Programming methodology diagram? [closed] - methodology

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Closed 7 years ago.
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There are a lot of programing languages these days. Fine. Not interesting for this question.
There are quite a few programming methodologies, like modular programming, Object Oriented, Agile, etc. Now, is there somewhere a good diagram on the Internet that shows how these methodologies are related to one another? Preferably something with a timeline showing when the methodology started to appear?
(Thus, not the programming languages but the methodologies...)

you can find one here for programming languages. this one looks at paradigms
and here is a timeline of developement methodologies:

Structured Programming, Object Oriented Design, Functional programming - all of these are the way code can be written.
WaterFall, Agile - is the process by which development can be done. Development is not the only thing when it comes to software development. Programming is one of the mandatory component of the process. The process can have design/testing/refactoring/maintenance.
And both of the above are complementary to each other (i.e. one can do structured programming and be modular and use some of the agile principles).
I don't know as to when it started (and I guess it should not matter).
You might come up with your own style of process, which can work better in your own scenario.
EDIT: In summary, people started with structured programming, used it very well. It had its own limitations & things became object oriented. OO has its own limitations, as some gurus say and they see functional programming as the way to fix it.
It all depends on what suits your scenario & what serves you better.
There is no silver bullet, as experts say.


Does anyone have recommendations as to how or where I would go about getting 1-to-1 mentoring as a beginner programmer (preferably for free)? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I picked up coding during quarantine and haven't gone a day without learning since. I've managed to learn the basics of Ruby in little under two weeks and run a few programs/started creating a basic app. Now I have to get a hang of Ruby on Rails. Furthermore, I have started learning Data Structures & Algorithms as a separate topic to complement the programming followed by Logic & Discrete Mathematics. I'm a very fast and curious learner and simply cannot just let a question be without knowing the solution to it (which led me to making my StackOverflow account).
Learning is always easier and more engaging when you have an enthusiastic and passionate person to guide you through a subject.
I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find a good one-to-one mentor that caters to an enthusiastic beginner programmer?
Alternatively, is there a recommended online forum, group or organisation that does the same thing?
Answers would be very much appreciated.
Ultimately there isn't really a great place for this yet, perhaps because there's a point at which developers no longer wish to be mentored rather than rely upon a mutual network. StackOverflow being an obvious example.
Coding Coach tries to tie mentors and mentees together, for free. In my experience it can be quite difficult to find active mentors on the platform though.
CodeMentor isn't free but also has a large number of active mentors.
RailsLink has a channel called beginners-and-mentors for small bits of advice.
It can be quite difficult to find someone willing to engage one-to-one when you're learning because, unfortunately, it's often quite boring for the mentor. For that reason, networking with peers is a great way to learn when starting out. It also means that one 'mentor' can help a collective with greater ease.
Try reaching out to people on Twitter or other social media and try to be helpful where you can too. Even if you're only one week in you're a week ahead of someone who's not tried at all.

build developer guide for iPhone application [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any standard way to build developer, just making the developers understand the code easily after delivering, if you have sample it's better
If you want to know how to make your code better, you need to read about SOLID and other object-oriented design patterns.
There are no official Apple developer programming style guides.
I.e.: no official "Programming Standards" exist.
Standard only exist in terms of UI, external appearance of your application.
Normal software development criteria apply:
using software patterns appropriately, as pointed out in another answer, SOLID makes a lot of sense. Just in order to understand Apple Frameworks you need to know software patterns: delegation, visitor, proxy, etc.
document requisites and change requests, api and architecture if the app is complex
don't rely too much on bug tracking, these tend to be abused (change requests marked as bugs) and might add too much complexity of their own (JIIRA).
your organization may adopt an existing programming "quality standard" and adapt it to iOS development. ITIL is and ISO are usually overkill.
Sometimes it makes no sense to over-optimize and over-engineer everything, including your code and programming standards.

Looking for an intermediate to advanced Rails 3 book recommendation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a seasoned Symfony 1.4 developer with a good handle on Symfony 2.0, so I'm a bit beyond the basics of frameworks.
I've recently built a solution with Rails 3 and would like to pick up a book to read up on how I could have done some things better.
I'm mostly using Rails as a database layer with very minimal in the ways of ERb. Some topics I'd hope to see covered in advanced detail are:
Ideas and opinions on how to serve rich internet applications
Good ActiveRecord usage and planning
Writing models and keeping implementation out of controllers
In general, conventions on controllers and actions
There are likely many subjects I'd like to hear about however I'm not interested in focusing too strongly on testing quite yet.
Haven't read this book, but it seems really good Ruby Science
After spending a bit of time with some of the books from the comments above, it looks like Rails Antipatterns is still quite worthwhile.

A good F# codebase to learn from [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've been teaching myself F# for a while now. I've read Programming F# by Chris Smith (great book) and I've written a few small scripts for getting the job done here and there.
But IMO the best way to learn a new programming language—and more importantly, the idioms that come with it—is to read a good open source codebase written in that language. Naturally, writing code in that language is crucial, but in the beginning, you're basically struggling with your own ignorance about how things should be done. You could perform certain tasks one way or the other, but it takes experience to realize the flaws and virtues of each. Even after you've gotten a firm grasp of how things work, reading the code of people who have an even firmer one helps a great deal.
Most would agree that the most insightful parts of any learn-a-programming-language book are the code examples, and reading a well-written open source codebase is the next level of that.
So are there any out there for F#?
Ref this question.
IMO, F# PowerPack is the best code base there.
Here are a few additional links that you may find interesting:
If you download F# for Visual Studio 2008, it also comes with sources of the entire F# library. This is sometimes a bit difficult code and it uses some internal tricks in a few places, but it is sometimes very good resource for learning (for example, Map type is a great example of a tree data structure).
There are some official F# Samples and some F# Community Samples (which includes my 3D fractal, example of working with quotations and a few shorter examples).
You can also look at the source code of samples from my Real-World Functional Programming book. Especially later chapters contain relatively complex sample applications (parallel simulations of animas, rectangle drawing application, etc.) The code has quite a lot of comments, so this may be useful for learning F#.
I would say that the WPF F# control codebase at is a good place to start. One of the least trivial aspects of F# is UI and this is an excellent start to UI in F#. Also, since the code base is written by someone also learning F#, you have the benefit of seeing the iterations they go through.

Snippets for productivity - collect good code [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was wondering whether there're recommendable sites, that host collections of good and useful code-snippets.
Searching stackoverflow, to be honest, sometimes is priceless.
- But if you know sites like commandlinefu (just for Shell stuff), you may also want something like that for Ruby, Java, Python or C#. There're some small collections, of course. Very often these are specific sites dedicated to be just funny or "wicked cool" (the book series).
I'm just looking for practical stuff to learn from other people's experiences. The standard stuff. Not funny, not wicked. Just pragmatic and workflow-oriented. It seems no one wants to share that.
If you're simply googeling the web and put everything into a growing list of files, there's no overview. So that's not the workflow either, isn't it?
Not really snippets. But quite useful,
With many languages, there is
Still with many languages, there is
For Django, there is
After, there's a lot of blogs all other the web giving advices and snippets.
Some others:
Codeproject and codeguru have lots of code snippets which are useful
