Showing status of current request by AJAX - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to develop an application which modifies a couple of tasks of the famous Online-TODO List RememberTheMilk ( using the REST API.
Unfortunately the modifying takes a lot of time, so I want to give a feedback to the users.
My idea was just to display a couple of text lines (e.g. modifying task 1 of n...).
Therefore I used the periodically_call_remote on my page and called a which reads a Singleton.
In the request I store the text that should be displayed in the same singleton. But I found out, that once I set up a request, the periodically_call_remote does not update the specified div.
My question to this:
1. is this a good way to implement this behaviour?
2. if it is, how do get the periodically_call_remote to work during a submit?

Using a Singleton is most definitely a bad idea. In an advanced production setup it isn't guaranteed that subsequent requests will go to the same process or to the same machine (and subsequently will have a different Singleton). Plus, if you have many users, I don't even want to think about what'll happen to those poor Singletons.
Does any of this stuff actually need to go through your Rails app? It seems like you can call the RTM API via Javascript from the page the user is on and then update the page when the XHR request is complete.


Async rails action with responses

Basically, what i need is:
When user press button "Parse" it sends request to the server (using ajax) and execute controller action with loop. It must be done asynchronous and user must get response how many percentage is finished (like loader...)
What is the best method of implementing this?
The most difficult task with what you're describing is updating the loader to show the right percentage. If you can do without, I suggest you do. If you really want a loader because the parsing takes a lot of time, I can see 3 options:
Use websockets to send the percentage to the user once it is updated. Rails will be including Actioncable in Rails 5 to easily do this but you can try it out now:
Use a third party service such as to easily implement this without managing your own websocket server
Or save the percentage in Redis and create an endpoint that you'll ping every second or so to update the loader. It feels a bit hacked but sometimes it's enough.
Good luck!

Synchronous update of form data

This is basically a simple question, but I haven't found a good answer here or with Google.
We have a Ruby on Rails app with a form that needs to update a section when the user changes the selected option in a pulldown menu. The complication is that this update will be from the database - it can't realistically store and hide all the possible data when it loads. The obvious solution is an Ajax call, but the problem is that Ajax is asynchronous, and our update is inherently synchronous. We need to ensure that the user gets the updated info before submitting or doing any other work on the form.
I know one can (but shouldn't) specify that an Ajax call be synchronous, but is there a better approach to this? I hate to do a separate post and reload every time the user selects a different option in one field, but I'm not sure what the best practice is for a situation like this.
Update: I tried switching to using an XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript, and it may work (I'm figthing with Rails routing issues right now), but it gives me a warning that the synchronous option for this object is deprecated. Is there really no accepted way to get synchronous communication between a web page and server?

Best practice for Rails third party API calls?

I have a rails app that calls a third party API for weather.
The problem is that the API call is generally very slow and sometimes fails.
Showing the weather is not a necessity but it adds a nice bit of extra and pertinent information.
Right now I call the Wunderground API using Barometer gem in the controller which means the pages takes forever to load if the API is slow or fails.
I was hoping to move to this call to an AJAX call from the page once the page is loaded. I don't mind if the information shows but a bit delayed because as mentioned it is not hugely important.
I was just curious the best practices for making such a call? What is the Rails way?
The recommended way is to call to the API in the background (using a scheduler) and save the result in the database. Then in the controller you can get the data from the database and there won't be any delay.
I would say that you are quite correct in moving to an AJAX call from the browser- that way your page load is unaffected and it can take as long as it likes without your server having to wait on it. This is a classic case for loading the data asynchronously ( through callbacks and/or jQuery's deferredapproach ) so that everything else is available while the data loads and your users aren't waiting on some information that they might not be very interested in to start with.
In terms of keeping it Rails, your main consideration is whether you can and/or want to make the call directly from the browser to the service, or whether you want to proxy it through your application to some degree, which would save on potential cross-domain request problems. Again this is very much your decision and will depend on whether you have any API keys you need to transmit with requests and so on, but if the request can run directly from the user to the weather API then that would allow you to cut out the intermediate step on your part.

How to dispaly a holding screen whilst ActiveJob retrieves lots of data from an external API

I have an application that makes API requests to salesforce using restforce.
Specifically the application finds a contact object, returns IDs for all related objects and then pulls the full record for every related object based on their ID.
This takes a long time for two reasons:
There are a lot of request to an external API, usually takes a few fractions of a second for each to reply and for some there can be +500 individual requests.
There is often a large amount of data being pulled back via each request.
All requests currently fall within the salesforce rest API limits but I'm getting timeout errors from my development server as it can take 5+ minutes for some of these requests to process.
Rails 4.2 - How best to handle this?
My question is how do I best get rails to handle this?
I can fire the API requests either from the controller (which definitely violates the skinny controllers) or from the view (via helper methods, which seems like a dodgy hack).
Ideally I'd like to get it running in a background job, but i'm unsure if I can just include all the authentication and other methods in a job in the same way I can include helper methods?
Even if I could get it to work in a background job, I'm unsure what best practice might be for the user experience. Ideally I'd like to route them to a page telling them to "hang tight, go get a coffee" with a progress bar, and then auto route them to the final page once the request is complete...
But I'm unsure how to generate a temporary display until a job has been completed?
Could anyone recommend any gems or strategies that might help me digest this problem?
You should definitely use a background job for this.
Give a database object to the job, which it will update to signal that is has finished, and maybe from time to time to indicate progress.
On the user side, simply tell them that the background job is working, with eventually a progress indicator, and display the result once the database object giving to the job tells you it's ready.

Why would Google Search use client-side URL parameters?

Yesterday morning I noticed Google Search was using hash parameters:
which seems to be the same as the more usual search (with search?q=Client-side+URL+parameters). (It seems they are no longer using it by default when doing a search using their form.)
Why would they do that?
More generally, I see hash parameters cropping up on a lot of web sites. Is it a good thing? Is it a hack? Is it a departure from REST principles? I'm wondering if I should use this technique in web applications, and when.
There's a discussion by the W3C of different use cases, but I don't see which one would apply to the example above. They also seem undecided about recommendations.
Google has many live experimental features that are turned on/off based on your preferences, location and other factors (probably random selection as well.) I'm pretty sure the one you mention is one of those as well.
What happens in the background when a hash is used instead of a query string parameter is that it queries the "real" URL ( using JavaScript, then it modifies the existing page with the content. This will appear much more responsive to the user since the page does not have to reload entirely. The reason for the hash is so that browser history and state is maintained. If you go to you'll find that you actually get the search results for "hello" (even if your browser is really only requesting With JavaScript turned off, it wouldn't work however, and you'd just get the Google front page.
Hashes are appearing more and more as dynamic web sites are becoming the norm. Hashes are maintained entirely on the client and therefore do not incur a server request when changed. This makes them excellent candidates for maintaining unique addresses to different states of the web application, while still being on the exact same page.
I have been using them myself more and more lately, and you can find one example here: -- If you have a look at the "Hash" library on that page, you'll see my implementation of supporting hashes across browsers.
Here's a little guide for using hashes for storing state:
Maintaining state in hashes implies that your application (I'll call it application since you generally only use hashes for state in more advanced web solutions) relies on JavaScript. Without JavaScript, the only function of hashes would be to tell the browser to find content somewhere on the page.
Once you have implemented some JavaScript to detect changes to the hash, the next step would be to parse the hash into meaningful data (just as you would with query string parameters.)
Once you've got the state in the hash, it can be modified by your code (or your user) to represent the current state in your application. There are many reasons for why you would want to do this.
One common case is when only a small part of a page changes based on a variable, and it would be inefficient to reload the entire page to reflect that change (Example: You've got a box with tabs. The active tab can be identified in the hash.)
Other cases are when you load content dynamically in JavaScript, and you want to tell the client what content to load (Example:, will take you to a specific point in the text adventure.)
If you had a look at my "JavaScript realm" you'll see a border-line overkill case. I did it simply because I wanted to cram as much JavaScript dynamics into that page as possible. In a normal project I would be conservative about when to do this, and only do it when you will see positive changes in one or more of the following areas:
User interactivity
Usually the user won't see much difference, but the URLs can be confusing
Remember loading indicators! Loading content dynamically can be frustrating to the user if it takes time.
Responsiveness (time from one state to another)
Performance (bandwidth, server CPU)
No JavaScript?
Here comes a big deterrent. While you can safely rely on 99% of your users to have a browser capable of using your page with hashes for state, there are still many cases where you simply can't rely on this. Search engine crawlers, for example. While Google is constantly working to make their crawler work with the latest web technologies (did you know that they index Flash applications?), it still isn't a person and can't make sense of some things.
Basically, you're on a crossroads between compatability and user experience.
But you can always build a road inbetween, which of course requires more work. In less metaphorical terms: Implement both solutions so that there is a server-side URL for every client-side URL that outputs relevant content. For compatible clients it would redirect them to the hash URL. This way, Google can index "hard" URLs and when users click them, they get the dynamic state stuff!
Recently google also stopped serving direct links in search results offering instead redirects.
I believe both have to do with gathering usage statistics, what searches were performed by the same user, in what sequence, what of the search results the user has followed etc.
P.S. Now, that's interesting, direct links are back. I absolutely remember seeing there only redirects in the last couple of weeks. They are definitely experimenting with something.
