MVC - rendering a List containing different types, with a different view for each type -

Imagine I have a list of objects that implement an interface called ISummary
The objects within this list MAY have additional properties ie.
public interface ISummary {
Guid Id {get;set;}
string Title {get;set;}
DateTime Created {get;set;}
public class GigSummary: ISummary {
Guid Id {get;set;}
string Title {get;set;}
DateTime Created {get;set;}
string VenueName {get;set}
string Band {get;set;}
public class NewsSummary: ISummary {
Guid Id {get;set;}
string Title {get;set;}
DateTime Created {get;set;}
string Author{get;set}
I now pass this list of Gigs and News Summary objects (as a list of ISummary) to the view as the model.
I want to render this list using a different partial for each type contained in the list.
How can I do this is ASP.NET MVC?

The most obvious way I can think of would be to do something like:
foreach(ISummary summ in listOfISummary) {
Html.RenderPartial(String.Fomat("~/Views/Shared/{0}Renderer.ascx", summ.GetType.ToString()), summ, ViewData);%>
and create a strongly typed view with a naming convention, like NewsSummaryRenderer.ascx.
I expect that you could move this out to a helper method though, but I'd add it to one of the existing helpers through an extension method rather than putting it in a code behind as suggested previously.

You could put a helper method in the view's codebehind, and then do something like:
Type modelType = this.Model.GetType();
if (modelType == typeof(NewsSummary)) this.RenderPartial("newspartial", this.Model as NewsSummary);
else if (modelType == typeof(GigSummary)) this.RenderPartial("gigpartial", this.Model as GigSummary);

Lewis is on the right track. I would take a slightly different tack--have both of the "widgets" extend from a common base class which provided information about the view names involved. Then add an extension method to your page class to "render widget" which could get the appropriate view in place.
Check out the Kona ASP.NET MVC sample app for a working example of this concept.

I'd create an HtmlHelper extension that did this. Here's some pseudocode that looks shockingly like c# and may actually work:
public static void TemplatedList<T>(this HtmlHelper me, IEnumerable<T> items,
IDictionary<Type, Action<T>> templates)
foreach(var item in items)
var template = templates[item.GetType()];
if(template != null) template(item);
I'd use it like this:
<% HtmlHelper.TemplatedList(ViewData.Model, new Dictionary
{typeof(GigSummary), x => %>
<div class="gigSummary">
What: <%= x.Title %>
When: <%= x.Created %>
Who: <%= x.Author %>
// add more type/template pairs here
}); %>

Here's a simple extension method you can create to extract just the types you need:
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<U> ExtractOfType<U, T>(this IEnumerable<T> list)
where T : class
where U : class
foreach (var item in list)
if (typeof(U).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType()))
yield return item as U;
public interface IBaseInterface
string Foo { get; }
public interface IChildInterface : IBaseInterface
string Foo2 { get; }
public interface IOtherChildIntreface : IBaseInterface
string OtherFoo { get; }
public class BaseImplementation : IBaseInterface
public string Foo { get { return "Foo"; } }
public class ChildImplementation : IChildInterface
public string Foo2 { get { return "Foo2"; } }
public string Foo { get { return "Foo"; } }
public class OtherChildImplementation : IOtherChildIntreface
public string OtherFoo { get { return "OtherFoo"; } }
public string Foo { get { return "Foo"; } }
List<IBaseInterface> b = new List<IBaseInterface>();
b.Add(new BaseImplementation());
b.Add(new ChildImplementation());
b.Add(new OtherChildImplementation());
b.Add(new OtherChildImplementation());
foreach (var s in b.ExtractOfType<IOtherChildIntreface, IBaseInterface>())
This will get all of the items in the list that are of the derived type you're looking for. So, in your controller, pass in the entire list to the view. Then, have partial views that take IEnumerable's of the type that partial needs, and within your main view, call this extension method and pass on the result to those individual partial views.


MVC Razor helpers do not render proper ID and Name attributes for fields of interface derived classes

I have a class which looks like this:
public class ApplicationFormModel
protected ApplicationFormModel()
CurrentStep = ApplicationSteps.PersonalInfo;
PersonalInfoStep = new PersonalInfo();
public PersonalInfo PersonalInfoStep { get; set; }
public IEducationalBackground EducationalBackgroundStep { get; set; }
public IAboutYou AboutYouStep { get; set; }
public IOther OtherStep { get; set; }
where IEducationalBackground, IAboutYou, and IOther are interfaces. I do not use this class directly, but I use derived classes of this one which upon instantiation create the proper instances of EducationalBackgroundStep, AboutYouStep, and OtherStep.
In my view, I am using Razor Helpers such as
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => (model.EducationalBackgroundStep as ApplicationFormModels.EducationalBackgroundAA).University, new {#class = "form-control", type = "text", autocomplete = "off"})
The field 'University', for example, is NOT part of the Interface and I therefore need the cast to access it. Everything is fine for properties of the interface itself, but those which I need to cast for do not end up having the correct ID and Name properties.
For example, instead of EducationalBackgroundStep_University as ID, I only get University. This causes the form to not include this value when submitting it.
I did not have this issue before when I used a base class instead of an interface, but then I had to include the EducationalBackgroundStep, AboutYouStep, and OtherStep in each derived class (and have it then of the correct derived type), but that is what I wanted to avoid.
Is there any way around this? Thank you very much!
The issue with the ID generation is because you are using casting (x as y) and the TextBoxFor expression handler can't determine what the original model property was (more to the point, it doesn't make sense to use the original model property as you're not using it any more, you're using the cast property)
Example fiddle:
public class c1
public c2 c2 { get; set; }
public class c2
public string Name { get; set; }
public ActionResult View(string page, bool pre = false)
var model = new c1 { c2 = new c2 { Name = "xx" } };
return View(model);
#model HomeController.c1
#Html.TextBoxFor(x=>(Model.c2 as HomeController.c2).Name)
The first textboxfor has ID c2_Name while the second has just Name
You have two options:
1) use concrete classes rather than interfaces for your viewmodel
2) don't use TextBoxFor and instead use TextBox and specify the ID manually (but then you'll lose refactoring)
#Html.TextBox("c2_Name", (Model.c2 as HomeController.c2).Name)
This will give you the ID you're expecting, but as #StephenMuecke rightly points out, this might not bind correctly when you do the POST - so you may still be stuck... but at least it answers the question.
#freedomn-m explained to me why my code wouldn't work and he put me on the right track to find a solution, so he gets the accepted answer.
The workaround I used is the following - so I now have the following classes:
public class ApplicationFormViewModel {
public PersonalInfo PersonalInfoStep { get; set; }
// constructors which take the other classes and
// initialize these fields in an appropriate manner
public IEducationalBackground EducationalBackgroundStep { get; set; }
public IAboutYou AboutYouStep { get; set; }
public IOther OtherStep { get; set; }
// in our case, XX can be one of 3 values, so we have 3 classes
public class ApplicationFormXX {
public PersonalInfo PersonalInfoStep { get; set; }
// constructor which take the ApplicationFormViewModel and
// initialize these fields in an appropriate manner
public EducationalBackgroundXX EducationalBackgroundStep { get; set; }
public AboutYouXX AboutYouStep { get; set; }
public OtherXX OtherStep { get; set; }
To the main View I send the ApplicationFormViewModel and for each of the fields, I call a separate Partial View.
The Partial views render the common fields which are present in the Interfaces and then, depending on the type of the object held by the interface, it calls a different partial view which accepts the correct Model.
In the main View I have (NOTE: The actions return a partial view):
#model Applications.Models.ApplicationFormModels.ApplicationFormViewModel
#Html.Action("RenderEducationalBackgroundStep", "ApplicationFormsLogic", routeValues: new {model = Model})
In the Partial View of for the EducationalBackgroundStep, I have:
#model ApplicationFormModels.ApplicationFormViewModel
var educationalBackgroundType = Model.EducationalBackgroundStep.GetType();
if (educationalBackgroundType == typeof(EducationalBackgroundXX))
<text>#Html.Partial("~\\Views\\Partials\\ApplicationForm\\Partials\\ApplicationSteps\\EducationalBackground\\_EducationalBackgroundXX.cshtml", new ApplicationFormModels.ApplicationFormModelXX { EducationalBackgroundStep = Model.EducationalBackgroundStep as EducationalBackgroundXX })</text>
And then, the _EducationalBackgroundXX.cshtml partial view expects a model like this:
#model ApplicationFormModels.ApplicationFormModelXX
This way, no casting is required and everything works fine with the ModelBinder. Again, thank you #freedomn-m for setting me on the right track.
NOTE: In practice I need more fields than the ones presented here (for navigation and some custom logic), so actually all of these classes inherit an abstract base class (this makes it redundant to have the PersonalInfoStep declared in each of the classes, for example, because it can be inherited from the abstract base class). But for the intents and purposes of this method, what's present here suffices.

MVC 4 custom data annotations read in T4 scaffolding

Can you create custom data annotations for the model that can be read inside the T4 template for the View like property.Scaffold is read? I would like to add data annotation parameters like Scaffold based on which I would build the view.
Thank you
I wrote a blog post on the solution I came up with for MVC5. I'm posting it here for anyone who comes along:
Edit: In your entities, decorate property with custom Attribute
namespace CustomViewTemplate.Models
public class Person
public int PersonId { get; set;}
public string Salutation { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
public string Biography { get; set; }
With this Custom Attribute
namespace CustomViewTemplate
public class RichTextAttribute : Attribute
public RichTextAttribute() { }
Then create a T4Helper that we'll reference in our template
using System;
namespace CustomViewTemplate
public static class T4Helpers
public static bool IsRichText(string viewDataTypeName, string propertyName)
bool isRichText = false;
Attribute richText = null;
Type typeModel = Type.GetType(viewDataTypeName);
if (typeModel != null)
richText = (RichTextAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeModel.GetProperty(propertyName), typeof(RichTextAttribute));
return richText != null;
return isRichText;
So, this is how you do it.
Follow this tutorial on how to create a custom attribute
To read this attribute values in the T4 scaffolding templates, first add the template files as described here
Then, for example, open from the AddView folder. This template creates the Index view.
Go to the end of the template file and find the definition for class ModelProperty. Add your property value to it ( public string MyAttributeValue { get; set; }
Now go a bit down in the and find bool Scaffold(PropertyInfo property) method. You will need to add your own attribute property reader. This method, for the above mentioned tutorial, would be:
string OptionalAttributesValueReader(PropertyInfo property){
foreach (object attribute in property.GetCustomAttributes(true)) {
var attr = attribute as OptionalAttributes ;
if (attr != null) {
return String.Empty;
Then find the method List GetEligibleProperties(Type type) at the bottom of the file. Add your reader to it like this:
IsForeignKey = IsForeignKey(prop),
IsReadOnly = prop.GetSetMethod() == null,
Scaffold = Scaffold(prop),
MyAttributeValue = OptionalAttributesValueReader(prop)
When you want to use and read this attribute you can do it like the Scaffold property is used in the
List<ModelProperty> properties = GetModelProperties(mvcHost.ViewDataType);
foreach (ModelProperty property in properties) {
if (property.MyAttributeValue != String.Empty) {
//read the value
<#= property.MyAttributeValue #>
Since these classes are defined in my project, I had to add my project dll and namespace to the top of the
<## assembly name="C:\myProjectPath\bin\myMVCproject.dll" #>
<## import namespace="myMVCproject.CustomAttributes" #>
If your model changes and you need to find these new changes in the scaffolding, you need to rebuild your project.
Hope anyone looking for the solution will find this useful. Ask if there is anything unclear.
This is how I did it in MVC 5. I did this a long time ago and I may be forgetting stuff, I'm just copy/pasting what I see in my modified templates.
I needed a way to set the order of properties in (for example) the create/edit views or in the list view table. So I created a custom attribute OrderAttribute with an integer property Order.
To access this attribute in the T4 templates I modified the file ModelMetadataFunctions.cs.include.t4. At the top I added one method that retrieves the Order value set in the attribute from a PropertyMetadata object, and another method to simply order a list of PropertyMetadata items by that order:
List<PropertyMetadata> GetOrderedProperties(List<PropertyMetadata> properties, Type modelType) {
return properties.OrderBy<PropertyMetadata, int>(p => GetPropertyOrder(modelType, p)).ToList();
int GetPropertyOrder(Type type, PropertyMetadata property) {
var info = type.GetProperty(property.PropertyName);
if (info != null)
var attr = info.GetCustomAttribute<OrderAttribute>();
if (attr != null)
return attr.Order;
return int.MaxValue;
Finally, in the List template for example, I have added a part where I call the GetOrderedProperties method:
var typeName = Assembly.CreateQualifiedName("AcCtc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", ViewDataTypeName);
var modelType = Type.GetType(typeName);
var properties = ModelMetadata.Properties.Where(p => p.Scaffold && !p.IsPrimaryKey && !p.IsForeignKey && !(p.IsAssociation && GetRelatedModelMetadata(p) == null)).ToList();
properties = GetOrderedProperties(properties, modelType);
foreach (var property in properties)
Unfortunately I needed the name of the project to be able to create a Type object which I needed to get the attributes from. Not ideal, perhaps you can get it some other way but I couldn't manage it without this string including all the version stuff.

Bind model property collections

My scenario is much complicated so i simplified it with the example below. The main problem is binding collection properties of a model, specifying the path of the property like Html.TextBox("List[0].Name") and not the Html.TextBoxFor(t => t.List[0].Name). So, for the current view i will only know some of the metadata of the model so i will have to construct it this way. Here is the scenario :
public class ModelTest
public int Id {get;set;}
public List<Foo> Collection {get;set;}
public class Foo
public string Value1 {get;set;}
public string Value2 {get;set;}
public class TestController: Controller
public ActionResult Test()
var model = new ModelTest()
Id = 455,
Collection = new List<Foo>()
new Foo(){ Value1 = "sagasga", Value2 = "Beul"},
new Foo(){ Value1 = "dgdsgds", Value2 = "fhfhd" }
return View(model);
public ActionResult Test( ModelTest model)
return View();
#using (Html.BeginForm())
<input type="submit" value="Add" />
For the code above i get empty textboxes for the collection values. However, when the page is submited i get the model built correct in the Post method.
Many thanks,
This is the way to name you input fields when you wanna post a collection to your controller. However, you have to specify the initial value yourself. Your code is currently just creating textbox with the name property set to Collection[0].Value1. You still need to specify the input this way,
#Html.TextBox("Collection[0].Value1", Model.Collection.FirstOrDefault().Value1)
#Html.TextBox("Collection[0].Value2", Model.Collection.FirstOrDefault().Value2)

Accessing a database object (and other important data) in the View

I know it's a bad practice to use database in the view. However, I'm also passing the User object and I wonder how I can make it easy to use.
I love the way it works in Ruby On Rails. You just create an #instance_variable in before_filter and call it from the controllers and from the views.
You can't do this in ASP.NET MVC though. So I created a class with all the data I need to pass to the view (DataContext and User):
public class XData
public DBDataContext DB { get; set; }
public User User { get; set; }
In controller's Initialize method I get all the data:
public XData X;
protected override void Initialize(RequestContext requestContext)
X = new XData();
X.DB = ...;
X.User = ....;
Works great: I can get the database object from the view like this:
<%= Model.X.DB.Users.First().Name %>
In order to pass the data to the view, I have to do the following:
public ActionResult Foo()
return View(new FooModel
X = X,
HelloMessage = "Hello world!"
The thing I don't like here is that I always have to write the X = X thing. How can I initialize that automatically?
I've seen a similar problem where a lot of controllers return a similar model with only a few customizations. In this case, create an abstract base model that other models derive from, and a function that returns the particular model you need with the base X = X and so forth already set.
For example, consider this:
public abstract class MyBaseModel
public User User { get; set; }
public class FooModel : MyBaseModel
public string FooMessage { get; set; }
public class BarModel : MyBaseModel
public string BarMessage { get; set; }
public class MyController : Controller
public ActionResult Foo()
var model = this.GetModel<FooModel>();
// Set the properties on FooModel.
model.FooMessage = "Hello world!"
return View(model);
public ActionResult Bar()
var model = this.GetModel<BarModel>();
// Set the properties on BarModel.
model.BarMessage = "Hello world 2!"
return View(model);
protected T GetModel<T>() where T : MyBaseModel, new()
T model = new T();
// Set the properties on MyBaseModel.
model.User = ...;
return model;
If you want to share MyBaseModel and GetModel among many controllers, extract it out to a ModelProvider or something similar that is supplied to each controller, ideally through dependency injection.
You could place X in ViewData and write an HtmlHelper extension method to access X or override the View method of the controller and add a little reflection logic that maps every instance property of the controller to properties with matching names of your model (I guess Automapper could help here...)
I think you'll need to start by making your view strongly typed:
<%# Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Namespace.XData>" %>
and in your controller:
public ActionResult Foo()
var X = new XData();
X.User = ....;
X.SomeProperty = ...;
X.Message = "Hello world!";
return View(X);
which allows you to access the object in your view like so:
<%: Model.User.UserName %>
<%: Model.Message %>

HtmlHelper building a dropdownlist, using ServiceLocator : code smell?

Is it a code smell to have to following pattern, given the following code (highly simplified to get straight to the point) ?
The models :
class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Category Cat { get; set; }
class Category
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Label { get; set; }
The view to edit a Product :
<% =Html.EditorFor( x => x.Name ) %>
<% =Html.EditorFor( x => x.Category ) %>
The EditorTemplate for Category
<% =Html.DropDownList<Category>() %>
The HtmlHelper method
public static MvcHtmlString DropDownList<TEntity>(this HtmlHelper helper)
where TEntity : Entity
var selectList = new SelectList(
"Id", "Label");
return SelectExtensions.DropDownList(helper, "List", selectList, null, null);
For information, the real implementation of the helper method takes some lambdas to get the DataTextField and DataValueField names, the selected value, etc.
The point that bothers me is using a servicelocator inside the HtmlHelper. I think I should have a AllCategories property in my Product model, but I would need to be populated in the controller every time I need it.
So I think the solution I'm using is more straightforward, as the helper method is generic (and so is the modelbinder, not included here). So I just have to create an EditorTemplate for each type that needs a DropDownList.
Any advice ?
IMHO I'd leave it the way it is, have the same thing in another project.
BUT the service location bothered me as well so for another project I made this part of an ActionFilter which scans a model, finds all the anticipated dropdowns and does a batch load into ViewData. Since the ServiceLocator or Repository/Context/whatever is already injected into the Controller you don't have to spread your service location all over the place.
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
foreach( var anticipated in SomeDetectionMethod() )
var selectList = new SelectList(
"Id", "Label");
ViewData["SelectList." + anticipated.Label/Name/Description"] = selectList;
In the view you can then make a helper to load up those dropdowns via a custom editor template or other method.
advice: look at the mvc sample application from here:
good luck ;)
This is how ValueInjecter's Sample Application could get the dropdowns:
(but it doesn't right now cuz I'm ok with the Resolve thing)
public class CountryToLookup : LoopValueInjection<Country, object>
ICountryRepo _repo;
public CountryToLookup(ICountryRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
protected override object SetValue(Country sourcePropertyValue)
var value = sourcePropertyValue ?? new Country();
var countries = _repo.GetAll().ToArray();
o => new SelectListItem
Text = o.Name,
Value = o.Id.ToString(),
Selected = value.Id == o.Id
