What is the best way to protect certain areas of your web application in asp .net mvc. I know we can put [Authorization] attribute at each action, but this seems very tedious since you have to put it all over the place. I'm using membership provider and trying the way I used to do in postback model by setting this protection based on the folder. I use web.config <location> section to protect some folders. I tried this in mvc, it seems to be working, but most of tutorial uses the [Authorization] way.
Which one is the better method?
I'd highly recommend against putting it in the web.config. Actually, so do Conery, Hanselman, Haack, and Guthrie -- though not highly (p223 of Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0)
Routes are subject to change, especially in MVC. With the WebForm model, routes are physically represented on the file system so you didn't really have to worry about it. In MVC, routes are "dynamic" for lack of a better term.
You could end up with multiple routes mapping to one controller causing a maintenance pain in the web.config. Worse, you could inadvertently have a route invoke a controller accidentally or forget to update the web.config after adding/modifying routes and leave yourself open.
If, however, you secure your controller instead of the actual route, then you don't need to worry about keeping the web.config in sync with the goings-on of the controllers and changing routes.
Just my 2 cents.
One possible solution is to create a "protected controller" and use it as a base class for all the areas of your application that you want to protect
public class ProtectedBaseController : Controller {
public class AdminController : ProtectedBaseController {
public class Admin2Controller : ProtectedBaseController {
put [Authorisation] at the top of the controller class. that will lock down the entire controllers actions.
You can put [Authorize] to every contoller you need to secure.
You can add filter GlobalFilters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute()); in your Startup.cs (or Global.asax) and put [AllowAnonymus] attribute to any controller or action you allow to non-registered users.
If you chose to put [Authorize] to every secure contoller you need to be sure that any controller added by you or anyone other in team will be secure. For this requirement I use such test:
public void AllAuth()
var asm = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (HomeController));
foreach (var type in asm.GetTypes())
if (typeof(Controller).IsAssignableFrom(type))
var attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (AuthorizeAttribute));
I think this way is better than a creating ProtectedContoller, because it make no guarantee that you system have all controllers secure. Also this way doesn't use inheritance, which make project heavier.
Authorization is one way to secure your application; is to apply the attribute to each controller.
Another way is to use the new AllowAnonymous attribute on the login and register actions.
Making secure decisions based on the current area is a Very Bad Thing and will open your application to vulnerabilities.
Code you can get here
As ASP.NET MVC 4 includes the new AllowAnonymous attribute, so you no more need to write that code.
After setting the AuthorizeAttribute globally in global.asax and then whitelisting will be sufficient.
This methods you want to opt out of authorization is considered a best practice in securing your action methods. Thanks.
public class TestimonialsController : Controller
private AppDbContext _context;
private IWebHostEnvironment _env;
public TestimonialsController(AppDbContext context, IWebHostEnvironment env)
_context = context;
_env = env;
public IActionResult Index()
return View(_context.Testimonials);
// GET: AdminPanel/Testimonials/Create
public IActionResult Create()
return View();
// POST: AdminPanel/Testimonials/Create
public async Task<IActionResult> Create(Testimonial testimonial)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View();
if (!testimonial.Photo.CheckFileType("image/"))
return View();
if (!testimonial.Photo.CheckFileSize(200))
return View();
testimonial.Image = await testimonial.Photo.SaveFileAsync(_env.WebRootPath, "images");
await _context.Testimonials.AddAsync(testimonial);
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
// GET: AdminPanel/Testimonials/Edit/5
public async Task<IActionResult> Update(int? id)
if (id == null)
return BadRequest();
var testimonial = await _context.Testimonials.FindAsync(id);
if (testimonial == null)
return NotFound();
return View(testimonial);
// POST: AdminPanel/Testimonials/Edit/5
public async Task<IActionResult> Update(int? id, Testimonial newtestimonial)
if (id==null)
return BadRequest();
var oldtestimonial = _context.Testimonials.Find(id);
if (oldtestimonial == null)
return NotFound();
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View();
if (!newtestimonial.Photo.CheckFileType("image/"))
return View();
if (!newtestimonial.Photo.CheckFileSize(200))
return View();
var path = Helper.GetPath(_env.WebRootPath, "images", oldtestimonial.Image);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
newtestimonial.Image = await newtestimonial.Photo.SaveFileAsync(_env.WebRootPath, "images");
oldtestimonial.Image = newtestimonial.Image;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
if (id == null)
return BadRequest();
var testimonial = _context.Testimonials.Find(id);
if (testimonial == null)
return NotFound();
var path = Helper.GetPath(_env.WebRootPath, "images", testimonial.Image);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
I am using NSwag to generate swagger api docs in an ASP.Net Core 2.1 project, which has mixed Web-API controller, MVC controller and Razor Pages. NSwag complains a lot about like the following, while they are valid in ASP.NET. Question: how to filer in Swagger/NSwag to include only a specific Namespace(MyProject.Api) or path (/api/)?
The method 'Post' on path '/api/XXX/Create' is registered multiple times
public ActionResult Create()
var doctor = new Doctor();
doctor.create_dt = DateTime.Now;
return View(doctor);
public ActionResult Create(Doctor doctor)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(doctor);
if you want to exclude just one action method, put the attribute [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] on it.
You can also put this on a whole controller class.
For bulk operations across the whole project, you can use a IOperationProcessor, something like this
public class IncludeControllersInSwagger : IOperationProcessor
public Task<bool> ProcessAsync(OperationProcessorContext context)
bool controllerIsIncluded = TakeADecisionBasedOn(context.ControllerType);
return Task.FromResult(controllerIsIncluded);
And then wire it in at startup with
RouteTable.Routes.MapOwinPath("swagger", app =>
app.UseSwagger(typeof(WebApiApplication).Assembly, settings =>
// the usual config, then:
new IncludeControllersInSwagger());
The you can write code in TakeADecisionBasedOn to include only certain controllers, or exclude a namespace, etc.
Implementing a basic authorization and authentication layer is quite easy with ASP.NET MVC 4; it's all automatically generated with the 'ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application'-project template.
However, I'm tasked with implementing some controller actions that require re-authentication and I'm aiming for a maintainable solution. Simply put in a user story, I'm trying to implement the following:
User logs on;
User navigates to a controller (attributed with [Authorize]) action which renders a form view;
User performs a POST by submitting the form;
An authentication form appears in which the user needs to re-authenticate using his/her username and password;
If authentication is succesfull, proceed with handling the POST-request.
Note that 'reauthentication' does not have to alter the state of the current user session.
Obviously, there are many ways to implementing this, but I feel like an implementation which looks similiar to the following (pseudo) sample would suit my needs.
public class SpecialActionController : Controller
public ActionResult SpecialForm() { return View(); }
public ActionResult Succes() { return View(); }
[ReAuthenticate] /* <- Prompts user with reauthentication form before proceeding. */
public ActionResult SpecialForm(SpecialFormModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
Any suggestions?
Edit: I forgot to mention that any OAuth-related features are out of scope. External authentication is not an issue here and does not require support. In fact, with the current project I'm working on, all OAuth-related features are either removed or deactivated.
You should be able to do this using a combination of a custom AuthorizeAttribute and the Session. Override the AuthorizeCore method and let all the default authentication take place but introduce your own extra check (for re-authentication) e.g.
public class RecurringAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var reauth = (bool?)httpContext.Session["ReAuthenticated"];
var result = base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext) && (reauth ?? false);
httpContext.Session["ReAuthenticated"] = !result;
return result;
This should re-direct the user to the login page everytime they hit the action and they haven't re-authenticated. If the user has re-authenticated, we clear the session variable to force a login on the next request.
For this to work correctly, we need a hook to set the ReAuthentication session variable - I think the LogOn method in the AccountController would be the ideal place for this
public class AccountController : Controller
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe))
Session["ReAuthenticated"] = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
Then all that's left to do is decorate our controller actions
public ActionResult SomePrivateAction()
public ActionResult SomeSuperSecretAction()
You should find authorization will work as normal for any actions using the default AuthorizeAttribute and any actions decorated with the RecurringAuthorizeAttribute will be forced to login everytime they request the page, which includes page refreshes.
I tried to implement the hypothetical [ReAuthenticate]-attribute, but found myself relying on reflection too much. After putting some thought into a more manageable solution, I finally came up with the following:
ReAuth class
public sealed class ReAuth
#region Constructor
private ReAuth(Func<System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult> onSuccessAction)
this.onSuccessAction = onSuccessAction;
#region Public static members
public static ReAuth CreateFor(HttpSessionStateBase httpSession, Func<System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult> onSuccessAction)
httpSession[sessionKey] = new ReAuth(onSuccessAction);
return GetFor(httpSession);
public static ReAuth GetFor(HttpSessionStateBase httpSession)
return httpSession[sessionKey] as ReAuth;
public static bool ExistsFor(HttpSessionStateBase httpSession)
return httpSession[sessionKey] as ReAuth != null;
#region Public instance members
public bool ReAuthenticated { get; set; }
public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Handle()
if (ReAuthenticated)
return onSuccessAction();
return new System.Web.Mvc.RedirectToRouteResult(
new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary
{ "Controller", "#" }, /* Replace '#' with the name of the controller that implements the re-authentication form... */
{ "Action", "#" } /* Replace '#' with the name of the action on the aforementioned controller. */
#region Private members
private const string sessionKey = "reAuthenticationSessionKey";
private readonly Func<System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult> onSuccessAction;
Suppose we have a hypothetical controller where the solution is applied:
public class AccountInfoController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller
/* snip... */
public ActionResult EditAccountInfo(AccountInfo model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return ReAuth.CreateFor(Session, () => { return Success(); }).Handle();
return View(model);
...and, we need a controller (essentially, a 'dumb' copy of the real AccountController that does not tamper with the Forms Authentication User Session state) in which the re-authentication takes place.:
public class ReAuthController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller
/* Snip... */
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
ReAuth.GetFor(Session).ReAuthenticated = Membership.ValidateUser(model.User, model.Password);
return ReAuth.Handle();
return View(model);
As far as I know, this is a manageable solution. It does rely a lot on storing objects into session state. (Especially the object state of the controller which implements the ReAuth-class) If anyone has additional suggestions, please let me know!
On POST , if validation failed and before sending back the ViewModel to the same View with Model State errors, do you rebuild ViewModel for all SelectLists, ReadOnly fields etc?
right now I have separate methods for Fill First Time(for GET Edit-Method) / Rebuild ViewModels from domain objects, what is the best practice so I can be DRY and also not have to change two methods any time I add a new readonly property to ViewModel?
My Solution: Followed this Pattern
Followed pattern suggested here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2775656/57132
In IModelBuilder Implementation
var viewModel = new ViewModel();
// and Fill all Non-ReadOnly fields
call CompleteViewModel(viewModel)
CompleteViewModel(ViewModel viewModel)
//Fill all ReadOnly & SelectLists
The reason I went with this solution is because I don't want to store stuff on server to retrieve across the HTTP Requests
I don't rebuild it, because I don't stay at POST. I follow POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern, so if I post to /User/Edit/1 using POST HTTP method, I get redirected to /User/Edit/1 uasing GET.
ModelState is transferred to TempData to follow Post-Redirect-Get and be availabe at GET call. View model is built in one place, at GET call. Example:
public ActionResult Edit(int id, SomeVM postedModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
//do something with postedModel and then go back to list
return RedirectToAction(ControllerActions.List);
//return back to edit, because there was an error
return RedirectToAction(ControllerActions.Edit, new { id });
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
var model = //create model here
return View(ControllerActions.Edit, model);
This is code for attributes importing/exporting ModelState:
public abstract class ModelStateTempDataTransferAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
protected static readonly string Key = typeof(ModelStateTempDataTransferAttribute).FullName;
public class ExportModelStateToTempDataAttribute : ModelStateTempDataTransferAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
//Only export when ModelState is not valid
if (!filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
//Export if we are redirecting
if ((filterContext.Result is RedirectResult) || (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult))
filterContext.Controller.TempData[Key] = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState;
public class ImportModelStateFromTempDataAttribute : ModelStateTempDataTransferAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
ModelStateDictionary modelState = filterContext.Controller.TempData[Key] as ModelStateDictionary;
if (modelState != null)
//Only Import if we are viewing
if (filterContext.Result is ViewResult)
//Otherwise remove it.
The simplest solution would be to pass in you viewModel to the method and account for null
private MyViewModel BuildViewModel(MyViewModel model = null)
model = model ?? new MyViewModel();
model.ReadOnlyList = new .....
return model;
for Create:
var model = BuildViewModel();
for rebuild:
model = buildViewModel(model);
I like #LukLed's answer above - it looks very interesting. If you want another option, here's what I currently do.
In my service layer, I have a method to build my view model. I call that on GET and return the the view model to the view. On POST, I build the model from the incoming ID and then TryUpdateModel(model). From there, you can do whatever you like (save, check model state, etc.). With this method, you only have 1 build method and only have to update it once if your model changes (i.e. add/remove properties in the future, etc.).
public ActionResult AssessFocuses(int apaID)
var model = this.apaService.BuildAssessFocusesViewModel(apaID);
return this.View(model);
public ActionResult AssessFocuses(int apaID, string button)
var model = this.apaService.BuildAssessFocusesViewModel(apaID);
switch (button)
case ButtonSubmitValues.Back:
case ButtonSubmitValues.Next:
case ButtonSubmitValues.Save:
case ButtonSubmitValues.SaveAndClose:
catch (ModelStateException<AssessFocusesViewModel> mse)
if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)
return this.View(model);
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Resources.ErrorMsg_WEB_InvalidButton, button));
switch (button)
case ButtonSubmitValues.Back:
return this.RedirectToActionFor<APAController>(c => c.EnterRecommendationsPartner(model.ApaID));
case ButtonSubmitValues.Next:
return this.RedirectToActionFor<APAController>(c => c.AssessCompetenciesPartner(model.ApaID));
case ButtonSubmitValues.Save:
return this.RedirectToActionFor<APAController>(c => c.AssessFocuses(model.ApaID));
case ButtonSubmitValues.SaveAndClose:
return this.RedirectToActionFor<UtilityController>(c => c.CloseWindow());
I am trying to implement user-friendly URLS, while keeping the existing routes, and was able to do so using the ActionName tag on top of my controller (Can you overload controller methods in ASP.NET MVC?)
I have 2 controllers:
public ActionResult Index(string projectName) { ... }
public ActionResult Index(long id) { ... }
Basically, what I am trying to do is I store the user-friendly URL in the database for each project.
If the user enters the URL /Project/TopSecretProject/, the action UserFriendlyProjectIndex gets called. I do a database lookup and if everything checks out, I want to apply the exact same logic that is used in the Index action.
I am basically trying to avoid writing duplicate code. I know I can separate the common logic into another method, but I wanted to see if there is a built-in way of doing this in ASP.NET MVC.
Any suggestions?
I tried the following and I go the View could not be found error message:
public ActionResult Index(string projectName)
var filteredProjectName = projectName.EscapeString().Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filteredProjectName))
return RedirectToAction("PageNotFound", "Error");
using (var db = new PIMPEntities())
var project = db.Project.Where(p => p.UserFriendlyUrl == filteredProjectName).FirstOrDefault();
if (project == null)
return RedirectToAction("PageNotFound", "Error");
return View(Index(project.ProjectId));
Here's the error message:
The view 'UserFriendlyProjectIndex' or its master could not be found. The following locations were searched:
I am using the SparkViewEngine as the view engine and LINQ-to-Entities, if that helps.
thank you!
Just as an addition this this, it might pay to optimize it to only hit the database once for the project...
public ActionResult Index(string projectName)
//var project = ...;
return IndexView(project);
public ActionResult Index(long id)
//var project = ...;
return IndexView(project);
private ViewResult IndexView(Project project)
return View("Index", project);
Sorry, it looks like I am answering my own question!
I returned the call to Index controller inside my "wrapper" controller and then I specified the view name in the Index controller.
public ActionResult Index(string projectName)
//var project = ...;
return Index(project.ProjectId);
public ActionResult Index(long id)
return View("Index", project);
I have a the following methods in an MVC Controller which redirect to the login page when a user is not logged in.
public ActionResult Search() {
return View();
public ActionResult Edit() {
return View();
Is there a quick/easy/standard way to redirect the second action to a different login page other than the page defined in the web.config file?
Or do I have to do something like
public ActionResult Edit() {
if (IsUserLoggedIn)
return View();
return ReturnRedirect("/Login2");
I think it is possible by creating a custom authorization filter:
public class CustomAuthorization : AuthorizeAttribute
public string LoginPage { get; set; }
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
In your action:
public ActionResult Search()
return View();
public ActionResult Edit()
return View();
Web.config based forms authentication does not have such a functionality built-in (this applies to both WinForms and MVC). You have to handle it yourself (either through an HttpModule or ActionFilter, the method you mentioned or any other method)
I implemented the accepted answer by user434917 and even though I was being redirected correctly, I was also receiving the error "Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent." in the server log. After searching, I found this post (answer by Mattias Jakobsson) that solved the problem. I combined the answers to get this solution.
Create a custom authorization filter:
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace SomeNamespace.CustomFilters
public class CustomAuthorization : AuthorizeAttribute
public string ActionValue { get; set; }
public string AreaValue { get; set; }
public string ControllerValue { get; set; }
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext context)
if (context.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == false)
var routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary();
routeValues["area"] = AreaValue;
routeValues["controller"] = ControllerValue;
routeValues["action"] = ActionValue;
context.Result = new System.Web.Mvc.RedirectToRouteResult(routeValues);
Then on your controller, use the customer attribute.
[CustomAuthorization(ActionValue = "actionName", AreaValue = "areaName", ControllerValue = "controllerName")]
public class SomeControllerController : Controller
Yeah pretty easy! Lets say you have 2 different type of users. First typenormal users, the other one is administrators. You would like to make them login from different pages. You also want them to be able to access different ActionResults.
First you have add two different schemes. In these schemes you will define your different login pages and other options you want.
in startup.cs
services.AddAuthentication("UserSceheme").AddCookie("UserScheme", config =>
config.LoginPath = "/UsersLogin/Login/";
config.Cookie.Name = "UsersCookie";
services.AddAuthentication("AdminScheme").AddCookie("AdminScheme", config =>
config.LoginPath = "/AdminLogin/Login/";
config.Cookie.Name = "AdminsCookie";
Then you will define two policies. Here I called them UserAccess and AdminAccess Each policy will use the sceheme that I point.
In startup.cs just after schemes add those below.
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("UserAccess", policy =>
options.AddPolicy("AdminAccess", policy =>
The last thing we have to do is again telling the scheme we want to use when login.
var userPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new[] {
new ClaimsIdentity(loginClaims, "ServiceCenter")
Thats it! Now we can use these just like this; This will redirect you to the users login page.
[Authorize(Policy = "UserAccess")]
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
If you have some places that you want both user types to be able to access all you have to do;
[Authorize(Policy = "AdminAccess")]
[Authorize(Policy = "UserAccess")]
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
And finally for log-out you also have to point the scheme
public async Task<IActionResult> Logout()
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync("AdminScheme");
return View();
Thats it!