Combining two Rails applications into one - ruby-on-rails

I have a couple of pre-existing applications which I need to run in "one" app. One is the application I want to use for authentication etc, whilst the other is another app that contains all of the business logic.
Both apps have pre-existing authentication, and both have fairly complex user models.
Is it possible to easily combine these so that if I log into one application and create a user, that same data is available in the other - or something similar?
What is the easiest way of doing this? Can a rails model extend a REST webservice?

You can use the new(ish) Engine feature to embed one app inside another. Your engine lives inside vendor/plugins, can have all of it's own routes and config setup just like a normal rails application but actually share the database. Makes combining applications really easy. We use it with git submodules to make management of complex applications seamless.

I'd use warden (or devise, which is built on it) for the authentication. Warden is rack-based, and can therefore be used in both apps aka single-sign-on.


Do Rails5 API mode app and non API mode app share codes each other?

I'm goint to create a RESTfull service app is made of Rails5 with API mode.
I also need an admin app that provides web views for managing users and contents.
These two apps will share codes each other.
I know a way of creating the API mode app.
$ rails new apiapp --api
How do I create the other project?
The way I would implement this kind of functionality is like so:
RAIL API for your model, database, validation and relationships logic.
Client side MVC for Admin app with RESTful calls. For this I would use Backbone Marionette.
this is the cleanest, least code repetition implementation I can think of, which follows industry standards.
this is as per the software mantra 'consume your own dog food' - if you create an api, use its interface to do your stuff. this way you test and improve it as you go.
If you want RAILS only on both ends, you would be better off implementing your ADMIN and your API as one app, for least code repetition. Create an API controller name space for all your exterior calls, and code normal rails for your admin views and stuff. this way your database and model validation and relationship logic is shared, but controllers and route namespaces are not.
You build the other project as a normal rails project. The thing to understand about Rails 5 api mode is that you cannot have normal html stuff as part of it. The entire rendering pipeline (assets and such) is missing. Rails 5 api mode is fast because big parts of the environment are just plain gone.
What you want to do is have 2 projects:
And figure out a way to share your model logic across them.
If you use devise for authentication this is particularly tricky since devise adds things into your user model that you cannot have in an api project. Here's how I got around it:
If Rails.application.class.parent_name == "admin"
# devise crap goes here
How exactly you easily share a directory of models across 2 git repos? I have no good answer. I have a rake task which sync's things manually by copying them from the canonical source to the destination but that's a hack.

Rails application architecture and common setup

So I am starting out on company project that will have several components:
At first...
Job list
Client profile creation and management
User administration and access (login, signup, roles, etc)
Basic reporting
way later...
Deeper analysis and bi
I'm wondering if it makes sense for each bullet item to be its own rails project, self contained and modular (if that is indeed the case); or if it's just best for it to be in the same app. I could envision a situation where each module could operate so independently of each other that it wouldn't need the rest (except for the user funcionality) and another situation where all modules would be used together.
It seems like to me that many tasks can be handled with a lighter framework like Sinatra (and then situated physically under the rails app). It also seems like it would be a lot of overhead to have several rails apps running on a server. But I am not totally aware of all the pluses and minuses to operating each scenario.
I know this is kind of a general question that is bound to get a lot of "it depends" kind of responses (and rightfully so) I was looking for opinions/examples of how you setup this kind/your kind of project in rails. I am a quasi noob so be gentle.
Thanks in advance!
Generally speaking I would consider a website to be a suitable target for a Rails app. Each part of the app can have its own namespaces within the app, so the app has some structure internally, but they should all be one application. Consider things like sessions, where you want a user to login and use whatever features of the site you want. You want those sessions in one application without a user having to login to different sections.
Saying that, if there is complex or extended functionality that isn't part of the MVC architecture (say talking to an external API, data-mining etc), then you could offset that to a separate project and a include it as a Gem in your application. You would still have one main Rails application that includes those Gems.
You might also want to bundle together a section of your project into a reusable Rails engine that can be loaded into multiple projects. For example, Devise handles user login and management. It is a Rails engine, bundled as a Gem, that you include in your project.
Another example from Meducation (one of my sites). I'm in the process of extracting our email tracking system out into its own Rails engine as I feel its functionality sits alongside Meducation and is not a core part of it. I can then use it in other projects as well.
In your specific example, I think your requirements fit fine in one Rails application.

Rails app with non-HTTP access

Hypothetical question (at the moment!)
Suppose I have a great idea for an application. It acts on data which can be well-represented by tables in a relational database, using interlinked objects which represent those tables. It supports a well-defined API for interacting with (Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting) those objects, and viewing information about them.
In short, it's a perfect fit for Rails... except it doesn't want to be a web-app. Perhaps it wants a Command Line interface; or an OS-native dialog-based interface; or perhaps it wants to present itself as a resource to other apps. Whatever - it just isn't designed to present itself over HTTP.
These questions suggest it's certainly possible, but both approach the problem from the point of view of adapting an existing web-app to have an additional, non-web, interface.
I'm interested in knowing what the best way to create such an app would be. Would you be best to rails new non_web_app, in order to get the skeleton built "for free", then write some "normal" Ruby code that requires config/environment - but then you have a lot of web-centric cruft that you don't need? Or would it be better to roll up your sleeves and build it from whole cloth, taking just the libraries you need and manually writing any required configuration?
If the latter, what exactly is needed to make a Rails app, but without the web bits?
If you want to access the Rails ORM to develop a CRUD non-web application, just include ActiveRecord in your own Ruby script; you will avoid using a lot of Rails modules you probably don't need (routing, template generator, ...) Here is an example of how to do it.
If you prefer to have the full Rails stack, do not run your Rails web app in an application server (WEBrick, Passenger, Mongrel, ...) to avoid any HTTP exposure, and interact with your application using tasks or the rails console.
I would avoid taking Rails too far off the rails. If I were doing this and felt that the gains of rails w/o the web stuff I'd do the following:
rails new non_web_app
and ignore the webbish cruft and use rails to generate models. In this way you get the tight, comfortable database behavior and can tie various gems in as you want to augment those models. I'd not bother implementing views, of course, and I'd consider implementing controllers in which the various render bits are removed and to use you instantiate an instance of the controller and call the action directly. This means the controller represents your API into your business logic still but the "views" it now "renders" are simply the return of the data output.
Then you could simply strip out the bits you do not need...the public directory, the view structure under app, config/routes.rb, etc. You'll need to test those changes incrementally and make sure that removing some now extraneous bit doesn't throw the Rails world into chaos.
Rails is for Web apps. That means HTTP. Now, you could package a Web app so that it runs on the desktop instead, or you could use ActiveRecord with a desktop application framework like Monkeybars.

Multi domain rails app. How to intelligently use MVC?

We have app a, b, and plan to add more apps into this same application. The apps are similar enough they could share many views, assets, and actions. Currently a,b live in a single rails app(2.3.10). c will be similar enough that it could also be in this rails app.
The problem:
As we continue to add more apps to this one app, there's going to be too much case logic that the app will soon become a nightmare to maintain. There will also be potential namespace issues. However, the apps are very similar in function and layout, it also makes sense to keep them in one app so that it's one app to maintain(since roughly 50% of site look/functionality will be shared).
What we are trying to do is keep this as clean as possible so it's easy for multiple teams to work on and easy to maintain.
Some things we've thought about/are trying:
Engines. Make each app an engine. This would let us base routes on the domain. It also allows us to pull out controllers, models and views for the specific app. This solution does not seem ideal as we won't be reusing the apps any time soon. And explicitly stating the host in the routes doesn't seem right.
Skinning/themes. The auth logic would be different between the apps. Each user model would be different. So it's not just a skinning problem.
In app/view add folder sitea for sitea views, siteb for siteb views and so on. Do the same for controllers and models. This is still pretty messy and since it didn't follow naming conventions, it did not work with rails so nicely and made much of the code messier.
Making another rails app. We just didn't want to maintain the same controller or view in 2 apps if they are identical.
What we want to do is make the app intelligently use a controller based on the host. So there would be a sessions controller for each app, and perhaps some parent session controller for shared logic(not needed now). In each of these session controllers, it handles authentication for that specific app. So if the domain is, it would use session controller for app a and know to use app a's views,models,controllers. And if the domain is b.mysite, it would use the session controller for b. And there would be a user model for a and user model for b, which also would be determined by the domain.
Does anyone have any suggestions or experience with this situation? And ideally using rails 2.3.x as updating to rails 3 isn't an option right now.
Devise does exactly this. You would do well to check out its architecture and apply that architecture to your own case.
You will have multiple separate Rails applications. The shared code will be a separate project, perhaps distributed as a gem or at least a separate Git repository. The shared code will include many controller actions and many view templates that are there to be sensible defaults, and which will be overridden in some apps but not in others.
All the custom code for application A will belong in a project solely devoted to containing the custom code for application A. It will be its own fully-functioning Rails application and will depend heavily on the majority of the sensible defaults provided by the shared code in the shared-code project.
I've used the theme support plugin before and dynamically set the theme based on the request uri:
It will probably need some work to support Rails 2.3.
Update: Looks like there's a rewrite:
Sounds like you want to make the 'base' app a plugin and use that in each of your site apps. You can use something like svn-extern so it's automatically updated whenever something changes.

How to consolidate multiple rails application and share ressources

I have thi intranet I developped back then with PHP.
I handles multiple apps and tools (blog, link sharing, file sharing, events, clendar...), and a big user autenthication system for logging in and authorisation management.
I'd like to start re-building it with Rails.
I don't want to build one big app.
I'd like to build the site as multiple smaller apps, sharing a few common ressources like the user administration system, templates, layouts and navigation...
Rails Engine provide a way to embed an app into another.
I guess I could have a "main" app, embedding all other apps.
But I don't feel it's the right way (I may be wrong) if I have 10-15 different apps.
How would you do it ?
We've created applications that are split into 2 - the user facing site and an admin site. We just made 2 separate sites that have the same db and models and their own views and controllers.
This works pretty well and gives us the freedom to treat each site differently in terms of security and deployment.
I don't have any experience in going farther than that.
Check out ActiveResource - it is designed to allow you to use RESTful webservices as if they were ActiveRecord objects.
I'm working on a project now with a bunch of separate sub-apps that are pure web services (no UI). There's one "main" application that has all the UI and handles login/authentication, and then accesses the others via ActiveResource.
You can share the models between projects adding
config.autoload_paths << Dir["SHARED_MODEL_PATH/app/models/*"]
to your application.rb config file.
Or you can check the tutorials about ActiveResource such as:
