Gems slowing down Rails test startup, can I selectively disable these? - ruby-on-rails

I have a terrible Rails test startup time. When running a single functional test that may take 2 seconds to run, the total time from execution to returning to the command line could be up to 10-15 seconds.
There are two gems I know are definitely getting in the way. A Facebook and Flickr gem (Facebooker, Flickraw).
Facebooker will always print the following message when any test is run:
/vendor/gems/facebooker-0.9.5/lib/facebooker.rb:23: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
And Flickraw appears to be making a network connection every single time to retrieve a list of what I believe are API calls it can make.
Can I selectively turn these gems off during test time? I'd really like to get my test run as close to how long the actual test takes to run as possible. Also, I have tried the rails_test_server gem and am having some difficulties as this is a very large project and the gem is hitting some conflicts somewhere in the project that I haven't resolved. But I believe this Facebook and Flickr gem problem should have a resolution somewhere.

How do you use those gems? Do you have a require somewhere in your config/environment.rb? If so you could add those requires to the development and production environment files, but not to the test environment file.

If you're able to run your application without loading all of the gems, that's probably a good indication that either you didn't really use the gem in the first place, or your tests are insufficient.
But yeah, the right way of doing this would be to move the gem loading into the development and production specific environment files.


Different environments included in Ruby on Rails

Can someone explain to me what the Rails environments are and what they do? I have tried researching myself, but could not find anything. From what I gather, the environments are:
Each "environment" is really just a config. You can launch your app in various different modes, and the modes are called "environments" because they affect the app's behaviour in lots of different ways. Ultimately, though, they are just configs.
BTW you can't have looked very hard when you looked "everywhere", because i just googled "rails environment" and the top result was this
which is the official explanation of configuring the rails environment.
From what you have provided in your question, it seems that you are asking:
"What are the difference between each environment configuration in Rails?"
Rails comes packages with 3 types of environments. Each have its own server, database, and configuration. See Rails Guides: Configuration for more information on options available to you.
Setting up the environment
To set your Rails environment, you will want to enter in command line:
export RAILS_ENV=<env>
Where <env> can be test, development, or production. Setting this environment variable is crucial, as it will determine what gems are installed, or what env is touched when running rails console or rails server.
Included in configuration is the gemset used for the app. When you run rails new, you will find a Gemfile with groups test, development, and production. These groups correspond to the environment currently set. When the environment is set to one of those, running bundle install installs all gems related to that group (and gems not listed in a group).
Included environments
test is designed for running tests/specs. This database will likely be bare bones, except for seeds you may call before running the suite. After each test is complete, the database will rollback to its state before the test began. I do not recommend launching rails server, as running tests (via MiniTest or RSpec) will do this for you, and close the server once the suite is finished.
development allows you to "test" your app with a larger database, typically a clone of production. This allows you to test actual real-world data without breaking production (the version that customers or end-users will experience). To view the development environment in action, change the RAILS_ENV and launch rails server. This is good for deciding how you want your pages to look (CSS, HTML). It is also good practice to briefly "test" your app yourself, clicking around making sure everything "looks" good and the JavaScript works.
production is reserved for the customer and end-user. Configuration includes the actual domain of the app, which ports to use, and initializers or tasks to run. You do not want to play around with your database, as it may be customer-impacting. Ideally, the app should work as best as it can, since this is considered your "final product."
Here are some good reads about Rails Environments
good luck !!

Rails Gemfile Clarification

So despite the fact I've created 3 rails apps of increasing complexity on my own. I haven't deployed any of them. I decided tonight to create another app (Well really redoing an older app with some new things I've learned) and it hit me.
I really don't completely understand the gemfile, well I do but I second guess myself quite a bit. It seems obvious and straightforward, yet here I am on Stackoverflow asking for clarification or at least to ease my second guessing.
My understanding of Gemfile is as follows.
Default are gems that are gems that will persist across all environments (Test, dev, and production), test gems only live in the test environment, dev gems in the development environment, and production gems in the production environment.
Up to this point I've kinda just been throwing most of my gems in the default, but I want to correct this before I make it a habit. I like using rails' built in testing (I know, boo, hiss) and I use minitest reporters, guard minitest and minit backtrace as my helpers. I'm told best practice would be to put them and any gem related to testing in the obvious test environment. I don't think I've ever setup a test db, much less used test environment. Why wouldn't those go under the development environment? Or is it when you run tests that's using a test environment even if you didn't explicitly create one?
Is it when you run tests that's using a test environment even if you didn't explicitly create one?
$ rails console test brings you to the test environment

possible to debug/pry from methadone's App class?

I started a blank project with methadone, an awesome framework for building command line apps. The only problem is that I am unable to debug from within the App class that's in bin/my_app
The App class is a file created when you run methadone. Here's how I'm trying to use pry
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'optparse'
require 'methadone'
require 'my_app'
require 'pry'
class App
include Methadone::Main
include Methadone::CLILogging
main do
binding.pry # <= pry here
When I run rake features I can tell the running process is trying to do something with pry since it pauses for a few seconds. I get the following error and then rake/cucumber is aborted.
process still alive after 3 seconds (ChildProcess::TimeoutError)
I can use pry just fine from the cucumber steps, rspec, or any other place, just not from anywhere in this App class.
One very interesting thing is that if I run my command line app from the console it WILL stop where pry is. It just wont pop into pry when using cucumber.
How can I get the app to work with pry when I'm running rake features?
Sorry, I should clarify that methadone comes with aruba. So my cucumber scenario would look like this
When I successfully run `my_app arg1`
However, it WILL go into debug/pry if I run it with
bundle exec bin/my_app
Use pry-remote to connect to a pry session in the Aruba-managed subprocess.
(Disclosure: I paired with #Dty to come to this solution)
Aruba runs the app in a totally separate process, so I would guess what's happening is that when aruba runs your app, pry starts up at a prompt and waits for input. Since it doesn't get any, aruba times out after three seconds (the default it will wait for an app to complete). This is why you see the "process still alive" issue.
I'm not 100% sure how you could get the standard input of your shell that's running rake features to connect to your app's standard input so you could issue pry commands, but I don't think aruba was designed to allow this.
You have a couple of options:
Tag your scenario with #announce, and use When I run interactively... followed by several When I type - these commands should go to the interactive pry console that's waiting. Kind of kludgy, but it might work
Execute a unit test of your App class. You'll need to replace the call to go! with something like go! if $0 == __FILE__ so that you can require your executable in a test and manipulate App directly.
I have not tried either of these, but the second option feels a bit better and could also be improved with support from the library, if you can figure out a good way to do this.

Is anyone actually running plugin tests/specs in their Rails applications?

We've recently upgraded our Rails application.
To be extra sure everything works, I've tried to get the tests and specs of the various used plugins (26 at current count) to work, thinking then to add those to our continuous integration, which only runs the main application's specs.
I've run into a lot of problems even getting the specs/tests to run at all, not even getting to any individual test failures. For example, I've run across this problem: (thanks by the way for that ticket, even though the issue wasn't fixed).
So the question is: Are we unusual in that we've ever cared about running plugin tests ? It doesn't seem to feature much here on SO. My nagging feeling is that they should be run as much as the main specs, but you could also argue that since the main specs work, the plugins must also work.
Alot of it depends on the plugin/gem being used.
If I know the author/community of the gem is competant I will skip the tests and simply use the latest stable release and freeze that gem. I will then track the progress of the development using github.
If the plugin/gem is written by an unknown party I will run the tests and freeze the gem/plugin and again monitor the development.
Sometimes however I will write my own contributions to the gem and fork the code. I will clone the repo in github and base my installations from that. At which point any and all changes result in a complete test run.
With all things in the open source world there is an element of trust between the creator and the users of those pieces of code. The tests themselves don't tell me much about the codebase, it shows there are tests and thats it. Do they test everything ? Are there edge cases ? . Its this element of trust I have with certain developers in the community that means I forgo worrying over running tests for those gems.
Its a slippery slope testing everything, where does it stop ? Would you test rails every release ? No, you assume the community has done this for you already.

rails console doesn't load

Today, for no reason, my rails(2.1.0) application is very slow or even not responding.
It happens intermittently.
So sometimes it works but again it doesn't work.
When it doesn't work, I can't even load 'script/console production'.
I want to know where it's stuck.
How do I load console step-by-step so that I can know which part causes the problem?
You could be running out of memory on your server and so the machine can't respond to you. If you are running mongrel then get monit onto it to limit the memory it can use and restart where necessary.
If you are using Passenger, try limiting the amount of instances, and if you have already done that look up a script that kills passenger instances when too big via a cron job.
If it's not a memory issue then I'd probably need more information.
If you are able, try temporarily removing all plugins/gems and see if the app will boot. One of those is likely the problem.
The script/console file contains this.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot'
require 'commands/console'
You can find the commands/console file here for Rails 2.1.
I recommend loading up irb and trying to load your app from there.
require 'config/boot'
If that works, then try stepping through the rest of the mentioned commands/console script to find out which part is the problem.
If the boot file won't load, take a look at that config/boot.rb file to see if you can determine which part isn't working. Good luck!
When all else fails, you should be able to use strace to debug what the script/application is actually doing. Note that this should only be one of the last resorts as it produces extremely verbose information (and also mostly limited to I/O actions).
Try using 'strace script/console production' for example
