rails activeresource messages - ruby-on-rails

I have a quick question about active resource. If I have a User resource, when I do a call like
User.find(1).put(:promote, :position => 'manager')
According to the api it translates into this call /users/1/promote.xml?position=manager
My question is this. Is activeresource actually making two calls here? find doing a get, then putting on that object, or does appending .put to the .find mean that it just makes a single call. If this is so, then the only reason for the .find is the give the proper url format of /users/:id/promote ??
I couldn't find in the docs where this might be specified, but it's the .find that makes me think maybe two service calls are taking place?

If ActiveResource works like ActiveRecord, I would say 'yes'. If you do something like
ActiveRecord first does a select to get the object and then issues an update call to the database to change the record. I would presume that ActiveResources functions in a similar manner where it issues two web services calls to get the object and then update the object.

Put the following in your intializers:
class ActiveResource::Connection
# Creates new Net::HTTP instance for communication with
# remote service and resources.
def http
http = Net::HTTP.new(#site.host, #site.port)
http.use_ssl = #site.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if http.use_ssl
http.read_timeout = #timeout if #timeout
#Here's the addition that allows you to see the output
http.set_debug_output $stderr
return http
Search '"http.set_debug_output $stderr" "ActiveResource"' to find the original author of this helpful tip.


How to send an array with a POST request, with a parameter name for the array that contains an empty set of square brackets []?

So, Rails normally handles parsing of incoming Arrays sent via HTTP Post requests (forms), like this:
"Normally Rails ignores duplicate parameter names. If the parameter
name contains an empty set of square brackets [] then they will be
accumulated in an array." - Rails Guides
But when using Net::HTTP.Post to send a Post request to a third party service (API), then it seems this convention of handling arrays in HTTP Post requests is not followed.
This code:
data = {:categories => [one, two, three]}
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
response = http.request(request)
Then set_form_data will serialize the Array like this:
And not like this (which I thought was the conventional Rails way):
I can see that it has to do with the recent implementation of the URI.encode_www_form method that set_form_data uses. But what is the purpose deviating from the conventional Rails way?
And, more importantly, how do I easily modify this to send it in the latter way (without overloading a bunch of inherent Ruby/Rails methods)?
I found out that the solution was as easy as changing the table name:
data = {'categories[]' => [one, two, three]}
It even works if other elements of the data hash are :symbols.
I'd still be curious to find out why Rails makes this "hack" necessary when using the Net::HTTPHeader::set_form_data method, to get Rails' otherwise conventional way of handling arrays in the url parameters.

How do I refactor an API call to use HTTParty?

I have a working API call to Twitter. Yay me! But the problem is is that I would much rather refactor it into HTTParty and then I can extend it later. There are an assortment of reasons as to why I am not using something like the twitter gem. They are mainly due to some limitations that need to be overcome for the application.
Here, I have a working piece of code that calls to Twitter:
class Twitter
def validate
consumer_key = OAuth::Consumer.new(
access_token = OAuth::Token.new(
baseurl = "https://api.twitter.com"
address = URI "#{baseurl}/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json"
http = Net::HTTP.new address.host, address.port
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new address.request_uri
request.oauth! http, consumer_key, access_token
response = http.request request
puts "The response status was #{response.code}"
It is dependent on only the oath gem.
Key Question: How would one wrap this into HTTParty to make it more modular?
You could just replace NET::HTTP with HTTParty to get the benefits of the latter, or you could go the extra mile and make your Twitter model include HTTParty so that it responds to an ActiveRecord-like interface while it abstracts that in the background is issuing all these API requests.
The decision really depends on your needs. Do you just need to issue a specific request to Twitter and display the results or you want to interact more heavily with Twitter and treat it as a model where you can create, retrieve, delete etc.
Regardless of your choice, I believe that the official readme has all the information you might need (it even has a great example with StackExchange!).

How to set variables across models for a single request in rails?

The scenario: I need to give models access to API tokens stored in the session.
Background: I have an API-driven rails 3 application utilizing DataMapper(DM) and a DM adapter to interface with the API. Each DM model has a corresponding REST-ish API endpoint much like you get with rails scaffolding. The API requires various headers for requests, including API tokens, keys, ids etc. The headers have nothing to do with the requested data, they exist for authorization and tracking purposes only. A number of these tokens are stored in the session. I want a clean way to make these API headers available to any model during a request.
Possible solutions:
1. Passing session variables from the controller to the models
The obvious answer is passing the tokens in a hash or other object from the controller to the models. A controller action might have the following: #user = User.find(params[:id], api_headers).
The problem is needing to override any model method to accept the additional api_headers object. Not counting methods defined by Rails and DataMapper, there are hundreds of methods already defined in the application models that would need to be rewritten. So I'm ruling out a rewrite, and this also doesn't seem like a good solution since it would require overriding a ridiculous number of DM methods like the User#find example above.
2. Some metaprogramming hack
I could catch any ArgumentError's on DM's base class and check if the last argument is the api_headers object, then set the values as instance variables and invoke the requested method. This thought exercise already has me cringing at dealing with optional arguments etc. If given long enough I could probably create a functional Frankenstein that should get me fired but probably wouldn't.
3. Use a singleton (current preferred solution)
In the application controller set a before_filter to dump the session-stored API headers into a singleton ApiHeaders object. Then any model making an API request can get that singleton with the required API headers.
An additional after_filter* on the application controller would set all attributes to nil on the ApiHeaders singleton at the end of the request to prevent leaking headers between requests.
This is currently my preferred solution but I don't like that the API header values could potentially carry over into other requests if the after_filter doesn't get invoked. I don't know in which scenarios this might happen (in an application error perhaps?) which raises concerns. All I know is the values don't necessarily die with the request.
4. Custom code
Drop support of DataMapper and the custom API adapter and manually make all API calls, passing through all required API headers. Besides the fact I don't have time for this level of rewrite, why use a framework at all if you have to throw a huge chunk out to support a custom auth scheme?
What's the cleanest way to get these pesky API tokens from the session into the bowels of the application where they can be sent with each API request? I'm hoping for a better solution than those listed above.
* An alias for after_action
I set the current user and the request information on my User model using the request_store gem which is just a tiny shim over thread local storage with a bit of clean-up.
This makes the information available from any of my models via the User class. I have User.current, User.request and User.location available wherever I need it.
Your controller just has to set User.current and User.request once it has authenticated the user.
Example User model:
# models/user.rb
require 'request_store'
class User
def self.current
def self.current=(user)
RequestStore.store[:current_user] = user
def self.request
def self.request=(request)
# stash the request so things like IP address and GEO-IP based location is available to other models
RequestStore.store[:current_request] = request
def self.location
# resolve the location just once per request
RequestStore.store[:current_location] ||= self.request.try(:location)
Use Thread.current, which is passed in from request to model (note, this breaks if, inside your request, you use sub-threads). You can store the attribute you want to share in a cattr_accessor or in rails cache:
in a cattr_accessor
class YourClass
cattr_accessor :my_var_hash
# and in your controller
# set the var
YourClass.my_var_hash = {} if YourClass.my_var_hash.nil?
YourClass.my_var_hash[Thread.current.object_id] = {}
YourClass.my_var_hash[Thread.current.object_id][your_var] = 100
... and in your model
lvalue = YourClass.my_var_hash[Thread.current.object_id][your_var]
Note, if you use this method, you will also want to make one of the hash values a timestamp, and do some housekeeping on getting, by deleting old keys, b/c you'll eventually use up all your system memory if you don't do the housekeeping
with cache:
# in your controller
#var = Rails.cache.fetch("#{Thread.current.object_id}_var_name") do
return 100 # do your work here to create the var value and return it
# in your model
lvalue = Rails.cache.fetch(("#{Thread.current.object_id}_var_name")
You can then set the cache expiration to 5 minutes, or you can wildcard clear your cache at the end of your request.

Make Rails return response from other local URL

I want a /plan method to return a json object that's itself returned by another local (but belonging to another web app in java) URL (let's call it /plan2 for the sake of this question).
What I want is not a redirect but really to have /plan return the data as it is returned by /plan2, to which I'm appending a bunch of other keys. Since the request is local, would using Net::HTTP be overkill? What are my options, considering I'd also like to send an HTTP Accept header along.
Shooting in the dark here, but I am assuming that /plan belongs to public Rails app and the /plan2 is the url from another web app (maybe not even Rails) on the same server accessible by Rails app but not publicly available. If this is the case, then yes, you can get the response, but I would suggest rather OpenURI or Mechanize than Net::HTTP. If you put it in respond_to JSON format block then everything should be fine with Accept header also.
are you speaking of re-using functionality of another controller-method?
there is no standard way of doing this in rails. you could either put the common functionality into a module and include it this way, or use inheritance if the functionality is in another controller. if it's the same controller class, you could just call the method.
if it's a "private" url, how are you going to call it via http?!
I would suggest encapsulating whatever functionality /plan2 uses and simply re-use that in /plan1
But if you just want to get it to work...
class PlanController < ApplicationController
def plan1
plan2(extra_parameter_1: true, extra_parameter_2: 'hello')
def plan2(extra = {})
# Whatever your code was before...

Connecting to web services using Rails (HTTP requests)?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I am trying to implement APIs to retrieve account information from a web service. That is, I would like to connect to a web service that has the Account class and get information from the show action routed at the URI http://<site_name>/accounts/1.
At this time, in the web service accounts_controller.rb file I have:
class AccountsController < ApplicationController
def show
#account = Account.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #account.to_json }
Now I need some advice for connecting to the web service. In the client application, I should have a HTTP GET request, but here is my question: What is "the best" approach to connect to a web service making HTTP requests?
This code in the client application works:
url = URI.parse('http://<site_name>/accounts/1.json')
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path)
res = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) {|http|
#output = JSON(res.body)["account"]
but, is the above code "the way" to implement APIs?
Is it advisable to use third-party plugins and gems?
Yes, since you're using RESTful routes, they are your basic API. You're also returning structured JSON data easily consumable by an application.
There are other ways to implement a web services API (e.g. SOAP), but this is a good and proper way.
Since it's a web services API, connecting to the correct URL and parsing the response is the way to go on the client side. Though if you need to access many different resources it might be a good idea to create a flexible way of building the request URL.
If you don't need low-level tweak-ability offered by Net::HTTP, instead take a look at using Open-URI, which comes with Ruby. It makes it easy to request a page and receive the body back. Open-URI doesn't have all the bells and whistles but for a lot of what I do it's plenty good.
A simple use looks like:
require 'open-uri'
body = open('http://www.example.com').read
The docs have many other examples.
These are other HTTP clients I like:
They are more tweakable and can handle multiple connections at once if that's what you need. For instance, Typhoeus has a suite of simplified calls, similar to Open-URI's. From the docs:
response = Typhoeus::Request.get("http://www.pauldix.net")
response = Typhoeus::Request.head("http://www.pauldix.net")
response = Typhoeus::Request.put("http://localhost:3000/posts/1", :body => "whoo, a body")
response = Typhoeus::Request.post("http://localhost:3000/posts", :params => {:title => "test post", :content => "this is my test"})
response = Typhoeus::Request.delete("http://localhost:3000/posts/1")
HTTPClient has similar shortened methods too.
I'd recommend using Rails' ActiveResource for most cases. Failing that, httparty.
I would use ActiveResource if you just need a simple way to pull in rest-based resources. It's already included in rails and pretty trivial to set up. You just specify a base url and resource name in your ActiveResource subclass and then you can CRUD rest-based resources with an interface similar to that of ActiveRecord.
rest-client is the most popular gem for easily connecting to RESTful web services
I think one of the best solutions out there is the Her gem. It encapsulates restful requests providing objects with active-record like behavior.
