ASP.NET MVC, jQuery/AJAX cascading dropdownlist issues with LINQ2SQL? -

The premise:
Get a dropdownlist's content based on the value selected in the first one.
Literal data returns successfully.
LINQ queries on a LINQ2SQL Datacontext fail.
Being a total rookie at this MVC/LINQ/jQuery stuff, I battled for HOURS on end trying to figure out what was wrong w/ my understanding of the code. When i hard coded my values, everything worked fine, but as soon as i tried to query a LINQ2SQL datacontext, all sorts of wierd stuff started to happen and, finally, when i duplicated the query results into a new object everything worked again! Forgive my lack of linguistic prowess when it comes to LINQ, but, I think it has to do with the "connectedness" of LINQ2SQL's data. When I create another list representing the queried data, all is well, but if i try to use the queried data itself, jQuery's world falls apart (and without erroring too - which made it hard to figure out).
I would basically like a reference to or an explanation of LINQ2SQL's "connectedness" and how/why it's a problem, especially in these remote/asynchronous calling situations!
See the code below - hope it makes sense & thank you in advance :)
Basic Layout:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#CaseTypeCategoryId").change(function() {
$.getJSON("/Cases/CaseNatures", { caseTypeCategoryId: $("#CaseTypeCategoryId option:selected").val() }, function(data) {
$("#CaseNatureId option").remove();
<label for="CaseTypeCategoryId">Case Type:</label>
<%= Html.DropDownList("CaseTypeCategoryId") %>
<label for="CaseNatureId">Case Nature</label>
<select id="CaseNatureId" name="CaseNatureId></select>
Initially it was just a SelectList() { new ListItem() { Text = "--Select A Case Nature--", Value = "" }}
and it worked just fine! Then I tried
public JsonResult CaseNatures(int caseTypeCategoryId)
return this.Json(_caseService.GetCaseNatures(caseTypeCategoryId)
This failed - no javascript errors, no compilation issues, couldn't figure it out until i tried dumping the data into a new list manually and i finally settled on:
public JsonResult CaseNatures(int caseTypeCategoryId)
List returnList = new List();
returnList.Add(new ListItem() { Text = "--Select A Case Nature--", Value = "" });
.ForEach(p => returnList.Add(new ListItem() { Value = p.CaseNatureId.ToString(), Text = p.CaseNatureText }));
return this.Json(returnList);

Look here - similar problem.

Use JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet in your sentence:


Knockout mapping is not updating my model

I'm having trouble with a knockout model that is not binding on a subscribed update. I have a C# MVC page that delivers a model to the template which is parsed to Json and delivered raw as part of a ViewModel assignment for ko.applyBindings. I have a subscription to an observable that calls a method to perform an update of the viewModel's data. Irrelevant stuff pulled out and renamed for example usage:
var myViewModel = function (data) {
var self = this;
self.CurrentPage = ko.observable();
self.SomeComplexArray= ko.observableArray([]);
self.Pager().CurrentPage.subscribe(function (newPage) {
self.UpdateMyViewModel= function (newPage) {
var postData = { PageNumber: newPage };
$.post('/Article/GetMyModelSearchByPage', postData, function (data) {
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, self);;
When I perform logging, I can see all of the data, and it all looks correct. The same method is used to produce both the initial model and the updated model. I've used this technique on other pages and it worked flawlessly each time. In this case however, I'm looking for it to bind/update SomeComplexArray, and that's just not happening. If I attempt to do it manually, I don't get a proper bind on the array I get blank. I'm wondering if there is something obvious that I'm doing wrong that I'm just flat out missing.
Edit: I don't know that ko.mapping can be pointed to as the culprit. Standard model changes are also not affecting the interface. Here is something that is not working in a bound sense. I have a p element with visible bound to the length of the array and a div element with a click bound to a function that pops items off of SomeComplexArray. I can see in the console log that it is performing its function (and subsequent clicks result in 'undefined' not having that function). However, the p element never displays. The initial array has only 2 items so a single click empties it:
<p data-bind="visible: SomeComplexArray().length === 0">nothing found</p>
<div data-bind="click: function() { UpdateArray(); }">try it manually</div>
-- in js model
self.UpdateArray = function () {
Edit 2: from the comment #Matt Burland, I've modified how the pop is called and the manual method now works to modify the elements dynamically. However, the ko.mapping is still not functioning as I would expect. In a test, I did a console.log of a specific row before calling ko.mapping and after. No change was made to the observableArray.
I created a test of your knockout situation in JSFiddle.
You have to call your array function without paranthesis. I tested this part:
self.UpdateArray = function () {
It seems to be working on JSFiddle side.
I'm not really sure why, but it would seem that ko.mapping is having difficulty remapping the viewmodel at all. Since none of the fields are being mapped into self my assumption is that there is an exception occurring somewhere that ko.mapping is simply swallowing or it is not being reported for some other reason. Given that I could manually manipulate the array with a helpful tip from #MattBurland, I decided to backtrack a bit and update only the elements that needed to change directly on the data load. I ended up creating an Init function for my viewModel and using ko.mapping to populate the items directly there:
self.Init = function (jsonData) {
// More stuff below here not relevant to question
The primary difference here is that the ko.mapping.fromJS result needed to be called as a function before the observableArray would recognize it as such. Given that this worked and that my controller would be providing an identical object back during the AJAX request, it was almost copy/past:
self.UpdateMyViewModel= function (newPage) {
var postData = { PageNumber: newPage };
$.post('/Article/GetMyModelSearchByPage', postData, function (data) {
This is probably not ideal for most situations, but since there is not a large manipulation of the viewModel occurring during the update this provides a working solution. I would still like to know why ko.mapping would not remap the viewModel at the top level, but in retrospect it probably would have been a disaster anyway since there was "modified" data in the viewModel that the server would have had to replace. This solution is quick and simple enough.

knockout js binding limitation on complex view model

I am 3 months into learning KnockoutJS and it has been great so far. However, I am facing an issue with binding.
This is the scenario:
I am using MVC with KO.
MVC model is passed down to the view, converted into a knockout object and pushed into the viewModel variable:
var data = ko.mapping.fromJS(#Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)));
var viewModel = new HP.ViewModels.CertificationPathViewModel(data);
Within viewModel, I reference the MVC model as
ViewModels.CertificationPathViewModel = (function (data) {
var self = ViewModels.BaseEntityViewModel.apply(this, [data]);
// some other code
return { Data: self.Data, };
ViewModels.BaseEntityViewModel = (function (data) {
var self = this; = ko.observable(data);
// other code
return { Data:, };
On the view, I data-bind like this:
<div id="drpControl" data-bind="CustomDropdown: Data().BusinessUnits.SelectedGroup, optionSettings: { CustomOptions: Data().Units.Groups, CustomOptionsCaption: '-- Select Group --' }"></div>
I try to update the after an ajax call. I return the entire MVC model object and attempt to replace like this :
My expectation is that KO will take care of the update and no extra binding is needed. It works great for simple binding (ex. Value: Data().Something) but it doesn't work for complex binding (ex. value: Data().BusinessUnits.SelectedGroup ).
The controls that have complex binding are still bound to the old model, so KO doesn't know what to pass back next time I submit an ajax request.
Is this a limitation of KO, or I am not doing something properly?
the ko.mapping plugin changes every property on into an observable. During your update, you need to remap the updated data.
Since you didn't actually post your code, just unformatted snippets I can't help a whole bunch, but you should start by changing this line: to this:
see the Knockout.JS mapping documentation
Protip for stack overflow - include your full code, to the extent that it's possible. Also, if you can, make a jsfiddle that reproduces your problem.

JSF 2 doesn't find my method

So I have a view that create pie chart. Th recurring code looks like this.
function drawChart() {
var dataBest = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataBest.addColumn('string', 'Name');
dataBest.addColumn('number', 'Number');
<ui:repeat value="#{dashboardController.bestSelling()}" var="sale">
[ '#{sale[0].prodId.prodName}', #{sale[1]}],
</ui:repeat >
var options = {'title':'Best Sold Products', 'width':400,'height':300};
var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('test'));
chart.draw(dataBest, options);
And in my controller called DashboardController I have:
public String bestSelling() {
List<Sales> bestSelling = saleService.getBestSellingProduct(country,gender,status,income);
return new Gson().toJson(bestSelling);
But, when I go on my page, I have the following error:
/faces/all.xhtml #22,83 value="#{dashboardController.bestSelling}": The class 'com...managedbean.DashboardController' does not have the property 'bestSelling'.
I don't understand what I did wrong there.
You're not running the code you think you're running. Look at the error message:
/faces/all.xhtml #22,83 value="#{dashboardController.bestSelling}
It mentions the method without the parentheses. So, you've apparently added it later in, but the webapp project is not properly been saved/cleaned/rebuilt/redeployed/restarted.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, there's many more wrong with this approach (attempting to use <ui:repeat> to iterate over a Java String as #1 thinking mistake), but you'll experience this as soon as you fix the current problem. Hint: JSF is a HTML code generator and JS is part of that HTML.

Mvc Html.Label or Html.TextBox doesn't create

I'm making a test page for a project I'm working on and I've made desired progress so far but I'm trying to create TextBoxes from a model of List being passed to the view, however, the it seems to just ignore anything I have tried.
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<input id="btnsubmit" type="submit" name="Submit" onclick="Submit" />
<div id="divControls">
<% foreach (TextBox control in (this.Model as List<TextBox>))
Html.Label("lblLabel", control.Text);
Html.TextBox(control.ID, control.Text, new { id = control.ID, style = "width:50", name = "txt" + control.ID });
} %>
The List isn't null in the Controller on return. I don't have a clue at what the problem could be. If I throw a Something in the for loop it executes the appropriate number of times so why isn't it creating the labels or textboxes?
At first I thought it was that I'm adding them inside a form but I removed the form tags and it still didn't work so I really have no Idea, any help would be much appreciated. I'm relatively new to MVC.
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form)
List<TextBox> controls = new List<TextBox>();
foreach (String Key in form.Keys)
if (Key.Contains("txt"))
TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
textBox.ID = Key;
textBox.Text = form.GetValues(Key)[0];
return View("Index", controls);
Here's my Action encase it's helps.
Also encase I wasn't clear enough, I am adding controls to a form at runtime using JQuery and then that Action will be part of the submit so it must send the textboxes back to the view so they are not deleted.
Like I said I'm new to the whole MVC and Asynchronous thing so If there's a better way to do this, advice would be much appreciated.
Your not printing the html
<% foreach (TextBox control in (this.Model as List<TextBox>))
<%=Html.Label("lblLabel", control.Text)%>
<%=Html.TextBox(control.ID, control.Text, new { id = control.ID, style = "width:50", name = "txt" + control.ID })%>
<% } %>
Your code is looping through the controls and the Html.whaterever is returning a string but your not doing anything with it, just discarding it.
you also don't need to return a whole TextBox object. This is probably inefficient. Just return an struct or a class containing your data
Html.Label returns a string containing a <label> tag.
You're discarding that string.
You need to write it to the page by writing <%= Html.Whatever() %>.

ASP.NET MVC 3 - Add/Remove from Collection Before Posting

I have a model that contains a collection, such as this:
class MyModel
public List<MySubModel> SubModels { get; set; }
In the view, I want to dynamically add/remove from this list using Javascript before submitting. Right now I have this:
$("#new-submodel").click(function () {
var i = $("#submodels").children().size();
var html = '<div>\
<label for="SubModels[' + i + '].SomeProperty">SomeProperty</label>\
<input name="SubModels[' + i + '].SomeProperty" type="textbox" />\
This works, but it's ugly. And, if I want to show those labels/textboxes for the existing items, there's no clean way to do that either (without duplicating).
I feel like I should be able to use Razor helpers or something to do this. Any ideas? Help me stay DRY.
You approach may lead to unexpected errors if you when you are removing or adding the divs. For example you have 4 items, you remove the first item, then $('#submodels').children().size() will return 3, but your last inserted div has the name attribute value set SubModels[3].SomeProperty which results in a conflict. And if your posted values contain SubModels[1] but not SubModels[0] the default model binder will fail to bind the list (it will bind it as null). I had to learn this the hard way...
To eliminate the aforementioned problem (and your's) I suggest you do something like this:
$("#addBtn").click(function() {
var html = '<div class="submodel">\
<input type="textbox" />\
</div>'; // you can convert this to a html helper!
refreshNames(); // trigger after html is inserted
$(refreshNames); // trigger on document ready, so the submodels generated by the server get inserted!
function refreshNames() {
$("#submodels").find(".submodel").each(function(i) {
$(this).find("label").attr('for', 'SubModels[' + i + '].SomeProperty');
$(this).find("label").attr('input', 'SubModels[' + i + '].SomeProperty');
Then your view (or even better an EditorTemplate for the SubModel type) can also generate code like:
<div class="submodel">
#Html.LabelFor(x => x.SomeProperty);
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.SomeProperty);
It would also be possible to convert the code generation to a html helper class, and use it in the EditorTemplate and in the JavaScript code
I would recommend you going through the following blog post.
