Maven Antrun and Dependencies - ant

(See edits below.)
The reason I can't just use the classpath, is because I need to manage some non-java libraries, and I'm compiling a non-java project.
I'm trying to use maven dependencies in an antrun call, following the documentation on the maven site:
At the bottom of the page:
<property name="mvn.dependency.jar"
<echo message="My Dependency JAR-Path: ${mvn.dependency.jar}"/>
I can't make this work no matter how I try. I've tried ${} around the refid contents, I've tried colons, periods, etc.. as separators in every way I can think of.
Can anyone tell me what that refid should really look like for some common dependency?
Thanks for your reply.
Using your example SingleShot, I have the following:
<property name="build.compiler" value="extJavac"/>
<property name="compile_classpath" refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>
<property name="runtime_classpath" refid="maven.runtime.classpath"/>
<property name="test_classpath" refid="maven.test.classpath"/>
<property name="plugin_classpath" refid="maven.plugin.classpath"/>
<property name="log4j.jar" refid="log4j:log4j:jar"/>
<echo message="Where is the Log4J JAR?: ${log4j.jar}"/>
And here's what I get when run mvn compile:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Chat Component
[INFO] task-segment: [compile]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Downloading: http://<redacted>/content/groups/public/log4j/log4j/1.2.14/log4j-1.2.14.pom
2K downloaded
Downloading: http://<redacted>/content/groups/public/log4j/log4j/1.2.14/log4j-1.2.14.jar
358K downloaded
[INFO] [antrun:run {execution: create-messages}]
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error executing ant tasks
Embedded error: Reference log4j:log4j:jar not found.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Oct 16 14:54:19 PDT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/80M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
EDIT (2):
Looking at the sourcecode linked I decided to run "mvn -X compile" and grep for "Storing", which turns up a bunch of log output where things are getting stored.
Of interest are the facts that the dependency I'm explicitly specifying isn't showing in the list, and, that when I switch to a key based on one of the entries I do see, I still get the error.

Based on the code that SingleShot linked to, and random poking until it worked, here's how I got this problem "working", (I say in quotes because it feels very tenuous.)
Here's the way to make it properly work:
<property name="log4j_location"
<echo message="${log4j_location}"/>
Some important things to note: You cannot use the maven dependency as a refid in setting the ant property. You have to use ${} to get the maven var value.
It appears that the dependency must be in the top-level dependency list, making log4j a dependency of the antrun plugin does not expose it to the plugin in anyway that I can see.
All of the path separators are dots (.), no colons (:) which is why I ultimately checked my own answer as correct.
I would highly recommend anyone considering Maven use Ant with maven plugins or, even better, use Ant with Ivy instead.
This particular problem is a shining example of the utterly absurd level of difficulty associated with doing anything out of the norm with maven.
I say this having implemented an entire build system based on Maven2, and having also implemented several build systems in Ant. I've used both Maven2 and Ant with complex builds involving Java, Flex/AS3, C# and C++. Maven makes sense for Java projects that have no external dependencies on projects in other languages.
Maven does address some things that aren't addressed implicitly by Ant, but with some up front planning, Ant is the much more flexible, better documented, and the less buggy tool.
If you decide to go the ant route, make sure to define a structure for your projects, figure out your dependency system (Use one).
I think you will ultimately be much happier than with Maven, as you won't spend crunch time trying to fix your build system.

As an addendum to Aaron H.'s answer above, I had to set the plugin's version to 1.3 for that to actually work. I was using it without a specific version and was getting 1.1 (where nothing seems to work).

Without an example of what you typed into your POM its hard to say, but consider a concrete example. Let's say your POM references log4j (groupId=log4j, artifactId=log4j). I believe this is how you would reference that JAR in your Ant file:
<property name="log4j.jar" refid="maven.dependency.log4j:log4j:jar.path"/>
<echo message="Where is the Log4J JAR?: ${log4j.jar}"/>
Ideally you shouldn't have to reference specific JARs, but rather, reference the entire classpath for the appropriate scope, as the somewhat sparse documentation for the plug-in indicates.
If you still have trouble, please post the <dependency> tag for a Maven POM dependency you are using and I can try to be more specific.
I looked at the plugin's code to confirm.

This works for me.
<copy file="${javax.mail:javax.mail-api:jar}" todir="tomcat/lib" />
<copy file="${org.springframework:spring-instrument-tomcat:jar}" todir="tomcat/lib" />
<copy file="${postgresql:postgresql:jar}" todir="tomcat/lib"/> has the explanation of how to reference dependencies form the ant classpath.

There is a bug in the documentation. The path should be of the form:
<property name="mvn.dependency.jar"
So the correct key for your log4j dependency would be:
Also note that it should be value= rather than refid=, so the full property would be:
<property name="log4j.jar"
<echo message="My Dependency JAR-Path: ${log4j.jar}"/>

I have an existing ant and we planned to use (new) maven to call it. I encountered problems that I may not remember clear, but it is related to class pathes, maybe just like yours.
The problem is, the "ant" we are using daily is a shell script that sets class pathes, both on XNIX and Windows. I have not compared class pathes set by it and those available to maven, but my test showed they dont match and ant won't run with some pathes passed to it from maven.
What I am using is "exec-maven-plugin" and run ant as an external program with some arguments applied. This is sure to work but adds extra dependencies, though.


Jar searching for Archive by attaching the name linux-x86_64

I am using ant as a build tool and using Ivy for dependency management.
<dependency conf="compile->master;runtime->default" org="org.springframework" name="spring-web" rev="5.1.6.RELEASE"/>
<dependency conf="compile->master;runtime->default" org="io.projectreactor.netty" name="reactor-netty" rev="0.9.6.RELEASE"/>
Now when I give ant build it is failing to find the jar, the problem is it is attaching linux-x86_64.
It is searching for below jar
Why is it searching for linux-x86_64 ?
I searched and found similar issues but not sure on the solution.
How to build netty-transport-native-epoll-4.0.32.Final-linux-x86_64.jar?
I have no idea about ant but its basically the "classifier". Please check the ant /ivy documentation on how you can specify a classifier
I'm not an Ivy user, but I believe you need to add a dependency for netty-transport-native-epoll with a nested artifact for the classified native libraries. Something like this:
<dependency org="io.netty" name="netty-transport-native-epoll" rev="4.1.48.Final">
<artifact name="netty-transport-native-epoll"/>
<artifact name="netty-transport-native-epoll" e:classifier="linux-x86_64"/>
I usually use to figure out different dependency syntaxes, and the Ivy descriptors are included, but it seems that, unlike Nexus et. al., it does not support searching by classifier.

Selecting correct IVY dependency

I have a project that makes use of some third-party libraries. Some of these drag in transitive dependencies that have actually several artifacts in the repository:
My investigations tought me that these seem to be Maven build artifacts that where propagated with a classifier. Now it seems that IVY is well able to handle the sources file but when I declare a dependency like this, it appears that the wrong jar is selected:
<dependency org="acme" module="module" rev="1.2"/>
When I do a resolve in ANT like this
<ivy:resolve conf="${ivy.non.test.confs}" validate="false" refresh="true" />
<ivy:retrieve conf="${ivy.non.test.confs}" pattern="${build.lib}/[conf]/[artifact].[ext]" sync="true" />
it happens that the module-1.2-tests.jar is selected as resolve target and retrieved under the name of the actual jar name (module-1.2.jar in this example).
What am I doing wrong here?

maven-war-plugin overlay and m2e eclipse plugin

I'm trying to leverage the useful overlay feature of the maven-war-plugin.
In other words, I have a template (packaged as WAR file, template-0.0.1.war) containing tag files, css, js and images.
When I set template-0.0.1.war as a dependency of the myApp project I get a final myApp.war containing all the files of template-0.0.1.war overwritten by those with the same path in the myApp project.
This is the behavior I want.
However, I need to introduce in the pom.xml of myApp a configuration of the maven-war-plugin:
As soon as I introduce such a configuration of the plugin, I obtain the final myApp.war with all the files from both template-0.0.1.war and myApp project but the files of template-0.0.1.war overwrite those with the same path in the myApp project.
This behavior is exactly the opposite of what I expect.
Can someone tell me where I'm wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Edit after the solution was found:
The described issue is due to the concurrency of different actions: the WAR overlay (which works correctly) and the external webResources.
In fact, the external webResources tag points to the template project directory: totally unuseful for Maven, but indispensable to "fool" the m2e eclipse plugin and let it see the custom tags contained in the template.
The solution I have adopted is to introduce 2 different profiles in the plugin section of my pom.xml: the first one called "eclipse" in which I inserted the maven-war-plugin with the webResources and a second profile (called "standard" and activated by default) without the maven-war-plugin.
From the maven war plugin documentation:
By default, the source of the project (a.k.a the current build) is added first (e.g. before any overlay is applied). The current build is defined as a special overlay with no groupId, artifactId. If overlays need to be applied first, simply configure the current build after those overlays.
If you have files in the template that are being overwritten by files in the child WAR, you may want to consider explicitly excluding them in the overlay configuration.
Here's what the documentation says to apply the overlay first:
<!-- empty groupId/artifactId represents the current build -->

Generating multiple javadoc reports using maven-javadoc-plugin and Maven 3

We use a custom doclet to generate a report from custom javadoc tags, and use the Maven site plugin and javadoc plugin to generate both this report and the regular java API docs.
The section of the POM looks like this:
Under Maven 2, this works fine, but in Maven 3 only one report is generated, that being the last one specified in the POM (confimed by swapping the reportSet elements).
After some experimenting I discovered that if I changed the regular report's goal from "javadoc" to "test-javadoc", then I got output from both report sets. So the problem seems to be that with Maven 3 I can't generate two reports that use the same javadoc-plugin goal.
Is this a bug, or is there some congifuration I've missed? I moved the maven-javadoc-plugin setup from reporting to the configuration of the site plugin as described at, to no avail. I'm using Maven 3.0.4, maven-site-plugin 3.0-beta-3 and maven-javadoc-plugin 2.8.1.
It's a bug in maven-reporting-exec component.
Report sets are kept in a map using the report goal as a key.

Could not create task or type: getProjectData from Ant

I am trying to run an Ant task from within IBM RSA IDE using Ant build ...
I get the following error message:
build.xml:21: Could
not create task or type of type: getProjectData.
Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon.
This is common and has a number of causes; the usual
solutions are to read the manual pages then download and
install needed JAR files, or fix the build file:
- You have misspelt 'getProjectData'.
Fix: check your spelling.
- The task needs an external JAR file to execute
and this is not found at the right place in the classpath.
Fix: check the documentation for dependencies.
Fix: declare the task.
- The task is an Ant optional task and the JAR file and/or libraries
implementing the functionality were not found at the time you
yourself built your installation of Ant from the Ant sources.
Fix: Look in the ANT_HOME/lib for the 'ant-' JAR corresponding to the
task and make sure it contains more than merely a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
If all it contains is the manifest, then rebuild Ant with the needed
libraries present in ${ant.home}/lib/optional/ , or alternatively,
download a pre-built release version from
- The build file was written for a later version of Ant
Fix: upgrade to at least the latest release version of Ant
- The task is not an Ant core or optional task
and needs to be declared using <taskdef>.
- You are attempting to use a task defined using
<presetdef> or <macrodef> but have spelt wrong or not
defined it at the point of use
Remember that for JAR files to be visible to Ant tasks implemented
in ANT_HOME/lib, the files must be in the same directory or on the
Please neither file bug reports on this problem, nor email the
Ant mailing lists, until all of these causes have been explored,
as this is not an Ant bug.
Here's the Ant buildfile:
<!-- Get property locationName. -->
<target name="config">
<echo message="${}" />
<getProjectData projectName="${}" />
I am not quite sure what the problem is here because the error message seems not helpful. Any suggestions?
I believe getProjectData is an IBM extension to ant. Like you, I had a similar error, but I was able to get it working after ensuring the Run in the same JRE as the workspace option was enabled (which you can find by right-clicking the build file, run-as, Ant Build..., and selecting the option on the JRE tab).
I discovered the solution on the IBM info center:
The Run in the same JRE as the workspace option enables the classpath
of the workbench to access the additional Ant tasks that perform
operations that are specific to the workbench, such as projectImport,
projectBuild, workspaceBuild, ejbDeploy, or earExport. If your Ant
build script uses any Ant tasks that perform workbench operations,
verify that you selected the Run in the same JRE as the workspace
option; otherwise you might get the following error message in the
Console view:
Problem: failed to create task or type <Ant task> Cause:
The name is undefined.
The build file I used looked like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Test" default="config" basedir=".">
<target name="config">
<getProjectData Basedir="${basedir}" />
<echo message="getProjectData: projectName=${projectName}
basedir=${basedir}" />
And output:
Buildfile: C:\DATA\java\workspace\test-java\build.xml
[getProjectData] Setting projectName=test-java
[getProjectData] Retrieved following Project Data :
[getProjectData] workspaceName=C:\DATA\java\workspace
[getProjectData] natureName=Java
[echo] getProjectData: projectName=test-java
Total time: 78 milliseconds
