Pointer to generic type - delphi

In the process of transforming a given efficient pointer-based hash map implementation into a generic hash map implementation, I stumbled across the following problem:
I have a class representing a hash node (the hash map implementation uses a binary tree)
THashNode <KEY_TYPE, VALUE_TYPE> = class
Left : THashNode <KEY_TYPE, VALUE_TYPE>;
Right : THashNode <KEY_TYPE, VALUE_TYPE>;
In addition to that there is a function that should return a pointer to a hash node. I wanted to write
PHashNode = ^THashNode <KEY_TYPE, VALUE_TYPE>
but that doesn't compile (';' expected but '<' found).
How can I have a pointer to a generic type?
And adressed to Barry Kelly: if you read this: yes, this is based on your hash map implementation. You haven't written such a generic version of your implementation yourself, have you? That would save me some time :)

Sorry, Smasher. Pointers to open generic types are not supported because generic pointer types are not supported, although it is possible (compiler bug) to create them in certain circumstances (particularly pointers to nested types inside a generic type); this "feature" can't be removed in an update in case we break someone's code. The limitation on generic pointer types ought to be removed in the future, but I can't make promises when.
If the type in question is the one in JclStrHashMap I wrote (or the ancient HashList unit), well, the easiest way to reproduce it would be to change the node type to be a class and pass around any double-pointers as Pointer with appropriate casting. However, if I were writing that unit again today, I would not implement buckets as binary trees. I got the opportunity to write the dictionary in the Generics.Collections unit, though with all the other Delphi compiler work time was too tight before shipping for solid QA, and generic feature support itself was in flux until fairly late.
I would prefer to implement the hash map buckets as one of double-hashing, per-bucket dynamic arrays or linked lists of cells from a contiguous array, whichever came out best from tests using representative data. The logic is that cache miss cost of following links in tree/list ought to dominate any difference in bucket search between tree and list with a good hash function. The current dictionary is implemented as straight linear probing primarily because it was relatively easy to implement and worked with the available set of primitive generic operations.
That said, the binary tree buckets should have been an effective hedge against poor hash functions; if they were balanced binary trees (=> even more modification cost), they would be O(1) on average and O(log n) worst case performance.

To actually answer your question, you can't make a pointer to a generic type, because "generic types" don't exist. You have to make a pointer to a specific type, with the type parameters filled in.
Unfortunately, the compiler doesn't like finding angle brackets after a ^. But it will accept the following:
TGeneric<T> = record
value: T;
TSpecific = TGeneric<string>;
PGeneric = ^TSpecific;
But "PGeneric = ^TGeneric<string>;" gives a compiler error. Sounds like a glitch to me. I'd report that over at QC if I was you.
Why are you trying to make a pointer to an object, anyway? Delphi objects are a reference type, so they're pointers already. You can just cast your object reference to Pointer and you're good.

If Delphi supported generic pointer types at all, it would have to look like this:
PHashNode<K, V> = ^THashNode<K, V>;
That is, mention the generic parameters on the left side where you declare the name of the type, and then use those parameters in constructing the type on the right.
However, Delphi does not support that. See QC 66584.
On the other hand, I'd also question the necessity of having a pointer to a class type at all. Generic or not. they are needed only very rarely.

There's a generic hash map called TDictionary in the Generics.Collections unit. Unfortunately, it's badly broken at the moment, but it's apparently going to be fixed in update #3, which is due out within a matter of days, according to Nick Hodges.


unsafe casting in F# with zero copy semantics

I'm trying to achieve a static cast like coercion that doesn't result in copying of any data.
A naive static cast does not work
let pkt = byte_buffer :> PktHeader
FS0193: Type constraint mismatch. The type byte[] is not compatible with type PktHeader The type 'byte[]' is not compatible with the type 'PktHeader' (FS0193) (program)
where the packet is initially held in a byte array because of the way System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive() is defined.
The low level packet struct is defined something like this
[<Struct; StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)>]
type PktHeader =
[<FieldOffset(0)>] val mutable field1: uint16
[<FieldOffset(2)>] val mutable field2: uint16
[<FieldOffset(4)>] val mutable field3: uint32
.... many more fields follow ....
Efficiency is important in this real world scenario because wasteful copying of data could rule out F# as an implementation language.
How do you achieve zero copy efficiencies in this scenario?
EDIT on Nov 29
my question was predicated on the implicit belief that a C/C++/C# style unsafe static cast is a useful construct, as if this is self evident. However, on 2nd thought this kind of cast is not idiomatic in F# since it is inherently an imperative language technique fraught with peril. For this reason I've accepted the answer by V.B. where SBE/FlatBuffers data access is promulgated as best practice.
A pure F# approach for conversion
let convertByteArrayToStruct<'a when 'a : struct> (byteArr : byte[]) =
let handle = GCHandle.Alloc(byteArr, GCHandleType.Pinned)
let structure = Marshal.PtrToStructure (handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof<'a>)
structure :?> 'a
This is a minimum example but I'd recommend introducing some checks on the length of the byte array because, as it's written there, it will produce undefined results if you give it a byte array which is too short. You could check against Marshall.SizeOf(typeof<'a>).
There is no pure F# solution to do a less safe conversion than this (and this is already an approach prone to runtime failure). Alternative options could include interop with C# to use unsafe and fixed to do the conversion.
Ultimately though, you are asking for a way to subvert the F# type system which is not really what the language is designed for. One of the principle advantages of F# is the power of the type system and it's ability to help you produce statically verifiable code.
F# and very low-level performance optimizations are not best friends, but then... some smart people do magic even with Java, which doesn't have value types and real generic collections for them.
1) I am a big fan of a flyweight pattern lately. If you architecture allows for it, you could wrap a byte array and access struct members via offsets. A C# example here. SBE/FlatBuffers even have tools to generate a wrapper automatically from a definition.
2) If you could stay within unsafe context in C# to do the work, pointer casting is very easy and efficient. However, that requires pinning the byte array and keeping its handle for later release, or staying within fixed keyword. If you have many small ones without a pool, you could have problems with GC.
3) The third option is abusing .NET type system and cast a byte array with IL like this (this could be coded in F#, if you insist :) ):
static T UnsafeCast(object value) {
ldarg.1 //load type object
ret //return type T
I tried this option and even have a snippet somewhere if you need, but this approach makes me uncomfortable because I do not understand its consequences to GC. We have two objects backed by the same memory, what would happen when one of them is GCed? I was going to ask a new question on SO about this detail, will post it soon.
The last approach could be good for arrays of structs, but for a single struct it will box it or copy it anyway. Since structs are on the stack and passed by value, you will probably get better results just by casting a pointer to byte[] in unsafe C# or using Marshal.PtrToStructure as in another answer here, and then copy by value. Copying is not the worst thing, especially on the stack, but allocation of new objects and GC is the enemy, so you need byte arrays pooled and this will add much more to the overall performance than you struct casting issue.
But if your struct is very big, option 1 could still be better.

Type classes in Nim

I am trying to make a simple use of typeclasses in Nim. Please, keep in mind that I only have been using Nim since this morning, so I may have been doing something stupid.
Anyway, I would like to define a pseudorandom generator that produces a stream of values of type T. Sometimes T is numeric, hence it makes sense to know something about the minimum and maximum values attainable - say to rescale the values. Here are my types
Generator*[T] = generic x
next(var x) is T
BoundedGenerator*[T] = generic x
x is Generator[T]
min(x) is T
max(x) is T
I also have such an instance, say LinearCongruentialGenerator.
Say I want to use this to define Uniform generator that produces float values in an interval. I have tried
type Uniform* = object
gen: BoundedGenerator[int]
min_p: float
max_p: float
proc create*(gen: BoundedGenerator[int], min: float, max: float): Uniform =
return Uniform(gen: gen, min_p: min, max_p: max)
I omit the obvious definitions of next, min and max.
The above, however, does not compile, due to Error: 'BoundedGenerator' is not a concrete type
If I explicitly put LinearCongruentialGenerator in place of BoundedGenerator[int], everyting compiles, but of course I want to be able to switch more sophisticated generators.
Can anyone help me understand the compiler error?
The type classes in Nim are not used to create abstract polymorphic types as it is the case with Haskell's type classes and C++'s interfaces. Instead, they are much more similar to the concepts proposal for C++. They define a set of arbitrary type requirements that can be used as overload-resolution criteria for generic functions.
If you want to work with abstract types, you can either define a type hierarchy with a common base type and use methods (which use multiple dispatch) or you can roll your own vtable-based solution. In the future, the user defined type classes will gain the ability to automatically convert the matched values to a different type (during overload resolution). This will make the vtable approach very easy to use as values of types with compatible interfaces will be convertible to a "fat pointer" carrying the vtable externally to the object (with the benefit that many pointers with different abstract types can be created for the same object). I'll be implementing these mechanisms in the next few months, hopefully before the 1.0 release.
Araq (the primary author of Nim) also has some plans for optimizing a certain type of group of closures bundled together to a cheaper representation, where the closure environment is shared between them and the end result is quite close to the traditional C++-like vtable-carrying object.

String lifetime management, in records

I am working on getting rid of shortstring.
One of the many places shortstring is currently used within our programs is in records.
Alot of these records are kept in AVL trees.
The AVL tree used is a generic one, holding a pointer to a number of bytes (ElemSize), which have worked well so far.
The memory for each record in the AVL tree is allocated with GetMem, and copied with Move.
However, with string being a pointer to a reference-counted structure, copying back the memory to a record no longer works, as the sting referenced is often freed (automatically by reference count).
With only a pointer and a size of the "data block", I assume it is not possible to have the reference count of the strings increased.
I'm looking for a way to get the reference count of the stings to be taken into account when storing the record in a AVL tree.
Can I pass the record type to the tree constructor, then cast the pointer to this type and thus get the references increased? Or a similar fix, where I can isolate the changes to primarily be in the AVL unit and calls to it's constructor.
Current code for allocation of space to store the record in AVL; XData is a pointer to the record to be stored:
New(RootPtr); { create new memory space }
GetMem(RootPtr^.TreeData, ElemSize);
{ copy data }
Move(XData^, RootPtr^.TreeData^, ElemSize);
In essence the question you are asking is:
How can I allocate, copy and deallocate a record when all I know about its type is its size?
The simple answer is that you can use GetMem, Move and FreeMem provided that the record does not contain managed types. You wish to work with records that contain Delphi strings, which are managed. And so your current approach using GetMem and Move does not suffice.
There are plenty of ways to solve this. You could write your own code to do reference counting, so long as you knew where in the record the managed types were. I don't recommend this. You could make your user data be a class and use polymorphism to help.
The option I'd like to discuss continues to support records and indeed allows the user to choose whatever type they like. The reasoning is as follows:
If the type contains managed types, then operating on it requires knowledge of the type. If the tree is to be generic, then it cannot have that knowledge. Ergo, the knowledge must be supplied by the user of the tree.
This leads you to events. Let the tree offer events that the user can supply handlers for. The types would look like this:
PTreeNodeUserData = type Pointer;
TTreeNodeCreateUserDataEvent = function: PTreeNodeUserData of object;
TTreeNodeDestroyUserDataEvent = procedure(Data: PTreeNodeUserData) of object;
TTreeNodeCopyUserDataEvent = procedure(Source, Dest: PTreeNodeUserData) of object;
Then you can arrange for your tree to publish events with these types that the user can subscribe to.
The point being that this allows the user of the tree to supply the missing knowledge about the user data type.
One of the main benefits of using records is the simplicity with which they can be copied (without using Move). So your best solution is to simply replace Move with a normal assignment operator :=. This will correctly consider the reference counts for all managed types involved.
Is there a particular reason you're not using the normal assignment operator?
PS: You need to ensure that the memory for all managed types (including long strings) is correctly initialised and finalised. I suggest you do some additional reading on the Initialize and Finalize routines.
The tree is general, it can hold a given lump of data. I hoped I could extend the functionality without making a new tree class per record.
In that case you need your "copy behaviour" to be variable depending on what it's working with. As couple of options:
If your tree is wrapped in a class you can easily modify it to use a callback event to perform the copy operation. (This option might be easiest even if you first have to work on encapsulating the tree in a class.)
Modify your nodes and/or data to be objects with polymorphic copy functionality. Then each subtype will know how to copy itself correctly, and you can write something along the lines of Root.TreeData := XData.CreateCopy;
If you are working at such a low level, and don't want compiler to help you, then you need to use PChar-strings instead of regular strings.

Idioms/Practices for Implementing Constrained Numeric Types in F#?

Suppose one needs a numeric data type whose allowed values fall within a specified range. More concretely, suppose one wants to define an integral type whose min value is 0 and maximum value is 5000. This type of scenario arises in many situations, such as when modeling a database data type, an XSD data type and so on.
What is the best way to model such a type in F#? In C#, one way to do this would be to define a struct that implemented the range checking overloaded operators, formatting and so on. A analogous approach in F# is described here: http://tomasp.net/blog/fsharp-custom-numeric.aspx/
I don't really need though a fully-fledged custom type; all I really want is an existing type with a constrained domain. For example, I would like to be able to write something like
type MyInt = Value of uint16 where Value <= 5000 (pseudocode)
Is there a shorthand way to do such a thing in F# or is the best approach to implement a custom numeric type as described in the aforementioned blog post?
You're referring to what are called refinement types in type theory, and as pointed out by Daniel, look for F*. But it is a research project.
As far as doing it with F#, in addition to Tomas' post, take a look at the designing with types series.
My suggestion would be to implement a custom struct wrapping your data type (e.g., int), just as you would in C#.
The idea behind creating this custom struct is that it allows you to "intercept" all uses of the underlying data value at run-time and check them for correctness. The alternative is to check all of these uses at compile-time, which is possible with something like F* (as others mentioned), although it's much more difficult and not something you would use for everyday code.

id values of different variables in python 3

I am able to understand immutability with python (surprisingly simple too). Let's say I assign a number to
x = 42
On both counts, the value I get is
My question is, does python interpreter allot ids to all the numbers, alphabets, True/False in the memory before the environment loads? If it doesn't, how are the ids kept track of? Or am I looking at this in the wrong way? Can someone explain it please?
What you're seeing is an implementation detail (an internal optimization) calling interning. This is a technique (used by implementations of a number of languages including Java and Lua) which aliases names or variables to be references to single object instances where that's possible or feasible.
You should not depend on this behavior. It's not part of the language's formal specification and there are no guarantees that separate literal references to a string or integer will be interned nor that a given set of operations (string or numeric) yielding a given object will be interned against otherwise identical objects.
I've heard that the C Python implementation does include a set of the first hundred or so integers as statically instantiated immutable objects. I suspect that other very high level language run-time libraries are likely to include similar optimizations: the first hundred integers are used very frequently by most non-trivial fragments of code.
In terms of how such things are implemented ... for strings and larger integers it would make sense for Python to maintain these as dictionaries. Thus any expression yielding an integer (and perhaps even floats) and strings (at least sufficiently short strings) would be hashed, looked up in the appropriate (internal) object dictionary, added if necessary and then returned as references to the resulting object.
You can do your own similar interning of any sorts of custom object you like by wrapping the instantiation in your own calls to your own class static dictionary.
