Is there a dojo or a Jquery just for Firefox add on development? - firefox-addon

Started working on Firefox add ons, which is done with JavaScript and XUL, and I find myself sorely wanting to use Dojo or someother kind of JavaScript like library, but I can't find one that exists. So I was thinking of starting a library by porting Dojo over to a Firefox add on specific fork. Get rid off the cross browser stuff, use array comprehension and other nice stuff available in Firefox's JavaScript engine. I worry about whether or not there's enough of a userbase who'd take advantage of this, but more than that I guess I'm wondering if there's already something like this? Google finds nothing.

Mozilla Corp developed a JavaScript library for this purpose: FUEL.
it is developed by John Resig the creator of jQuery.
To know how to use jQuery inside FF extension look at this similar question

jQuery, at least, functions perfectly well when embedded in a Firefox addon. I can't quote you names, but I've heard that several popular addons are already using jQuery.
Here's an article discussing using jQuery within XUL and some of the hoops you may need to jump through.

It is fairly common to embed jQuery in firefox extensions.


How to use multiple files with phonegap jquery mobile app

I am starting a jquery mobile/phonegap application. And would like to know if there is any way I can keep my code in seperate files so it is easier to manage. From all the reading I have done on jquery mobile it looks like all of your pages are in one file and are just seperated by divs like <div data-role="page" id="page-one"></div>. I guess I could try to make some type of a makefile that concatenated them all together, but it seems that most apps are pretty lengthy that they should have a solution for this. Keeping all the code in one file just seems impossible to maintain.
JQuery demo, three pages, all one source file:
You can just use normal links with jQuery mobile:
It will "hijack" the link and use transitions to give you a native like animation. As Flatlineato pointed out you need to make each page confirm to the required markup, and you'll need to repeat your headers/footers etc on each included page.
Or you can use more complex solutions to dynamically change the content of your page, which can be stored in multiple files, like this other SO post:
including the header and footer in jquery mobile multiple page site
But I would also agree with Leo and say the jQuery mobile isn't the best choice for Phonegap, it's not that well optimized, and runs slower in the Phonegap webkit view than it does in native safari.
I've also switched to a custom navigation system and dropped jQM early on in my Phonegap development, but that was over a year ago, more recent versions may work better.
I think my personal API is what you are searching for:
Demo example:
jQuery Mobile allows you to have the pages in separate files. Obviously in each file must conform to the structure of the markup pages.
To point to another page in the link instead of the id you specify the correct file name. If the file then you enter multiple jquery mobile pages must also specify the id.

jQuery Spell Checker plugin for TinyMCE in .NET

We have an app written in .NET/MVC (C#) and it uses TinyMCE as the WYSIWYG editor. Works fine except no spell checking natively. The current options are pretty limited (iespell for IE but requires ActiveX, or spellchecker for PHP).
I stumbled on this site and it looked promising until I read the documentation and saw that it also requires PHP on the backend.
So I'm looking for an alternative - jQuery plug-in that will work with a .NET backend or possibly replacing TinyMCE and using CKEditor which supports SCAYT.
Anyone have any idea if there is a good jQuery plugin to use or am I possibly stuck with ripping out TinyMCE and replacing it with CKEditor?
You can use typo.js, you can use to detect if a word is misspelled and also to get a list of suggestions, but you will have to handle the replacement yourself. I am using it with CodeMirror in my Mvc project
To anyone coming on this post later:
TinyMCE can now use the browser's built in spell checking functionality, just turn on the option as follows:
selector: 'textarea', // change this value according to your HTML
browser_spellcheck: true
More details in the relevant section of the official documentation.
You should then get the red squigglies in the browser:

Is it possible to use third-party js libraries, like underscore, in a Firefox Add-On?

I'm using the Firefox Add-On SDK to port a Chrome extension to Firefox. In Chrome, it's trivial to load third-party libraries like Underscore or Backbone. In my particular case, I'm using jQuery, Underscore and Backbone to define models that communicate with cross-domain REST APIs.
It's unclear to me how you might do something similar in Firefox. From what I can see main.js corresponds directly to Chrome's background pages, but it doesn't appear there's a way to load js files.
Am I missing something?
Add-on SDK supports CommonJS modules sysem, same modules that are also used by nodejs
Underscore has a support for commonjs module format & there for can be loaded easily
All you need is drop underscore in next to main.js and loaded it as follows:
var _ = require("./underscore")
I do believe backbone can also be loaded in a similar way as people have being using it
on nodejs.
It's won't work for the jQuery though, that's because context where add-on SDK modules
run is different from typical web page context with DOM, which is what jQuery is designed
to work with.
Now if you want to do cross domain requests there SDK comes with a module to do that:
There is also another low level XHR module, that you could use instead:
So if you just want to write models and talk to REST API it should be pretty trivial, I'm
not sure what's the role of jQuery in your use case. It implies DOM and UI you want to
display. If so there is several modules in SDK that would let you add custom UI for the
firefox and you can probably find useful tutorial on that subject:

What JavaScript framework do you use with (backbone, knockout, ember, angular)

What JavaScript framework do you use successfully with I mean client side JS app frameworks like backbone, knockout, ember, angular?
We use angular.js here but have some significant problems when using router for our app ... see details here!topic/angular/XGDRAskA8qs . and using angular.js router doesnt work together.(at least we could not get it to work)
Do you use some other JS framework you can recommend as working fine with using application router capability? (I could see similar router feature in ember or backbone for example)
Although we don't endorse one particular library, and our goal is to be compatible with them all, I normally reach for Backbone first when starting a Trigger app. It's simple, lightweight but powerful and has a bunch of nice extensions.
Apart from the issues with Angular which we aim to have fixed as part of our next major release (probably end of July '12), we've not had reports of any snags with other libraries apart from Amber Smalltalk, which should be fixed in the same release.
We have demo apps using Backbone and Sencha here and here, and our initial demo app is written using jQuery Mobile.
I'm using jQuery, Backbonejs, Handlebars, Coffeescript, LESS as my framework - they are pretty much all from my Web development effort. Didn't have to change too much.
In fact, so far, I'm finding I have to simplify a LOT of things to get it down to a level where it fits the mobile environment.
Angular JS is one of the best contenders out there as far as JavaScript Frameworks. I ran all the way through the Angular tutorial, created a new Trigger app, and dropped in the tutorial app in place of the default scaffolding.
Interestingly enough, I adapted the Angular tutorial with my own data from a server. Even works using XHR requests, and Cross Origin Resource Sharing.
In my opinion, build your app using Angular.JS + Zepto/Jquery.
Use either of those frameworks to add CSS Transitions to your app for your UI.
The reason I recommend making your own UI rather than using something like JQuery Mobile, or Sencha Touch 2 is for the past 3 days I have been doing extensive research and testing on numerouse JS Mobile UI Frameworks, and JQmobi is the only one that came close to being fast but it didnt look vary nice.
Making your own will reduce size of the app, give you full control, and keep the app running smooth..your using will never know its not native ;P

ASP.NET MVC View/Site Design

This stems from my question that i started at MVC Beginner Question
Im now confident in developing a MVC website from the MVC side of things.
My fatal floor now is the UI level designing. i.e. designing views and master pages including css styling.
Just wanting to get any advice on where i should start? Im currently about to look at the expression studio to see if that will help.
I need to get up and running in this quickly so that it doesnt hold back the development of the website.
Thanks in advance
I would look at a CSS grid-framework like 960 Grid System or Blueprint.
There is often controversy from CSS/Markup purists as to whether the use of such frameworks is valid, but they often overlook that not everyone is a CSS expert. I have found that the use of these frameworks has saved me hours of productivity since my CSS skills (as a programmer) are not that great.
As far as using Expression, I tend to use this as a "test-bed" with simple HTML files. The Designer and CSS Style support seem to be more interactive than that which Visual Studio supports, so for quick mock-ups -- Expression, then move that HTML/CSS over to VS as soon as possible.
One other priceless tool to use while designing is the add-on "Firebug" for Firefox ... it allows you to inspect single elements on your page, the CSS properties affecting that element - it even allows you to change CSS attributes "on-the-fly" to immediately see the ramificatiions. This tool has saved me HOURS!
Consider finding a suitable theme in a free open source template.
Consider something that suits at
