Rails app stuck - ruby-on-rails

I am running a rails app on Dreamhost.
Today, a strange thing happened.
A page is almost loaded (it seems to be fully loaded but the status is not 'Done') and after that, the app didn't respond on any page.
I checked out the log and even the log was not complete.
How do I know it?
There are 3 missing images on the problem page and the log showed only 2 missing images and stopped there.
So I guess that something happened between the 2nd and the 3rd missing images.
I couldn't even start 'script/console production'.
After 14 minutes, it began to behave normally.
I asked the hosting company and they said that the process was killed due to over-use of memory.
Probably something was running heavily during the period.
The same thing happened one more time.
I had to kill the process to unlock the stucked app.
Passenger version is 2.2.4 and rails version is 2.3.2.
I am afraid that I can't give more specific info.
What do you guess cause such a problem?

As theIV stated, look at the last action called. Start this up locally and try to go through what was happening on the server to see if it's reproducable, or if you just get any sort of general hiccups. I've run Rails apps on Dreamhost for a while, and have not experienced this before, so I would guess that it's not Dreamhosts fault, but there is no 100% on that.
Good luck!

This sounds pretty app specific. I would start by looking at what action was last hit before the process started hoggin' and then work backwards from there to see if there are any calls that might be doing something you weren't expecting. Other than that, no clue. :(

Try using NewRelic RPM or TuneUp Lite to see what process is chunking most of your memory. You can run them locally but it would be better to test it on production.


Rails 3 - All users stuck while someone is processing

We have a web-app here that makes hundreds of calculations with money and other very specific numbers. It has been developed in Rails 3, which I have not much experience.
Recently, I have noticed that even in Digital Ocean server, where it runs for production, whenever an user requests to open some page for example, that does any query to get data from the database, everyone else gets stuck until the processing finishes.
It just looks like rails is running on a "single-threaded" mode, similar to running the same scenario with Tomcat in development mode in Eclipse.
Is there any trick to make it work "multi-threaded"?
I don't see any reason or even logic for it to run like this, there's no sense in making everyone wait until the request of another user finishes.
Thanks in advance to everyone!
Well, I've found the solution.
To enable Rails with WEBrick to work in a "multi-threaded" way, you'll have to simply go to the config file, and add :
# Enable threaded mode
After that, restart the server and the trick is done. It "solved" my problem, but ended up creating a thousand others, cause the application wasn't developed thinking about a "threadsafe" scenario, which means, that everytime I try to run similar requests at the same time, the application mixes up everything in memory, crashing.
Well, one problem at once!
The original from this topic is solved.

Website makes IE crash and requires restart (!)

Website built on: Rails 3.0.3 & Heroku
Installed: Exception Notifier & New Relic
I am rewriting this question since my previous attempt was unclear and subjective, hope this works better.
I have a website where users can perform calculations. Once in a while I get reports from the users through my (one way) communication media that "the website crashes and tells me I need to restart IE, but it still doesn't work" which is pretty much as specific information I have been retrieving.
I get no timestamps so I can not look for it in the logs (Heroku only allows 2000 lines of error logs), I get no exception notifications and I cannot make the error appear myself so I would like your help with the following:
What would make a website crash in the way that it would tell the user to restart the browser? I have never even heard of that! What should I look for in the logs, if I can get timestamps for the errors?
Assuming it is a JavaScript-problem (which seems likely). How could I trouble shoot this issue? What tools can I use? Firebug does not give me any errors.
Assuming it is a IE version thing. How can I test the application in a systematic manner? (without installing/reinstalling different versions). Is there any applications that can test an application for different browsers?
It seems to work for most users/combinations. Do you have an older version of IE installed and can produce this error? Site: www.countcalculate.com (try any calculation).
Probably related to a very intensive loop. For some reason IE thinks it's appropriate to block the UI thread while JavaScript is executing, so the whole thing will freeze up if your JavaScript breaks.
I can't reproduce the issue, so I'd suggest trying to get more detailed reports from your customers.
The problem was (appearantly) limited to IE8 & XP-users. That combination conflicted with a bug in jQuery 1.6.2 according to http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/9981.
Downgrading to 1.6.1 solved the problem.

Diagnosing Rails 3 Heroku Slowness

I have a Rails 3 app that I am running on Heroku. The app is usually really fast but sometimes I'll get cases where the app seems to hang for upwards of 2 minutes before finally returning the requested page.
I have the New Relic addon installed and there doesn't seem to be anything sticking out at me. It seems to be kind of sporadic and doesn't seem to be connected to a particular controller/action.
How would you suggest I go about pinpointing the cause of this problem?
Always check the logs. When it happens, immediately go check your logs. Pretty sure all SQL queries are logged and timed, and you might want to add logging and timing to some of your own service calls.
If you upgrade to the Pro level of New Relic, you can get detailed traces specifically of your slow transactions. Turn up your Transaction Trace threshold to a large number (1s is pretty big), and wait for traces to show up. You'll see a detailed breakdown of the performance of an individual request, including SQL queries.
(Full disclosure: I work for New Relic.)

Rails loads too long

I'm new to Rails 3.
I use ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.7 and Windows 7
So, my problem
When I start a server this process last for a minute
When I try to access it from the browser ( this page loads very long (from 1 minute and more)
I tried to turn off the antivirus, user faster_require gem... I just have no clue what to do...
Whats is the problem?
When Rails starts up it needs to load the entire stack as well as a good chunk of your application, so this can take some time. It's not abnormal for it to take twenty to thirty seconds to get ready even on a current machine.
Generally this isn't an issue as the framework will do smaller reloads while it is running if in development mode. Anything you change in app/ or config/routes.rb will be detected and adjusted for between requests.
The first page load is always the slowest, but after that you should have a very responsive server. If not, something might be amiss configuration-wise.
Some people suggest using Mogrel instead of webrick. I'd recommend to give it a try.
I had this problem with a non-rails project and Apache. Disabling IPv6 fixed the problem. YMMV.

Windows Azure WebRole stuck in a deployment loop

I've been struggling with this one for a couple of days now. My current Windows Azure WebRole is stuck in a loop where the status keeps changing between Initializing, Busy, Stopping and Stopped.
It never goes live, and I can can never see the website as a result. The WebRole is an "out of the box" MVC 2 application with Copy Local set to true on the Mvc dll and I haven't even tried hooking up a storage or WorkerRole yet, and there is nothing really happening inside the Start method that I can see would crash.
I've really tried going back to basics to ensure nothing can complicate the process and the website launches without a problem on the Dev Fabric and yes it looks just like the standard "Home", "About" MVC app - just can't get it running in the cloud!
Funny thing is, a few days ago, this exact package worked on the staging area in the cloud, and I could even see it in the browser - but could never get it swapped over to production, so I deleted everything and started from scratch, and now I can't even get it running on staging...
Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do to diagnose this problem myself because since logging this problem on the forums 2 days ago, there has been no improvement or feedback.
Any help appreciated,
Rob G
Turns out there are a number of things that can cause this to happen. A full thread on the Microsoft forums goes through most of them and details my adventures in the arena.
Hope this helps...
I think the best starting point is enabling remote desktop on all role instances.
Saves a lot of heart ache wondering why the heck isn't the diagnostics aren't logging anything.
By remoting in you can eye ball the event logs and find lots of reasons for azure unhappness
