OCX attributes - ocx

I have an OCX for capturing images from scanner.. I want to run it in internet explorer 7 using tag. This OSX has no guide or tutorial to know how to use it. All what i need is to know how to deal with this OCX, what is the attributes for this OCX, for example if this OSX finish the scanning process it must be a flag indication the finish scanning status, is there any way to know these flags and attributes for any OCX.

I would open the DLL in visual studio and check the methods for the class. I think javascript's properties attribute doesn't work for OCX-components.
If you don't have VS there probably exists some free tools to check DLLs.


Which tool can I use for viewing WRX files?

I'm working with Progress-4GL, release 11.6, appBuilder and procedure editor.
While working with OCX components, a WRX-file gets automatically created by the appBuilder. I would like to see the content of that WRX-file.
Currently, I've found this website, which also mentions that Progress IDE should contain such a viewer, but even after checking all Pro*tools, I didn't find any tool.
Does anybody know which tool of the Progress-4GL appBuilder/procedure editor toolchain allows viewing WRX-files?
Thanks in advance
According to Progress Knowledgebase, WRX files contain only design and runtime license keys (if required by the ActiveX Controls) along with any custom property settings that were made to any ActiveX Control in the windows. WRX files do not contain any ABL source or .r code.
If it indeed is an OCX you want to look into you can use the Com Object Viewer.
It can be found a couple of different ways.
Quick Access Search in Developer Studio:
Via Pro*Tools under the Tools menu in the AppBuilder
Once started you can use it to open OCXes and Automation Objects to look at the internal API's of those.
You need to locate the file it's stored in. This could be either by knowledge of it's location or other way. If you add an OCX to a ABL Windows/Dialog program you will see the location of the control there:
Then you can open it in the Com Object Viewer to see methods, events and such and also get some short coding help.

procedure _ftol2_sse being called after update to Delphi XE?

In our program we are using a web service to pull back data from a third party into our program.
Ever since we updated to Delphi XE from Delphi 2009, Windows server 2003 users are receiving the following error message when making a SOAP call to the web service.
msvcrt.dll on Server 2003 does not have the procedure _ftol2_sse which is now being called for some reason..
I know this procedure was not being called when we had our source code on Delphi 2009 because I don't get this error on Windows server 2003 when running those builds.
Is this feasible? Could a change in the IDE affect which dll procedures are being called? Does anyone have any insight or ideas on how I might track down or fix this error?
This is the third similar question you have asked on this topic. I'll attempt to give you some background information and help you work out what is going on.
First of all it's important to know that msvcrt.dll is a system component. It is not the MSVC runtime. It is supplied as part of Windows. Back in the bad old days, in the mid-90s, a lot of devlopers assumed that the MSVC6 runtime was always available. And they neglected to install that runtime as part of their program's installation. This occasionally caused trouble when the install program happened to find a machine without MSVC6.
The MSVC team moved to differently named runtime DLLs, msvcrt70.dll, msvcrt80.dll and so on. And they educated the developers that installing the MSVC runtime should be part of all MSVC application's installation programs.
But the Windows team wanted to help out legacy apps that had installers that assumed MSVC6 runtime was available. So they took the MSVC6 runtime under their control and started shipping it with Windows. I think this started around the time of Windows 2000 or XP.
The point I am trying to make is that msvcrt.dll is a system DLL over which you have no control. In your previous questions you have described your attempts to modify that DLL. Don't do that.
Now, from what I can glean, the version of msvcrt.dll that shipped with 2003 server does not export a function named _ftol2_sse. Hardly surprising since SSE floating point was not widely available back in the days of 2003 server. Clearly something in your system is resulting in an attempt to import _ftol2_sse.
You should be able to work out what is provoking this by using Dependency Walker. Use the functions on the Profile menu to start your application and study closely the logs. You should be able to see the chain of events that lead to an attempt to link to _ftol2_sse.
I'd be surprised if any of the Windows code linked to msvcrt.dll. That library is provided purely as a prop for legacy apps that link against MSVC6. But you never know.
Also try loading your executable in Dependency Walker. Look at the list of imported DLLs. Check to see if msvcrt.dll is in the list. If so, see what functions your executable imports, and if _ftol2_sse is in that list. If so then you'll be able to find it somewhere in the Delphi source code.
From the various similar sounding reports on the web I suspect that the problem you face is benign. Many of the people reporting the same issue can OK the dialogs and have their program continue without problem. This suggests that you can simply suppress the error reporting and so solve your problem. Use the SetErrorMode function to do so. You want to include the SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS flag.
Be aware that SetErrorMode has a rather perverse interface. Almost all code that I have ever seen uses it incorrectly. Including the code in the Delphi RTL, and so many of the commonly used Delphi third party libraries. Raymond Chen, as usual, explains how to use it correctly.
Could switching compilers provoke the behaviour change? Certainly they could. Either the library code that you are using is implemented differently. Or perhaps the error mode is somehow different at the crucial moment.

Delphi RTTI Over Executable Project

in C# you can easily open an assembly (just another word from an EXE) and then get reflection information from that assembly. I've been looking for something similar for Delphi where I can write a Delphi program that can point to a Delphi EXE then get me reflection information. How can I archive this? Thanks
There are a handful of programs that can extract RTTI from Delphi programs and DLLs. It's not as rich as what's available for .NET, but it can be done to a limited degree. There's a lot more RTTI available in Delphi 2010 and later versions, but as far as I know there's no program out yet that can extract info from them.
I was at the conference where this system was formally announced, and a bunch of people asked how this would affect security. Barry Kelly, who created the new RTTI, said that there would not be enough metadata available to create a "Delphi Reflector".
Well, sad news is, you probably can't. You can easily view .NET assemblies because they a) are compiled to what is called intermediate language (thus you can even get the code back using the likes of Reflector etc.), and b) contain metadata. Delphi, on the other hand, compiles to native code that and produces regular PE files that do not include rich metadata like a .NET assembly.
Delphi just doesn't work that way.
There are tools that can assist in reversing (Delphi written) executables but it will never be easy and it requires good x86 assembly knowledge.
Some examples of such tools are:
IDA Pro and/or Hex Rays
Interactive Delphi Reconstructor
PE Explorer
The resource sections of a Delphi Executable also reveals usefull info like the form and it's components.
See also Is there a program to decompile Delphi?
If you have Delphi2010+ you can load a bpl and then use the rich rtti over it lik. e you do with c# and a .net assembly. If you need to do this in a .exe AFAIK you can't.
TestComplete seems to identify most objects in a running Delphi executable. You can extract this information with a script. A demo can be downloaded from http://www.automatedqa.com/downloads/testcomplete
This is maybe not the type of application you want as it is big and made for GUI-testing, but yes it can identify the objects.
As mentioned Remko, IDR (Interactive Delphi Reconstructor) can extract all RTTI information (if program contains it!) for Delphi version from 2 to 2009. Version 2010 will be available later. Moreover IDR can use all information that it finds in program to create a lot of comments to disassemled program code (this is a first step of analyses). You can also look forms and easy go to event hadlers associated with controls.

How do I make a Delphi control panel applet be non-'legacy'?

I have a Delphi .CPL currently written with Delphi 7 which needs to update settings in HKLM (to be used by a service application) and which must support Vista, Win7 and Server 2008. Currently this can be done by adding a RUNASADMIN value to AppCompatFlags/Layers, using the CPL file as the value name. This causes Windows to ask for elevation for a 'legacy control panel applet'.
I need to find a way to build the CPL in Delphi 2010 without it appearing to be 'legacy' and, if possible, not to require the registry setting or elevation. Adding the usual manifest resource to the DLL/CPL referencing Common-Controls v6 and "requireAdministrator" does not fix the problem: no elevation is requested and HKLM access fails. Both the original and the Delphi 2010 .CPL can be made to run correctly (after elevation) by navigating to the file in SYSWOW64, right-clicking, and running 'as Administrator'.
Later: I have found a succint explanation of why you cannot elevate a DLL in this way in a forum posting here.
I believe you need to use COM elevation. There was a wonderful blog posting on this which appears to have been taken down, but the source code behind the posting is still available on the VCL components website (way back machine link).
Some additional information can be found in the question/answers for: Delphi: Prompt for UAC elevation when needed
I think I have found a better answer to my question. There is such an animal as a 'non-legacy' control panel applet, which is described in MSDN here. "Now, in Windows Vista, you can add your own applet to Control Panel by creating an executable for your applet and registering it, instead of going through the trouble of creating a .cpl file."

How do you use F1 help in Delphi 2007?

In my application, originally built with Delphi 7, I use the SPHelpIntegration code to enable CHM help via the F1 interface. I figured that this wasn't needed in Delphi 2007, so I removed the units and built my app. I then press F1 and get a message that no help interface is installed. The online help doesn't tell me a lot about what is needed to make F1 help work. Do I have to include a unit or something? Or should I just carry on doing what works?
Add HTMLHelpViewer to your uses clause to handle CHM files. There is an issue in using them is they must exist on the local system (not a network share) to view properly. There is a registry hack to change this behavior, but I have found it easier to just install the help files locally on the system.
Lately rather than CHM files, I used the Adobe OpenPDFParameters API calling conventions to throw them directly into my PDF version of my printed manual jumping to the section based on the current form (I grab the form class name and use it in my named sections). It requires that the workstation has a PDF reader, but who doesn't now days?
Yes, you need to include a help viewer in the uses clause.
