Edit status(and other fields) in fogbugz list view - fogbugz

We're evaluating the 45 demo of fogbugz. Thus far I like it, but there are some obvious things I'm missing.
What boggles me the most is how I can easely alter fields in the list view. I would like to open the detail screen as little as possible. It seems to be possible with the estimation column, why isn't it possible with all the other fields (like project, priority, status etc.?).

What you are asking for can not be done in FogBugz 6. You have to open up the case in order to edit most of the fields. Why they made exceptions for time estimates, I don't know.

The rationale here was as a feature to accompany quick case entry. (That's the "Add Case" link at the bottom of each group or at the bottom of the grid.)
The thinking was that it'd be neat to be able to add cases quickly and then burn through the list, estimating them quickly. We didn't really expand our thinking to include moving cases around or changing things like releases/milestones, etc.
This is something we'd like to offer in the future for many more fields, and one of those weird situations where adding a small, specific feature can sometimes make the fact that the larger, general implementation of that feature isn't there yet.

FogBugz 6 isn't big on customisation. You can edit the categories and statuses in the database tables directly (though you need to edit the "internal" project and click OK for the cache to be refreshed.
FogBugz 7 is coming out this year hopefully, and may well address many of these issues.


How should BDD statements be properly constructed? Is there a convention used in teams?

Is there a preferred way of creating BDD scenarios in small agile teams and amongst the community? I'm using courgette and it gives an example on https://courgette-testing.com/bdd
Scenario: Refunded items should be returned to stock
Given a customer previously bought a black sweater from me
And I have three black sweaters in stock.
When they return the black sweater for a refund
Then I should have four black sweaters in stock.
Does this sound like a good idea? Would this work well for communication in teams?
I've used their web steps bit, and am now doing the refactor bit to make it clear to the business.
Any links would help. Thanks
The conversations in BDD are more important than the tools. Rather than starting with the finely-grained specification in Courgette's example, try talking to the business first. Ask them for an example of the kind of behaviour they want.
When you write it down, start by just writing it the way they describe it. It's amazing how few people listen properly! After you've got the example from them, take a look at it. Can you see which bits are the contexts (Givens) and which are the outcomes (Thens)? Which is the step that's associated with triggering the behaviour you're interested in (Whens)?
Once you've worked that out, there are a couple more questions I like to ask:
Is there any other context which, for this same event, gives a different outcome?
Is there any other outcome that's important?
For instance, if I was implementing this behaviour for a big supermarket, I might come across an example like:
"Oh! No, don't add food back to stock. We don't know how it's been stored. We refund it if there's something wrong with it, but we bin it."
You can probably see how that might change your code!
Testers are really great at asking these questions and spotting missing scenarios! This leads us to the "Three Amigos" pattern. I like to include:
A business person, Product Owner, subject matter expert or person with the problem
A tester
A dev (or a pair of devs).
You can also include UI designers, technical writers, etc. - Matt Wynne says it's "Three Amigos where three is a number between 3 and 7".
I really like it when the developer writes the scenarios down, in any form that allows them to get to the "Given, When, Then". Sometimes I'll do it in the meeting; sometimes I do it later and show it or send it to my business person.
Courgette's example is something that typically happens when people don't have these conversations. If you start with the conversations, you're much more likely to get something that matches the above. Not only are those declarative steps easier for business to read and for the whole team to talk about, but they're also easier to maintain, as the detail of how they're achieved is hidden (usually in Step Definitions, and further in Page Objects).
There's all kinds of useful posts for BDD newcomers on my blog if you want to know more!

How precise user stories should be?

I've just started using SpecFlow. It's a tool for creating business understandable test scenarios in a BDD manner. Basically it transforms user stories to unit tests.
I'm a beginner to user stories and I wonder about its length. Is this a good practice to create very precise user stories? Here's an example:
In order to get help
As a StackOverflow user
I want to add post
with name and content
and add tags to it
and format the content
and the information about my post edits to be stored in the system
and some more things like that
Should I keep my stories compact? If so - how can I manage detailed requirements? Or maybe it's nothing wrong in very long and precise I want section in a user story?
If you could develop an entire system in a couple of weeks, and do that reliably, nobody would ever worry about "user stories". They'd just get you to develop the system, sit with you, and tweak it as it went.
User stories only exist in order to get feedback from people who can't be with you all the time, and to help you learn what it is that your users (and other stakeholders) really want.
Here's how I treat a list like this:
In order to get help
As a StackOverflow user
I want to add post
with name and content
and add tags to it
and format the content
and the information about my post edits to be stored in the system
You want to get help. Which of these actually add to your ability to get help? Is it you wanting help, or do you want to offer help to other people? Do you want recognition for the help you're offering other people? The top part of this seems false (and it's why it's really difficult to have these conversations with fake requirements).
I think there are multiple requirements here, and far beyond the scope of just one user story. With an analyst hat on, here's how I might break this down:
In order to award great content with appropriate recognition,
as Stack Exchange,
we want people's usernames to appear with their content.
Of course, the users want this too, but they're not paying for it (except through adverts). So work out who's paying for this, and why.
In order to get more page impressions and keep people on the site for longer,
as Stack Exchange,
we want users to be able to find similar content really easily.
Hm. This one's a bit trickier. See, the user doesn't really want to spend their entire life on StackOverflow. It's just that if we give them the appropriate recognition, and make it easier for others to find their content, they might do that. Not all "user stories" actually benefit users. Find out who's paying for them, and why; then you find your real stakeholder. It's also OK for a story to benefit more than one stakeholder, and it's easy to see how to rephrase this from the user's point of view as well.
format the content
Honestly not sure about this one. It might be about being able to emphasise important points, etc. There are a ton of aesthetic ideals that don't lend themselves well to BDD and automated scenarios. Sometimes the only way to do this is to try, and get feedback.
In order to avoid retyping my request every time
As the user
I want the information about my post edits to be stored in the system
Well, yes, that would be nice.
The thing is that each of these can be developed independently. If you can think of any feature, any item that you could get rid of and still have the release be valuable, put it in a separate story.
If you can replace "I want to..." with "I want to be able to..." it's likely that what you have there isn't a story, but an entire capability. Most people do this instinctively. Lots of people call those "epics".
I've just shown you how I break them down. It's a pretty simple process.
First, look at your requirements. If there's anything for which you can say, "I want to be able to..." or "Someone wants to be able to..." then you know that's a completely different capability, which means it's going to be a separate story.
You can then separate those into contexts. So you might have stories like:
In order to free up our junior traders
We want them to be able to generate contracts automatically
So that they can help with the trade analysis instead of typing.
If that seems too big for the feedback cycle (typically a two-week sprint), you can divide it further.
In order to free up our junior traders
We want them to be able to generate *orange juice* contracts automatically
So that they can help with the trade analysis instead of typing.
Here, we're focusing on being able to trade orange juice, but we could equally narrow the story down to the FTSE, or the US, or the NY stock exchange. This is how we focus the efforts on the thing that will deliver: protecting revenue, lowering costs or generating value.
To turn these into scenarios, I ask, "Can you give me an example of an OJ trade on the NY stock exchange?" If I see anything generic that I don't understand, I ask, "Can you give me an example of that?"
That example becomes my first scenario. The context (given) is defined by the limits of the story. The event (when) is the performance of the capability. The outcome (then) is the resulting value.
In answer to your question - yes, I think it's important to create precise user stories. That means knowing why it's valuable, defining the context that you're going to cover, and suggesting an example of what the outcome might be.
The example you gave is more than just one story, though. It's not precise enough. Hopefully the advice here will help you to narrow stories down to something useful. One or two days is a good length for a story, but if you're starting down this path and find they're a bit longer, that's OK.
Your changes are also stories.
I always advise the following:
Try cutting your stories in scenarios. The more scenarios, the better you can pinpoint when something is going wrong. Give all scenarios subjective names.
Now for example, your test. If step 1 goes wrong, all your other steps are not going to get tested.
Also use the Given, When and Then tags to read your scenarios easily.
So instead, you could say:
Feature: As a StackOverflow user I want to add a post
Scenario: I go to stackoverflow website
Given I open the browser
And I go to the stackoverflow website
When I click New Post
Then a new page appears to insert my data
Scenario: I fill in data for my post - Name and content
Given I do not modify this page
When I fill in name
And I fill in content
Then I add tags to it
And I format the content
Scenario: Check if information about post edits are stored in the system
Guess you will get where this is going :-)
There is no right detail level of user stories, as user stories shrink in size (scope) and grow in detail (specifications) over time. This slide shows a nice visualization from Gojko Adzic about this: http://www.slideshare.net/chassa/2015-0214agile-reqend2endcomplete/6
For the question on how precise and detailed a Gherkin scenario should be: Scenario should reveal interesting aspects of the user story to be implemented. They should use concrete (key) examples rather than abstract descriptions. The examples should focus on the aspect that should be illustrated. The scenario title should be an abstract description of the rule or aspect that is illustrated with the example(s) provided in the scenario.
You usually start with a main aspect (happy path) scenario, and then try to “break the model” by coming up with new examples (cases) that explore other aspects of the story. You start by asking the questions “How would you try out the story when it was implemented?” (happy path) and “What should happen if …?” to collect potential scenarios to consider (probably defining some of the questions to be out of scope for this story).
After that, you’re trying to answer these questions (scenario title) and illustrate them with concrete examples (scenario steps). This slide gives an idea of “break the model”: http://www.slideshare.net/chassa/2015-0214agile-reqend2endcomplete/61

How would you add weight to a voting system like "thumbs-up" based on time?

There's a cool library I found for voting on things -> https://github.com/brady8/thumbs_up
I'd like to be able to modify it myself or with someone's help to add weight based on time. Business logic wise, I have an idea of how to do it, but could use some guidance on how to implement it.
My reasoning for this is that unless you add weight based on time, then old entries with the most votes will always be at the top of a tally query. It makes sense to have newer entries have more weight so they have the ability to surface.
Thoughts? Perhaps there's a library that already does this?
Most sites now categorize by time period, such as "Top today", "Top this week" and "All Time"
That way, you can still be fair about it and so people can still see what content has held it's spot at the top over time.
It looks like that gem already supports time periods, so you'd really be on your way, I think

Things you look for when trying to understand new software

I wonder what sort of things you look for when you start working on an existing, but new to you, system? Let's say that the system is quite big (whatever it means to you).
Some of the things that were identified are:
Where is a particular subroutine or procedure invoked?
What are the arguments, results and predicates of a particular function?
How does the flow of control reach a particular location?
Where is a particular variable set, used or queried?
Where is a particular variable declared?
Where is a particular data object accessed, i.e. created, read, updated or deleted?
What are the inputs and outputs of a particular module?
But if you look for something more specific or any of the above questions is particularly important to you please share it with us :)
I'm particularly interested in something that could be extracted in dynamic analysis/execution.
I like to use a "use case" approach:
First, I ask myself "what's this software's purpose?": I try to identify how users are going to interact with the application;
Once I have some "use case", I try to understand what are the objects that are more involved and how they interact with other objects.
Once I did this, I draw a UML-type diagram that describe what I've just learned for further reference. What happens after depends on the task I've been assigned, i.e. modify the code, document the code etc.
There is the question of what motivation do I have for learning the new system:
Bug fix/minor enhancement - In this case, I may focus solely on that portion of the system that performs a specific function that needs to be altered. This is a way to break down a huge system but also is a way to identify if the issue is something I can fix or if it is something that I have to hand to the off-the-shelf company whose software we are using,e.g. a CRM, CMS, or ERP system can be a customized off-the-shelf system so there are many pieces to it.
Project work - This would be the other case and is where I'd probably try to build myself a view from 30,000 feet or so to know what are the high-level components and which areas of the system does the project impact. An example of this is where I'd join a company and work off of an existing code base but I don't have the luxury of having the small focus like in the previous case. Part of that view is to look for any patterns in the code in terms of naming conventions, project structure, etc. as this may be useful once I start changing some code in the system. I'd probably do some tracing through the system and try to see where are the uglier parts of the code. By uglier I mean those parts that are kludge-like and may have some spaghetti code as this was rushed when first written and is now being reworked heavily.
To my mind another way to view this is the question of whether I'm going to be spending days or weeks wrapping my head around a system like in the second case or should this be a case where it hopefully takes only a few hours, optimistically that is, to get my footing to make the necessary changes.

Best way of validating modal dialog fields?

I often need to have modal dialogs for editing properties or application configuration settings, but I'm never really happy about how to validate these, and present the validation results to the user.
Choices and tools are typically:-
Design UI so that invalid choices
are simply impossible - i.e. use
"mask edits", range limits on
Try and trap errors as they're
found - immediate dialogs or
feedback when a user has an invalid
value entered somewhere (although,
because this may be due to an
incomplete entry, this can be
visually distracting)
Detect errors on change of
control focus
Validate entire dialog when OK
is pressed, and present message
box(es) showing what's wrong.
No.4 is typically the easiest and quickest to code, but I'm never really happy with it.
What good techniques have you found to handle this?
While this question is fairly generic, an ideal answer would be easily implementable in Delphi for Win32...
As with everything, it depends. :) I try to look at some of these from the user's perspective.
Number 1. I don't like mask edits personally, but things like range limits on spin edits, pre-populated combo boxes etc make a lot of sense for general sanity checking and it makes the user's life easier.
I think number 2 could make using the dialog painful for the user. They might not enter the information in the order you think they will, or might leave an incomplete field and come back to it at the end.
For validation, I use a combination of 3 and 4.
Depending on the field (e.g. required value), I might validate it on each key press and disable the OK button if it's invalid. You could get fancy and change the colour of the bad field or use some other kind of visible validator control. It's obvious to the user and doesn't interrupt their "flow".
Things that aren't as easy to check on the fly (e.g. calls to the server) are done once when the user hits OK.
Just an observation but I have watched a lot of users populate dialog boxes (especially complex ones) and they DO NOT use the TAB key. They tend to click in/on edits combos radio buttons as they "think through" the answers or read from disparate documentation. This order will not be the same that you thought it would be! We as programmers are hopefully logical (captain, said Spock) but users well...
One way that is nice (but requires effort) is to have each editor validate itself, either on change or on exit, and it simply changes colour if it is invalid. Your routine in the "OK button" code is then a simple matter of iterating through the control list and setting the focus to the first one that reports itself as "invalid" until none do.
I do work for the airline industry with focus on credit card stuff and I have TTicketNumberEdit, TCardNumberEdit, TExpiryDateEdit, TFormOfPaymentEdit etc. works well because in some of these the validation is not simple. As mentioned, you need to put effort in early on but it pays off in complex dialogs.
I think N°4 is the best way to do the validation, in addition to being the easiest & quickest to code, you have all your validation logic in the same place, so if you need to connect to database, compare 2+ inputs, etc... everything is done only once,
N°1: this may be a nightmare to implement for some cases & to update
N°2/3: you have to be aware of all UI events related to validation, input changes, focus, .. -> heavy coding & hard to debug
The JVCL offers a component set for validating input (TJvValidators etc.). It marks fields that have no valid input and shows a hint to the user when he moves the mouse over that marker. (I think I read about a similar functionality in dotNET but I have never used it.)
While I like the concept and have actually used these components in a number of dialogs, I don't like the implementation much: It is a hog on cpu usage and the pre-defined validators that come with the JVCL are not really usefull. Of course, having access to the jvcl svn repository, I could just stop complaining and start improving the components...
Don't forget to give a look at Jim's great coderage session : Stop Annoying Your Users!
He has a verse on input validation...
IMO, option #1 should be done as a matter of course, not optional, and the interface simplified as far as you can take it while still allowing the user to input the detail needed for the application. I don't like using masked edits, though. If I want a user to enter a number, for example, I'll just use a textbox, then try to parse the number when I go to save the field value.
For direct validation, I use #4 exclusively, unless there's a special case that calls for using one of the other methods. I like to let my users modify their inputs if they change their mind, so they can make a mistake and go back and fix it on their own because they already know there's an error in their input. I do help them out if possible, though (i.e., if a form field is empty or invalid and they hit OK, I will focus/select the offending field after showing an error message).
Doing #2 in a Windows Forms application is rarely pulled off well on its own, so I would just avoid it altogether as a primary means of validation. It could, however, be combined with #4 effectively, but I think in most cases, that would be overkill.
