rails ruby-prof and benchmark testing - ruby-on-rails

I'm running Rails 2.2.2. I've read a few articles about ruby-prof and profiling a rails app. And I'm confused as to how things are really working.
I was originally using this tutorial
to profile my app, and it works. This involves writing your own profile environment and running > RAILS_ENV=profiling ./script/performance/request -n 100 profiling/homepage.rb
So here's my confusion. Somehow, this runs ruby-prof and opens up all the stats etc, but I can't see anywhere where ruby-prof is ever actually called.
So then I read further, and it seems 2.2.2 has benchmarking/profiling built in. So I write a test file in the performance section like so
require 'test_helper'
require 'performance_test_help'
# Profiling results for each test method are written to tmp/performance.
class BrowsingTest < ActionController::PerformanceTest
def test_worksheet
get '/reduction/worksheet'
and run
rake test:profile
Is this equivalent to what I was doing above, but just now it's integrated into the whole rails framework?
My next question is this. The original script ouput a flat file and html file, but I couldn't figure out how to also get a tree file automatically to open up with KCacheGrind, or in my case MacCallGrind. Can I add formats into my script call?
Edit: running the scripts through rake test seem to actually produce a tree file, great. Mac CallGrind however seems to hang when trying to parse it. Anyone know other tools for viewing these tree files?

Turns out, it's exactly the same, I must have been reading an old tutorial. All the benchmarking and profiling is now in Rails which is awesome. And it outputs txt,html and tree files, also awesome. Now if Only MacCallGrind would work, there's no way I'm installing the 4gb of KDE packages needed just to view a tree file.

Brad, you should contact the author of MacCallGrind and see if there's an update, or whether he/she has a fix for your files.
Oh that's right, that's me. Please email at richard at symbol aggmedia.net, as there is an update about to come out, and I'd love to have Ruby/Rails support available.


How to reload rails environment? Is `reload!` command depracated?

I tried to reload rails environment with the reload! command, I think it might be depracated. Does anyone know the modern way of reloading the rails environment? This book is available free for download, Im on page 79, it's Michael Hartl's "RailsSpace: Building a social networking website with ruby on rails", published in 2007, several people suggested that I give up on the book already, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a modern way of doing things before I gave up on the book. So many experts on stackoverflow helped me get through the book already, I decided to take my chances.
Here is a link to the book: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ca98/3b5098cd5957dc1842bb4bf3175406624bca.pdf?_ga=2.121598472.1814901715.1569094472-1963651489.1569094472, its one of the only FREE sources out there for building a social media website thats why I cant give up on it so easily, even though it was published in 2007 and its a bit outdated. Plus I just want to see what stackoverflow can do for me before I just give up on the book. So many experts on stackoverflow helped me make it this far, Im curious to find out if I can get through the entire book with stackoverflow. If anyone knows a better source that's free, please send me a link. Right now page 79, is the roadblock, its that reload! command that might be depracated. Maybe its an expert on stackoverflow that knows the knew command for it. If that's you please help. I already tried googling it, it took me straight here to stackoverflow lol. I decided to post a question of my own, that other guy's question doesn't seem to match mine so here I am. Please help if you can.
Within the Rails console (rails c, or more formally bundle exec bin/rails c) you should be able to run:
That reloads the active environment, specifically anything within app/ and config/routes.rb, but other things will not be reloaded until you exit and restart the console. This has always been the case.
Note that this is only within the Ruby interactive environment, as in you'll have a prompt that looks like this:
If you see something else you may not be in the Rails console and are trying to run the command in the wrong context. A common mistake is trying to run this in he shell itself where you'll get an error like:
-bash: reload!: command not found
One other thing you may need to do if you're having trouble getting things to load that should be there is to stop the Spring launcher, forcing it to reload:
spring stop
That kicks the Spring application preloader which can sometimes get confused about what's going on and needs a reset.

Rails execute script

I am building a script in on of my controllers to fill a database with an excel files data. I would build the function, then access it through a route. (That i guess i can protect with cancan) But i thought about it, and it doesn't seem very ... 'Railsy'.
I know the scripts folder exists, and it is probably for these kinds of tasks. I've tried googling stuff like 'rails execute script' and other stuff, but i can't find any good advice for what to do next.
I'm sorry if this seems kind of stupid, but in my apps i've been kind of hacking around stuff to make it work, so any advice on this task would be appreciated.
If you need to upload the file in the app and process it, it should probably go in the "lib"directory and be accessed like any other Ruby library/module/etc.
If it's something you need to run locally, "on demand", "scripts" is fine. If you need access to your rails environment when running it like any Rails models, you can run it from "rails console" or "rails runner".
As Aln said, there are a variety of ways it could be scheduled as well.
You could simply do
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
# regular ruby code here
and have it running just like any other util. Of course you can always call any *.rb with simply
ruby somescript.rb
If you need some scheduled script, check into rufus-scheduler gem.

How can I clear the rails console history

When I run rails c and press the up key when irb starts up, I can see the last commands I entered when my app dropped to irb after encountering a debugger command for the ruby-debug gem. I would not only like to clear these commands out, but I would like it if rails c would pull the last commands I issued during my last rails console session. I think it used to do this but I'm not sure what has changed. I'm on ruby 1.8.7 and rails 3.0.3 on Mac OS 10.6.5 if that helps.
Ray's answer helped me out in the interim. Recently I did a bit more digging to find out more and realized that there are a number of conflicting issues.
IRB checks if you have a ~/.irbrc and if not falls back to /etc/irbrc as Ray mentioned. However, if you are using rvm there is another file to consider ~/.rvm/scripts/irbrc which just loads up ~/.rvm/scripts/irbrc.rb (note the .rb) if you have rvm_path set in your ENV (you should if using rvm).
Interestingly while ~/.rvm/scripts/irbrc.rb was based off of /etc/irbrc they are not the same and differ in a few ways. The most obvious way and easiest way to detect which one is being used on your system is their history file's name. If /etc/irbrc is being used your history file will be ~/.irb_history where as rvm's is ~/.irb-history (Note: _ vs -).
Hopefully this additional information will help you determine what you need to setup your system as you would like.
Pry Concerns
I've since stopped using debugger and have moved to pry-byebug which includes the pry gem. Pry is an alternative to IRB but can also be used along side and within it. The reason I was able to provide the above update is because I was trying to figure out how to keep their respective histories separate. For more information please see my answer to the SO question on "why does pry history keep cloberring irb history?". I've included links there to the known Github issue for Pry as well as my attempt to fix it.
I interpret you question as asking how to turn history on in the Rails Console and off in the Ruby debugger. If this isn't true, please clarify.
IRB, and by extension, the Rails Console, read from ~/.irbrc, or if that doesn't exist, /etc/irbrc, to startup and configure irb. Your history is typically written to ~/.irb_history, but that is dictated by the contents of your irbrc file. The /etc/irbrc on my Mac OS X is set up to write the history from irb, so perhaps you've created a local .irbrc that doesn't have history, or perhaps you have a syntax error in that file.
The debugger reads a file called .rdebugrc on startup. You can turn off history in debug by adding this line to ~/.rdebugrc:
set history save off
Turn it back on with:
set history save on
You could also set your debug output to go to a different file than irb reads from with the command:
set history filename
These also work from the debug prompt, but aren't persistent.
There are a number of tools to help improve the irb experience. Bond and hirb are promising.
Here is Comprehensive list of Irb Tools and some tips on directly editing the .irbrc file.
Hope this help!
Although a very old question I got here by google.
Turns out RVM slightly changed over time.
Currently my IRB history (using rvm) is stored here:
user#host:~$ ls ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.2/.irbrc*

How can I run Ruby specs and/or tests in MacVim without locking up MacVim?

About 6 months ago I switched from TextMate to MacVim for all of my development work, which primarily consists of coding in Ruby, Ruby on Rails and JavaScript.
With TextMate, whenever I needed to run a spec or a test, I could just command+R on the test or spec file and another window would open and the results would be displayed with the 'pretty' format applied. If the spec or test was a lengthy one, I could just continue working with the codebase since the test/spec was running in a separate process/window. After the test ran, I could click through the results directly to the corresponding line in the spec file.
Tim Pope's excellent rails.vim plugin comes very close to emulating this behavior within the MacVim environment. Running :Rake when the current buffer is a test or spec runs the file then splits the buffer to display the results. You can navigate through the results and key through to the corresponding spot in the file.
The problem with the rails.vim approach is that it locks up the MacVim window while the test runs. This can be an issue with big apps that might have a lot of setup/teardown built into the tests. Also, the visual red/green html results that TextMate displays (via --format pretty, I'm assuming) is a bit easier to scan than the split window.
This guy came close about 18 mos ago: http://cassiomarques.wordpress.com/2009/01/09/running-rspec-files-from-vim-showing-the-results-in-firefox/ The script he has worked with a bit of hacking, but the tests still ran within MacVim and locked up the current window.
Any ideas on how to fully replicate the TextMate behavior described above in MacVim?
There is a plugin called vim-addon-background-cmd that can allow you to run tasks in the background instead of locking up the vim interface. You would have to create the call to run through the background command. See the docs for more information on how to do that.
A few months back I was looking for this same exact thing. Then I discovered autotest with rspec. Now I keep a separate terminal window open which shows my last run tests. If I change any relavent code files my tests are automatically run for me (the files are watched and if they change the tests run).
If you want the same autotest type behavior in a non-rails project you can look at the watchr gem. It's functionality is similar to autotest but you can use it in ANY framework.

Auto initialize rails console

I'm always making the same steps when I do:
do you know some file to edit or something similiar to avoid doing always the same, like for example loading some particular required gem (in my casi 'spawners' :))
Create a file called .irbrc in your home directory and any Ruby code you put in there will be executed at the beginning of your console session. There's lots of cool improvements you can make to the console experience this way, e.g. these from Dr. Nic (the end of that article also has instructions for getting .irbrc working in Windows).
With irb, ~/.irbrc serves for that purpose. Not sure whether Rails console uses it though.
