Sending messages between users - ruby-on-rails

I am building an application and it needs to have a feature whereby one user can send another user a message. The system can be the most basic type available in rails and that would suit me fine.
Any ideas on how to go about this?

Table structure like this:

Why don't you use acts_as_messageable plugin: ?
Similarly, there are other plug-ins for authentication (restful authentication).

So i have implemented the DB tables and now need to pass the data around my system which im finding quite troubling. When the user clicks "send message to" on my form i need it to carry the id of the profile which the user is viewing. I thought this would do that:
<%= link_to "Message", :action => 'message', :id => %>
Now this pass the persons ID who i was looking to the message action (i know should work because i use #user.detail to view other details about the user on that page)
My controller should then receive that, heres my controller:
def message
#reciever = User.find_by_id(params[:id])
and in my view for i want to show the recievers id so i thought that
<label>Send Message To: <%= render :text => %></label>
would be suffiencent.
Any ideas?


Passing ID from one controller to another

So I am developing a job portal website, and I am looking to pass the current job ID over to the "job applications" controller #new method, but I am having issues being able to do so.
So when a user clicks the "Job_applications#new", It gets the current page job_id.
Class Job
has_many :job_applications
Class JobApplication
belongs_to :job
In my Job_Applications Controller
def create
#job = Job.find(params[:id])
*Additional save & Redirect methods*
In my View I have the following code
<%= link_to "Apply Now",new_job_application_path(:id =>, class: "btn btn-primary" %>
I know I am doing something stupid here, Ideally, I would like to pass the job id without it being in the URL
However this method shows this
Any help greatly appreciated
When you call
You should be able to retrieve it like you are doing:
#job = Job.find(params[:id])
if you want your params to not appear in the url, u got to use a POST request.
However, note that using a post request for a 'new' action is not 'Restful', which is what Rails is based on, but its not impossible.
Read more on 'Restful routes' here.

Contact Form for User Profile

I been struggling of thinking of a way to complete this function.
Currently I have a user with a profile. And a general Contact form model that is table-less and doesn't save anything to the database.
My goal is to have a general contact form, In which I can link a contact button on a individual user profile. That contact form when submitted will be sent to the user email specified in the profile attribute. So for example the profile has a field t.string contact_email.
Currently I have the contact model set up where it can send to one individual email. Mainly the app owner.
class ContactMailer < ApplicationMailer
default :to => ""
def contact_me(msg)
#msg = msg
mail from:, subject: #msg.subject, body: #msg.content
My goal is to simply link the
default :to => ""
to something like
default :to => "#profile.contact_email"
I have no idea how to specify the user for the form or if its possible. The process would have to include once the visitor hits contact us the form takes the profile email and uses it as the recipient.
Sorry if this seems like I brung nothing to table to answering I'm just looking for a tip on maybe where to start or how it could be done.
Note: Don't get into this thing that you would have to specify to in default. You can simply send to in mail method like you are sending from, subject and other variables.
There are several ways to do it:
1) You can use hidden_field_tag to pass along the email of that user like following
<%= hidden_field_tag :contact_email, #user.contact_email %>
And then on server side, you can have its value through parmas[:contact_email].
2) You can send the email of the user when you can call contact_me. Right now, you are only sending one parameter msg. So,
def contact_me(msg, to)
#msg = msg
mail to: to, from:, subject: #msg.subject, body: #msg.content
And when you call contact_me, you can do: ContactMailer.contact_me(msg, #user.contact_email) though it may be different depending upon the actual implementation in your code, but the concept would always be same.

Pass data safely from view to controller in rails

I want to pass data from a view (link) to a controller so it can look up the related information. Services for a company, in this case.
I see examples where people have added to params like this:
<%= link_to 'Services', :controller => 'company', :action => 'services', :company_id => %>
...but that results in a transparent (unsafe) URL like this:
Is there a way to get around this without stuffing data into the Session? What's the best practice on links inside an app that requires authentication?
THere is no such major harm in passing data like this in View.
Still if you insist on having, then check prettyurls:
Prior to we must have valid checks in controller & model files.
1. Valid Checks and redirection in Controller is helpful.
2. Depending on need adding validations in model can be a good support.
<%= link_to "Sign in", new_session_path(:id => Base64.encode64("1")) %>
and in your controller
def new
this is another form for create a link with data
check your routes with command un console rake routes
for more information read this documention

Making sure I got the idea . - Ruby on rails login system

I am currently reading a book, and learning ruby on rails. (Agile Web Development with Rails 4th Edition) .In the book it says how to write a simple product list and display it. I am modifying this idea, to create a user login system.
I am only working on the views now.
So I just need to make sure that my idea is right. My idea is:
The show.html file from the USER model, show data for one user. (given of course its ID)
for example : http://localhost:3000/users/980190974 will give me the html page for the current user right? Now I can allow the user to edit his/her information by using the
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_user_path(#user) %> link or restrict him from viewing other users by removing the <%= link_to 'Back', users_path %> << that lists all the users from the database. But before the user views his/her details he must login, using his email and password. So by making an html page, that takes 2 strings (username, and password) searches my mySQL database and return the user ID , that I then use to "render" the user's HTML page.
Is my way of thinking correct? Or am I just completely irrelevant on how Ruby on Rails works? O_o
You are heading in the right direction. One thing to point out is that simply removing the link <%= link_to 'Back', users_path %> is not sufficient to avoid other users from accessing the /users path. In the (user) controller you have to use something like:
class UserController < ApplicationController
def index
unless current_user.is_admin
redirect_to user_path(current_user)
... rest of code here
where current_user could be a method returning the user object

Ruby on Rails: Confirmation Page for ActiveRecord Object Creation

Using Ruby on Rails I want a confirmation page before creating an ActiveRecord object. The user will see a preview of the item they are creating before submitting and the object being saved in the database
A common pattern;
User visits /entry/new
User enters details and clicks submit
User is redirected to /entry/confirm which displays the entry and clicks submit or edit to correct mistakes
Object is saved
How would you implement it?
Another option to solve this issue adding by a virtual confirmation attribute to your model. This way, there is no need to create a separate action for this:
class MyRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :confirmation
validates_acceptance_of :confirmation, :on => :create
Now, your new object will not save correctly because the validation will fail on the confirmation field. You can detect this situation and present something like this:
<% form_for(#my_record) do |form| %>
<%= form.check_box :confirmation %> Really create this record.
<%= submit_tag('Confirm') %>
<% end %>
I would probably add a "preview" action to the routes.rb file for that model:
map.resource :objects, :new => { :preview => :post }
You would get to this preview action by POSTing the preview_object_url named route. You would need to essentially create the Object in the same way you would in your create action, like this:
def preview
#object =[:object])
This page would then POST to the create action, which would then create the Object. It's pretty straight forward.
A few options
1- store the object you want to create in the session until you hit the confirm page, then just save it
2- pass around the object w/ each Post/submit from new -> details -> confirm
I would probably go with 2, since I am not prone to saving state with the session.
I'm not sure how to do this (RoR is new to me) but you could just specify the action for /new as /confirm, and then it calls create.
