JQuery UI DatePicker - Can it handle multiple dates? - jquery-ui

I need to display an inline calendar that allows one to click 1 or more dates for selection. Can the JQuery UI datepicker 1.7.1 do this?

At the moment, Datepicker in jQuery UI doesn't allow multiple dates selection.
I created an extension to that plugin that makes it possible: MultiDatesPicker


Jquery UI Datepicker use 2 dateformats

I have a client that need next:
Use a datepicker widget, that supports two different dateformats?
dd/mm/yy and dd-mm-yy
Is this possible with jQuery UI? Maybe with another plugin?
Thanks for the help

How to add datepicker in MVC without jQuery

How to add datepicker in MVC without jQuery
There's no built in Datepicker in MVC. The nearest to a built-in datepicker would be the HTML 5 datetime input type
<input type="datetime " value="" />
which may show a datepicker in certain browsers, but this may not be supported across all your target browsers and is limited to how you can style it.
In light of this, you may want to look at a JavaScript based datepicker.
I don't think you can no, although when running in Chrome it will allow you to pick dates using a datepicker

disable previous dates in jqerymobile dates

disable previous dates in jquerymobile dates and I need to disable dates e.g. weekends and holidays on a jQueryMobile date picker similar to the jQuery. i want disable previous dates in jquerymobile.js please give the suggestion
Assuming that you are trying this date picker..JQM Datepicker. You can find the options in that page with this link..JQM Datepicker options. I haven't tried this but JQM says this third party plugin supports their own Jquery datepicker options.

jQuery mobile events but without the UI

Is there a (simple) way to get the events functionality of jQuery mobile without any of the UI elements?
This is for upgrading a set of already written UI components to play nice in a mobile environment.
You will have to use data-role=page since those are what the JQM events are fired for.
For rest of the elements within the page you can prevent JQM from styling them using the data-enhance=false flag.
Read the Enhancement Section
From JQM Source
// The current version exposes the following virtual events to jQuery bind methods:
// "vmouseover vmousedown vmousemove vmouseup vclick vmouseout vmousecancel"
You should be able to bind to all these just like any other events using live/on/delegate

How to enable a jQuery Mobile button?

I'm using jQuery 1.6, and jQuery Mobile Beta 1. I have a jQuery Mobile themed button which I initialize as disabled. During a certain event, I'd like to enable the button. The following code is what I'd expect to work:
$("#id").prop("disabled", false);
But it seems like this doesn't propagate up to the jQuery Mobile wrapping DOM elements.
The solution, per the jQuery Mobile docs page Form Plugins Method is as follows:
