
Isn't this precisely the case here?
No, it doesn't apply here.
"Sequence of input" is an unfortunate phrasing; what is meant is really "same input", or possibly more explicitly, "same prefix subsequence of a valid input". In other words, if there are two or more rules which could apply to the entire input, up to the current read point (and taking into account the lookahead).
In your grammar, testRule never follows anything. It (and negationExpression ) can only be reduced at the very beginning of some derivation. So if the (partially-reduced) input ends with negationExpression constantExpression, it is impossible to reduce constantExpression to testRule because no derivation of the start symbol can include testRule at a non-initial position.

bison: a specific number of recursions?

I've been writing a parser with flex and bison for a few weeks now and have ground to a halt on account of a double recursion, the definitions of which are similar for the first few rules. Bison always chooses the wrong path at one particular stage and crashes because the grammar doesn't fit. The bison code looks a little like this:
set :
TOKEN_ /* token */
Integer /* number of descrs (see below) */
M_op /*'M' optional*/
alts :
alt | alts alt ;
alt :
pName_op /* empty | TOKEN1 QString */
deVal_op /* empty | TOKEN2 Integer */
descrs :
descr | descrs descr ;
descr :
QString_op /* optional qstring */
D_op /* optional 'D' */
Bison stays in the descrs recursion and never exits it to progress to the next alt. The integer that is read in in the initial block, however, tells us how many instances of descr are going to come. So my question is this:
Is there a way of preparing bison for a specific number of instances of the recursion so that he can exit this recursion and enter the recursion "above"? I can access this integer in the C code, but I'm not aware of syntax for said move, something like a descrs : {for (int i=0;i<n;++i){descr}} (I'm aware that probably looks ridiculous)
Failing this, is there any other way around this problem?
Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
A context-free grammar cannot be contingent on semantic information. Yet, that is precisely what you are seeking: you wish the value of a numeric token to be taken into account in the syntax of an expression.
As a request, that's not unreasonable or immoral; it's simply outside of the reach of context-free grammars. And bison is intended to create parsers for context-free grammars. So it's simply not the correct tool for this problem.
Having said that, it is possible to use bison in this manner, if you are using a reasonably recent version of bison which includes support for GLR grammars. Bison`s GLR support includes the option of using semantic predicates to control the parse. (See the bison manual for details.) A solution based on that mechanism is possible, and probably not too complicated.
Much easier -- if the grammar allows for it -- would be to use a top-down parser. Parsing a number and then that number of descrs would be trivial in a recursive-descent parser, for example.
The liberal use of FOO_op non-terminals in the grammar suggests that top-down parsing would not be problematic, but it is impossible to say for sure without seeing the entire grammar. Artificial non-terminals (like FOO_op) often cause shift-reduce conflicts in LR(1) languages, because they force an immediate shift/reduce decision to be made. In an LR(1) language, a production of the form: A → ω B? χ
would normally be rendered as the pair of productions A → ω B χ; A → ω χ, rather than the substitution Bop → B | ε; A → ω Bop χ, in order to avoid creating conflicts with other productions of the form C → ω ζ where FIRST(ζ) ∩ FIRST(B ∪ ω) ≠ ∅.

Bison Shift/Reduce conflict for simple grammar

I'm building a parser for a language I've designed, in which type names start with an upper case letter and variable names start with a lower case letter, such that the lexer can tell the difference and provide different tokens. Also, the string 'this' is recognised by the lexer (it's an OOP language) and passed as a separate token. Finally, data members can only be accessed on the 'this' object, so I built the grammar as so:
%token VARNAME
%token THIS
| Expression '.' TYPENAME
The first rule of Expression allows the user to pass 'this' around as a value (for example, returning it from a method or passing to a method call). The second is for accessing data on 'this'. The third rule is for calling methods, however I've removed the brackets and parameters since they are irrelevant to the problem. The originally grammar was clearly much larger than this, however this is the smallest part that generates the same error (1 Shift/Reduce conflict) - I isolated it into its own parser file and verified this, so the error has nothing to do with any other symbols.
As far as I can see, the grammar given here is unambiguous and so should not produce any errors. If you remove any of the three rules or change the second rule to
Expression '.' VARNAME
there is no conflict. In any case, I probably need someone to state the obvious of why this conflict occurs and how to resolve it.
The problem is that the grammar can only look one ahead. Therefore when you see a THIS then a ., are you in line 2(Expression: THIS '.' VARNAME) or line 3 (Expression: Expression '.' TYPENAME, via a reduction according to line 1).
The grammar could reduce THIS. to Expression. and then look for a TYPENAME or shift it to THIS. and look for a VARNAME, but it has to decide when it gets to the ..
I try to avoid y.output but sometimes it does help. I looked at the file it produced and saw.
state 1
2 Expression: THIS. [$end, '.']
3 | THIS . '.' VARNAME
'.' shift, and go to state 4
'.' [reduce using rule 2 (Expression)]
$default reduce using rule 2 (Expression)
Basically it is saying it sees '.' and can reduce or it can shift. Reduce makes me anrgu sometimes because they are hard to fine. The shift is rule 3 and is obvious (but the output doesnt mention the rule #). The reduce where it see's '.' in this case is the line
| Expression '.' TYPENAME
When it goes to Expression it looks at the next letter (the '.') and goes in. Now it sees THIS | so when it gets to the end of that statement it expects '.' when it leaves or an error. However it sees THIS '.' while its between this and '.' (hence the dot in the out file) and it CAN reduce a rule so there is a path conflict. I believe you can use %glr-parser to allow it to try both but the more conflicts you have the more likely you'll either get unexpected output or an ambiguity error. I had ambiguity errors in the past. They are annoying to deal with especially if you dont remember what rule caused or affected them. it is recommended to avoid conflicts.
I highly recommend this book before attempting to use bison.
I cant think of a 'great' solution but this gives no conflicts
| ExpressionLoop ';' Expression
| rval '.' TYPENAME
| THIS //trick is moving this AWAY so it doesnt reduce
Alternative you can make it reduce later by adding more to the rule so it doesnt reduce as soon or by adding a token after or before to make it clear which path to take or fails (remember, it must know BEFORE reducing ANY path)
| ExpressionLoop ';' Expression
| rval '.' TYPENAME
THIS '#'
-edit- note if i want to do func param and type varname i cant because type according to the lexer func is a Var (which is A-Za-z09_) as well as type. param and varname are both var's as well so this will cause me a reduce/reduce conflict. You cant write this as what they are, only what they look like. So keep that in mind when writing. You'll have to write a token to differentiate the two or write it as one of the two but write additional logic in code (the part that is in { } on the right side of the rules) to check if it is a funcname or a type and handle both those case.
