I have a model Vote, and I'm using an after_validation callback.
class Vote < ActiveRecord::Base
after_validation :destroy_reciprocal_votes
belongs_to :voteable, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :voter, :polymorphic => true
def destroy_reciprocal_votes
votes = Vote.delete_all(:vote => false, :voteable_type => "Recipe", :voteable_id => self.voteable_id, :voter_type => "User", :voter_id => self.voter_id)
You can see that in my method destroy_reciprocal_votes, I called self.voteable_id and self.voter_id, why does this return nil? and how should I retrieve my id's here?
When I do it in console it works fine:
>> voteable_id = "3"
>> voter_id = "162"
>> Vote.delete_all(:vote => false, :voteable_type => "Recipe", :voteable_id => voteable_id, :voter_type => "User", :voter_id => voter_id)
You don't have to refer to id as long as you specify an association. Try this:
Vote.delete_all(:vote => false, :voteable_type => "Recipe", :voteable_id => voteable, :voter_type => "User", :voter_id => voter)
Changed to :voteable_id => voteable.
Why can't I join miq_user_roles with ServiceTemplate? ServiceTemplate has a column miq_group_id which is the id of miq_user_roles.
scope :public_service_templates, -> { joins(:miq_user_roles).where(miq_user_roles: { settings: nil }) }
When I try the above code I get the following error:
Can't join 'ServiceTemplate' to association named 'miq_user_roles'; perhaps you misspelled it?
Following is the actual model definition where I want to include miq_user_roles table.
class ServiceTemplate < ApplicationRecord
include SupportsFeatureMixin
"custom" => N_("Custom"),
"vm" => N_("Virtual Machine"),
"playbook" => N_("Playbook"),
"hosted_database" => N_("Hosted Database"),
"load_balancer" => N_("Load Balancer"),
"storage" => N_("Storage")
SERVICE_TYPE_ATOMIC = 'atomic'.freeze
SERVICE_TYPE_COMPOSITE = 'composite'.freeze
include CustomActionsMixin
include ServiceMixin
include OwnershipMixin
include NewWithTypeStiMixin
include TenancyMixin
include ArchivedMixin
include CiFeatureMixin
include_concern 'Filter'
include_concern 'Copy'
validates :name, :presence => true
belongs_to :tenant
has_many :service_templates, :through => :service_resources, :source => :resource, :source_type => 'ServiceTemplate'
has_many :services
has_many :service_template_tenants, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :additional_tenants, :through => :service_template_tenants, :source => :tenant, :dependent => :destroy
has_one :picture, :dependent => :destroy, :as => :resource, :autosave => true
belongs_to :service_template_catalog
belongs_to :zone
belongs_to :currency, :inverse_of => false
has_many :dialogs, -> { distinct }, :through => :resource_actions
has_many :miq_schedules, :as => :resource, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :miq_requests, :as => :source, :dependent => :nullify
has_many :active_requests, -> { where(:request_state => MiqRequest::ACTIVE_STATES) }, :as => :source, :class_name => "MiqRequest"
virtual_column :type_display, :type => :string
virtual_column :template_valid, :type => :boolean
virtual_column :template_valid_error_message, :type => :string
virtual_column :archived, :type => :boolean
virtual_column :active, :type => :boolean
default_value_for :internal, false
default_value_for :service_type, SERVICE_TYPE_ATOMIC
default_value_for(:generic_subtype) { |st| 'custom' if st.prov_type == 'generic' }
virtual_has_one :config_info, :class_name => "Hash"
scope :with_service_template_catalog_id, ->(cat_id) { where(:service_template_catalog_id => cat_id) }
scope :without_service_template_catalog_id, -> { where(:service_template_catalog_id => nil) }
scope :with_existent_service_template_catalog_id, -> { where.not(:service_template_catalog_id => nil) }
scope :displayed, -> { where(:display => true) }
scope :public_service_templates, -> { joins(:miq_user_roles).where(miq_user_roles: { settings: nil }) }
supports :order do
unsupported_reason_add(:order, 'Service template does not belong to a service catalog') unless service_template_catalog
unsupported_reason_add(:order, 'Service template is not configured to be displayed') unless display
alias orderable? supports_order?
alias validate_order supports_order?
def self.with_tenant(tenant_id)
tenant = Tenant.find(tenant_id)
where(:tenant_id => tenant.ancestor_ids + [tenant_id])\
I want to query another table in a model definition. For instance, I have a table called miq_user_roles and I want to query and retrievesettings column value.
I tried adding the following
has_many :miq_user_roles
but when I try the where condition where(:settings => nil)
I get the error service_template doesn't have settings column. How can I query miq_user_roles for settings instead of service_template
service_template has a column called miq_group_id and its the id of miq_user_rolestable.
Following is the actual model definition where I want to include miq_user_roles table.
class ServiceTemplate < ApplicationRecord
include SupportsFeatureMixin
"custom" => N_("Custom"),
"vm" => N_("Virtual Machine"),
"playbook" => N_("Playbook"),
"hosted_database" => N_("Hosted Database"),
"load_balancer" => N_("Load Balancer"),
"storage" => N_("Storage")
SERVICE_TYPE_ATOMIC = 'atomic'.freeze
SERVICE_TYPE_COMPOSITE = 'composite'.freeze
include CustomActionsMixin
include ServiceMixin
include OwnershipMixin
include NewWithTypeStiMixin
include TenancyMixin
include ArchivedMixin
include CiFeatureMixin
include_concern 'Filter'
include_concern 'Copy'
validates :name, :presence => true
belongs_to :tenant
has_many :service_templates, :through => :service_resources, :source => :resource, :source_type => 'ServiceTemplate'
has_many :services
has_many :service_template_tenants, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :additional_tenants, :through => :service_template_tenants, :source => :tenant, :dependent => :destroy
has_one :picture, :dependent => :destroy, :as => :resource, :autosave => true
belongs_to :service_template_catalog
belongs_to :zone
belongs_to :currency, :inverse_of => false
has_many :dialogs, -> { distinct }, :through => :resource_actions
has_many :miq_schedules, :as => :resource, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :miq_requests, :as => :source, :dependent => :nullify
has_many :active_requests, -> { where(:request_state => MiqRequest::ACTIVE_STATES) }, :as => :source, :class_name => "MiqRequest"
virtual_column :type_display, :type => :string
virtual_column :template_valid, :type => :boolean
virtual_column :template_valid_error_message, :type => :string
virtual_column :archived, :type => :boolean
virtual_column :active, :type => :boolean
default_value_for :internal, false
default_value_for :service_type, SERVICE_TYPE_ATOMIC
default_value_for(:generic_subtype) { |st| 'custom' if st.prov_type == 'generic' }
virtual_has_one :config_info, :class_name => "Hash"
scope :with_service_template_catalog_id, ->(cat_id) { where(:service_template_catalog_id => cat_id) }
scope :without_service_template_catalog_id, -> { where(:service_template_catalog_id => nil) }
scope :with_existent_service_template_catalog_id, -> { where.not(:service_template_catalog_id => nil) }
scope :displayed, -> { where(:display => true) }
scope :public_service_templates, -> { where(:display => true) }
supports :order do
unsupported_reason_add(:order, 'Service template does not belong to a service catalog') unless service_template_catalog
unsupported_reason_add(:order, 'Service template is not configured to be displayed') unless display
alias orderable? supports_order?
alias validate_order supports_order?
def self.with_tenant(tenant_id)
tenant = Tenant.find(tenant_id)
where(:tenant_id => tenant.ancestor_ids + [tenant_id])\
Add the table name:
where("miq_user_roles.settings" => nil)
Arel is nice, but you still have to use bits of SQL to get over issues like this.
You will have to use joins, to query on the associated table.
ServiceTemplate.joins(:miq_user_roles).where(miq_user_roles: { settings: nil })
I currently have this scope:
class User
has_many :inbox_messages, :through => :message_users do
def unread
published.where(:message_users => { :sender => false, :trash => false , :deleted => false}).where(MessageUser.arel_table[:read_at].not_eq(nil))
And it's working. But I was wondering if there is way to merge the second where into the first one.
If I understand your code correctly, you should be able to do that with
published.where(:message_users => { :sender => false, :trash => false , :deleted => false, :read_at => nil })
I have three models (simplified here):
class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :childviews, :dependent => :nullify
has_many :observations, :through => :childviews
class Childview < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :observation
belongs_to :child
class Observation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :childviews, :dependent => :nullify
has_many :children, :through => :childviews
I'm sending this to some JavaScript using Rails' to_json method like this:
render :layout => false , :json => #child.to_json(
:include => {
:observations => {
:include => :photos,
:methods => [:key, :title, :subtitle]
:except => [:password]
This works perfectly. Observations are retrieved fine 'through' the join table (childviews).
However, I also want to get at data that sits in the childviews join table; specifically the value for 'needs_edit'.
I can't figure out how to get at this data in a to_json call.
Can anyone help me? Many thanks in advance.
Not sure, but shouldn't this work?
:include => {
:observations => {
:include => :photos,
:methods => [:key, :title, :subtitle]
:childviews => { :only => :needs_edit }
:except => [:password]
This might work too, since childviews belongs_to the overvation:
:include => {
:observations => {
:include => { :photos, :childviews => { :only => :needs_edit } }
:methods => [:key, :title, :subtitle]
:except => [:password]
Thanks to Rock for the pointers - I now have it working!
This code:
#child.to_json(:include =>
:observations => {
:include => {
:photos => {},
:childviews => {:only => :needs_edit}
:methods => [:S3_key, :title, :subtitle]
:except => [:password]
gives me this output (abbreviated for clarity):
Thank you, Rock! That was doing my head in.
I want to add a has_many through association to a activerecord model class for each symbol in an array. for example
PeopleOrganisation::ROLES.each do |role|
has_many role.to_s.pluralize.to_sym, :through => :people_organisations, :source => :person,
:conditions => "people_organisations.role = '#{role.to_s}'" do
def << (object)
PeopleOrganisation.send(:with_scope, :create => {:role => **role**}) { self.concat object }
everything works fine except for the reference to the role variable inside the method def. This is because the method def is not a closure. Is there a way of achieving what I want?
Try this:
PeopleOrganisation::ROLES.each do |role|
:through => :people_organisations, :source => :person,
:conditions => ["people_organisations.role = ?", role]
) do
define_method("<<") do |object|
PeopleOrganisation.send(:with_scope, :create => {:role => role}) {
self.concat object
Instead of defining method using def you can try define_method method:
PeopleOrganisation::ROLES.each do |role|
has_many role.to_s.pluralize.to_sym, :through => :people_organisations, :source => :person,
:conditions => "people_organisations.role = '#{role.to_s}'" do
define_method(:<<) do |object|
PeopleOrganisation.send(:with_scope, :create => {:role => role}) { self.concat object }