Language dependent routes in ASP.NET MVC -

Has anyone had any experienced with making language dependent routes with ASP.NET MVC? What I would like to do is have localized url's to improve SEO. So for example would map to the same controller/action as
I have tried browsing around a bit, but I could not find anything similar to this. I'm not even convinced it is really such a good idea, but I would imagine that it would help SEO when users are doing searches in their own language. I would imagine this would take some customization of the mvc route engine.
Edit: Mato definitely has the best solution so far, I would like to see a Custom RouteHandler solution though for reference.

You could implement an own controller factory class which translates the controller name before initializing it. You could for example store the translations in a resource file or in a DB. The easiest way to do this is to inherit from DefaultControllerFactory and to overwrite the CreateController function.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Web.Mvc
class CustomControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
public override IController CreateController(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
* here comes your code for translating the controller name
return base.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName);
The last step would be to register your controller factory implementation when the application starts (in the Global.asax).
namespace MyApplication
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()

One thing with SEO is, if a search engine finds two identical documents on two different links, it may reduce page rank for one of the pages. You need then to translate the page content as well.

You could use regular expression routes (, and then do something like
routes.Add(new RegexRoute(#"^(Products|Produkter)$", new MvcRouteHandler())
Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Products" })

I won't recommend a Regex based approach because it will be error-prone, other than requiring a strong level of manual customization of all the available URL patterns (wich can be a real pain for non-trivial websites).
Just as #Runeborg said, I strongly recommend a more automated way of doing the job. For MVC 5 (and <) web applications I always use the following one, which I found to be the most versatile one among those I've tried in the latest years.
You basically need to implement three things:
A multi-language aware route to handle incoming URLs (if you're using MVC5 or above you could also go for Attribute-based routing instead, but I still prefer to use a global rule to handle this).
A LocalizationAttribute to handle these kinds of multi-language requests.
An helper method to generate these URLs within your application (Html.ActionLink and/or Url.Action extension methods).
See this answer for further details and code samples.
For additional info and further samples on this topic you can also read this blog post that I wrote on this topic.


Why the class name of a Controller in ASP.NET Core MVC don't have to be suffix with Controller?

I have been writing ASP.NET MVC for more then 10 years. I always know there is a convention for the Controller class must have it's name suffix with Controller. As I know, it's a hard limit on ASP.NET MVC 5 and before.
One day I saw one of my colleague write a controller in ASP.NET Core 6 like this:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace WebApplication2.Controllers;
public class Home : Controller
private readonly ILogger<Home> _logger;
public Home(ILogger<Home> logger)
_logger = logger;
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
I shocked. I can't believe there is someone would write Controller code like this. Then I see this:
A controller is an instantiable class, usually public, in which at least one of the following conditions is true:
The class name is suffixed with Controller.
The class inherits from a class whose name is suffixed with Controller.
The [Controller] attribute is applied to the class.
Then I know the Controller suffix is not a MUST. It's just a recommended naming rule. Without Controller-suffix, it might come with come drawback like this. I also found this post. I always believe naming controller with -Controller suffix is a good practices. I just want to know that if anyone know why ASP.NET Core teams decided not have to be naming controllers with Controller suffix?
why the hard limit had been removed
I think the reason may as below:
From this answer we see
By not having the controller naming convention, we'd have two types
with the same name hence would always have to provide namespaces to
distinguish between the two. But because we do have this convention
this is not necessary and no type clashes occur.
By having Controller suffix on controller types, this is not necessary.
In ASP.NET Core the namespace of the controller class is unimportant, although the tradition is maintained by tooling that continues to place controller classes always under a folder named Controllers. In fact, you can now place your controller classes in any folders and any namespaces that you wish. As long as at least one of the following conditions is true.
Besides,controllers need no Controller type name appending because after all they're just like any other class.It is a form of optimization that reduces overhead and the memory footprint.

Conditional namespaces in mvc views

I'm working on MVC 3 and using resource files to localize the application. Now we have another customer on board for the application and they would like to change some of the text on the application..typical.
I have create a separated resource file for them and would like to do something like this in views
if (customer =A )
#using Resources.customerA
#using Resources.customerB
I've a resource class in both namespaces so something like this works fine if I change the namespace
Is it possible to use conditional using statement in views? I'm unable to find the right syntax for this. Any ideas?
You can put both using statements in View, but when you use classes you would have to write some namespace prefix.
#using Project.Resources.customerA
#using Project.Resources.customerB
using classes:
I think there is no other way, because two files cannot have the same path.
What you're really talking about is the provider pattern. You have two (or more) interchangeable things, and you want to be able to use one or the other contextually.
The correct way to do this in an OO context is to create and use an interface, while then injecting the actual implementation you want at runtime. You can actually achieve this in ASP.NET Core, which supports injection in Views, but in ASP.NET MVC 5 and previous, you'd need to go a little out of your way. I'm imagining these are currently static classes, since you're referencing them merely via namespace. With that approach, you'd need to follow #Ssheverdin's advice and use the FQN of the class (i.e. with the namespace):
#if (customer == A)
Alternatively, you could change the static classes to be instance classes and use a factory pattern to return the right one. This is a very simplistic example, but hopefully enough to convey the idea:
public static class ResourceFactory
public static IResourceClass GetForCustomer(string customer)
switch (customer)
case "A":
return new Resources.customerA.ResourceClass();
return new Resources.customerB.ResourceClass();
#{ var resource = ResourceFactory.GetForCustomer(customer); }
I have managed to achieve the behaviour by adding a web.config file under views folder and including the namespaces there, i have to remove the #using statement from all views obviously. You might find that intellisense doesn't work anymore for you so try closing all views and reopen them again.
With this way I can create a separate web.config file for each customer and specify the relevant namespaces accordingly. Now just have to make sure to provide the RIGHT config file for each customer when deploying the release:)

Using Ninject with Asp.NET Web API Beta ApiController

I'm stuck. I was using the method outlined here for wcf web api p6 Ninject working with WCF Web API Preview 5, however things are quite a bit different with the mvc implementation in the beta. There is a good article here that talks about building your own custom dependency resolver, however i would like to use the same implementation i'm using for my mvc view controllers...e.g. Ninject. I've tried a few things based on the IoC Unity example in the article too, but nothing has panned out yet. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated. I'm going to keep digging on my own as well. Thanks in advance!
Here's where I'm at. I was using WebActivator to bootstrap the code but I've since dropped it to the Application_Start() just to take one more thing out of the equation.
protected void Application_Start()
var kernel = new StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.ServiceResolver.SetResolver(new NinjectDependencyResolver(kernel));
And am receiving the following error:
The type Ninject.Web.Mvc.NinjectDependencyResolver does not appear to implement Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.IServiceLocator.Parameter name: commonServiceLocator
Found the solution
Perhaps there is/will be a more elegant way but this is now working for me. I'm also adding my custom message handler here as well.
[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(MyApp.AppStart.ApiBootstrapper), "Start")]
namespace MyApp.AppStart
public class ApiBootstrapper
public static void Start()
var kernel = new StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
var resolver = new NinjectDependencyResolver(kernel);
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.ServiceResolver.SetResolver(resolver.GetService, resolver.GetServices);
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.Add(new ApiAuthHandler());
I never used the WebAPI but since the semantic of the IDependencyResolver is exactly the same as the one from MVC3 you should be able to use the same implementation:
The Ninject.Web.WebAPi extension adds support for ApiControllers
I found the answer and updated my question above with the solution. The solution itself was more or less present in the Using the Web API Dependency Resolver article, i just had to keep tweaking for ninject. Both answers helped me quickly narrow this down so thanks to #Remo and #James.
May sound silly but have you made sure you have a reference to the CommonServiceLocator / CommonServiceLocator.NinjectAdapter nuget package or associated assemblies. Your NinjectDependencyResolver may not be able to resolve the reference to IServiceLocator.
The same code will work for both MVC and the WebApi, however because the WebApi was inspired by MVC and the MVC assemblies do not have to be referenced in order to use WebApi (or vise versa), there is a fair amount of duplication of code between the two frameworks. If you want to use MVC you're dependencies will come from System.Web.Mvc, if you want to use WebApi you'll use System.Web.Http. If you want to use both you'll have to differentiate in your code which to use when, using a more explicit namespace resolution.
In your case your problem is that MVC came first and the NinjectDependancyResolver class inherits from System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver. You'll want to create an exact duplicate of the NinjectDependancyResolver class and instead inherit from System.Web.Http.IDependencyResolver instead. Use THIS class to setup your IoC and you'll be good to go.
I found a nice solution here.
It's pretty easy if you're already using the Ninject CommonServiceLocator / Bootstrapper:
private static IKernel CreateKernel() {
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
.SetResolver(new NinjectServiceLocator(kernel));
return kernel;

How to use Ninject with Query Parameters in MVC?

I am following Steven Sanderson's Pro MVC2 book and have a question about using Ninject.
In the sports store example, we have in Global.asax.cs
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new NinjectControllerFactory());
and NinjectControllerFactory is defined as:
public class NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
//A Ninject "kernet" is the thing that can supply object instances
private IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new SportsStoreServices());
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
return (IController)kernel.Get(controllerType);
private class SportsStoreServices : NinjectModule
public string QString = null;
public override void Load()
.WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AppDb"].ConnectionString);
As you see the SqlProductsRepository is taking the connection string from the configuration file. If I need to make a decision here based on the URL query string parameters e.g. if param1=true I want to load from one repository versus the other, how can I do that? I have tried to see how to access query parameters in Load() method but I am not able to find a prepopulated place for that.
Also is Load() the right place to make a decision based on query parameters or should I somehow make this decision in Controller?
One would have multiple bindings that have .WithMetadata (or the special case thereof, are .Named()). Then, when resolving, you need to pass in a metadata filter and/or name parameter into the .Get<>() call to indicate the bindings. A small but of searching around here will yield examples, but by far the best source of ninject examples is the ninject tests, which are really clean and one of the reasons the ninject docs dont get the love they deserve (i.e. a v2 update).
i.e., you put a name or metadata filter in as an extra param into the:
return (IController)kernel.Get(controllerType, **here**);
As for best practice on how to manage this in more complex situations, I personally would go read Brand Wilson's set of posts on how they did it in MVC 3.
I guess it depends on your destination and aims:
making a sample do something while you learn - lash in the above
sort out DI based architecture to make you happy, run and buy Dependency Injection in .NET by Mark Seemann, strongly consider ASP.NET MVC 3 and read the Brad Wilson article series either way
a Module's Load() method only gets called when the application starts and the kernel is intialized. hence, there is no request context to make decisions on.
if it were me, I would inject both repositories into the controller and have the controller make the decisions on which to use. that way you can write unit tests to verify it's making the correct decisions.

Multilingual URLs with ASP.NET MVC

I’m working out the concepts for a new project where I need to support for multilingual URL’s. Ideally all URL’s need to be in the native language of the user. So we don’t want to use and but we like and (contactar is Spanish for contact). Internally both should be routed to the same ContactController class.
This could be handled by adding multiple static routes to Global.asax.cs for each language but we’d like to make this very dynamic and would like the user of the system to be able to change the translation of the URL’s through the content management system. So we need some kind of dynamic mapping from URL’s to controllers and actions.
By looking at the source code of MVC3 I figured out that the ProcessRequestInit method of MvcHandler is responsible for determining which controller to create. It simply looks in the RouteData to get the name of the controller. One way to override the default MVC routing would be to create a simple default route that uses a custom RouteHandler. This RouteHandler forces MVC to use my own custom subclassed version of MvcHandler that overrides the ProcessRequestInit method. This overridden method insert my own dynamically found controller and action into the RouteData before calling back to the original ProcessRequestInit.
I’ve tried this:
new Route("{*url}", new MultilingualRouteHandler())
Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Default", action = "Default" })
public class MultilingualRouteHandler : IRouteHandler
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
return new MultilingualMVCHandler(requestContext);
public class MultilingualMVCHandler : MvcHandler
public MultilingualMVCHandler(RequestContext context) : base(context)
protected override void ProcessRequestInit(HttpContextBase httpContext, out IController controller, out IControllerFactory factory)
if (RequestContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("controller"))
if (RequestContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("action"))
RequestContext.RouteData.Values.Add("controller", "Product");
RequestContext.RouteData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
base.ProcessRequestInit(httpContext, out controller, out factory);
In this handler I hardcoded the controller and action for testing purposes to some fixed values but it’s not difficult to make this dynamic. It works but the only problem is that I had to modify the source code of ASP.NET MVC3 to get it working. The problem is that the ProcessRequestInit method of MvcHandler is private and thus cannot be overridden. I’ve modified the source code and changed it to protected virtual which allows me to override it.
This is all great but possibly not the best solution. It’s cumbersome that I would always need to distribute my own version of System.Web.Mvc.dll. It would be much better that it would work with the RTM version.
Am I missing any other possibilities of hooking into ASP.NET MVC that would allow me to dynamically determine the controller and action to launch, depending on the URL? One other way I thought of is to build the RouteCollection dynamically on *Application_Start* but I think that will make it more difficult to change it on the fly.
I would appreciate any tips of hooks that I’ve not yet found.
This is fairly old now, nut just in case anyone else is looking for something similar...
Unless I'm completely misunderstanding what you want to do, it's pretty simple really.
Step 1: Add a new route to global.ascx.cs containing a reference to your personal routing engine
routes.Add(new MyProject.Routing.ContentRoutingEngine());
Make sure that it is in the right place in the list of routes so that other routing engines can catch stuff before it if required, or continue the route search if your engine doesn't handle a particular route. I put it after the ignores, but before the MVC default routes.
Step 2: Create the Content Routing Engine, making sure that it inherites from System.Web.Routing.RouteBase abstract class, and overrides the GetRouteData and GetVirtualPath methods as required e.g.
public class ContentRoutingEngine : RouteBase
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var routeHandler = new MvcRouteHandler();
var currentRoute = new Route("{controller}/{action}", routeHandler);
var routeData = new RouteData(currentRoute, routeHandler);
// set your values dynamically here
routeData.Values["controller"] = "Home" ;
// or
routeData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
// return the route, or null to have it passed to the next routing engine in the list
return routeData;
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
//implement this to return url's for routes, or null to just pass it on
return null;
and that should do it. You can change routes as dynamically as you wish within your engine, and no changes to MVC source required. Let the standard MVC RouteHandler actually invoke the controller.
Postscript: Obviously the code above is not production standard - it's written to make it as obvious as possible what's going on.
If you are allowing modification of urls through your CMS, then you will have to keep all old versions of the urls so that you can 301 redirect to the new ones.
The best bet for this will be to put the url tokens eg "contactar" in the db along with its corresponding controller.
query that, and create your routes out of that.
create a route that will handle the 301s
I think that most elegant solution would be using some action filter combined with custom ActionInvoker. That way, you could invoke an action that has specific filters applied. Something like ActionName attribute, only capable to accept multiple values (names).
Edit: Take a look at ActionMethodSelectorAttribute, meybe you don't need a custom ActionInvoker after all.
