glossaries package and footnote in LaTeX - latex

I am currently stuck, having two separate glossaries: main & acronyms. Acronyms glossary prints footnotes on first use in the text, but main glossary does not. Is there any way to make any other glossary than acronyms to print footnote on first use of the term? I don't get how to do it.
Here is the code example compiled with TeXnic Center and MiKTeX 2.7:
\newglossaryentry{appdomain}{name={application domain}, description={app Domain Description...}}
\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={[has been inserted aaa]},description={testing testing 123}}
\newacronym{aca}{aca}{a contrived acronym}
\section{this is a test section}
This is the test line... a \gls{sample} \gls{appdomain}
\index{entry} and \gls{aca}
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,title={List of Abbreviations},toctitle={List of Abbreviations}]
I want sample and appdomain either contain a footnote with description or a footnote stating: please refer to Glossary
Many thanks,

In short, with the glossaries package, you can't get footnotes on the first use for non-acronym glossaries.
However, you can redefine some commands in the preamble (after you \usepackage{glossaries}) to get what you want:
But that will be really fragile.

I think there is an easier way of doing this. Maybe it's new, but
appears to achieve the exact same thing (correct me if I'm wrong). See the glossaries manual, version 2.03, subsection 2.4.1 changing the format of the text.
Unfortunately, it appears commands like \gls or \autoref does not work in those footnotes.

Following is a good technique, to put a footnote stating where the definitions are:
\label{nom} %put this on the page your term appears, so that it can collect page number
\newcommand{\g}{\footnote{For all abbreviations see the glossary on page \pageref{nom}.}}
I've found this from here.


How do I ref a figure in LaTeX before it occurs?

I always like my figures to be placed in between text as opposed to the top or bottom of the page. I also like to talk about the figure before it is shown. So I am trying to have something like this:
By looking at Figure~\ref{fig:VCO} you can see that blah blah blah.
\caption{VCO test circuit}\label{fig:VCO}
This doesn't seem to work because it I guess it is referencing something that hasn't occurred yet? Does anyone have some simple solution? I am still very new to LaTeX.
Generally LaTeX needs at least two passes to resolve all its references, the first time to write them to an auxiliary file and the second time to put them into the final ps/pdf/dvi file. So it does not matter where the reference is.
A third pass will be needed, for example, if your document has a long table-of-contents which will screw up page numbers.
It failed the first time because labeling and referencing are a two-pass process. The first time you processed your latex, all the labels were being indexed so the ref failed. The second time around, since the labels had been indexed the ref knew what it was actually referencing.
I would add that latexmk (link) has proven invaluable to me over the years. This is a LaTeX "build" script written in Perl that is designed to compile .tex source files the right number of times. It parses the output from the latex command and performs dependency checking to ensure that the output document is kept up-to-date with the minimum number of passes. It can also deal with BibTeX bibliography files. Generally speaking, I invoke latexmk from either an Ant or GNU Make makefile and treat it just like I'm compiling C++ code, for example.
I had same problem and I found this solution:
\caption{Hliněná destička s mapou severu Mezopotámie}
\graphicspath{{images/}} is there to declare your path to your pictures
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.jpg} is there for declare picture extension (multiple can be with comma (I think ;-))
is there for precise determination of position here
\caption{Hliněná destička s mapou severu Mezopotámie}
there is your picture with height specified and caption and label with it...
I hope it will help you ;-).

Exclude entry from glossary?

I'm using the glossaries package in LaTeX. I've got \gls{foo} in my document, but I don't want the entry for "foo" to appear in the glossary. How can I keep a working (i.e. expanding) \gls{foo} in the body of my document, but exclude the entry for "foo" from the glossary?
EDIT: I want to use \gls{foo} to indicate "as used here, 'foo' has its specific meaning within this document." In a few cases, though, I've ended up with a "foo" whose definition is too obvious--or difficult--to articulate in the glossary.
So I want \gls{foo} to be expanded as usual, but I don't want the "foo" entry to appear in the glossary.
I hope this adds a little more information about what I'm trying to accomplish. It may be an abuse of glossaries, but I find it helpful to make sure I'm always using the same words and the right words while writing technical documents.
If you are using the glossaries package you can create an "ignored" glossary like
\newglossary[glignoredl]{ignored}{glignored}{glignoredin}{Ignored Glossary}
\newglossaryentry{foofoo}{name={FOOFOO},description={foofoo stuff}}
\newglossaryentry{foo}{name={FOO},type={ignored},description={no good description}}
\newglossaryentry{bar}{name={BAR},description={bar of stuff}}
Here is a \gls{foo} that is also a \gls{bar}, but of course it's also a \gls{foofoo}.
Why not consider buying a \gls{foo}?
% \printglossary[type={ignored}]
I have no idea why you'd want to do this, but the following should work:
\let\oldgls\gls% store the original meaning of \gls in a new command named \oldgls
\let\gls\relax$ make \gls do nothing
Some text with \gls{foo} no links to the glossary,
and no ``foo'' entry in the glossary.
\let\gls\oldgls% restore the original meaning of \gls
Some more text with \gls{bar} that links to the glossary,
and with a ``bar'' entry in the glossary.
This can be accomplished by adding the terms to a special common dictionary. It's actually a built-in feature of the glossaries package and it's even exemplified by the package author. From said example:
\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},description={an example}}
\newglossaryentry{commonex}{type=common,name={common term}}
\gls{sample}. \gls{commonex}.
Note the use of the \newignoredglossary command.

Example for a simple LaTeX glossary

I'm trying to include a simple glossary to my LaTeX document,
I already searched for something like that on google, but never got it running.
I would like to use glossary or glossaries.
how to write it in the text?
how to print it?
what to execute on which position?
Well, there is a glossaries package on CTAN. Read the pdf documentation.
Check if you already have it in your installation, if not install it, and put \usepackage{glossaries} in the preamble of you document and it will be available to you.
It looks like you need \usepackage{glossaries} and \makeglossaries in the preamble, and some number of \newglossaryentry and \newacronym calls (it is not immediately clear to me if these only go in the premble or can go in the document text). Finally, you will need one or more \printglossary calls in the text. Use \gsl to connect glossary entries on the argument with the pages they occur on.
Processing the file will have to include a call to makeglossaries followed by at least one more invokation of latex.
In addition to the samples mentioned in the documentation there is a Stack Overflow question which includes a minimal file making use of glossaries. You may be particularly interested in the acronym glossary.
There is a nice blog for beginners: LaTeX glossary and list of acronyms
Here is an example:
% Load the package
% Generate the glossary
%Term definitions
\newglossaryentry{utc}{name=UTC, description={Coordinated Universal Time}}
\newglossaryentry{adt}{name=ADT, description={Atlantic Daylight Time}}
\newglossaryentry{est}{name=EST, description={Eastern Standard Time}}
% Use the terms
\gls{utc} is 3 hours behind \gls{adt} and 10 hours ahead of \gls{est}.
%Print the glossary

Use of Acronyms in LaTeX

I'm trying to add a list of all acronyms I use at the end of my document.
This is an example of what I'm trying:
Sigurdur Sigurdsson,\emph{'Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: An Evaluation of Robustness of MP3 Encoded Music'}, Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark
I want to print this page after the Bibliography page.
At the beginning of the document I'm adding the following line:
and within the document I try \ac{H2O}, but I didn't get it to print the acronym H2O, nor the acronym list.
Does anyone know what am I missing?
Your example doesn't compile correctly (you should have square brackets for the argument to the acronym environment); here's a minimal example that should help to get you started:
Acronym: \ac{H2O} \\
Again: \ac{H2O}
I'm not familiar with the acronyms package but I suspect that your problem is this: you have defined the acronym at the end of the document and tried to use it prior to its definition.
I haven't even got a good guess about why your acronym list was not printed.
If this is no use and you decide to post again, include the error messages that LaTeX generated -- or tell us that it didn't generate any.

How do you display straight quotes instead of curly quotes when using LaTeX's 'listings' package?

I'm using LaTeX's "listings" package to format source code. Unfortunately I get curly quotes instead of straight quotes. Since the curly quotes don't always point in the right direction, it looks bad. How can I get straight quotes instead?
I'd prefer not to change or filter the source code itself. Filtering the code to properly change " to `` or '' would work, but this is easier done than said with multiple quotes on a line, or quotes spanning multiple lines. Or you could use symbol or a host of other things. But I'd really like to keep the source unchanged.
Example LaTeX:
Fahrenheit=input("What is the Fahrenheit temperature?")
print"The temperature is",Celsius,"degrees Celsius"
Example output (using Miktex on windows):
(Direct link to image of incorrect output)
I see in the documentation (which should have been distributed with the packge, but is available at for listings that there is a settable property called upquote to take care of this.
From the documentation:
upquote=⟨true|false⟩ false
determines whether the left and right quote are printed ‘’ or `'. This
key requires the textcomp package if true.
Do something like
before begining the list environment, or use
It is also possible that tis property is already set for you in the appropriate language
definition (see the docs again, big list of predefined languages on page 12).
\lstloadlanguages{<dialects you need>}
in the header. And then set the language using either of the above conventions for choosing options.
Have you considered using a monospaced (typewriter) font for the listing? The following example works:
\lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily} % <<< This line added
Fahrenheit=input("What is the Fahrenheit temperature?")
print"The temperature is",Celsius,"degrees Celsius"
dmckee's answer above probably works. If you drop your last condition, i.e. you permit changes to the code, then there is a more generic solution, which I tend to use whenever (La)TeX renders a character somehow differently than I expect it to do is to use the \symbol command. I list it here because it can be useful in other situations as well:
\newcommand{\qq}{\symbol{34}} % 34 is the decimal ascii code for "
And then your example:
print{\qq}The temperature is{\qq},Celsius,{\qq}degrees Celsius{\qq}
Note the curly braces which supposedly take listings back to LaTeX mode (see escapechars option of the package.)
Here is a solution
% in the listings package configuration, try:
I had the same problem, using fontspec, and the solution was to not set \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}, but instead setting Mapping=tex-text specifically on only the main and sans font, and leaving the tt font to it's own devices. :)
Maybe it's because I installed listings early as a LaTeX user, but I'm surprised to learn that without the listings package the behaviour is any different.
My solution was similar to David Hanak's, but I used the symbols for double-quote as described in the LaTeX Cheat Sheet (
