How to put line break in a math - latex

I'd like to express the following sentence (source_location is also italic, it's not correctly rendered):
Each entry has a list of tuple: < source_location, R/W, trip_counter, occurrence, killed (explained in the later) >
My current workaround for this is:
$ \left\langle
\textit{source\_location}, \textit{R/W}, \textit{trip\_counter},
\textit{occurrence}, \textit{killed} \text{(explained in the later)}
\right\rangle $
I'm using 2-column paper. This < .. > is too long, but no line break because it is a math. How do I automatically (or manually) put line break in such case? It seems that \left\langle and \right\rangle should be in a single math. So, hard to break into multiple maths.
$<$ and $>$ would be an alternative, but I don't like it.

LaTeX does allow inline maths to break over lines by default, but there are a number of restrictions. Specifically, in your case, using \left...\right puts everything inside a non-breakable math group, so the first step is to replace them with either just plain \langle...\rangle or perhaps \bigl\langle...\bigr\rangle.
However, this still isn't enough to permit linebreaking; usually that's still only allowed after relations or operators, not punctuation such as the comma. (I think this is what's going on anyway; I haven't stopped to look this up.) So you want indicate where allowable line breaks may occur by writing \linebreak[1] after each comma.
Depending how often you have to do this, it may be preferable to write a command to wrap your "tuples" into a nice command. In order to write this in your source:
$ \mytuple{ source\_location, R/W, trip\_counter, occurrence,
killed\upshape (explained in the later) } $
here's a definition of \mytuple that takes all of the above into account:
\ifnum \#tempcnta = 0 \else\,,\ \linebreak[1] \fi

Why not define a new command:
\newcommand{\tuple}[5]{$\langle$\textit{#1}, \textit{#2}, \textit{#3}, \textit{#4},
\textit{#5} (explained in the latter)$\rangle$}
Then use \tuple{sourcelocation}{R/W}{tripcounter}{occurrence}{killed}

There seems to be a package that addresses that problem, called breqn. You can try this and let us know (I haven't used that).

I'd use the align* environment from AMSmath. Furthermore you could just add "\" to break the lines? Should work in math environments, too. Alternatively you could separate the equations.

Use \linebreak inside the math expression wherever you want a new line even between 2 brackets. This will enforce the line to be broken.


Building Latex/Tex arguments in lua

I use lua to make some complex job to prepare arguments for macros in Tex/LaTex.
Part I
Here is a stupid minimal example :
\newcommand{\test}{\luaexec{tex.print("11,12")}}% aim to create 11,12
\string\compare11,12. : \compare11,12.\\ %answer is less
\string\test : \test\\ % answer is 11,12
\string\compare : \compare\test. % generate an error
The last line creates an error. Obviously, Tex did not detect the "," included in \test.
How can I do so that \test is understood as 11 followed by , followed by 12 and not the string 11,12 and finally used as a correctly formed argument for \compare ?
There are several misunderstandings of how TeX works.
Your \compare macro wants to find something followed by a comma, then something followed by a period. However when you call
no comma is found, so TeX keeps looking for it until finding either the end of file or a \par (or a blank line as well). Note that TeX never expands macros when looking for the arguments to a macro.
You might do
provided that \test immediately expands to tokens in the required format, which however don't, because the expansion of \test is
and the comma is hidden by the braces, so it doesn't count. But it wouldn't help nonetheless.
The problem is the same: when you do
the argument is not expanded. You might use “expanded definition” with \edef, but the problem is that \luaexec is not fully expandable.
If you do
would work.

LaTeX: Use some characters in a string

I need a macro that extracts pairs of number from a string that looks like this:
n1-m1,n2-m2,n3-m3,n4-m4 (it could be longer)
where n1,m1,n2,m2,... are numbers from 0 - 15. How can I go about getting the pairs (n1,m1), and (n2,m2), (n3,m3), etc inside my macro? I will need to use each pair once, after which I can, if needed, disregard the pair.
Assuming each digit is a 2-digit number (not an elegant thing to do), and butchering a code I found by Debilski in this forum, I managed to get the first pair doing the following:
\def\macroGetPairs #1{\getPairs#1.\wholeString}
\def\getPairs#1#2-#3#4,#5\wholeString {
% Test if pair was successfully extracted
Got pair (#1#2,#3#4). Still left: #5\\
% Begin recursion
{\fi \getPairs#1\wholeString}
However, I am not sure how to get the recursion working for me to get the rest of the pairs. I thought that simply uncommenting the line
should do it, but it does not work. Note that the macro's test call is:
Any suggestions? Thank you very much,
This seems to get your test to work:
\def\getPairs#1#2-#3#4,#5\wholeString {%
Got pair (#1#2,#3#4).\\
Your code was basically working, but there was no way for \getPairs to match its input on the final expansion (\getPairs 83-97). Your end-of-recursion test (\if#1.) was also testing #1 rather than #5, which is what I've done here. Maybe if there was some different way of formatting the argument to \getPairs that would have worked.

Labeled constants in LaTeX

I have several lemmas in which I specify constants $C_1$, $C_2$, and so forth for later reference. Naturally, this is annoying when I later insert a new constant definition in the middle. What I'd like is a macro that lets me assign labels to constants and handles the numbering for me. I'm thinking something along the lines of
%% Pseudocode
We will show that $f(x) \le \ref{important-bound} g(x)$ for all $x$.
Is this possible?
Expanding on rcollyer's suggestions of using a counter:
%counter of current constant number:
%defines a new constant, but does not typeset anything:
%typesets named constant:
(This code was edited to allow labels longer than one character)
And here is a code snippet that seems to work:
I want to define two constants:\newconstant{A}\newconstant{B}$\useconstant{A}$ and
$\useconstant{B}$. Then I want to use $\useconstant{A}$ again.
What you're looking for is to create your own counter.
Expanding on Aniko's answer, I used
this layered macro so that it created a shorthand for the label,
\newcommand{\defconstant}[1]{ \newconstant{c_#1}\expandafter\newcommand\csname c#1\endcsname{\useconstant{c_#1}} } %
So to use this, you would then do
There exist constant $\ca$ and $\cb$ such that ....
careful not to overwrite existing commands (i'm sure it would warn you anyhow)

LaTeX: Redefining starred command

I want to redefine the \part* command so that it automatically adds a contents line. This proves difficult since I want to reuse the original \part* command inside my starred version.
Normally (i.e. for unstarred commands) I would do it like this:
… rest of definition}
That is, I would save the original definition of \part in \old#part and use that.
However, this doesn’t work for starred commands since they don’t define a single lexeme (unlike the \part command in the example above). This boils down to the following question: How can I save a starred command?
Notice that I already know how to redefine a starred command itself, using the \WithSuffix command from the suffix package. This isn’t the problem.
There is no \part* command. What happens is the \part command takes a look at the next character after it (with \#ifstar) and dispatches to one of two other routines that does the actual work based on whether there's an asterisk there or not.
Reference: TeX FAQ entry Commands defined with * options
Thanks to #smg’s answer, I’ve cobbled together a solution that works perfectly. Here’s the complete source, along with explanatory comments:
% If this is in *.tex file, uncomment the following line.
% Save the original \part declaration
% To that definition, add a new special starred version.
% Handle the optional parameter.
% The actual macro definition.
{% If the first argument isn’t given, default to the second one.
% Insert the actual (unnumbered) \part header.
{% Short name is given.
% Insert the actual (unnumbered) \part header with short name.
% Last, add the part to the table of contents. Use the short name, if provided.
% If this is in *.tex file, uncomment the following line.
(This needs the packages suffix and ifthen.)
Now, we can use it:
\part*{Example 1}
This will be an unnumbered part that appears in the TOC.
\part{Example 2}
Yes, the unstarred version of \verb/\part/ still works, too.

Customising word separators in vi

vi treats dash - and space as word separators for commands such as dw and cw.
Is there a way to add underscore _ as well?
I quite often want to change part of a variable name containing underscores, such as changing src_branch to dest_branch. I end up counting characters and using s (like 3sdest), but it would be much easier to use cw (like cwdest).
Is there a way to add underscore _ as well?
:set iskeyword-=_
What is, and is not a member character to keywords depends on the language. For help on iskeyword use :help iskeyword.
In case you're using vim, you can change that by setting the iskeyword option (:he iskeyword). If that is not an option, you can always use ct_ instead of counting.
One other good option in such cases is to use camelcasemotion plugin.
It adds new motions ,b, ,e, and ,w, which work analogously with b, e, and w, except that they recognize CamelCase and snake_case words. With it you can use
and this will replace "src_branch" with "dest_branch" if your cursor was on first character of "src_branch".
You could type cf_dest_ and save the counting part.
Edit: or as suggested: ct_ changes text until right before the underline character. (I'm using the f motion more, so it came more naturally to me)
Or you could redefine 'iskeyword' (:help iskeyword for details).
I was just looking at this myself and added this to my .vimrc:
set iskeyword=!-~,^*,^45,^124,^34,192-255,^_
My .vimrc had issues with ^| and ^", which was part of the default iskeyword for my setup, so I changed to their ascii values and it works fine. My main modification was to add "^_" to the end of the default setting to keep vim from seeing underscore as being part of a word.
To delete to the next underscore enter "df_"
To change to the next underscore enter "cf_"
NOTE: don't include the double quotes.
