ActiveRecord and SELECT AS SQL statements - ruby-on-rails

I am developing in Rails an app where I would like to rank a list of users based on their current points. The table looks like this: user_id:string, points:integer.
Since I can't figure out how to do this "The Rails Way", I've written the following SQL code:
self.find_by_sql ['SELECT t1.user_id, t1.points, COUNT(t2.points) as user_rank FROM registrations as t1, registrations as t2 WHERE t1.points <= t2.points OR (t1.points = t2.points AND t1.user_id = t2.user_id) GROUP BY t1.user_id, t1.points ORDER BY t1.points DESC, t1.user_id DESC']
The thing is this: the only way to access the aliased column "user_rank" is by doing ranking[0].user_rank, which brinks me lots of headaches if I wanted to easily display the resulting table.
Is there a better option?

how about:
#ranked_users = User.all :order => 'users.points'
then in your view you can say
<% #ranked_users.each_with_index do |user, index| %>
<%= "User ##{index}, #{} with #{user.points} points %>
<% end %>
if for some reason you need to keep that numeric index in the database, you'll need to add an after_save callback to update the full list of users whenever the # of points anyone has changes. You might look into using the acts_as_list plugin to help out with that, or that might be total overkill.

Try adding user_rank to your model.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def rank
#determine rank based on self.points (switch statement returning a rank name?)
Then you can access it with #user.rank.

What if you did:
SELECT t1.user_id, COUNT(t1.points)
FROM registrations t1
GROUP BY t1.user_id
If you want to get all rails-y, then do
cool_users = self.find_by_sql ['(sql above)']
cool_users.each do |cool_user|
puts "#{cool_user[0]} scores #{cool_user[1]}"


How do I count unread comments using "Unread" Ruby gem?

module CommentsHelper
def unread_comments_count
#comments_count = Comment.unread_by(user).count
In my ApplicationController, I defined user:
def user
#user = User.find_by(params[:user_id])
I could have used current_user, but the result I got (with that) is total number of comments in my database. So, I thought I should use user. But it didn't work.
<%= unread_comments_count %>
However, the result is still total number of all the comments made on all the posts by all users. I can't actually figure out what I am doing wrong because I have carefully done everything right in my Models as guided by the gem.
I would appreciate any clue to fix this.
The query it generates is:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "comments" 'LEFT JOIN read_marks ON read_marks.readable_type = "Message" AND read_marks.readable_id = AND read_marks.reader_id = 1 AND read_marks.reader_type = 'User' AND read_marks.timestamp >= comments.created_at WHERE IS NULL

Rails sort users by method

I'm trying to rank my user's in order of an integer. The integer I'm getting is in my User Model.
def rating_number
Impression.where("impressionable_id = ?", self).count
This gives each User on the site a number (in integer form). Now, on the homepage, I want to show an ordered list that places these user's in order with the user with the highest number first and lowest number second. How can I accomplish this in the controller???
#users = User....???
Any help would be appreciated!
Using this in the controller
#users =
and this for the view
<% #users.each do |user| %>
<li><%= user %></li>
<% end %>
shows the user's count. Unfortunately, the variable user is acting as the integer not the user, so attaching doesn't work. Also, the list isn't in order based on the integer..
The advice here is still all kinds of wrong; all other answers will perform terribly. Trying to do this via a nested select count(*) is almost as bad an idea as using User.all and sorting in memory.
The correct way to do this if you want it to work on a reasonably large data set is to use counter caches and stop trying to order by the count of a related record.
Add a rating_number column to the users table, and make sure it has an index defined on it
Add a counter cache to your belongs_to:
class Impression < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user, counter_cache: :rating_number
Now creating/deleting impressions will modify the associated user's rating_number.
Order your results by rating_number, dead simple:
The advice here is just all kinds of wrong. First of model your associations correctly. Secondly you dont ever want to do User.all and then sort it in-memory based on anything. How do you think it will perform with lots of records?
What you want to do is query your user rows and sort them based on a subquery that counts impressions for that user.
User.order("(SELECT COUNT( FROM impressions WHERE impressionable_id = DESC")
While this is not terribly efficient, it is still much more efficient than operating with data sets in memory. The next step is to cache the impressions count on the user itself (a la counter cache), and then use that for sorting.
It just pains me that doing User.all is the first suggestion...
If impressions is a column in your users table, you can do
User.order('impressions desc')
Since it's not a column in your users table, you can do this:
User.all.each(&:rating_number).sort {|x,y| y <=> x }
Sorry, you want this:
User.all.sort { |x, y| y.rating_number <=> x.rating_number }

How to sort through an associated attribute on two levels at once?

This is a simple ruby question I believe. In my app, I have Product model that has_many Reviews. Each Review has an attribute of an "overall" rating which is an integer.
What I want to do is display the top ten Products based on the average of their overall ratings. I've already gotten this to work, BUT, I also want to sort Products that have the SAME overall rating by a secondary aggregate attribute, which would be how MANY reviews that Product has. Right now, if I have 3 products with the same average overall rating, they seem to be displayed in random order.
So far my code is:
#best = Product.has_reviews.get_best_products(10)
Product Model
scope :has_reviews, joins{reviews.outer}.where{ != nil}
def self.get_best_products(number)
sorted = self.uniq
sorted = sorted.sort { |x, y|"overall").to_f <=>"overall").to_f }
I've tried this for my model code:
def self.get_best_products(number)
sorted = self.uniq.sort! { |x, y| <=> }
sorted = sorted.sort { |x, y|"overall").to_f <=>"overall").to_f }
...but it does not do what I want it to do. I am just iterating through the #best array using each in my view.
OK now I am trying this:
#best = Product.get_best_products(6)
def self.get_best_products(number)
self.joins{reviews}.order{'AVG(reviews.overall), COUNT(reviews)'}.limit(number)
But I am getting this error:
PGError: ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT "products".* FROM "products" INNER JOIN "reviews" ...
I am using the Squeel gem btw to avoid having direct SQL code in the model.
----UPDATE 2
Now I added the 'group' part to my method but I am still getting an error:
def self.get_best_products(number)
self.joins{reviews}.group('').order{'AVG(reviews.overall), COUNT(reviews)'}.limit(number)
I get this error:
PGError: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "product"
LINE 1: ...eviews"."product_id" = "products"."id" GROUP BY product.i...
scope :best_products, (lambda do |number|
joins(:reviews).order('AVG(reviews.overall), COUNT(reviews)').limit(number)
This makes sure everything happens in the database, so you won't get records you don't need.
If I got it right here is my idea of how I would do it:
As products has many reviews and reviews has an overall attribute I would add a reviews_counter column to the products table that will increment with each added review, this way you'll be able to gain a little more db performance as you don't have to count all the products reviews to get the most reviewed one.
Now you'll get the products ordered by reviews_counter:
#best_products = Products.order("reviews_counter desc")
and next you'll get the reviews for each product ordered by overall:
<% for prod in #best_products %>
<%="overall desc") %> # can do all this or more in helper
<% end %>
also ordering this way, if you have 3 reviews with the same overall you can one more order() statement and sort it by name or id or whatever you like so they don't display in random order.
This is just my idea of how I would do it, I worked recently on an app that required something similar and we just added a counter_field to our model, it's not illegal to do so :)
p.s. it's not very clear for me how many records you would want to display for each so you'll just need to add .limit(5) for exemple to get only the first 5 reviews of a product.

Help converting Rails 2 Database logic to Rails 3.1/ PostgreSQL

How do I select a single random record for each user, but order the Array by the latest record pr. user.
If Foo uploads a new painting, I would like to select a single random record from foo. This way a user that uploads 10 paintings won't monopolize all the space on the front page, but still get a slot on the top of the page.
This is how I did it with Rails 2.x running on MySQL.
#paintings = Painting.all.reverse
first_paintings = []
#paintings.group_by(&:user_id).each do |user_id, paintings|
first_paintings << paintings[rand(paintings.size-1)]
#paintings = (first_paintings + (Painting.all - first_paintings).reverse).paginate(:per_page => 9, :page => params[:page])
The example above generates a lot of SQL query's and is properly badly optimized. How would you pull this off with Rails 3.1 running on PostgreSQL? I have 7000 records..
#paintings = Painting.all.reverse = #paintings = Painting.order("id desc")
If you really want to reverse the order of the the paintings result set I would set up a scope then just use that
Something like
class Painting < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :reversed, order("id desc")
Then you can use Painting.reversed anywhere you need it
You have definitely set up a belongs_to association in your Painting model, so I would do:
# painting.rb
default_scope order('id DESC')
# paintings_controller.rb
first_paintings = User.includes(:paintings).collect do |user|
#paintings = (first_paintings + Painting.where('id NOT IN (?)', first_paintings)).paginate(:per_page => 9, :page => params[:page])
I think this solution results in the fewest SQL queries, and is very readable. Not tested, but I hope you got the idea.
You could use the dynamic finders:
Painting.order("id desc").find_by_user_id!(
This is assuming your Paintings table contains a user_id column or some other way to associate users to paintings which it appears you have covered since you're calling user_id in your initial code. This isn't random but using find_all_by_user_id would allow you to call .reverse on the array if you still wanted and find a random painting.

Activerecord opitimization - best way to query all at once?

I am trying to achieve by reducing the numbers of queries using ActiveRecord 3.0.9. I generated about 'dummy' 200K customers and 500K orders.
Here's Models:
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :orders
class Orders < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer
has_many :products
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order
when you are using this code in the controller:
#customers = Customer.where(:active => true).paginate(page => params[:page], :per_page => 100)
# SELECT * FROM customers ...
and use this in the view (I removed HAML codes for easier to read):
#order = #customers.each do |customer|
customer.orders.each do |order| # SELECT * FROM orders ...
%td= order.products.count # SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products ...
%td= order.products.sum(:amount) # SELECT SUM(*) FROM products ...
However, the page is rendered the table with 100 rows per page. The problem is that it kinda slow to load because its firing about 3-5 queries per customer's orders. thats about 300 queries to load the page.
There's alternative way to reduce the number of queries and load the page faster?
1) I have attempted to use the includes(:orders), but it included more than 200,000 order_ids. that's issue.
2) they are already indexed.
If you're only using COUNT and SUM(amount) then what you really need is to retrieve only that information and not the orders themselves. This is easily done with SQL:
SELECT customer_id, order_id, COUNT(id) AS order_count, SUM(amount) AS order_total FROM orders LEFT JOIN products ON GROUP BY orders.customer_id, products.order_id
You can wrap this in a method that returns a nice, orderly hash by re-mapping the SQL results into a structure that fits your requirements:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.totals
query = "..." # Query from above
result = { }
self.connection.select_rows(query).each do |row|
# Build out an array for each unique customer_id in the results
customer_set = result[row[0].to_i] ||= [ ]
# Add a hash representing each order to this customer order set
customer_set << { :order_id => row[1].to_i, :count => row[2].to_i, :total => row[3].to_i } ]
This means you can fetch all order counts and totals in a single pass. If you have an index on customer_id, which is imperative in this case, then the query will usually be really fast even for large numbers of rows.
You can save the results of this method into a variable such as #order_totals and reference it when rendering your table:
- #order = #customers.each do |customer|
- #order_totals[].each do |order|
%td= order[:count]
%td= order[:total]
You can try something like this (yes, it looks ugly, but you want performance):
orders = Order.find_by_sql([<<-EOD,])
SELECT,, COUNT(ps.amount) AS count, SUM(ps.amount) AS amount
FROM orders os
JOIN products ps ON ps.order_id =
WHERE os.customer_id = ? GROUP BY,
%td= orders.count
%td= orders.amount
Added: Probably it is better to create count and amount cache in Orders, but you will have to maintain it (count can be counter-cache, but I doubt there is a ready recipe for amount).
You can join the tables in with Arel (I prefer to avoid writing raw sql when possible). I believe that for your example you would do something like:
Customer.joins(:orders -> products).select("id, name, count( as count, sum(product.amount) as total_amount")
The first method--
Customer.joins(:orders -> products)
--pulls in the nested association in one statement. Then the second part--
.select("id, name, count( as count, sum(product.amount) as total_amount")
--specifies exactly what columns you want back.
Chain those and I believe you'll get a list of Customer instances only populated with what you've specified in the select method. You have to be careful though because you now have in hand read only objects that are possibly in in invalid state.
As with all the Arel methods what you get from those methods is an ActiveRecord::Relation instance. It's only when you start to access that data that it goes out and executes the SQL.
I have some basic nervousness that my syntax is incorrect but I'm confident that this can be done w/o relying on executing raw SQL.
