How do I hide the turtle in LOGO? - turtle-graphics

How do I hide the turtle in LOGO?

HIDETURTLE [HT] - Make turtle invisible
Taken directly from website:


Google Spreadsheet: Display text with game specific commands in separate window/cell

I have a google spreadsheet with different dialog texts which are going to be imported into a game. The game's dialogs use game specific simple emoji-commands that are applied in the game, like "🔴" which gives red color to the next letters and "🔘" which stops the color. Or ⤴️ which enlarges the next letters.
Would it be possible, perhaps using a plugin, to automatically calculate these commands from the cells with the dialogs and display the result in another cell or window?
Something like this:
And would it also be possible to display these texts in front of an image, so that i can see how the texts would fit in the speech bubbles of the game?
Something like this:
Thanks in advance!

Python turtle after drawing , click mouse inside drawing, clear screen and redraw

I am working on using python turtle to draw a circle.when i draw the circle, mouse click inside circle erase, click anywhere in the turtle,redraw it and click again inside again erase. So the process like this :
black screen
1.Click mouse
2.Start drawing circle
3.finish inside circle
5.clear screen again anywehre in the screen redraw circle inside circle clear screen
import PositionService
import turtle
def get_click(x,y):# get click (x,y)
#if counter == 0:
draw_circle(x,y,"green",80)# draw the circle
print("clicking at ({}, {})".format(x,y))
def draw_circle(x,y,color,rad): # draw the circle
def main():
#maybe use global _pen
ts.onclick(get_click) # clicker
#set_position( x,y)?
I think were from the same class. I was also struggling until I realized that they supplied a file. You are supposed to use the functions within that file to help.

How to make color bar above navigator in Highstock?

I have chart showing time data. I have two points back in time which I need to "mark" in the chart.
I currently indicate these two by plotlines, but would like to show bar, with let's say green and blue bars showing the timespans (for example -13days from now with blue and -90days -> -13days with red).
I would use plotBands, but I can't specify their height and do not want to have them all over the chart.
Is there some way? I saw something about translating pixels and drawing rectangle, but wasn't able to make it work. Also - I zoom a lot in this chart.
You can use Renderer and add custom shape. In other cases, please attach mockup of your goal.

WP7.5 Mango Tile BackContent alignment

Is it possible to center-align the BackContent of a tile?
For example:
I want the above two lines aligned centered on the back side of a tile. Is this possible?
You have to draw the text manually onto your BackBackgroundImage as you cannot adjust the placement of the BackContent.
It is not possible to update your Tile with animations or sound. The
placement of the Tile properties is not customizable.
MSDN Source
Edit: Have a look at this question, there is example code showing how to do it.
Draw a image, where it's aligned, and use that as a back property. I've written a guide about it.
(For the front tile, but the backtile is no different).

CSS sprite position problem

I trying to create a fixed border to the site that dynamically change size with the browser window from this sprite (it isn't perfect I know.):
DEMO on jSFiddle
My problem as you can see is the vertical wall part. As the #falJ and #falB are height:100% they include the bottom wall's end too with the space between the two wall sprites. Is there a way to force backround-position to only use vertical wall part without bottom wall's end?
Thanks in advance.
It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it achieves what you want. Check out the source code & direct link for the background images to see what you'll need to do. It's currently set at 299px wide; I imagine you'll be using something wider.
I'd also suggest adding some padding around your content (either with a p tag, span, another div, etc.) - the way it is currently set up isn't what I'd recommend for readability.
The only way I can imagine achieving a fluid width + height box with the borders that you have in the way that you want is to use a second image for the west and east containing divs. This should work with your current method.
