Flash Player magical frame rate - actionscript

A long time ago (5+ years) I read an article about optimal frame rates for the Flash Player. The article reasoned through some calculations that 31 frames per second was the optimal fps to run your movies at and seemed, at the time, logical to me and have been using 31 fps ever since.
However, I have forgotten the reasoning from that article and I was wondering if 31 fps is still considered a good or optimal fps to run your swf's at.
What fps do you prefer for your swf's and why?

The reason for the 31 fps was that during the time of Flash 5/6 there was an issue with the Mac version of the Flash Player where it would plateau at certain frame rates. That is, if you ran at 12-17 FPS, it would rarely get past 12. However, if you set the fps to 18, it would stick to 18 just fine.
The "sweet spot" plateau was at 31 fps because it offered the smoothest animation (assuming you weren't doing frame-by-frame animation, in which case 31 was just too work intensive) while not being nearly as CPU intensive as the next plateau, which I believe was 61 fps.
Even though those days are behind us it is still important to strike that balance between smooth animations and CPU. Make sure you set some time aside at the beginning of your project (particularly if it will have any hand-done tweening!) to figure out where the sweet spot is for your goals.

I'm no Flash expert, but this sounded interesting enough to at least do some Googling. This forum thread implies that the "industry standard" of 31 fps comes from a Flash 5 bug. Since Flash 5 was a while ago, people seem to agree that you're more free to pick a framerate these days, everything doesn't have to be made using 31 fps.

Also don't forget that you can set the framerate dynamically at runtime by setting Stage.frameRate property. Some people have implemented reduced framerates when app is not in focus to save on CPU use, or increased it before doing more intensive data processing.

Usually 12-16 for animation, and 25-30 for coding stuff.
Also, take a look at this class: http://www.gskinner.com/blog/archives/2009/05/idle_cpu_usage.html
It lets you take advantage of high framerates without the consequence of high background CPU usage! Plus, it is easily adaptable for non-air stuff. (just comment out anything that gives you a compiler error).

31-33 FPS was the magic number for AS2.
You can smoothly run around 50-60 FPS with AS3, and you'll notice a huge improvement.


SceneKit scenes lag when resuming app

In my app, I have several simple scenes (a single 80 segment sphere with a 500px by 1000px texture, rotating once a minute) displaying at once. When I open the app, everything goes smoothly. I get constant 120fps with less than 50mb of memory usage and around 30% cpu usage.
However, if I minimize the app and come back to it a minute later, or just stop interacting with the app for a while, the scenes all lag terribly and get around 4 fps, despite Xcode reporting 30fps, normal memory usage, and super low (~3%) cpu usage.
I get this behavior when testing on a real iPhone 7 iOS 10.3.1, and I'm not sure if this behavior exists on other devices or the emulator.
Here is a sample project I pulled together to demonstrate this issue. (link here) Am I doing something wrong here? How can I make the scenes wake up and resume using as much cpu as they need to maintain good fps?
I won't probably answer the question you've asked directly, but can give you some points to think about.
I launched you demo app on my iPod 6-th gen (64-bit), iOS 10.3.1 and it lags from the very beginning up to about a minute with FPS 2-3. Then after some time it starts to spin smoothly. The same after going background-foreground. It can be explained with some caching of textures.
I resized one of the SCNView's so that it fits the screen, other views stayed behind. Set v4.showsStatistics = true
And here what I got
as you can see Metal flush takes about 18.3 ms for one frame and its only for one SCNView.
According to this answer on Stackoverflow
So, if my interpretation is correct, that would mean that "Metal
flush" measures the time the CPU spends waiting on video memory to
free up so it can push more data and request operations to the GPU.
So we might suspect that problem is in 4 different SCNViews working with GPU simultaneously.
Let's check it. Comparing to the 2-nd point, I've deleted 3 SCNViews behind and put 3 planets from those views to the front one. So that one SCNView has 4 planets at once. And here is the screenshot
and as you can see Metal flush takes up to 5 ms and its from the beginning and everything goes smoothly. Also you may notice that amount of triangles (top right icon) is four times as many as what we can see on the first screenshot.
To sum up, just try to combine all SCNNodes on one SCNView and possibly you'll get a speed up.
So, I finally figured out a partially functional solution, even though its not what I thought it would be.
The first thing I tried was to keep all the nodes in a single global scene as suggested by Sander's answer and set the delegate on one of the SCNViews as suggested in the second answer to this question. Maybe this used to work or it worked in a different context, but it didn't work for me.
How Sander ended up helping me was the use of the performance statistics, which I didn't know existed. I enabled them for one of my scenes, and something stood out to me about performance:
In the first few seconds of running, before the app gets dramatic frame drops, the performance display read 240fps. "Why was this?", I thought. Who would need 240 fps on a mobile phone with a 60hz display, especially when the SceneKit default is 60. Then it hit me: 60 * 4 = 240.
What I guess was happening is that each update in a single scene triggered a "metal flush", meaning that each scene was being flushed 240 times per second. I would guess that this fills the gpu buffer (or memory? I have no idea) slowly, and eventually SceneKit needs to start clearing it out, and 240 fps across 4 views is simply too much for it to keep up with. (which explains why it initially gets good performance before dropping completely.).
My solution (and this is why I said "partial solution"), was to set the preferedFramesPerSecond for each SceneView to 15, for a total of 60 (I can also get away with 30 on my phone, but I'm not sure if this holds up on weaker devices). Unfortunately 15fps is noticeably choppy, but way better than the terrible performance I was getting originally.
Maybe in the future Apple will enable unique refreshes per SceneView.
TL;DR: set preferredFramesPerSecond to sum to 60 over all of your SceneViews.

Core Animation profiling: When an app is idle, should it be 0fps of 60fps?

I've been trying to optimize scrolling of my UICollectionView, and the Core Animation profiler has me puzzled...
When the app is idle (no scrolling or interaction in anyway) I'm averaging around 59-60 fps, but occasionally it will drop down to 7 or 12 fps:
Is this expected behavior? Because I'm not interacting with the app when this drop happens I don't visually see anything, but I'm curious if this is something I should be troubleshooting.
Other times when profiling core animation bottlenecks I've seen fps drop down to 0 fps when idle/not interacting with the app.
The app isn't crash or freezing, so is this some sort of bug in Instruments? (I'd expect consistently to be 0fps or close to 60fps when nothing is happening in the app).
Here's an example of the FPS graph after running the profiler a few minutes later (I'd tried turning on rasterization for a type of view, but then reverted back to not rasterizing, so although the project was rebuilt, the codebase is the same):
Here I'm getting between 32 and 55 fps when interacting with the app, and dropping down to 0 fps when idle.
From my subjective perspective I'm not noticing anything major between what I'm seeing between these two examples, but from Xcode's perspective I'm seeing two different stories.
Does anyone know what's happening here?

iOS dynamically slow down the playback of a video, with continuous value

I have a problem with the iOS SDK. I can't find the API to slowdown a video with continuous values.
I have made an app with a slider and an AVPlayer, and I would like to change the speed of the video, from 50% to 150%, according to the slider value.
As for now, I just succeeded to change the speed of the video, but only with discrete values, and by recompiling the video. (In order to do that, I used AVMutableComposition APIs.
Do you know if it is possible to change continuously the speed, and without recompiling?
Thank you very much!
The AVPlayer's rate property allows playback speed changes if the associated AVPlayerItem is capable of it (responds YES to canPlaySlowForward or canPlayFastForward). The rate is 1.0 for normal playback, 0 for stopped, and can be set to other values but will probably round to the nearest discrete value it is capable of, such as 2:1, 3:2, 5:4 for faster speeds, and 1:2, 2:3 and 4:5 for slower speeds.
With the older MPMoviePlayerController, and its similar currentPlaybackRate property, I found that it would take any setting and report it back, but would still round it to one of the discrete values above. For example, set it to 1.05 and you would get normal speed (1:1) even though currentPlaybackRate would say 1.05 if you read it. Set it to 1.2 and it would play at 1.25X (5:4). And it was limited to 2:1 (double speed), beyond which it would hang or jump.
For some reason, the iOS API Reference doesn't mention these discrete speeds. They were found by experimentation. They make some sense. Since the hardware displays video frames at a fixed rate (e.g.- 30 or 60 frames per second), some multiples are easier than others. Half speed can be achieved by showing each frame twice, and double speed by dropping every other frame. Dropping 1 out of every 3 frames gives you 150% (3:2) speed. But to do 105% is harder, dropping 1 out of every 21 frames. Especially if this is done in hardware, you can see why they might have limited it to only certain multiples.

Interpreting downward spikes in Time Profiler

I'd appreciate some help on how I should interpret some results I get from Time Profiler and Activity Monitor. I couldn't find anything on this on the site, probably because the question is rather specific. However, I imagine I'm not the only one not sure what to read into the spikes they get on the Time Profiler.
I'm trying to figure out why my game is having regular hiccups on the iPhone 4. I'm trying to run it at 60 FPS, so I know it's tricky on such an old device, but I know some other games manage that fine. I'm using Unity, but this is a more general question about interpreting Instruments results. I don't have enough reputation to post images, and I can only post two links, so I can't post everything I'd like.
Here is what I get running my game on Time Profiler:
Screenshot of Time Profiler running my game
As far as I understand (but please correct me if I'm wrong), this graph is showing how much CPU my game uses during each sample the Time Profiler takes (I've set the samples to be taken once per millisecond). As you can see, there are frequent downward spikes in that graph, which (based on looking at the game itself as it plays) coincide with the hiccups in the game.
Additionally, the spikes are more common while I touch the device, especially if I move my finger on it continuously (which is what I did while playing our game above). (I couldn't make a comparable non-touching version because my game requires touching, but see below for a comparison.)
What confuses me here is that the spikes are downward: If my code was inefficient, doing too many calculations on some frames, I'd expect to see upward spikes, now downward. So here are the theories I've managed to come up with:
1) The downward spikes represent something else stealing CPU time (like, a background task, or the CPU's speed itself varying, or something). Because less time is available for my processing, I get hiccups, and it also shows as my app using less CPU.
2) My code is in fact inefficient, causing spikes every now and then. Because the processing takes isn't finished in one frame, it continues onto the next, but only needs a little extra time. That means that on that second frame, it uses less CPU, resulting in a downward spike. (It is my understanding that iOS frames are always equal legnth, say, 1/60 s, and so the third frame cannot start early even if we spent just a little extra time on the second.)
3) This is just a sampling problem, caused by the fact that the sampling frequency is 1ms while the frame length is about 16ms.
Both theories would make sense to me, and would also explain why our game has hiccups but some lighter games don't. 1) Lighter games would not suffer so badly from CPU stolen, because they don't need that much CPU to begin with. 2) Lighter games don't have as many spikes of their own.
However, some other tests seem to go against each of these theories:
1) If frames always get stolen like this, I'd expect similar spikes to appear on other games too. However, testing with another game (from the App Store, also using Unity), I don't get them (I had an image to show that but unfortunately I cannot post it).
Note: This game has lots of hiccups while running in the Time Profiler as well, so hiccups don't seem to always mean downward spikes.
2) To test the hypothesis that my app is simply spiking, I wrote a program (again in Unity) that wastes a consistent amount of milliseconds per frame (by running a loop until the specified time has passed according to the system clock). Here's what I get on Time Profiler when I make it waste 8ms per frame:
Screenshot of Time Profiler running my time waster app
As you can see, the downward spikes are still there, even though the app really shouldn't be able to cause spikes. (You can also see the effect of touching here, as I didn't touch it for the first half of the visible graph, and touched it continuously for the second.)
3) If this was due to unsync between the framerate and the sampling, I'd expect there to be a lot more oscillation there. Surely, my app would use 100% of the milliseconds until it's done with a frame, then drop to zero?
So I'm pretty confused about what to make of this. I'd appreciate any insight you can provide into this, and if you can tell me how to fix it, all the better!
Best regards,
Tommi Horttana
Have you tried unity's profiler? Does it show simillar results? Note that unity3d has two profilers on ios:
editor profiler - pro only (but there is a 30 day trial)
internal profiler - you have to enable it in xcode project's source
Look at http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/MobileProfiling.html, maybe something will hint you.
If i had to guess, I'd check one of the most common source timing hickups - the mono garbage collector.
Try running it yourself in a set frequency (like every 250ms) and see if there is a difference in the pattern:

In image processing, what is real time?

in image processing applications what is considered real time? Is 33 fps real time? Is 20 fps real time? If 33 and 20 fps are considered real time then is 1 or 2 fps also real time?
Can anyone throw some light.
In my experience, it's a pretty vague term. Often, what is meant is that the algorithm will run at the rate of the source (e.g. a camera) supplying the images; however, I would prefer to state this explicitly ("the algorithm can process images at the frame rate of the camera").
Real time image processing = produce output simultaneously with the input.
The input may be 25 fps but you may choose to process 1 of every 5 frames(that makes 5 fps processing) and your application is still real time.
TV streaming software: all the frames are processed.
Security application and the input is CCTV security cams: you may choose to skip some frames to fit the performance.
3d game or simulation: fps changes depending on the current scene.
And they are all real time.
Strictly speaking, I would say real-time means that the application is generating images based on user input as it occurs, e.g. a mouse movement which changes the facing of an avatar.
How successful it is at this task - 1 fps, 10 fps, 100 fps, etc - is actually another question.
Real-time describes an approach, not a performance metric.
If however you ask what is the slowest fps which passes as usable by a human, the answer is about 15, I think.
i think it depends on what the real time application is. If the app is showing slideshows with 1 picture every 3 seconds, and the app can process 1 picture within this 3 seconds and show it, then it is real time processing.
If the movie is 29.97 frames per second, and the app can process all 29.97 frames within the second, then it is also real time.
An example is, if an app can take the movie from a VCR or Cable's analog output, and compress it into 29.97 frames per second video and also send all that info to a remote area for another person to watch, then it is real time processing.
(Hard) Real time is when an outcome has no value when delivered too early or too late.
Any FPS is real time provided that displayed frames represent what should be displayed at the very instant they are displayed.
The notion of real-time display is not really tied to a specific frame rate - it could be defined as the minimum frame rate at which movement is perceived as being continuous. So for slow moving objects in a visual frame (e.g. ships in a harbour, or stars in the night sky) a relatively slow frame rate might suffice, whereas for rapid movement (e.g. a racing car simulator) a much higher frame rate would be needed.
There is also a secondary consideration of latency. A real-time display must have sufficiently low latency in relation to other events (e.g. behaviour of a real-time simulation) that there is no perceptible lag in display updates.
That's not actually an easy question (even without taking into account differences between individulas).
Wikipedia has a good article explaining why. For what it's worth, I think cinema films run at 24fps so, if you're happy with that, that's what I'd consider realtime.
It depends on what exactly you are trying to do. For some purposes 1fps or even 2 spf (Seconds per frame) could be considered real-time. For others thats way too slow ...
That said, real-time means that it takes as long (or less) to process x frames as it would take to just present those x frames.
It depends.
automatic aircraft cannon - 1000 fps
monitoring - 10 - 15 fps
authentication - 1 fps
medical devices - 1 fph
I guess the term is used with different meanings in different contexts. In industrial image processing, real time processing is usually the opposite of offline processing. In offline processing applications, you record images (many of them) and process them at a later time. In real time processing, the system that acquires the images also processes them, at the same time, so the processing frame rate must not be higher than the acquisition frame rate.
Real-time means your implementation is fast enough to meet some deadline. The deadline is part of your system's specification. If it's an interactive UI and the users are not too picky, 15Hz update can be OK, although it can feel laggy. If you're using it to drive a car along the motorway 30Hz is about right. If it's a missile, well, maybe 100Hz?
