ASP.NET MVC 2.0 overview information? -

I have heard that Microsoft is developing a MVC 2.0 platform for Visual Studio 2010.
Does anyone have a good source of information about the upcoming project?
Specifically, an overview of the changes and new features?

The roadmap was recently published on the CodePlex site:

There's a Roadmap for MVC, including 2.0, at CodePlex. Also, you may want to follow Phil Haack's blog -- lot's of info there.

The new strongly typed Html helpers are really nice and work well arlready in the MVC futures library.


Regarding details usage of mvc toolkit & mvc contrib

people use all utility , controls mvc toolkit & mvc contrib provide but my question is there any specific web site which guide me in details how to use mvc toolkit & mvc contrib related controls and classes. i can download those project from codeplex but without knowing how to use those then how can i implement those things in my project. so my request that please guide with all tutorial and docs for mvc toolkit & mvc contrib for using in project. i need details guidance for implementation in my project. thanks
I am the coordinator of the Mvc Controls tookit. You may find the list of all Mvc Controls toolkit tutorials here. Moreover, the codeplex web site contains a detailed documentation of all its featuree. See here.
Unluckly all mvc stuffs require a greater learning effort than the corresponding webforms stuffs because they give an higher control on the architecture of your application.

Sample MVC3 Razor application

Is there a sample application using MVC3 with Razor, something similar to the NerdDinner website where I can review the source code?
Looks like NerdDinner has been updated for MVC3 according to the CodePlex changeset in August `11.
Check out the MVC3 Music Store
Check for MVC Music Store MVC MusicStore, but check for the lastest committed versions, as the last committed version have some problems.
Check for tampaDev site. mvc3 samples
Codeplex tagged projects Codeplex mvc3
Refer the book "Pro ASP.Net MVC3 Framework" By Adam Freeman and Steven Sanderson. They are clearly explaining MVC3 Pattern, its language features and essential tools for MVC3. In addition, it demonstrates step by step development of a sample sport store application with source code.
There's a really good stuff I think in Applied ASP.NET 4 In Context There's an example ASP.NET MVC application!
Good luck!

Does ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 (or the eventual RTM) supports .NET 3.5

I've been looking for information regarding if the third version of ASP.NET MVC will support .NET 3.5 or not.
I haven't been able to find anything that either confirms it or denies it.
Some parts of ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview are heavily tied to .NET 4.
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems:Windows 7;Windows Server 2003;Windows Server 2008;Windows Vista
.NET 4, ASP.NET 4, Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Web Developer 2010 are required to use certain parts of this feature.
For further reference: Comment by Scott Guthrie Microsoft VP .NET Framework
(direct link to the comment doesn't seem to work)
The changes all look great, Scott. But do you need Visual Studio 2010 for MVC3 or will it work in 2008?
ASP.NET MVC 3 takes a dependency on .NET 4 (for a lot of the features I listed above), so you do need VS 2010 since that is the only version of VS that works with .NET 4. You can though use Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (which is free) if you don't have VS 2010 installed.
Hope this helps,
In Scott Hanselman's interview with Phil Haack, Phil Haack stated that ASP.NET MVC 3 would be .NET 4.0 only.
From the transcript:
Scott Hanselman: So does this mean that there's no using MVC 3.0
outside of .NET 4.0?
Phil Haack: Correct.
Scott Hanselman: Okay. So 2.0 people can keep doing their thing but
MVC 3.0 is a more than just a gentle
nudge in the direction of moving
towards .NET
Phil Haack: Correct and Visual Studio
2010. So you won't be able to build MVC 3.0 apps using Visual Studio
ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 with Phil Haack
No, the first comment by Scott Guthrie in this post says it requires ASP.Net 4

What is the difference between ASP.Net MVC and ASP.Net MVC2?

I've decided to take the suggestion from Robert Harvey on this site and build an application using ASP.Net MVC.
When I went to Bing for a brief overview, I saw there was an MVC2.
What is the difference and should I care?
MVC2 is backwards compatible with MVC, so MVC2 is the one you will be using.
For the new features in version 2, see here:
Just use MVC v2 if you have the option. It is an evolved version of MVC 1 with many useful enhancement. See ASP.NET MVC 2 Released for more info.

Are there add-on libraries or tools available for ASP.NET MVC development?

My first experience with ASP.NET MVC and the Entity Framework has raised my interest in this framework and I would like to implement some basic applications, covering the basic requirements of real-world web applications. So far the support given by VS 2008 is already impressive.
For some areas however, it might be a time saver to use existing add-ons or libraries of all kind. Are there already commercial or open solutions which I should take a look at?
Some of them:
S#arp architecture
MVC Project Awesome
Be sure to check out example projects.
Telerik has made some UI stuff too (haven't checked out yet).
You might be interested to check out other view engines like:
Spark (this one kicks a$$)
Haack recently posted about .less - might be worth checking out for managing css
T4MVC by David Ebbo library is a nice solution how to make your mvc app more strongly typed.
For UI testing - Watin framework.
Here's Jimmy talking about implementation and solution of common problems when doing UI testing. Seems to me that he prefers Gallio + NBehave + MbUnit combo but i personally like BehaveN (it doesn't need test runner, is not tied with particular unit test framework).
HtmlAgilityPack is a nice tool if working with raw html is necessary.
MvcTurbine might simplify technical part of your project.
Found useful MvcExtensions extension made by Kazi Manzur Rashid.
For managing javascript and css - Chirpy.
Object to object mapper for MVVM support - AutoMapper.
elmah is great for error logging.
Not necessarily MVC specific, but:
MVC lends itself to take advantage of all the jQuery UI controls and pretty things.
There's also Elmah, and StructureMap for DI/IOC.
Nothing much else to add here except that xVal is a really nice validation library, utilising jQuery. My company is currently in the process of moving from a 'roll-your-own' solution to this.
There are some useful links at the bottom of this post.
MVC HtmlHelper for Gravatar
Paging HtmlHelper for ASP.NET MVC
Marquee and GridView HtmlHelpers for ASP.NET MVC
ReCAPTCHA HtmlHelper (and also a solution to use ReCAPTCHA in ASP.NET MVC)
ASP.Net MVC Extension method to create a Security Aware Html.ActionLink
CheckboxList Helper
Also, keep an eye on some of the big component developers. Telerik has a demo of some MVC components and I hear DeveloperExpress has some on the way too.
Just to add details to Telerik's MVC support:
We just kicked-off our official support for ASP.NET MVC with last week's CTP. Our new UI Extensions for MVC will aim to bring the productivity of WebForms to MVC without violating any MVC concepts. Our new extensions are built from the ground-up specifically for MVC and they will leverage jQuery on the client for all behaviors and Ajax.
Further, the Extensions are completely open source, licensed under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL) - the same license that the ASP.NET MVC framework ships under. You can find the CTP source today on or on CodePlex:
All of that said, this is our early support. We will ship the first 3 UI Extensions in November and build from there in 2010. The first planned Extensions are:
You can find more details, demos, and downloads on
Hope that helps.
