Creating navigation links in Struts 2 - struts2

Is there some way to replicate rails' "link-to-unless-current"?
Ie. if i have a list of links in my navigation, and I want to mark the current page with a different css style (or even have it be plain text, not a link)?
Now I just made a method in my action-class (getPage()) which returns a name that I assign for each action, and test for that when building my navigation... Works but not pretty, and I have to manually set the page name (couldn't struts somehow automaticalyy get it from the context).
Using Struts 2, Tiles, JSP + Struts taglibs.

To get the current url you you can use the Url tag without any params, actions, etc:
<s:url var="currenturl" includeParams="get" escapeAmp="false"/>
Then assuming you construct your navigation Url something like:
<s:url var="url" action="someAction" escapeAmp="false">
<s:param name="id" value="id"/>
Then you can then use a normal if tag to test whether the current url matches on that you've constructed.
<s:if test="#url eq #currenturl">
For example, to change the class, you can do a conditional inline to your anchor definition:
Use the includeParams="get" if the parameters in your URL are meaningful for navigation otherwise exclude that and use an if like:
<s:if test="#url.startsWith(#currenturl)">


JSF2 - How to create a link containing parameters and anchor?

I want to produce a link looking like this:
I tried using <h:outputLink> :
<h:outputLink value="/page.jsf#top">
<f:param name="test" value="12" />
My link
But it failed and produced the link, which is wrong.
Is there a way to do this using JSF, or do I have to create this kind of links "manually"?
Since JSF 2.0 there is an <h:link> component that takes a JSF navigation case outcome through its outcome attribute, thus making it a perfect candidate for navigation within a JSF-based application. The component you used, <h:outputLink> is best used for navigation to the external world. You can of course use it to handle JSF navigation but it will feel plain clumsy.
If you decide to switch to <h:link> you can make use of its fragment attribute to attach your anchor (always look at the documentation - linked above):
The identifier of the page fragment which should be brought into focus when the target page is rendered. The value of this attribute is appended to the end of target URL following a hash (#) mark. This notation is part of the standard URL syntax.
All in all, your link should come as:
<h:link value="My link" outcome="/page" fragment="top">
<f:param name="test" value="12" />
It will produce the HTML that you desire.
Further point of reference:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?

How do you compare 2 struts param in a struts if

I'm am still pretty new to struts and am having trouble trying to compare two struts params in a struts if statement. I am trying find if the current year param is equal to the checkYear param
If they are equal I want to execute some code. If they are not equal then I would like to execute some other code..
Sample code:
<s:param name="currentYear">
<s:date name="%{new java.util.Date()}" format="yyyy" />
<s:param name="checkYear">
<s:date format="yyyy" name="#year"/>
<s:if test="${checkYear == legendYear}">
code executed
I don't really understand the purpose of the '$','%', or '{}' in the test part of the if statement if or how I need to apply it to have it check the params.
Thank you in advance!
Inside Struts2 tags, you use OGNL. Refer to the small language guide to see how it works.
In OGNL, %{} means you want to force the evaluation of an expression; it is needed somewhere, while it is superfluos somewhere else. In the <s:if/>, it is not needed, because test="" will evaluate its content by default.
${} does not exists in OGNL, it is JSP EL. Search on StackOverflow for some nice answer on that if you are curious.
{} alone in OGNL is List Projection... you probably don't need it now.

i18n of URL in a java project

I am trying to internationalise the urls of my web application. Basically I want to be able to set the url of, let's say, a link to when the preferred language is fr and when the preferred language is en.
Until now I have beenusing a jtsl choose to manually set the url:
<c:when test="${pageContext.request.locale.language eq 'fr'}">
<a class="trialButton" href="<c:url value="/france/inscription?type=0"/>"><fmt:message key='features_trial'/></a>
<a class="trialButton" href="<c:url value="/subscribe?type=0"/>"><fmt:message key='features_trial'/></a>
Ideally I would like to be able to get a localised url directly from my resource bundle, I tried to do:
<a class="trialButton" href="<c:url value=<fmt:message key='features_trial_url'/>/>"><fmt:message key='features_trial'/></a>
But eclipse doesn't accept it.
Do you know a way to do something like that?
You can't use a JSP tag inside an attribute of another JSP tag. But all JSTL tags printing a value have an attribute var allowing to store the value inside an attribute instead of printing it. So you can simply use
<fmt:message key='features_trial_url' var"theUrl"/>
<a class="trialButton" href="<c:url value='${theUrl}'>"><fmt:message key='features_trial'/></a>

CommandLink action redirect to external url not working

I am using jsf 2. I have a link in a facelet file that points to a external url. My current view is /app1/home.xhtml with a h:commandLink that has an action like so
<h:commandLink value="#{link}" action="#{action.redirect}" target="_blank"/>
the url that action.redirect redirects to is /app2/ However it appears that JSF tries to change the extension of the url to .xhtml. and then fails with the error message.
com.sun.faces.context.FacesFileNotFoundException: /app2/info.xhtml Not Found in ExternalContext as a Resource
how do i get this to correctly redirect ?
Don't use the <h:commandLink> here, it's the wrong tag for the purpose. It is designed to submit a JSF POST form and navigate to a JSF view, both which you obviously don't want to let take place in this particular use case.
Just use the <h:outputLink> or even plain HTML <a>. So,
<h:outputLink value="#{action.redirect}" target="_blank">#{link}</h:outputLink>
Note that you don't need the <h:form> in both approaches.

struts2 <s:iterator> with <s:param> not working

I am displaying the list values with tag.At the same time i want to provide a hyperlink for the displaying values to provide action for the displaying value.I am using <s:param> for that.but the values are not passing.I am writing like below
<s:iterator status="stat" value="transactionList">
<s:url id="open" action="openTransaction">
<s:param name="transactionCode" value="<s:property value='monthName'/>"/>
<tr class="gradeB">
<s:a href="%{open}"><s:property value='transactionCode'/></s:a>
<td><s:property value="monthName"/></td>
<td><s:property value="transactionDesc"/></td>
Now the transactionCode property is displaying with hyperlinks and by clicking on that the action is forwarding to openTransaction method.but the value i passed with <s:param> is not going,it is giving null. In iteration for that particular transaction code i want to pass that particular transaction code only. In struts 1.x I used display tag table decorator for this purpose, it takes the current row object.Here also i want to pass the current row values to the action. Please help me.
If you want to use <s:property> tag to put a param inside an url you have to do it like that:
<s:url ...>
<s:param name="foo"><s:property value="bar"/></s:param>
The documentation of <s:param> explains the difference between using this way of putting a param and your way.
Note: When you declare the param tag, the value can be defined in either a value attribute or as text between the start and end tag. Struts behaves a bit different according to these two situations. This is best illustrated using an example:
<param name="color">blue</param> <-- (A) -->
<param name="color" value="blue"/> <-- (B) -->
In the first situation (A) the value would be evaluated to the stack as a java.lang.String object. And in situation (B) the value would be evaluated to the stack as a java.lang.Object object.
For more information see WW-808.
Edit: Also remember that if you are using 2.1.x or higher, the id attribute of <s:url> is deprecated and it has been replaced with var. You can read it here.
<c:url var="search" value="/image/search.action">
<c:forEach items="${filtersMap}" var="map">
<c:param name="filtersMap.${map.key}" value="${map.value}"/>
${filtersMap} is a map param from action
