How to determine total data upload+download in TCP/IP - post

I need to calculate total data transfer while transferring a fixed size data from client to server in TCP/IP. It includes connecting to the server, sending request,header, receiving response, receiving data etc.
More precisely, how to get total data transfer while using POST and GET method?
Is there any formula for that? Even a theoretical one will do fine (not considering packet loss or connection retries etc)
FYI I tried RFC2616 and RFC1180. But those are going over my head.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.

You can't know the total transfer size in advance, even ignoring retransmits. There are several things that will stop you:
TCP options are negotiated between the hosts when the connection is established. Some options (e.g., timestamp) add additional data to the TCP header
"total data transfer size" is not clear. Ethernet, for example, adds quite a few more bits on top of whatever IP used. 802.11 (wireless) will add even more. So do HDLC or PPP going over a T1. Don't even think about frame relay. Some links may use compression (which will reduce the total size). The total size depends on where you measure it, even for a single packet.
Assuming you're just interested in the total octet size at layer 2, and you know the TCP options that will be negotiated in advance, you still can't know the path MTU. Which may change, even while the connection is in progress. Or if you're not doing path MTU discovery (which would be wierd), then the packet may get fragmented somewhere, and the remote end will see a different amount of data transfer than you.
I'm not sure why you need to know this, but I suggest that:
If you just want an estimate, watch a typical connection in Wireshark. Calculate the percent overhead (vs. the size of data you gave to TCP, and received from TCP). Use that number to estimate: it will be close enough, except in pathological situations.
If you need to know for sure how much data your end saw transmitted and received, use libpcap to capture the packet stream and check.

i'd say on average that request and response have about 8 lines of headers each and about 30 chars per line. Then allow for the size increase of converting any uploaded binary to Base64.
You didn't say if you also want to count TCP packet headers, in which case you could assume an MTU of about 1500 so add 16 bytes (tcp header) per 1500 data bytes
Finally, you could always setup a packet sniffer and count actual bytes for a sample of data.
oh yeah, and you may need to allow for deflate/gzip encoding as well.


Does SCTP really prevent head-of-line blocking?

I've known about SCTP for a decade or so, and although I never got to use it yet, I've always wanted to, because of some of its promising (purported) features:
multiplexing w/o head-of-line blocking
mixed order/unordered delivery on the same connection (aka association)
no SYN flooding
A Comparison between QUIC and SCTP however claims
SCTP intended to get rid of HOL-Blocking by substreams, but its
Transmission Sequence Number (TSN) couples together the transmission
of all data chunks. [...] As a result, in SCTP if a packet is lost,
all the packets with TSN after this lost packet cannot be received
until it is retransmitted.
That statement surprised me because:
removing head-of-line blocking is a stated goal of SCTP
SCTP does have a per-stream sequence number, see below quote from RFC 4960, which should allow processing per stream, regardless of the association-global TSN
SCTP has been in use in the telecommunications sector for perhaps close to 2 decades, so how could this have been missed?
Internally, SCTP assigns a Stream Sequence Number to each message
passed to it by the SCTP user. On the receiving side, SCTP ensures
that messages are delivered to the SCTP user in sequence within a
given stream. However, while one stream may be blocked waiting for
the next in-sequence user message, delivery from other streams may
Also, there is a paper Head-of-line Blocking in TCP and SCTP: Analysis and Measurements that actually measures round-trip time of a multiplexed echo service in the face of package loss and concludes:
Our results reveal that [..] a small number of SCTP streams or SCTP unordered mode can avoid this head-of-line blocking. The alternative solution of multiple TCP connections performs worse in most cases.
The answer is not very scholarly, but at least according to the specification in RFC 4960, SCTP seems capable of circumventing head-of-line blocking. The relevant claim seems to be in Section 7.1.
Note: TCP guarantees in-sequence delivery of data to its upper-layer protocol within a single TCP session. This means that when TCP notices a gap in the received sequence number, it waits until the gap is filled before delivering the data that was received with sequence numbers higher than that of the missing data. On the other hand, SCTP can deliver data to its upper-layer protocol even if there is a gap in TSN if the Stream Sequence Numbers are in sequence for a particular stream (i.e., the missing DATA chunks are for a different stream) or if unordered delivery is indicated. Although this does not affect cwnd, it might affect rwnd calculation.
A dilemma is what does "are in sequence for a particular stream" entail? There is some stipulation about delaying delivery to the upper layer until packages are reordered (see Section 6.6, below), but reordering doesn't seem to be conditioned by filling the gaps at the level of the association. Also note the mention in Section 6.2 on the complex distinction between ACK and delivery to the ULP (Upper Layer Protocol).
Whether other stipulations of the RFC indirectly result in the occurence of HOL, and whether it is effective in real-life implementations and situations - these questions warrant further investigation.
Below are some of the excerpts which I've come across in the RFC and which may be relevant.
RFC 4960, Section 6.2 Acknowledgement on Reception of DATA Chunks
When the receiver's advertised window is 0, the receiver MUST drop any new incoming DATA chunk with a TSN larger than the largest TSN received so far. If the new incoming DATA chunk holds a TSN value less than the largest TSN received so far, then the receiver SHOULD drop the largest TSN held for reordering and accept the new incoming DATA chunk. In either case, if such a DATA chunk is dropped, the receiver MUST immediately send back a SACK with the current receive window showing only DATA chunks received and accepted so far. The dropped DATA chunk(s) MUST NOT be included in the SACK, as they were not accepted.
Under certain circumstances, the data receiver may need to drop DATA chunks that it has received but hasn't released from its receive buffers (i.e., delivered to the ULP). These DATA chunks may have been acked in Gap Ack Blocks. For example, the data receiver may be holding data in its receive buffers while reassembling a fragmented user message from its peer when it runs out of receive buffer space. It may drop these DATA chunks even though it has acknowledged them in Gap Ack Blocks. If a data receiver drops DATA chunks, it MUST NOT include them in Gap Ack Blocks in subsequent SACKs until they are received again via retransmission. In addition, the endpoint should take into account the dropped data when calculating its a_rwnd.
Circumstances which highlight how senders may receive acknowledgement for chunks which are ultimately not delivered to the ULP (Upper Layer Protocol).Note this applies to chunks with TSN higher than the Cumulative TSN (i.e. from Gap Ack Blocks). This together with unreliability of SACK order represent good reasons for the stipulation in Section 7.1 (see below).
RFC 4960, Section 6.6 Ordered and Unordered Delivery
Within a stream, an endpoint MUST deliver DATA chunks received with the U flag set to 0 to the upper layer according to the order of their Stream Sequence Number. If DATA chunks arrive out of order of their Stream Sequence Number, the endpoint MUST hold the received DATA chunks from delivery to the ULP until they are reordered.
This is the only stipulation on ordered delivery within a stream in this section; seemingly, reordering does not depend on filling the gaps in ACK-ed chunks.
RFC 4960, Section 7.1 SCTP Differences from TCP Congestion Control
Gap Ack Blocks in the SCTP SACK carry the same semantic meaning as the TCP SACK. TCP considers the information carried in the SACK as advisory information only. SCTP considers the information carried in the Gap Ack Blocks in the SACK chunk as advisory. In SCTP, any DATA chunk that has been acknowledged by SACK, including DATA that arrived at the receiving end out of order, is not considered fully delivered until the Cumulative TSN Ack Point passes the TSN of the DATA chunk (i.e., the DATA chunk has been acknowledged by the Cumulative TSN Ack field in the SACK).
This is stated from the perspective of the sending endpoint, and is accurate for the reason emphasized in section 6.6 above.
Note: TCP guarantees in-sequence delivery of data to its upper-layer protocol within a single TCP session. This means that when TCP notices a gap in the received sequence number, it waits until the gap is filled before delivering the data that was received with sequence numbers higher than that of the missing data. On the other hand, SCTP can deliver data to its upper-layer protocol even if there is a gap in TSN if the Stream Sequence Numbers are in sequence for a particular stream (i.e., the missing DATA chunks are for a different stream) or if unordered delivery is indicated. Although this does not affect cwnd, it might affect rwnd calculation.
This seems to be the core answer to what interests you.
In support of this argument, the format of the SCTP SACK chunk as exposed here and here.

Find data transfered by wireshark on pcap file

I have a huge pcap file. I want to know facebook usage in terms of data transfered (upload, download). For that, I am using wireshark to read this file. From a question on stackoverflow , there are many fields that can be used to find bytes.
Now, I have test frame.len and ip.len both gives different results. What I should consider correct ? I am a newbie in networks terminology and I have to just find correct data transfered.
What happens, when you connects to server and requests some simple page:
Server application generates requested data (e.g. <body>Hello world</body> string) and passes it to HTTP layer
HTTP layer generates necessary header according to RFC (specifies HTTP version, status code, content type etc), prepends it to generated data and pass everything to TCP layer
TCP layer may break data into more than one pieces (not our case, message is already too small) and prepend necessary info for transport layer to each piece (src/dst port number, sequence number, some flags, checksum etc), then passes it to IP level
IP layer prepends necessary info for routing (source/dest addresses, TTL and other stuff), then passes it to lower layer (e.g. Ethernet)
Ethernet adds its part (MAC addresses, maybe VLAN tags) and pushes all to physical device
Resulted data is sent byte-by-byte from server's NIC to network
So your question is actually up to you. What do you want to measure? Is it "data, which I need to display excluding all auxiliary info"? Or is it "all number of bytes I need to send/receive for getting this lovely cat picture"? Here is a list of fields to get size of each part:
To get data lenght only (as string, unfortunately): http.content_length_header == "606"
To get (data + HTTP header) length: tcp.len == 973
To get (data + HTTP + TCP + IP layers): ip.len=1013
To get every byte sent: frame.len == 1027
If you want to measure bandwidth occupation, use frame.len. If you're interested in "pure site weight", it should be independent from environment, so use http.content_length_header. Things might become more complicated on high level considering the following:
Era of HTTPS means you can't easily observe HTTP content in traces, so tcp.len might be the highest option
Some data (e.g. audio, video) is transferred over different protocol stack (e.g. IP - UDP - RTP)

Why is it not safe to use Socket.ReceiveLength?

Well, even Embarcadero states that it is not guaranteed to return accurate result of the bytes ready to read in the socket buffer, but if you look at it, when you place -1 at Socket.ReceiveBuf (this is what ReceiveLength wraps) it calls ioctlsocket with FIONREAD to determine the amount of data pending in the network's input buffer that can be read from socket s.
so, how is it not safe or bad ?
e.g: ioctlsocket(Socket.SocketHandle, FIONREAD, Longint(i));
The documentation you mention specifically says (emphasis mine)
Note: ReceiveLength is not guaranteed to be accurate for streaming socket connections.
This means that the length is not known ahead of time because it's being supplied by a stream of data. Obviously, if you don't know how big the data is that's being sent ahead of time, you can't properly set the length the client should expect.
Consider it like generic code to copy a file. If you don't know ahead of time how big the file is you'll be copying, you can't predict how many bytes you'll be copying. In the case of the socket, the stream size that's supplying the socket isn't known in advance (for instance, for data being generated real-time and sent), so there's no way to inform the client socket how much to expect.

Is transmitted bytes event exist in Linux kernel?

I need to write a rate limiter, that will perform some stuff each time X bytes were transmitted.
The straightforward is to check the length of each transmitted packet, but I think it will be to slow for me.
Is there a way to use some kind of network event, that will be triggered by transmitted packets/bytes?
I think you may look at netfilter.
Using its (kernel level) api, you can have your custom code triggered by network events, modify received messages before passing it to application, and so on.
It's protocol dependent, actually. But for TCP, you can setsockopt the SO_RCVLOWAT option to define the minimum number of bytes (watermark) to permit the read operation.
If you need to enforce the maximum size too, adjust the receive buffer size using SO_RCVBUF.

How does sending tinygrams cause network congestion?

I've read advice in many places to the effect that sending a lot of small packets will lead to network congestion. I've even experienced this with a recent multi-threaded tcp app I wrote. However, I don't know if I understand the exact mechanism by which this occurs.
My initial guess is that if the MTU of the physical transmission media is fixed, and you send a bunch of small packets, then each packet may potential take up an entire transmission frame on the physical media.
For example, my understanding is that even though Ethernet supports variable frames most equipment uses a fixed Ethernet frame of 1500 bytes. At 100 Mbit, a 1500 byte frame "goes by" on the wire every 0.12 milliseconds. If I transmit a 1 byte message ( plus tcp & ip headers ) every 0.12 milliseconds I will effectively saturate the 100Mb Ethernet connection with 8333 bytes of user data.
Is this a correct understanding of how tinygrams cause network congestion?
Do I have all my terminology correct?
In wired ethernet at least, there is no "synchronous clock" that times the beginning of every frame. There is a minimum frame size, but it's more like 64 bytes instead of 1500. There are also minimum gaps between frames, but that might only apply to shared-access networks (ATM and modern ethernet is switched, not shared-access). It is the maximum size that is limited to 1500 bytes on virtually all ethernet equipment.
But the smaller your packets get, the higher the ratio of framing headers to data. Eventually you are spending 40-50 bytes of overhead for a single byte. And more for its acknowledgement.
If you could just hold for a moment and collect another byte to send in that packet, you have doubled your network efficiency. (this is the reason for Nagle's Algorithm)
There is a tradeoff on a channel with errors, because the longer frame you send, the more likely it experience an error and will have to be retransmitted. Newer wireless standards load up the frame with forward error correction bits to avoid retransmissions.
The classic example of "tinygrams" is 10,000 users all sitting on a campus network, typing into their terminal session. Every keystroke produces a single packet (and acknowledgement).... At a typing rate of 4 keystrokes per second, That's 80,000 packets per second just to move 40 kbytes per second. On a "classic" 10mbit shared-medium ethernet, this is impossible to achive, because you can only send 27k minimum sized packets in one second - excluding the effect of collisions:
96 bits inter-frame gap
+ 64 bits preamble
+ 112 bits ethernet header
+ 32 bits trailer
= 304 bits overhead per ethernet frame.
+ 8 bits of data (this doesn't even include IP or TCP headers!!!)
= 368 bits per tinygram
10000000 bits/s รท 368 bits/packet = 27172 Packets/second.
Perhaps a better way to state this is that an ethernet that is maxed out moving tinygrams can only move 216kbits/s across a 10mbit/s medium for an efficiency of 2.16%
A TCP Packet transmitted over a link will have something like 40 bytes of header information. Therefore If you break a transmission into 100 1 byte packets, each packet sent will have 40 bytes, so about 98% of the resources used for transmission are overhead. If instead, you send it as one 100 byte packet, the total transmitted data is only 140 bytes, so only 28% overhead. In both cases you've transmitted 100 bytes of payload over the network, but in one you used 140 bytes of network resources to accomplish it, and in the other you've used 4000 bytes. In addition, it take more resources on the intermediate routers to correctly route 100 41 byte payloads, than 1 40 byte payloads. Routing 1 byte packets is pretty much the worst case scenerio for the routers performancewise, so they will generally exhibit their worst case performance under this situation.
In addition, especially with TCP, as performance degrades due to small packets, the machines can try do do things to compensate (like retransmit) that will actually make things worse, hence the use of Nagles algorithm to try to avoid this.
BDK has about half the answer (+1 for him). A large part of the problem is that every message comes with 40 bytes of overhead. Its actually a little worse than that though.
Another issue is that there is actually minimum packet size specified by IP. (This is not MTU. MTU is a Maximum before it will start fragmenting. Different issue entirely) The minimum is pretty small (I think 46 bytes, including your 24 byte TCP header), but if you don't use that much, it still sends that much.
Another issue is protocol overhead. Each packet sent by TCP causes an ACK packet to be sent back by the recipient as part of the protocol.
The result is that is you do something silly, like send one TCP packet every time the user hits a key, you could easily end up with a tremendous amount of wasted overhead data floating around.
