How to create a view that is not accessible directly but can only be redirected to? -

I'm currently working on the user registration in my project. After the registration is done I wish to show some confirmation to the user. I decided to create another view. That's fine.
Now, if after the registration I just return the view like:
public class MyController : Controller
[AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Post), ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public ActionResult Registration (FormCollection form)
/* Some logic goes here */
return View ("ConfirmationView");
Everything is working as desired. No changed url in the title bar. But... If I click the refresh button, the browser will submit the data from the form again which I do not want.
Then I decided to create a separate action, but that means it will produce a new url in the address bar. I do not want the user to click refresh now because this view will not be able to sensibly display the confirmation information again. Is there any way to make an action not accessible directly? Or at least any way to determine whether it was called directly or by redirection? In the latter case I would just take the user away from that page to maybe the home page.
Any way to accomplish this?

So I found the solution myself.
One can use TempData to detect the repeated or external action calls.
public class MyController : Controller
[AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Post), ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public ActionResult Registration (FormCollection form)
/* Some logic goes here */
TempData["RedirectCall"] = true;
return RedirectToAction ("Confirmation");
[AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Get)]
public ActionResult Confirmation ()
if (TempData["RedirectCall"] == null)
return RedirectToAction ("StartPage", "Home");
return View ();
Nice and simple. :)

One way to solve your problem is to attach a guid or similar type of "random" data to a user session, and check for a valid session when the page is requested. If there is none, you redirect to a page saying that this url is not available at the moment, and that the user will soon be redirected (and then redirect to home after 5 seconds or so using js).
Roughly it would work like this:
When the user is registered, a session cookie is created with for example a GUID. The GUID is also stored in a database table, in which you have one column for the UserID primary key and one for the GUID. You also create an authentication cookie, thus logging the user on to your site.
When all datacalls etc are done, the user has been successfully registered and so on, you redirect to the confirmation page.
When the confirmation page is loaded, the user is automatically logged on (because you created the authentication cookie in step 1). You can then check for a row in the UserID-GUID table corresponding to the logged on user.
a) If there is such a row, you delete the row, and display the confirmation page with all the information.
b) If there is no such row, you display the error message and redirect. As you deleted the row when you showed the message the first time, the user will not be able to access the confirmation page again.
Note: If you use this approach (or some other that makes the confirmation page available only once) you should make sure that it is clearly stated on the confirmation page that the user won't be able to access that page again.

if(Request.UrlReferrer == null)
return RedirectToAction("Index");


Allow a user to login/signin between actions

I have a requirement, where we allow a user to access a URL without logging in until a certain point.
For example:
OnlineBooking/Services. They can select the services, this populates the viewmodel and then brings up a confirm view OnlineBooking/Confirm allowing a user to add an email address etc. Which then generates a ViewModel.
My question is, how can I check the user exists, if it does. Redirect to the login view (Account Controller - Login Action), allow them to login, then redirect back to this action without losing the viewmodel in this action? This may not even be possible, if not how can I achieve this?
Thanks for any advice.
public async Task<IActionResult> Confirm(BookingViewModel bookingViewModel)
var matchedUser = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(bookingViewModel.Email);
if (matchedUser == null) //User does not have an existing account, so register them.
//This is fine
//Need to redirect to login, then back to here without losing the viewmodel
My question is, how can I check the user exists, if it does. Redirect to the login view (Account Controller - Login Action), allow them to login, then redirect back to this action without losing the viewmodel in this action
My personal preference would be to not even redirect the user. If you need them to login, popup a dialog asking them to login. Once the user is logged in (ajax), enable the button to continue..
Not sure if it's the best practice, but what about storing the View Model in the session before you redirect to the login page? Then at the beginning of the confirm action, check if that session variable exists.
Session variables can be set like this:
Session["MyViewModel"] = viewModel;
and retrieved like so:
MyViewModel viewModel = (MyViewModel)Session["MyViewModel"]

Prevent access to page based on Authentication

I have an ASP.Net MVC 4 Website. When I started this site I had little to no web programming experience, and I don't believe I set up all of it appropriately.
I have pages, such as Home, Login, Register, which I consider public,
pages like, VerifyPIN and AccountCreated, which I consider internal
and pages like Dashboard and Profile, which are private.
I feel public pages should be accessed by anonymous users, but Login and Register should not be accessible once a user logs in.
Internal pages I want to only be available upon server redirect and never through the browser, aka I don't want a user to be able to type in
And private pages are for a logged in user only.
I feel I have private pages working fine, but I don't know how to limit access to the other pages as described above. Perhaps my notion to not allow a logged in user to access the log in page is miss-found.
My site is relatively small due to the ajax nature of the site. I use [AllowAnonymous] on all public pages but then a logged in user can still access those and I am not sure how to prevent that.
My questions are,
How can I prevent a user from accessing a page via the address bar (
How can I prevent access to a [AllowAnonymous] page once a user has logged in.
Is it normal to prevent logged on users from accessing certain anonymous pages, such as login?
You may always check if user is already logged in. If he did, he will be redirected to another page:
public ActionResult AccountCreated(some params)
if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
return RedirectToAction("Index")
// login logic here
You may also check it directly in View:
#if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
<span> You are already logged in</span>
//Login form here
well for your first question you can use the [Authorize] action filter.
For your other question, I guess you will have to write your own implementation. You will need to create a new IAuthorizationFilter and use it instead of [AllowAnonymous]
Just some ideas(didn't try them actually).
For question 1 - if AccountCreated is an action that means that the registration form actually POSTs to that URL - i.e. It is accessible from outside. I suggest you apply an HttpPost attribute to it so it will process only POST requests - there is not much you can do here
For point two you can do something like this in your action method
if (HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
else return View();
Just a thought, Signout user when a user goes to Login or Register page .
Hope you have not provided any link on private pages for a user to go to login or Register
page or check if user is authenticated redirect it to Home page, frankly you can not stop a user to write a URL and pressing the enter button, or just give a notification that You'll be logged out if you proceed to whatever page.

how to avoid using TempData

I'm new to mvc, so please bear with me.
I'm using TempData when I redirect to another Action and I don't want to "dirty" the URL with information. For example:
public ActionResult ConfirmationEmailSent()
if (TempData["Username"] != null)
ViewBag.Username = TempData["Username"];
return View("ConfirmationEmailSent");
return View("Error");
So far so good, the user gets a simple and innocent looking web page with some message containing his username. But if the user hits the 'refresh' button then he gets the "Error" view, because TempDate is unavailable.
I would like to have the ability to redirect to action with information not presented in the querystring and also that if the user hits the refresh button then he gets just the same page.
Any ideas how to do this? (without session)
Thank you.
What you need is a way to have information persist across more than one request in a way that is associated with the browser. QueryString and Session are your two best options.
If the view is the result of a form post, you could make it a hidden input, but the user will get a prompt when they refresh (do you want to resubmit form?), but this is not good, as you should be doing a Post/Redirect/Get (PRG).
It sounds like cookies would do what you want. Then just delete them when you're done (or don't set an expiration date on them, in which case the browser will delete them for you when the session completes).

Sharing data between Actions and application behavior

This is my application's current workflow for user registration.
register form ( GET /register )
submit the form ( POST /register )
after success, redirect route to "/registerSuccess"
in (GET /registerSuccess ) view, I want to show the message like "username has been registered successfully".
Controller Actions:
public ActionResult Register()
return View();
public ActionResult Register(string name, string password, string confirmPassword)
TempData["registered_user"] = name;
return RedirectToRoute("RegisterSuccess");
public ActionResult RegisterSuccess()
return View();
RegisterSuccess View
<h2><%: TempData["registered_user"] %> has been registered successfully.</h2>
It is working fine except the username is empty when user refresh the page (GET /registerSuccess).
Is it normal behavior in other applications? or Should I do something about it? :) (It is my pet project and requirements come from me :P )
update: Actually, there is one more step which is registered user required admin's approval. So, I can't let user log in after successful register. I'm currently using cookie-based FormsAuthentication to track logged in user.
I prefer to use PRG pattern rather than showing flash message in the submit form.
that is normal behaviour.. when the user 'refreshes' the page is requested directly not through your Register function so registered_user key is gone by then. When you do the initial registration you should use a session marker (say a cookie) to track a successfully logged in user.
Using cookies tutorial is a good place to start
If you were to use HTTP authentication (say Basic Auth) then the browser submits the username and password (in clear text for basic auth) with every request that sends out a 401 Unauthorized (see HTTP/1.0 Protocol)
Normally you should think of a SSO solution, that holds your User's authentication (token).
then you would just need to display the current authenticated user (as a completed registration normally logs in the user)
other solution would be, to add the user in the url, so that the success page has all parameters.
(and maybe check, that the logged in user is just registered, and is the same)
for your own fun project, i would do the second one. ist just plain simple.

Redirect to Login Page on some condition of session check

In C# with MVC, i want to write a common utility or class in which if a particular conditoin fails need to redirect to login page.
For ex.: When the user logged in to the website, userid will be added to session. To Access the "ManageUsers" page, the user should be logged in as admin, else i need to redirect to Login page. i need to check this condition in some of the other similar pages also. i dont want to check either the user is admin or normal user while login. i need to check this in common class.
Any suggesstions?
Actually I think this is not particularly good behavior for an application. I think you ought to disable (or hide) any actions that a user is not able to perform. In the case where the user hand-enters a URL, or uses a bookmark from when they had the privilege, show an error message rather than redirecting to the login page.
Imagine you're a user who is logged into your application. You click on a user interface element and it looks like you've been logged out. You have no way of knowing that you weren't supposed to use it. Disabling/hiding the element prevents this scenario from occurring for most users. Redirecting to an error gives valuable feedback to the user as to why the action they took did not result in what they expected.
I use a custom attribute derived from AuthorizeAttribute to achieve this effect. If a user isn't logged in, it redirects to the login page. If they are logged in, but not sufficiently privileged, it displays a suitable error view.
This already exist in ASP.NET MVC with the Authorize Attribute:
public AcitonResult ManageUsers() {
return View();
public AcitonResult ManageUsers() {
return View();
More infos:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public ActionResult ManageUsersController()
In your web.config check:
<forms loginUrl="~/your_login_page" defaultUrl="~/">
Also you should setup both MembershipProvider and RoleProvider in your web.config
