How to read log-files over network real fast? - delphi

I'm using Delphi 2007 and have an application that read log-files from several places over an internal network and display exceptions. Those directories sometimes contains thousands of log-files. The application have an option to read only log-files from the n latest days bit it can also be in any datetime range.
The problem is that the first time the log directory is read it can be very slow (several minutes). The second time it is considerably faster.
I wonder how I can optimize my code to read the log-files as fast as possible ?
I'm using a vCurrentFile: TStringList to store the file in memory.
That is updated from a FileStream as I think this is faster.
Here is some code:
Refresh: The main loop to read log-files
// In this function the logfiles are searched for exceptions. If a exception is found it is stored in a object.
// The exceptions are then shown in the grid
procedure TfrmMain.Refresh;
FileData : TSearchRec; // Used for the file searching. Contains data of the file
vPos, i, PathIndex : Integer;
vCurrentFile: TStringList;
vDate: TDateTime;
vFileStream: TFileStream;
tvMain.DataController.RecordCount := 0;
vCurrentFile := TStringList.Create;
for PathIndex := 0 to fPathList.Count - 1 do // Loop 0. This loops until all directories are searched through
if (FindFirst (fPathList[PathIndex] + '\*.log', faAnyFile, FileData) = 0) then
repeat // Loop 1. This loops while there are .log files in Folder (CurrentPath)
vDate := FileDateToDateTime(FileData.Time);
if chkLogNames.Items[PathIndex].Checked and FileDateInInterval(vDate) then
tvMain.BeginUpdate; // To speed up the grid - delays the guichange until EndUpdate
fPathPlusFile := fPathList[PathIndex] + '\' + FileData.Name;
vFileStream := TFileStream.Create(fPathPlusFile, fmShareDenyNone);
fUser := FindDataInRow(vCurrentFile[0], 'User'); // FindData Returns the string after 'User' until ' '
fComputer := FindDataInRow(vCurrentFile[0], 'Computer'); // FindData Returns the string after 'Computer' until ' '
Application.ProcessMessages; // Give some priority to the User Interface
if not CancelForm.IsCanceled then
if rdException.Checked then
for i := 0 to vCurrentFile.Count - 1 do
vPos := AnsiPos(MainExceptionToFind, vCurrentFile[i]);
if vPos > 0 then
UpdateView(vCurrentFile[i], i, MainException);
vPos := AnsiPos(ExceptionHintToFind, vCurrentFile[i]);
if vPos > 0 then
UpdateView(vCurrentFile[i], i, HintException);
else if rdOtherText.Checked then
for i := 0 to vCurrentFile.Count - 1 do
vPos := AnsiPos(txtTextToSearch.Text, vCurrentFile[i]);
if vPos > 0 then
UpdateView(vCurrentFile[i], i, TextSearch)
tvMain.EndUpdate; // Now the Gui can be updated
until(FindNext(FileData) <> 0) or (CancelForm.IsCanceled); // End Loop 1
end; // End Loop 0
UpdateView method: Add one row to the displaygrid
{: Update the grid with one exception}
procedure TfrmMain.UpdateView(aLine: string; const aIndex, aType: Integer);
vExceptionText: String;
vDate: TDateTime;
if ExceptionDateInInterval(aLine, vDate) then // Parse the date from the beginning of date
if aType = MainException then
vExceptionText := 'Exception'
else if aType = HintException then
vExceptionText := 'Exception Hint'
else if aType = TextSearch then
vExceptionText := 'Text Search';
SetRow(aIndex, vDate, ExtractFilePath(fPathPlusFile), ExtractFileName(fPathPlusFile), fUser, fComputer, aLine, vExceptionText);
Method to decide if row is in daterange:
{: This compare exact exception time against the filters
#desc 2 cases: 1. Last n days
2. From - to range}
function TfrmMain.ExceptionDateInInterval(var aTestLine: String; out aDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean;
vtmpDate, vTmpTime: String;
vDate, vTime: TDateTime;
vIndex: Integer;
aDateTime := 0;
vtmpDate := Copy(aTestLine, 0, 8);
vTmpTime := Copy(aTestLine, 10, 9);
Insert(DateSeparator, vtmpDate, 5);
Insert(DateSeparator, vtmpDate, 8);
if TryStrToDate(vtmpDate, vDate, fFormatSetting) and TryStrToTime(vTmpTime, vTime) then
aDateTime := vDate + vTime;
Result := (rdLatest.Checked and (aDateTime >= (Now - spnDateLast.Value))) or
(rdInterval.Checked and (aDateTime>= dtpDateFrom.Date) and (aDateTime <= dtpDateTo.Date));
if Result then
vIndex := AnsiPos(']', aTestLine);
if vIndex > 0 then
Delete(aTestLine, 1, vIndex + 1);
Test if the filedate is inside range:
{: Returns true if the logtime is within filters range
#desc Purpose is to sort out logfiles that are no idea to parse (wrong day)}
function TfrmMain.FileDateInInterval(aFileTimeStamp: TDate): Boolean;
Result := (rdLatest.Checked and (Int(aFileTimeStamp) >= Int(Now - spnDateLast.Value))) or
(rdInterval.Checked and (Int(aFileTimeStamp) >= Int(dtpDateFrom.Date)) and (Int(aFileTimeStamp) <= Int(dtpDateTo.Date)));

The problem is not your logic, but the underlying file system.
Most file systems get very slow when you put many files in a directory. This is very bad with FAT, but NTFS also suffers from it, especially if you have thousands of files in a directory.
The best you can do is reorganize those directory structures, for instance by age.
Then have at most a couple of 100 files in each directory.

How fast do you want to be? If you want to be really fast, then you need to use something besides windows networking to read the files. The reason is if you want to read the last line of a log file (or all the lines since the last time you read it) then you need to read the whole file again.
In your question you said the problem is that it is slow to enumerate your directory listing. That is your first bottleneck. If you want to be real fast then you need to either switch to HTTP or add some sort of log server to the machine where the log files are stored.
The advantage of using HTTP is you can do a range request and just get the new lines of the log file that were added since you last requested it. That will really improve performance since you are transferring less data (especially if you enable HTTP compression) and you also have less data to process on the client side.
If you add a log server of some sort, then that server can do the processing on the server side, where it has native access to the data, and only return the rows that are in the date range. A simple way of doing that may be to just put your logs into a SQL database of some sort, and then run queries against it.
So, how fast do you want to go?


How to correctly use IFileOperation in Delphi to delete the files in a folder

I'm trying to create a simple example of using IFileOperation to delete the files in a
given directory, to include in the answer to another q for comparison with other methods.
Below is the code of my MRE. It
successfully creates 1000 files in a subdirectory off C:\Temp and then attempts to delete
them in the DeleteFiles method. This supposedly "easy" task fails but I'm not sure
exactly where it comes off the rails. The comments in the code show what I'm expecting
and the actual results. On one occasion, instead of the exception noted, I got a pop-up
asking for confirmation to delete an item with an odd name which was evidently an array of
numbers referring to a shell item, but my attempt to capture it using Ctrl-C failed;
I'm fairly sure I'm either missing a step or two, misusing the interfaces involved
or both. My q is, could anybody please show the necessary corrections to the code to get IFileOperation.DeleteItems() to delete the files in question, as I am completely out of my depth with this stuff? I am not interested in alternative methods of deleting these files, using the shell interfaces or otherwise.
procedure TForm2.DeleteFiles;
iFileOp: IFileOperation;
iIDList : ItemIDList;
iItemArray : IShellItemArray;
iArray : Array[0..1] of ItemIDList;
Count : DWord;
iFileOp := CreateComObject(CLSID_FileOperation) as IFileOperation;
iIDList := ILCreateFromPath(sPath)^;
// IFileOperation.DeleteItems seems to require am IShellItemArray, so the following attempts
// to create one
// The definition of SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists
// seems to require a a zero-terminated array of ItemIDLists so the next steps
// attempt to create one
ZeroMemory(#iArray, SizeOf(iArray));
iArray[0] := iIDList;
OleCheck(SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists(1, #iArray, iItemArray));
// Next test the number of items in iItemArray, which I'm expecting to be 1000
// seeing as the CreateFiles routine creats that many
Caption := IntToStr(Count); // Duh, this shows Count to be 1, not the expected 1000
OleCheck( iFileOp.PerformOperations );
// Returns Exception 'No object for moniker'
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure CreateFiles;
i : Integer;
SL : TStringList;
FileContent : String;
SL := TStringList.Create;
if not (DirectoryExists(sPath)) then
for i := 0 to 999 do begin
FileName := Format('File%d.Txt', [i]);
FileContent := Format('content of file %s', [FileName]);
SL.Text := FileContent;
SL.SaveToFile(sPath + '\' + FileName);
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
You are leaking the memory returned by ILCreateFromPath(), you need to call ILFree() when you are done using the returned PItemIDList.
Also, you should not be dereferencing the PItemIDList. SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists() expects an array of PItemIDList pointers, but you are giving it an array of ItemIDList instances.
Try this instead:
procedure TForm2.DeleteFiles;
iFileOp: IFileOperation;
iIDList : PItemIDList;
iItemArray : IShellItemArray;
Count : DWord;
iFileOp := CreateComObject(CLSID_FileOperation) as IFileOperation;
iIDList := ILCreateFromPath(sPath);
OleCheck(SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists(1, #iIDList, iItemArray));
// Next test the number of items in iItemArray, which I'm expecting to be 1000
// seeing as the CreateFiles routine creates that many
Caption := IntToStr(Count); // Duh, this shows Count to be 1, not the expected 1000
OleCheck( iFileOp.PerformOperations );
// Returns Exception 'No object for moniker'
That being said, even if this were working correctly, you are not creating an IShellItemArray containing 1000 IShellItems for the individual files. You are creating an IShellItemArray containing 1 IShellItem for the C:\Temp subdirectory itself.
Which is fine if your goal is to delete the whole folder. But in that case, I would suggest using SHCreateItemFromIDList() or SHCreateItemFromParsingName() instead, and then pass that IShellItem to IFileOperation.DeleteItem().
But, if your goal is to delete the individual files without deleting the subdirectory as well, then you will have to either:
get the IShellFolder interface for the subdirectory, then enumerate the relative PIDLs of its files using IShellFolder.EnumObjects(), and then pass the PIDLs in an array to SHCreateShellItemArray().
get the IShellFolder interface of the subdirectory, then query it for an IDataObject interface using IShellFolder.GetUIObjectOf(), and then use SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject(), or just give the IDataObject directly to IFileOperation.DeleteItems().
get an IShellItem interface for the subdirectory, then query its IEnumShellItems interface using IShellItem.BindToHandler(), and then pass that directly to IFileOperation.DeleteItems().

Want asynchronous function execution one after the other with AsyncCalls and unable to reproduce demo

My primary goal is to run two time consuming functions or procedures one after the other has finished executing. My current approach is to place the second function invocation after the while loop (assuming I have passed one Interface type object to it in the AsyncMultiSync array param) in the code below I got from AsyncCalls in Github. Additionally, when I am trying to run the exact provided code below, I see that the threads do their job and the execution reaches to the first access to the vcl thread Memo but the second access to the memo freezes the application (for directories having quite a lot of files in the GetFiles call) P.S. English is not my first language and I might have trouble explaining it but if you demote this for title or MCVE, it will be my last question here as per SO rules.
{ Ex - 2 using global function }
function GetFiles(Directory: string; Filenames: TStrings): Integer;
h: THandle;
FindData: TWin32FindData;
h := FindFirstFile(PChar(Directory + '\*.*'), FindData);
if (StrComp(FindData.cFileName, '.') <> 0) and (StrComp(FindData.cFileName, '..') <> 0) then
Filenames.Add(Directory + '\' + FindData.cFileName);
if FindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY <> 0 then
GetFiles(Filenames[Filenames.Count - 1], Filenames);
until not FindNextFile(h, FindData);
Result := 0;
procedure TForm1.ButtonGetFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
Dir1Files, Dir2Files: TStrings;
Dir1, Dir2 IAsyncCall;
Dir1Files := TStringList.Create;
Dir2Files := TStringList.Create;
ButtonGetFiles.Enabled := False;
Dir1 := TAsyncCalls.Invoke<string, TStrings>(GetFiles, 'C:\portables\autoit-v3', Dir1Files);
Dir2 := TAsyncCalls.Invoke<string, TStrings>(GetFiles, 'E:\mySyntax-Repository-works', Dir2Files);
{ Wait until both async functions have finished their work. While waiting make the UI
reacting on user interaction. }
while AsyncMultiSync([Dir1, Dir2], True, 10) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do
{ Form1.Caption := 'after file search';}
MemoFiles.Lines.AddStrings(Dir2Files); {-->causes freeze}
ButtonGetFiles.Enabled := True;
One alternative solution to use is JvThread as it contains well commented demos. Multiple JvThread objects can be wired via onFinish events to start one after another. If required, that many Sync functions can be constructed to talk to the VCL thread where race risk exists(between the thread and the VCL thread). And if required, each JvThread can be force-finished i.e.'breaked' by terminating it, based on some logic, inside of the thread execution code or in the associated Sync function in the VCL thread. How is it different from using timers or threaded timers triggering each other one after another in the first place given we use quite a few global form fields? Answer is there is no onFinish equivalent for timers and it will take more effort and less elegance to achieve the same. Omnithread is somewhat restrictive for its BSD licence, Native threads beat the RAD spirit of Delphi, and Task library not available in lighter installs like XE5.

Delphi: How to send MIDI to a hosted VST plugin?

I want to use VST plugins in my Delphi program which acts as a VST host. I have tried the tobybear examples, used the delphiasiovst stuf, got some of it even working, but... I don't know how to send MIDI messages to the plugin (I am aware that most plugins will not handle MIDI, but I have an example plugin that does).
To be more specific: I expect that when I send a MIDI message, I have to either use one or other method in the VST plugin or reroute the MIDI output. I just don't know how.
Can anyone point me to documentation or code on how to do this? Thanks in advance.
I use two test plugins: the one compiled from the DelphiAsioVst package and PolyIblit. Both work in Finale and LMMS. Loaded into my test program both show their VST editor.
I did insert the TvstEvent record and initialized it, I inserted the MIDIData and the AddMIDIData procedures and a timer to provide test data and to execute the ProcessEvents routine of the plugin. ProcessEvents gets the correct test data, but no sound is heard. I hear something when I send it directly to the midi output port.
In the code below the PropcessEvents should be sufficient imho, the additional code is a test whether the MIDI information is correctly sent. VstHost [0] is the first plugin, being either the PolyIblit or the VSTPlugin, depending on the test.
procedure TMain_VST_Demo.TimerTimer (Sender: TObject);
var i: Int32;
// MIDIOutput.PutShort ($90, 60, 127);
MIDIData (0, $90, 60, 127);
if FMDataCnt > 0 then
FMyEvents.numEvents := FMDataCnt;
// if (FCurrentMIDIOut > 0) and MIMidiThru.Checked then
// begin
for i := 0 to FMDataCnt - 1 do
MIDIOutput.PutShort (PVstMidiEvent ([i])^.midiData[0],
PVstMidiEvent ([i])^.midiData[1],
PVstMidiEvent ([i])^.midiData[2]);
// FMidiOutput.Send(//FCurrentMIDIOut - 1,
// PVstMidiEvent([i])^.midiData[0],
// PVstMidiEvent([i])^.midiData[1],
// PVstMidiEvent([i])^.midiData[2]);
// end;
FMDataCnt := 0;
end; // TimerTimer //
So I don't get the events in the plugin. Any idea what do I wrong?
You should really look at the minihost core example (Delphi ASIO project, v1.4).
There is a use of midi events. Basically
you have a TVstEvents variable ( let's say MyMidiEvents: TvstEvents).
for the whole runtime you allocate the memory for this variable ( in the app constructor for exmaple)
When you have an event in your MIDI callback, you copy it on the TVstEvents stack.
Before calling process in the TVstHost, you call MyVstHost.ProcessEvents( #MyMidiEvents ).
this is how it's done in the example (minihost core), for each previously steps:
1/ at line 215, declaration
FMyEvents: TVstEvents;
2/ at line 376, allocation:
for i := 0 to 2047 do
GetMem(FMyEvents.Events[i], SizeOf(TVSTMidiEvent));
FillChar(FMyEvents.Events[i]^, SizeOf(TVSTMidiEvent), 0);
with PVstMidiEvent(FMyEvents.Events[i])^ do
EventType := etMidi;
ByteSize := 24;
3/ at line 986 then at line 1782, the midi event is copied from the callback:
the callback
procedure TFmMiniHost.MidiData(const aDeviceIndex: Integer; const aStatus, aData1, aData2: Byte);
if aStatus = $FE then exit; // ignore active sensing
if (not Player.CbOnlyChannel1.Checked) or ((aStatus and $0F) = 0) then
if (aStatus and $F0) = $90
then NoteOn(aStatus, aData1, aData2) //ok
if (aStatus and $F0) = $80
then NoteOff(aStatus, aData1)
else AddMidiData(aStatus, aData1, aData2);
event copy
procedure TFmMiniHost.AddMIDIData(d1, d2, d3: byte; pos: Integer = 0);
if FMDataCnt > 2046
then exit;
with PVstMidiEvent([FMDataCnt - 1])^ do
EventType := etMidi;
deltaFrames := pos;
midiData[0] := d1;
midiData[1] := d2;
midiData[2] := d3;
4/ at line 2322, in TAsioHost.Bufferswitch, the TVstHost.ProcessEvents is called
if FMDataCnt > 0 then
FMyEvents.numEvents := FMDataCnt;
if (FCurrentMIDIOut > 0) and MIMidiThru.Checked then
for i := 0 to FMDataCnt - 1 do
FMidiOutput.Send(FCurrentMIDIOut - 1,
FMDataCnt := 0;
this should help you a lot if you were not able to analyse the method used.
If you are hosting VST 2.x plugins, you can send MIDI events to the plugin using AudioEffectX.ProcessEvents().
From the VST docs.
Events are always related to the current audio block.
For each process cycle, processEvents() is called once before a processReplacing() call (if new events are available).
I don't know of any code examples. There might be something in DelphiAsioVST.
If you're up for a change of programming language you could try VST.NET that allows you to write plugins and hosts in C# and VB.NET.
Hope it helps.

Stream read error

I'm getting this error message under heavy load. Here is code abstract and message from my error log.
I tried everything I could think of. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Procedure tCacheInMemory.StreamValue(Name: String; IgnoreCase: Boolean; Var Stream: TStringStream);
i: Integer;
i := 0;
If Not active Then
i := Search(Name);
If i > -1 Then Begin
If fItems[i].value = Nil Then
fItems[i].value.Position := 0;
Stream.Position := 0;
Stream.CopyFrom(fItems[i].value, fItems[i].value.Size);
Except { ...execution jumps to here }
On E: Exception Do Begin
x.xLogError('LogErrorCacheInMemory.txt', 'StreamValue:' + E.Message + ' ItemsCount:' + IntToStr( High(fItems)) + 'Memory:' + IntToStr(x.GetMemoryInfoMemory) + endLn + 'StreamSize : ' + IntToStr(fItems[i].value.Size) + ' i=' + IntToStr(i) + 'Name: ' + Name);
Log Entries:
3/10/2011 10:52:59 AM: StreamValue:Stream read error ItemsCount:7562 Memory:240816
StreamSize : 43 i=7506 Name: \\xxxxxxxx\WebRoot\\images\1x1.gif
3/10/2011 12:39:14 PM: StreamValue:Stream read error ItemsCount:10172 Memory:345808
StreamSize : 849 i=10108 Name: \\xxxxxxxx\WebRoot\\css\screen.add.css
3/10/2011 3:45:29 PM: StreamValue:Stream read error ItemsCount:11200 Memory:425464
StreamSize : 3743 i=11198 Name: \\xxxxxxxx\WebRoot\\JS\ArtWeb.js
arrayLock: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
fItems: Array Of rCache;
rCache = Record
Name: String;
value: TStringStream;
expired: TDateTime;
And calling function:
Function tCacheInMemory.CacheCheck(cName: String; Out BlobStream: TStringStream): Boolean;
Result := False;
If Not IfUseCache Then
BlobStream.Size := 0;
StreamValue(trim(cName), True, BlobStream);
If BlobStream.Size > 0 Then
Result := True;
You're not using correct locking. You're acquiring a read lock on the array of cache entries, but once you find the item you want, you modify it. First, you explicitly modify it by assigning its Position property, and then you implicitly modify it by reading from it, which modifies its Position property again. When other code attempts to read from that same cache item, you'll have interference. If the source stream's Position property changes between the time the destination stream calculates how many bytes are available and the time it actually requests to read those bytes, you'll get a stream-read error.
I have a couple pieces of advice related to this:
Don't use streams as a storage device in the first place. You're apparently holding the contents of files. You're not going to change those, so you don't need a data structure designed for making sequential changes. Instead, just store the data in simple arrays of bytes: TBytes. (Also, use of TStringStream in particular introduces confusion over whether those strings' encodings are important. A simple file cache shouldn't be concerned with string encodings at all. If you must use a stream, use a content-agnostic class like TMemoryStream.)
Don't quell an exception that you haven't actually handled. In this code, you're catching all exception types, logging some information, clearing the cache, and then proceeding as though everything is normal. But you haven't done anything to resolve the problem that triggered the exception, so everything is not normal. Since you're not really handling the exception, you need to make sure it propagates to the caller. Call raise after to call Clear. (And when you log the exception, make sure you log the exception's ClassName value as well as its message.)
It looks like something external is blocking your stream files.
You could try to use Process Monitor to see what blocks it.
Another thing you can try is to open the stream in read-deny-write mode (please show us how you open the stream).
Something like this:
Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite) ;
Edit 1: Disregard the strike through part: you are using TStringStream.
I'll keep the answer just in case anyone ever gets this kind of error when using TFileStream.
Edit 2: Yuriy posted this interesting addendum, but I'm not sure it will work, as the BlobStream is not initialized, just like Robert Love suspected:
Function TCacheInMemory.CacheCheck(cName: String; Out BlobStream: TStringStream): Boolean;
Result := False;
If Not IfUseCache Then
BlobStream.Size := 0;
StreamValue(trim(cName), True, BlobStream);
If BlobStream.Size > 0 Then
Result := True;
On E: Exception Do
x.xLogError('LogErrorCacheInMemory.txt', 'CheckCacheOutStream:' + E.Message + ' ItemsCount:' + IntToStr( High(fItems)) + 'Memory:' + IntToStr(x.GetMemoryInfoMemory));

Improve speed of own debug visualizer for Delphi 2010

I wrote Delphi debug visualizer for TDataSet to display values of current row, source + screenshot: . Working good, but very slow. I did some optimalization (how to get fieldnames) but still for only 20 fields takes 10 seconds to show - very bad.
Main problem seems to be slow IOTAThread90.Evaluate used by main code shown below, this procedure cost most of time, line with ** about 80% time. FExpression is name of TDataset in code.
procedure TDataSetViewerFrame.mFillData;
iCount: Integer;
I: Integer;
// sw: TStopwatch;
s: string;
// sw := TStopwatch.StartNew;
iCount := StrToIntDef(Evaluate(FExpression+'.Fields.Count'), 0);
for I := 0 to iCount - 1 do
s:= s + Format('%s.Fields[%d].FieldName+'',''+', [FExpression, I]);
// FFields.Add(Evaluate(Format('%s.Fields[%d].FieldName', [FExpression, I])));
FValues.Add(Evaluate(Format('%s.Fields[%d].Value', [FExpression, I]))); //**
if s<> '' then
Delete(s, length(s)-4, 5);
s := Evaluate(s);
s:= Copy(s, 2, Length(s) -2);
FFields.CommaText := s;
{ sw.Stop;
s := sw.Elapsed;
Application.MessageBox(Pchar(s), '');}
Now I have no idea how to improve performance.
That Evaluate needs to do a surprising amount of work. The compiler needs to compile it, resolving symbols to memory addresses, while evaluating properties may cause functions to be called, which needs the debugger to copy the arguments across into the debugee, set up a stack frame, invoke the function to be called, collect the results - and this involves pausing and resuming the debugee.
I can only suggest trying to pack more work into the Evaluate call. I'm not 100% sure how the interaction between the debugger and the evaluator (which is part of the compiler) works for these visualizers, but batching up as much work as possible may help. Try building up a more complicated expression before calling Evaluate after the loop. You may need to use some escaping or delimiting convention to unpack the results. For example, imagine what an expression that built the list of field values and returned them as a comma separated string would look like - but you would need to escape commas in the values themselves.
Because Delphi is a different process than your debugged exe, you cannot direct use the memory pointers of your exe, so you need to use ".Evaluate" for everything.
You can use 2 different approaches:
Add special debug dump function into executable, which does all value retrieving in one call
Inject special dll into exe with does the same as 1 (more hacking etc)
I got option 1 working, 2 should also be possible but a little bit more complicated and "ugly" because of hacking tactics...
With code below (just add to dpr) you can use:
Result := 'Dump=' + Evaluate('TObjectDumper.SpecialDump(' + FExpression + ')');
Demo code of option 1, change it for your TDataset (maybe make CSV string of all values?):
unit Unit1;
TObjectDumper = class
class function SpecialDump(aObj: TObject): string;
class function TObjectDumper.SpecialDump(aObj: TObject): string;
Result := '';
if aObj <> nil then
Result := 'Special dump: ' + aObj.Classname;
//dummy call, just to ensure it is linked c.q. used by compiler
Edit: in case someone is interested: I got option 2 working too (bpl injection)
I have not had a chance to play with the debug visualizers yet, so I do not know if this work, but have you tried using Evaluate() to convert FExpression into its actual memory address? If you can do that, then type-cast that memory address to a TDataSet pointer and use its properties normally without going through additional Evaluate() calls. For example:
procedure TDataSetViewerFrame.mFillData;
DS: TDataSet;
I: Integer;
// sw: TStopwatch;
// sw := TStopwatch.StartNew;
DS := TDataSet(StrToInt(Evaluate(FExpression)); // this line may need tweaking
for I := 0 to DS.Fields.Count - 1 do
with DS.Fields[I] do begin
s := sw.Elapsed;
Application.MessageBox(Pchar(s), '');
