Determine when running in a virtual machine - delphi

Is there an official way for an application to determine if it is running in VMWare or Virtual PC (or whatever Microsoft is calling it now)? The code I have seen is usually a hack that took advantage of some odd behavioral side effect in a specific version of VMWare or Virtual PC.
Ideally Delphi code, but if you can link to an official explanation then I am sure I can convert it.

I wrote a series of articles last year on this, with source code. VMware and Wine detection are here. Virtual PC is here. All three of these have pretty iron-clad detection because there are documented callbacks to the hypervisor (in the case of Wine, an extension to a standard DLL). I put up an untested VirtualBox detector (don't have it installed to test with) in the comment section. Parallels might be detectable using a callback also but I don't have it installed. The link for the documentation (which is poor since it's from a security researcher focusing on exploits) but located here if you have it installed and are interested. There's also a PPT here that has some information on detecting Sandbox, Bochs, and Xen. Not a lot of code in it but it might give you a starting point if you have to detect those.

Code Project shows a way to Detect if your program is running inside a Virtual Machine that goes in much detail on how to accomplish it to give a good understanding

I think the best approach to this is to check the hardware profiles. Virtualized hardware usually uses part of the companies name. If you check the motherboard description while in Virtual PC, you will notice it is made by "Microsoft Corporation". Likewise in VMWare, your ethernet adapter will be prefixed with VMNet.

This thread on the SysInternals forums has a couple of answers (in Delphi, of course), including a single IsVM function. I've tested on XP and Win2003 hosted on both XP and Vista in VMWare with good results.

There is a WMI way posted here:
I've double checked in an XP image running on Virtual PC, and the value they're testing for is still the same. I won't guarantee what other VMs return here, though...
I've actually got a Delphi program I wrote a couple of years ago to get a list of and change the default printer using WMI, without requiring 3rd party components or anything like that. In case you're not used to working with WMI from Delphi, I can send you a copy so you have something to work off (it's not necessarily Unicode-compatible, though, but it shouldn't be too hard for me to upgrade it if need be).

I used the RedPill method (translated to Delphi, but the code isn't that hard to understand) which worked fairly well. I also included a few extra checks using WMI calls to get things like the network adapter vendor name and copyrights, but that was for detecting specific versions of Virtual PC.
My understanding of the RedPill method is that it should work and detect all virtual machines based on the nature of how it works. There is the possiblity that false positives might be generated also as the new Windows within Windows feature of Windows 7 can be configured to run selected programs in a copy of Windows XP seamlessly inside Windows 7.

I've had good luck with just looking at the MAC address as all manufacturers are given a block and the first 3 parts are unique to them.
//look at the MAC address and determine if it's a Virtual Machine
$temp = preg_split("/\s+/",exec("/sbin/ifconfig -a eth0 2>&1 | /bin/grep HWaddr"), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
//Virtual Box MACs all start with '08:00:27:xx:xx:xx'
if (strpos($temp[4], '08:00:27') !== false) $_SESSION['DEVELOPMENT'] = true;

To determine the machine is physical or VM
dmidecode | egrep -i 'manufacturer|product'
If the dmidecode command not found install the respective rpm.
This is tested under EXSI, VMWARE and hyperv machines.

dmidecode -s system-product-name
Tested on VirtualBox, result:

If you want to generally detect the presence of any type of virtualization, you are best analyzing performance characteristics. Take something that is significantly slower in virtualization (such as MMU heavy workload like a fork-bomb) and time it against a normal CPU bound user space app. From the ratio you can easily tell.
Easiest in terms of effort if you only care about certain VMMs is to look for their hardware- i.e. VMware PCI devices:
00:07.3 Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 08)
Subsystem: VMware Inc Virtual Machine Chipset
The vendor value is '15ad'
There are also specific backdoor ports that work across various VMMs in various versions. SIDT trick is good too, but what if a VMM is not on the list that his code is checking?


Looking for someone that is familiar with QNX 4.2

As per topic. I have very old machine that i cannot replace (some old railway machine). That machine still uses 3.5zip drive. I need to fit the USB instead. Therefore, as i`m completely not familiar with this system, can someone direct me please on where to start to reconfigure this ( if manageable of course) for use with USB? I guess there would a need for drivers etc so the USB is discoverable.
Thanks a lot in advance.
You'll need to download io-usb (the USB server) and Fsys.usb (the USB bulk storage driver).
Start here:
Continue here:

Creating drivers and firmware

If I was told I needed to create a driver for some product (say, a game controller), how would I go about creating one? Is this something you could do normally in C/C++?
And what about firmware for external deviced connect to USB? How is this created usually? Is this also done in C/C++, or some lower level language?
Device drivers for desktop computer operating systems are generally written in either C or C++. The operating system you would target will have some form of framework or device driver development environment. Often these development kits can be obtained free of charge.
There are books available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS X (and others) that detail the process of creating a device driver.
If your driver is related to a device on a specific hardware bus (PCI, PCI-X, USB, SCSI, SATA, etc.) you can also get books on that specific technology. An understanding of that hardware system can greatly facilitate the design of your driver.
Another good resource is the open source code for similar devices to yours. You can obtain that from the Linux kernel source or FreeBSD source and study how certain aspects of your type of device are implemented.
EDIT: I nearly forgot to mention that you will also need data sheets, schematics, and/or theory of operation information about the device itself.
I'll add to Amardeep's good answer with the following books that will help you think about the context device drivers operate in, and how they're structured:
Mac OS:
You do it in any language that can talk to the interface. If it requires poking ports or addresses directly then you use assembly or C. If there's a higher-level interface such as libusb then you can use almost any language you like.

How to generate unique serial number of machine in Delphi?

I have question how to generate unique serial number of machine in Delphi? I tried to do this using the ID the motherboard or processor, but unfortunately it's unfortunately supported. Partition serial numbers, etc. fall off, because it is changing after the formatted. I'm looking for something that doesn't change after the formatted. Has anyone any idea?
Inside JCL library, there are several functions very usefull for this topic:
function CPUID: TCpuInfo;
function GetMacAddresses(const Machine: string; const Addresses: TStrings): Integer;
function GetVolumeSerialNumber(const Drive: string): string;
function GetBIOSName: string;
What you're after is actually some sort of "hardware fingerprint", not an "serial number". The problem with this approach is that it's not 100% reliable. Proof: Microsoft didn't manage to find a way to properly limit OEM software to any single computer, you can actually re-install a OEM license on a new computer after a while! Once you agree there can't be a perfect solution you may look at your options and try getting something that's good enough.
For my applications I'm creating a fingerprint based on info returned by GetSystemInfo, GetVolumeInformation and (for the 'C:' partition) and a selection of registry keys from HKLM\HARDWARE (lots of registry keys actually, everything but usb, keyboard and mouse stuff). I'm reading hardware information from the registry because a Windows application can't really access hardware directly (DOS-style approaches can't work), and because I don't have time to figure out ways to determine hardware-related information for many different devices.
My approach has the following disadvantages:
Uses the partition serial number, as set up by Format. An format would clearly change the fingerprint.
Uses information about the installed drivers. Updating an driver might actually change the fingerprint! Moving a card from one PCI port to an other might change the fingerprint.
None the less, even with all of this changing information taken into account, I get collisions: Something like 1/1000 computers! There are several factors at work here:
Big OEM build many computers using the same hardware. They also clone HDD's in order to speed up software installation so different PC's might get the same partition serial number.
I'm building a very short hash from all that information, short enough so people can read it to me on the phone without too many mistakes.
This system works for me, but it will not work for you if you expect to re-identify computers once they're reinstalled.
You can test GLibWMI that extract information of several components on Windows.
It's free and source included. You can find it on my Web or in Sourceforge.
alt text
Include components for BIOSInfo, DiskInfo, ProcessorInfo,...
With this three components you can obtain information like this:
alt text
You can find the BIN/EXE of GenericDemo (all components) here; You can test all information that you can retrive with this components.
I had a similar problem back in the good old DOS days. I found out that the ROM of the installed hardware ie. video card, disk controllers seriel ports etc. was accessible directly, since they are memory-mapped. This means that I was able to create a list of installed hardware, and use it to generate a "serial number", that uniquely identified each computer (until the hardware setup was changed). I'm sure something similar is possible today as well.
Check out, if you want to use this approach.
Often the MAC address of the (a) network card is used, there are several ways to query the mac address (in Delphi) but the easiest/cleanest way is probably to use the GetAdaptersInfo API.
Here is a simple solution
Generate a GUID
Save the Guid value in the registry
Use the value of the guid as the serial number
If you a worried about security use a
hash over the ( Guid + some secret data)
I tend to agree with the "it can't be done" camp. At least not 100%, but it can probably be done "good enough" to keep the average user in line.
And if it can be done then it probably has been done. Did you check Torry's Delpi300, etc (maybe even sourceforge, although you might have to translate into Delphi). actually looks promising

Programming Monitors. Setup and make HP, Dell, or other?

I have been developing using a single 15.4" laptop for a while (duh!). Actually I am quite comfortable. I use compiz Grid, scale, window and some other nice add ons, to easily navigate.
I am now impressed by other dual monitor related questions on Stackoverflow and am buying more monitors.
Since I am not exactly used to these multiple monitor setups, I have a few (possibly basic) queries.
If I buy just one monitor, will I be able to set up it for a different resolution than on my laptop, on Ubuntu. What packages I need to install on ubuntu to better manage multiple monitors.
If I buy 2 22" monitors and intend to use the laptop screen as well, wont the third one appear like an odd man. Does it happen even if I have just 2 monitors.
I have used Dell and HP monitors in my earlier company and I feel HP is so much better. Obviously I would love to have a monitor that has little corners and nearly all visible screen, like iPhone. Is there a specific recommended model.
For a 3 monitor setup, is it absolutely necessary to buy an extra graphics card. Are there any other better solutions.
You can have two monitors at different resolution on Ubuntu just fine. I used to connect an Ubuntu laptop to a TV using HDMI and it worked fine. Something annoying is what monitor gets to be the main one, because you get all your desktop there. I thing generally the biggest one is the main one, which is not what I wanted for the TV, but probably what you want.
I'm not sure if it's possible to get a third monitor in any way on a laptop. I'd recommend you to go for the biggest monitor you can (budget and laptop capabilities, can you go to 30"?) and use the laptop as secondary screen space (useful for a browser, or docs, or im/tweeter/mails, etc.
A CRT monitor can be set up with most any resolution you like, while a LCD monitor works best at it's max resolution.
You can mix monitors with different resolutions without problems in Windows, I can't imagine that it would be very hard in Linux either.
Be carefully dual head on Linux still sucks. The only time i got a triple screen configured with a GUI frontend and without .XConfig hacks was with Mandriva Spring 2007 never before and never after with any of Suse, Mandriva, CentOS.
It really sucks. It seems that configuration like dual head on one card and single head on another one is just not in the head of the programmers. You can enable all cards (maybe dual head is not always supported) or none.
Windows and MacOSX are the only systems which work fine. But MacOSX (and Hackintoshs) do not support dual head on all supported cards, for example my two 7300GTS cards can't run as dual head on MacOSX.

Porting Windows demo apps to WinCE/XP Embedded

We have a range of PC demonstration programs for our microcontroller products. The programs typically connect to a USB HID chip on the microcontroller board. The USB chip acts as a communications bridge, allowing the programs to communicate with the micros over SPI/I2C/UART. The programs can configure the micros, and get back status information to display to the user.
We are now looking to build some standalone demonstrations using single board PCs. We would like to reuse as much as possible of our existing demo app source code. Ideally, we could just run them as-is.
Does anybody have any advice on the best way forward? The basic options seem to be WinCE or XP Embedded boards. WinCE boards seem to pull less power, which would be an advantage from a battery life point of view.
Our existing demos are built either in C++ under Borland Builder, or in Delphi.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: see my answer below with info from a board vendor.
Free Pascal/Lazarus can compile some forms of Delphi apps to WiNCE/arm. Even visual ones.
There isn't a Delphi version for WinCE, so you would need to rewrite the applications. The same applies for the Borland Builder's control libraries. Only if you have used plain Win32 API, you would be able to port your application to WinCE easily. You may also encounter problems with the hardware access part. The Serial Port driver may not work as is. Also, you need to find a WinCE board that can act as USB host and provides HID drivers (this isn't very common).
In conclusion, I believe that you would be better of with Windows XP Embedded boards. These should run your applications as they are.
As an update, and for future reference, I thought I'd post the results of our discussions with a WinCE board vendor here. Caveat: I haven't actually tried any of this.
The bottom line is that there isn't a straightforward way to do what we were hoping for (i.e., re-compile our existing demo applications to run under WinCE). The reason is that the generic HID drivers and standard APIs that exist in desktop flavours of Windows just aren't there in WinCE.
To talk to HID devices in WinCE you need to implement a custom HID driver. This needs to support an interface allowing user mode applications to communicate with the driver, and to construct HID reports to be sent to the physical device. As this interface would itself be custom, application code needs to be updated accordingly.
WinCE application development is generally done using Visual Studio and the Microsoft compilers. The approach recommended to us was:
Create a custom HID class driver. This could be based on, for instance, the Microsoft keyboard HID driver.
Create an API for talking to the driver.
Use .net to create our GUI applications, and use PInvoke to actually talk to the API.
The end result of all this head-scratching is that to avoid the time and learning curve associated with this approach, we're going to go for a board running XP. We can then use our existing demo applications straight out of box. The trade-off is that we'll have to live with substantially reduced battery life.
