Is there a function like PHP's vardump in Delphi? - delphi

I've given up on the Delphi 7 debugger and am pretty much relying on outputdebugstrings. Is there a standard function I can call to get the contents of an object as a string like the debugger would if I set a breakpoint?

Not exactly what your looking for, but you can use RTTI to get access to the values of various published properties. The magical routines are in the TypInfo unit. The ones you are probably most interested in are GetPropList which will return a list of the objects properties, and GetPropValue which will allow you to get the values of the properties.
procedure TForm1.DumpObject( YourObjectInstance : tObject );
PropList: PPropList;
PropCnt: integer;
iX: integer;
vValue: Variant;
sValue: String;
PropCnt := GetPropList(YourObjectInstance,PropList);
for iX := 0 to PropCnt-1 do
vValue := GetPropValue(YourObjectInstance,PropList[ix].Name,True);
sValue := VarToStr( vValue );
Memo1.Lines.Add(PropList[ix].Name+' = '+sValue );
for example, run this with DumpObject(Self) on the button click of the main form and it will dump all of the properties of the current form into the memo. This is only published properties, and requires that the main class either descends from TPersistent, OR was compiled with {$M+} turned on before the object.
Rumor has it that a "reflector" like ability will be available in a future version of Delphi (possibly 2010).

Consider something like Codesite which is a much more complete tracing solution. It allows you to output much more complex info, and then search, print, and analyse the data. But for your purposes, you can simply send an object to it with Codesite.Send('Before', self); and you get all the RTTI available properties in the log. Do an "After" one too, and then you can compare the two in the Codesite output just by selecting both. It's saved me many times.

if delphi 7 is the .NET version, then you could do (some of) that with reflection. (not easy, but not terribly hard). if it's the normal, compiled thing, then it's a hard problem and the debugger is you best bet, apart from specialized printing functions/methods.


How to replace TListbox Items property with my own published object list based type in a TCustomListBox control?

This question is a second attempt based on this one I recently asked: How can I make a TList property from my custom control streamable?
Although I accepted the answer in that question and it worked, I soon realized that TCollection is not the solution or requirement I was looking for.
To keep my requirements as simple and clear to understand as possible, this is what I am attempting to:
Derive a new custom control based on TCustomListBox
Replace the Items property with my own Items type, eg a TList.
The TList (Items property) will hold objects, each containing a caption and a image index property etc.
Ownerdraw my listbox and draw its icons and text etc.
Create a property editor to edit the Items at design-time.
With that in mind, I know how to create the custom control, I know how to work with TList or even TObjectList for example, I know how to ownerdraw the control and I also know how to create the property editor.
What I don't know is how to replace the standard listbox Items type with my own? well I kind of do (publishing my own property that shares the same name), only I need to make sure it is fully streamable with the dfm.
I have searched extensively on this subject and have tried studying code where TListView and TTreeView etc publishes its Items type but I have found myself more confused than ever.
In fact I came across this very old question asked by someone else on a different website which asks very much what I want to do: Streaming a TList property of a component to a dfm. I have quoted it below in the event the link is lost:
I recently wrote a component that publishes a TList property. I then created a property editor for the TList to enable design-time editing. The problem is that the TList doesn't stream to the dfm file, so all changes are lost when the project is closed. I assume this is because TList inherits from TObject and not from TPersistant. I was hoping there was an easy work around for this situation (or that I have misunderstood the problem to begin with). Right now all I can come up with is to switch to a TCollection or override the DefineProperties method. Is there any other way to get the information in the TList streamed to and from the dfm?
I came across that whilst searching keywords such as DefineProperties() given that this was an alternative option Remy Lebeau briefly touched upon in the previous question linked at the top, it also seemed to be the answer to that question.
I need to know how to replace the Items (TStrings) property of a TCustomListBox derived control with my own Items (TList) or Items (TObjectList) etc type but make it fully streamable with the dfm. I know from previous comments TList is not streamable but I cannot use TStrings like the standard TListBox control does, I need to use my own object based list that is streamable.
I don't want to use TCollection, DefineProperties sounds promising but I don't know how exactly I would implement this?
I would greatly appreciate some help with this please.
Thank you.
Override DefineProperties procedure in your TCustomListBox (let's name it TMyListBox here). In there it's possible to "register" as many fields as you wish, they will be stored in dfm in the same way as other fields, but you won't see them in object inspector. To be honest, I've never encountered having more then one property defined this way, called 'data' or 'strings'.
You can define 'normal' property or binary one. 'Normal' properties are quite handy for strings, integers, enumerations and so on. Here is how items with caption and ImageIndex can be implemented:
TMyListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
//other stuff
procedure ReadData(reader: TReader);
procedure WriteData(writer: TWriter);
procedure DefineProperties(filer: TFiler); override;
//other stuff
//other stuff
property Items: TList read fItems; //not used for streaming, not shown in object inspector. Strictly for use in code itself. We can make it read-only to avoid memory leak.
//some properties
that's DefineProperties implementation:
procedure TMyListBox.DefineProperties(filer: TFiler);
filer.DefineProperty('data', ReadData, WriteData, items.Count>0);
fourth argument, hasData is Boolean. When your component is saved to dfm, DefineProperties is called and it's possible to decide at that moment is there any data worth saving. If not, 'data' property is omitted. In this example, we won't have this property if there is no items present.
If we expect to ever use visual inheritance of this control (for example, create a frame with this listBox with predefined values and then eventually change them when put to form), there is a possibility to check, is value of this property any different than on our ancestor. Filer.Ancestor property is used for it. You can watch how it's done in TStrings:
procedure TStrings.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
function DoWrite: Boolean;
if Filer.Ancestor <> nil then
Result := True;
if Filer.Ancestor is TStrings then
Result := not Equals(TStrings(Filer.Ancestor))
else Result := Count > 0;
Filer.DefineProperty('Strings', ReadData, WriteData, DoWrite);
This would save a little bit of space (or lots of space if image is stored within) and sure is elegant, but in first implementation it can well be omitted.
Now the code for WriteData and ReadData. Writing is much easier usually and we may begin with it:
procedure TMyListBox.WriteData(writer: TWriter);
var i: Integer;
writer.WriteListBegin; //in text dfm it will be '(' and new line
for i:=0 to items.Count-1 do begin
In dfm it will look like this:
object MyListBox1: TMyListBox
data = (
Output from TCollection seems more elegant to me (triangular brackets and then items, one after another), but what we have here would suffice.
Now reading it:
procedure TMyListBox.ReadData(reader: TReader);
var item: TListBoxItem;
while not reader.EndOfList do begin
items.Add(item); //maybe some other registering needed
That's it. In such a way rather complex structures can be streamed with ease, for example, two-dimensional arrays, we WriteListBegin when writing new row and then when writing new element.
Beware of WriteStr / ReadStr - these are some archaic procedures which exist for backward compatibility, ALWAYS use WriteString / ReadString instead!
Other way to do is to define binary property. That's used mostly for saving images into dfm. Let's say, for example, that listBox has hundreds of items and we'd like to compress data in it to reduce size of executable. Then:
TMyListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
//other stuff
procedure LoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
procedure SaveToStream(stream: TStream);
procedure DefineProperties(filer: TFiler); override;
procedure TMyListBox.DefineProperties(filer: TFiler);
procedure TMyListBox.SaveToStream(stream: TStream);
var gz: TCompressionStream;
i: Integer;
value: Integer;
item: TListBoxItem;
//write number of items at first
gz.Write(value, SizeOf(value));
//properties can't be passed here, only variables
for i:=0 to items.Count-1 do begin
//almost as in good ol' Pascal: length of string and then string itself
gz.Write(item.Caption[1], SizeOf(Char)*value); //will work in old Delphi and new (Unicode) ones
procedure TMyListBox.LoadFromStream(stream: TStream);
var gz: TDecompressionStream;
i: Integer;
count: Integer;
value: Integer;
item: TListBoxItem;
gz.Read(count,SizeOf(count)); //number of items
for i:=0 to count-1 do begin
gz.Read(value, SizeOf(value)); //length of string
gz.Read(item.caption[1],SizeOf(char)*value); //we got our string
gz.Read(value, SizeOf(value)); //imageIndex
items.Add(item); //some other initialization may be needed
In dfm it would look like this:
object MyListBox1: TMyListBox1
data = {
78 is sort of signature of ZLib, 9C means default compression, so it works (there are only 2 items actually, not hundreds). Of course, this is just one example, with BinaryProperties any possible format may be used, for example saving to JSON and putting it into stream, or XML or something custom. But I'd not recommend to use binary unless it's absolutely inevitable, because it's difficult to see from dfm, what happens in component.
It seems like good idea to me to actively use streaming when implementing component: we can have no designer at all and set all values by manually editing dfm and see if component behaves correctly. Reading/loading itself can be tested easily: if component is loaded, then saved and text is just the same, it's all right. It's so 'transparent' when streaming format is 'human-readable', self-explaining that it often overweighs drawbacks (like file size) if there are any.

Access Violation when handling forms

I have procedure to show/hide one element on TForm like that:
procedure ShowHideControl(const ParentForm: TForm; const ControlName: String; ShowControl: Boolean);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to pred(ParentForm.ComponentCount) do
if (ParentForm.Components[i].Name = ControlName) then
if ShowControl then
then I try to use it like:
procedure TForm1.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
ShowHideEveryControl(TForm(TForm1), 'Button4', True);
Why do I get Access Violation on Button6 click?
For me everything is OK... Button4 exists as a child :)
This cast is wrong:
You are telling the compiler to ignore the fact that TForm1 is not a TForm instance, and asking it to pretend that it is. That is fine until you actually try to use it as an instance, and then the error occurs.
You need to pass a real instance to a TForm descendent. You can write it like this:
ShowHideEveryThing(Self, 'Button4', True);
Just in case you are not clear on this, the parameter of your procedure is of type TForm. That means you need to supply an instance of a class that either is, or derives from TForm. I repeat, you must supply an instance. But you supply TForm1 which is a class.
And then the next problem comes here:
if (ParentForm.Components[i].Name = FormName) then
if ShowForm then
Again you have used an erroneous cast. When the compiler tells you that it a particular object does not have a method, you must listen to it. It's no good telling the compiler to shut up and pretend that an object of one type is really an object of a different type. Your button is categorically not a form, so don't try to cast it to TForm.
It is very hard to know what you are actually trying to do here. When you write:
ShowHideEveryThing(Self, 'Button4', True);
It would seem to me to me more sensible to write:
It is not a good idea to refer to controls using their names represented as text. It is much safer and cleaner to refer to them using reference variables. That way you let the compiler do its job and check the type safety of your program.
The names used in your function are suspect:
procedure ShowHideEveryThing(const ParentForm: TForm; const FormName: String;
ShowForm: Boolean);
Let's look at them:
ShowHideEveryThing: but you claim that the function should show/hide one element. That does not tally with the use of everything.
FormName: you actually pass a component name, and then look for components owned by ParentForm that have that name. It seems that FormName is wrong.
ShowForm: again, do you want to control visibility of the form, or a single element?
Clearly you need to step back and be clear on the intent of this function.
As an aside, you should generally never need to write:
if b then
Instead you can write:
Control.Visible := b;
My number one piece of advice to you though is to stop casting until you understand it properly. Once you understand it properly, design your code if at all possible so that you don't need to cast. If you ever really do need to cast, make sure that your cast is valid, ideally by using a checked cast with the as operator. Or at least testing first with the is operator.
Your code shows all the hallmarks of a classic mistake. The compiler objects to the code that you write. You have learnt from somewhere that casting can be used to suppress these compiler errors and now you apply this technique widely as a means to make your program compile. The problem is that the compiler invariably knows what it is talking about. When it objects, listen to it. If ever you find yourself suppressing a compiler error with a cast, take a step back and think carefully about what you are doing. The compiler is your friend.

Implementing Custom Binary Search for TObjectList<myClass> (Delphi XE)

I need to implement a binary search on TObjectList that uses a custom comparer, I believe using TCustomComparer.
Goal: binary search returns instances in the list that conform to a particular property parameter.
For example:
aMyObjectList.binarysearch(aMyClass, aMyClassRef)
Or simply:
aMyObjectList.binarysearch(1, aMyClassRef)
I want to loop and get back instances of TMyClass in the list that also have Index==1.
In C++, overloading the '==' operator achieves this goal.
The new Delphi 'help' is rather sparse and scattered around making things hard to find, and I'm not that familiar with all the nuances of the new Delphi generics.
So - how do I do it in Delphi XE with the Generics.TObjectList?
(Using Delphi XE).
The help file is indeed a little limited here. I generally just read the source code to Generics.Defaults and Generics.Collections. Anyway, you need to provide an IComparer<TMyClass>. There's lots of ways to do that. For example, using an anonymous function:
List: TObjectList<TMyClass>;
Target: TMyClass;
Index: Integer;
Comparer: IComparer<TMyClass>;
Comparison: TComparison<TMyClass>;
Comparison :=
function(const Left, Right: TMyClass): Integer
//Result := ??;//your comparison rule goes here
Comparer := TComparer<TMyClass>.Construct(Comparison);
List.BinarySearch(Target, Index, Comparer);
If you don't want to use an anonymous function you can implement Comparison some other way. For example a method of some object, or a class function, or even just a plain old fashioned non-OOP function. It just has to have the same signature as above.
As always with comparison functions, return <0 if Left<Right, >0 if Left>Right and 0 if Left=Right.

How can I show the contents of a TStringList in the debugger?

I want to display the entire content of a TStringList while debugging the application.
Instead I just get pointers. The Flist is showing only the address.
If you are using Delphi 2010 or later, the debugger allows for this using debug visualizers.
For older versions, you can dump the contents of the Text property in the Watch window or using OutputDebugString, but that's difficult to read. You could set up watches for each element of the list, but that's only practical for very short lists.
I would probably use an external logging app like CodeSite or SmartInspect that let you dump the contents of a TStringList in a single call.
Inspect the Text property. It's the concatenated version of the stringlist.
Since i´m using BDS MMVI, i´m using an "ultra clever smart" method for that kind issue, i use it for large xml documents. I start context file editor (very capable free text editor writen in delphi by the way). On the debugger window a just do a FList.SaveToFile('contents.txt'), since context can monitor file modifications i can see whats happening in my xml files.
Sorry for the "clever" joke but it does work for me.
I use the visualizers now that I have D2010. I used to use a function I called CArray that would return an array of strings. If I added CArray(MyStringList) to the watch window, I would be able to examine the contents of the string list. I used to be employed to write VB6 code and I sort of liked the various 'C' functions for converting to a useful type. CArray for stringlists and CArray for ClientDataset fields were mostly useful for debugging.
function CArray(List: TStrings): TStrArray; Overload;
var i,
iCount: Integer;
iCount := List.Count;
SetLength(Result, iCount);
for i := 0 to Pred(iCount) do Result[i] := List[i];
My two cents:
You can evaluate expression list_instance_variable.SaveToFile('temp_file_name.txt') and then examine content of the file in any editor.
To do that you must use this function anywhere in code and turn off optimization (at least in Delphi 7), otherwise object code of SaveToFile would be removed by the linker.

Saving a TObject to a File

How can one save an Object, in its current state, to a file? So that it can immediately be read and restored with all its variables.
As already stated, the easiest way is to use a Stream and its WriteComponent and ReadComponent methods.
But be aware that :
- it works for descendants of TComponent, not plain TObject;
- only for the published properties (those saved in a dfm), not the public ones nor (a fortiori) the privwte ones;
- you have to pay a special attention for the Name property when restoring the component.
You may find some code you could use in these SO answers: Replace visual component at runtime in Delphi, Duplicating components at Run-Time
What you are looking for is called object persistance. This article might help, and there are many others if you google for "delphi persisting objects".
If you descend your object from TComponent, you can use some built-in functionality to stream the object to a file. I think this only works well for simple objects.
Some sample code to get you started:
unit Unit1;
TMyClass = class(TComponent)
FMyInteger: integer;
FMyBool: boolean;
FMyString: string;
procedure ToFile(AFileName: string);
property MyInteger: integer read FMyInteger write FMyInteger;
property MyString: string read FMyString write FMyString;
property MyBool: boolean read FMyBool write FMyBool;
{ TMyClass }
procedure TMyClass.ToFile(AFileName: string);
MyStream: TFileStream;
MyStream := TFileStream.Create(AFileName);
There's also a roll-your-own XML method here on S.O.
Very simple and efficient solution: DragonSoft's XML Class Serializer
Also you can use JVCL TJvAppXMLFileStorage:
Storage: TJvAppXMLFileStorage;
Storage := TJvAppXMLFileStorage.Create(nil);
Storage.WritePersistent('', MyObject);
Storage.ReadPersistent('', MyObject);
There is a good tutorial here. Keep in mind that you have to have RTTI (run time type information) to save an object at run-time using this approach, so it will only capture published properties of a class.
You've already gotten some good answers to your question. Depending on what you're actually doing, it might be desirable to use a pre-built library or component to save objects. This is an inexpensive and nifty library/component set that makes it trivial to persist and restore objects, and pretty easily (i.e., with a little bit of code) accommodates persisting even unpublished members of an object: Not something that's rocket science, but if you're doing a lot of this sort of thing this component provides a nice framework for it.
Developer Express also includes a general purpose cxPropertiesStore component as part of the ExpressEditors library that comes with some of their components.
