How do you set the value of a newly added ActiveRecord counter cache? - ruby-on-rails

I have a model object which did not have a counter cache on it before and I added it via a migration. The thing is, I tried and failed to set the starting value of the counter cache based on the number of child objects I already had in the migration. Any attempt to update the cache value did not get written to the database. I even tried to do it from the console but it was never going to happen. Any attempt to write directly to that value on the parent was ignored.
Changing the number of children updated the counter cache (as it should), and removing the ":counter_cache => true" from the child would let me update the value on the parent. But that's cheating. I needed to be able to add the counter cache and then set its starting value to the number of children in the migration so I could then start with correct values for pages which would show it.
What's the correct way to do that so that ActiveRecord doesn't override me?

You want to use the update_counters method, this blog post has more details: add a counter cache to an existing db-table
This RailsCasts on the topic is also a good resource:

The canonical way is to use reset_counter_cache, i.e.:
Author.find_each do |author|
Author.reset_counter_cache(, :books)
...and that's how you should do it if those tables are of modest size, i. e. <= 1,000,000 rows.
BUT: for anything large this will take on the order of days, because it requires two queries for each row, and fully instantiates a model etc.
Here's a way to do it about 5 orders of magnitude faster:
.select(", authors.books_count, count( as count")
.having("authors.books_count != count(")
.pluck(:id, :books_count, "count(")
.each_with_index do |(author_id, old_count, fixed_count), index|
puts "at index %7i: fixed author id %7i, new books_count %4i, previous count %4i" % [index, author_id, fixed_count, old_count] if index % 1000 == 0
Author.update_counters(author_id, books_count: fixed_count - old_count)
It's also possible to do it directly in SQL using just a single query, but the above worked well enough for me. Note the somewhat convoluted way it uses the difference of the previous count to the correct one: this is necessary because update_counters doesn't allow setting an absolute value, but only to increase/decrease it. The column is otherwise marked readonly.


how to update a computed result of several columns in one record into postgresql database with rails

I have a table called "Scores" which has 4 columns, "first", "second", "third", and "average" for keeping record of user's score.
When a user create the record initially, he can leave "average" column blank. Then he can edit all 3 scores later.
After editing, the user can see the computed average (or sum, or any calculation result.) in his show page, since I have
def show
#ave = (#score.first + #score.second + #score.third)/3
However, #ave is not in the database, how can I update #ave into the column of "average" of my database?
Ideally, it would be the best if the computing takes place before updating into database, so all 4 values can be updated into database together. It might have something to do with Active Record Callbacks, but I don't know how to do that.
Second approach, I think i need a "trigger" in database so that it can compute and update "average" column as soon as other 3 columns got updated. If this is how you do it, please let me know and the advantage of comparing with solution number 1.
Last approach, since the user already know the average in his show page, I don't have to update the computed average into "average" column immediately. I think i can leave this to a delayed_job or background job. If this is how you do it, please let know me how.
Thank you in advance!(ruby 2.3, rails 5.0.1, postgresql 9.5
Unless you really do need the average stored in the database for some reason, I would add an attribute to the Score model:
def average
(first + second + third)/3.0
If one or more might not be present, I would:
def average
actual_scores = [first, second, third].compact
return nil if actual_scores.empty?
actual_scores.sum / actual_scores.size
If you do need the average saved, then I would add a before_validate callback:
before_validation do
self.average = (first + second + third)/3.0
Ideas 1 and 2 are perfectly valid approaches. Idea 3 is overkill and I would strongly recommend against that approach.
In idea 1, all you need to do (in any language) is simply look at each individual value put in (not including average) and generate the average value to be included in your insert statement. It's really as simple as that.
Idea 2 requires making a trigger as follows:
RETURNS trigger AS
Then assign it to run on update or insert of your table:
CREATE TRIGGER last_name_changes
ON scores
EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_average();

How do I count items in an array that have a specific attribute value?

In my application, I have an array named #apps which is loaded by ActiveRecord with a record containing the app's name, environment, etc.
I am currently using #apps.count to get the number of apps in the array, but I am having trouble counting the number of applications in the array where the environment = 0.
I tried #apps.count(0) but that didn't work since there are multiple fields for each record.
I also tried something like #apps.count{ |environment| environment = 0} but nothing happened.
Any suggestions?
Just use select to narrow down to what you want: {|a| a.environment == 0}.count
However, if this is based on ActiveRecord, you'd be better off just making your initial query limit it unless of course you need all of the records and are just filtering them in different ways for different purposes.
I'll assume your model is call App since you are putting them in #apps:
App.where(environment: 0).count
You have the variable wrong. Also, you have assignment instead of comparison.
#apps.count{|app| app.environment == 0}
I would use reduce OR each_with_object here:
reduce docs:
#apps.reduce( do |counts, app|
counts[app.environment] += 1
each_with_object docs:
#apps.each_with_object( do |app, counts|
counts[app.environment] += 1
If you are able to query, use sql will return a hash with keys as environment and values as the count.

Tracking Followers Over Time

I want to build functionality in my Rails application that shows follower trends over time.
Currently, my following methodology involves creating and destroying relationship objects - following creates an object with the IDs of the follower and followed and unfollowing deletes that relationship object.
Since the relationship object is deleted upon an unfollow, it's impossible to go back and look at how many followers existed for a followed at any given time.
To solve this, the best solution I can think of is this:
Instead of deleting a relationship object upon unfollowing, create a new object with a negative value of, say, -1. Following would create an object with a positive value of +1. Therefore, adding up the total values for a given pair would yield whether or not they were currently following (1 or 0), while historical trends could also be calculated by adding up the total following values for a given followed.
My question is: Is this the most elegant solution this problem? Is there an easier way to do it? I realize that it's possible to use cron jobs to output a daily number, but that seems like it would duplicate data. Any other suggestions?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I would add an active field then instead of deleting the relationship record I would set the record to inactive. Then you'll have to update all of your user facing queries to reflect active = 1. Then you can use the records with active = 0 for reporting purposes. You can also add a deactivated_at field that stores the date that the record was deactivated.
An example scenario would be user 1 follows user 2, follows user 3, follows user 4, un-follows user 2, re-follows user 2, un-follows user 4.
follower_id followed_id active created_at deactivated_at
1 2 0 9/10/2012 9/13/2012
1 3 1 9/10/2012 NULL
1 4 0 9/10/2012 9/17/2012
1 2 1 9/16/2012 NULL
just use paranoia
class Relationship < ActiveRecord::Base
(if you have a unique index over the two numeric ID columns, remove it, use a plain index)
Then you can have
def currently_following_count(uid)
Relationship.where(:followed_id => uid).count
def historical_following_count(uid)
Relationship.unscoped.where(:followed_id => uid).count

Increment count before update

I have a count column in my tags table. I wanna increment tag count if a tag is just added to the post while updating, and it's already inside db. I added this to my post model:
before_update :increment_tag
def increment_tag
db_post = Post.find_by_id(self)
self.tags.each do |tag|
unless db_post.tags.include? tag
tag.update_attribute("count", tag.count + 1)
I get the post from db and test if the current tag is already in db, if it is, nothing happens, if it's not there, it should update count field. But for some reason this doesn't work.
You should not have a Count column in a tag. You should in stead set up your models propperly so you could do the following:
If you do it right, you can get this in your tag:
If your aim is to find how many times the tag is used in a post, in total, you can simply count the instances in the TagToPostColumn (if you got one), which you need to sine this is a many-to-many relation.
Then you do:
count is a standard attribute, and you should never have to keep track of this yourself, unless you actually need a column called count that tracks something other than the models you have in the database. But then it is a good idea to name it something else than count, since it can lead to ambiguous attributes.
Also, i find it very strange that you are doing this:
db_post = Post.find_by_id(self)
Why are you not just using the self parameter, in stead of doing a db lookup to find the post you already have.

Why is Foo.first returning the last record?

I have 2 records in Foo, with id's 1 and 2. Both created in that order. Bare in mind, in Postgres, records have no inherent order.
In Rails console. Foo.first and Foo.last returns the last record. I was under the impression that Foo.first would return the first record.
Here's the catch. The SQL queries look like:
SELECT "foos".* FROM "foos" LIMIT 1
SELECT "foos".* FROM "foos" ORDER BY "foos"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
The second query (Foo.last) has an ORDER BY DESC. So why doesn't AR have an ORDER BY ASC for .first? Whats the logic behind this? Seems a bit "inconsistent".
I can easily solve this by doing: Foo.order('id ASC').first instead. But looking for an explanation.
There isn't any logic to it, if there was any sense to first (or last for that matter), then it would raise an exception if you neglected to specify an explicit order either as an argument to first or as part of the current scope chain. Neither first nor last make any sense whatsoever in the context of a relational database unless there is an explicit ordering specified.
My guess is that whoever wrote first assumed that order by whatever_the_pk_is was implicit if there was no explicit order by. Then they probably did some experiments to empirically verify their assumption and it just happened to work as they expected with the particular tables and databases that they checked with (mini-rant: this is why you never ever assume unspecified behavior; if a particular behavior isn't explicitly specified, don't assume it even if the current implementation behaves that way or if empirical evidence suggests that it behaves that way).
If you trace through a simple M.first, you'll find that it does this:
No explicit ordering so you get whatever random ordering the database feels like using, that could be order by pk or it could be the table's block order on disk. If you trace through M.last, you'll get to find_last:
def find_last
And reverse_order:
def reverse_order
relation = clone
relation.reverse_order_value = !relation.reverse_order_value
The #reverse_order_value instance variable isn't initialized so it will start out as nil and a ! will turn it into a true. And if you poke around for how #reverse_order_value is used, you'll get to reverse_sql_order:
def reverse_sql_order(order_query)
order_query = ["#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_primary_key} ASC"] if order_query.empty?
and there's the author's invalid assumption about ordering laid bare for all to see. That line should probably be:
raise 'Specify an order you foolish person!' if order_query.empty?
I'd recommend that you always use .order(...).limit(1).first instead of first or last so that everything is nice and explicit; of course, if you wanted last you'd reverse the .order condition. Or you could always say .first(:order => :whatever) and .last(:order => :whatever) to again make everything explicit.
For the Rails version 4+, if you don't define any order, it will be sorted by primary key.
# Find the first record (or first N records if a parameter is supplied).
# If no order is defined it will order by primary key.
# Person.first # returns the first object fetched by SELECT * FROM people
# Person.where(["user_name = ?", user_name]).first
# Person.where(["user_name = :u", { u: user_name }]).first
# Person.order("created_on DESC").offset(5).first
# Person.first(3) # returns the first three objects fetched by SELECT * FROM people LIMIT 3
def first(limit = nil)
if limit
if order_values.empty? && primary_key
