ant iterate over files - ant

I want to iterate over a list of jars (undefined number) and add them all to the jar file.
To add them I plan to use something like this:
<jar id="files" jarfile="all.jar">
<zipfileset src="first.jar" includes="**/*.java **/*.class"/>
<zipfileset src="second.jar" includes="**/*.java **/*.class"/>
but how do I iterate over them? I don't have ant-contrib

Just use zipgroupfileset with the Ant Zip task
<zip destfile="out.jar">
<zipgroupfileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>
This will flatten all included jar libraries' content.

If you do not have access to ant-contrib For task, you may end up to have to define your custom Task for doing what you need...
If you have ant1.6 and above, you can also try subant (see New Ant 1.6 Features for Big Projects):
If you use <subant>'s genericantfile attribute it kind of works like <antcall> invoking a target in the same build file that contains the task.
Unlike <antcall>, <subant> takes a list or set of directories and will invoke the target once for each directory setting the project's base directory.
This is useful if you want to perform the exact same operation in an arbitrary number of directories.


<zipfileset> vs. <fileset> in ant

The ant build tool provides two different tasks <fileset/> and <zipfileset/>.
According to the documentation <zipfileset/> allows us to extract files from a .zip file
if we use src attribute.
My question is if we are using dir attribute to select files then what is the difference between the two, <zipfileset/> and <fileset/>.
<zipfileset dir="conf/Gateway>
<include name="" />
<fileset dir="conf/Gateway>
<include name="" />
One useful difference between the two tasks if you're building an archive (a ZIP or WAR or JAR for example) is that a zipfileset has a prefix attribute you can use to relocate the given files at a different folder in the archive. For example, if the following is included in a bigger set of fileset and zipfileset elements:
<zipfileset dir="conf/Gateway" prefix="properties">
<include name="" />
then the file conf/Gateway/ will actually be included in the output as conf/Gateway/properties/ You can achieve the same end in other ways, but this is occasionally useful.
Otherwise, just use the task that seems most appropriate for the task at hand.

Multiple configuration files for the ProGuard Ant task

I am using the ProGuard ant task, and everything is great, except that my ProGuard configuration file is huge. Also, different tasks use different ProGuard configuration files, and there is a lot of copy-pasting that I would like to refactor into separate .pro files.
<taskdef resource="proguard/ant/" classpath="C:/Program Files/proguard4.7/lib/proguard.jar"/>
<target name="obfuscated_jar" depends="raw_jar">
<proguard configuration="">
<outjar path="prog_obfuscated.jar"/>
The above doesn't work, because it treats the multiple .pro files as one big filename. I'm a known idiot w.r.t. ant, am I missing something obvious? Thanks!
You can create a single main .pro file that contains -include options pointing to your actual .pro files.
This answer isn't great, but it works...
<taskdef resource="proguard/ant/" classpath="C:/Program Files/proguard4.7/lib/proguard.jar"/>
<target name="obfuscated_jar" depends="raw_jar">
<concat destfile="">
<filelist dir="." files=",,"/>
<proguard configuration="">
<outjar path="prog_obfuscated.jar"/>
<delete file=""/>
Looks like only one file allowed in configuration attribute.
And attributes allowed only on <proguard> element. I have another possible solution. Try to concatenate your config-files into one with Ant concat-task and pass this temporary file to <proguard configuration=""> attribute.
Also, it's possible to modify ProGuardTask-class to accept several files as arguments and concatenate them later. And same result could be achieved with Ant macrodef .

Ant exclude file based on it's content

Is there any way to exclude files from an ant fileset based on the file content?
We do have test servers where code files are mixed up with files that have been generated by a CMS.
Usually, the files are placed in different folders, but there is a risk that real code files are in the middle of generated code.
The only way to differentiate generated files is to open the files and look at it's content. If the file contains a keyword, it should be excluded.
Does anyone know a way to perform this with Ant?
From the answer provided by Preet Sangha, Ishould use a filterchain. However, I'm missing a step here.
Let's say I load a text file of exclusions to be performed:
<loadfile property="exclusions" srcFile="exclusions.txt" />
But I don't know how to integrate it into my current copy task:
<copy todir="${test.dir}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
I tried to add the following exclude to the fileset but it does not do anything:
<exclude name="${exclusions}"/>
I'm sure I'm missing a simple step...
Have a look at the not and contains selectors.
The not selector contains an example of pretty much exactly what you're trying to do.
<copy todir="${test.dir}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<contains text="your-keyword-here"/>
There's also the containsregexp selector which might be useful if your criteria for exclusion is more complicated.
There's a load more selectors you can use to refine your selection if needed.
I don't know ant but reading the docs....
Can you build a files list using a filterchain, and put this into the excludefiles of a fileset?
perhaps create a fileset with a filterchain that uses a filterreader and linecontainsregexp

Ant: Create directory containing file if it doesn't already exist?

Basically, I get a path like "C:\test\subfolder1\subfolder2\subfolder3\myfile.txt", but it's possible that subfolders 1-3 don't exist already, which means I'd get an exception if I try to write to the file.
Is there a way to create the directory structure the target file is in, either by using some task that creates the structure when it outputs to the file and then deleting the file, or by parsing the directory part of the path and using the mkdir task first?
Ant will create the full tree of directories for you when you use the <mkdir> task. So you just need to use the <dirname> task to get the directory name from the file name.
<dirname property="directoryProperty" file="${filePathProperty}"/>
<mkdir dir="${directoryProperty}" />
The first line extracts the directory portion of your file path and stores it in the directoryProperty property. The second line creates the directory (and any parent directories that don't exist).
This task works well
<mkdir dir="${file}/../"/>
Sometimes we could have an alternate choice, using touch task
<touch file="${file}" mkdirs="true" verbose="true"/>
This task should do the job but would have a side effect to create the file with zero size
Just make failonerror=false to avoid the error to stop the whole logic.
<delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${builder-base.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
Using the
<mkdir dir="${dir}"/ >
inside your <target> tag should work, but I am not sure what else you want to do along with mkdir?
I'm not 100% sure it'll work but you might be able to do something like the following to make the parent directory you're after:
<mkdir dir="${file}/../"/>
If that doesn't work straight off then it might be worth defining a property using the location syntax before creating a directory with the new property:
<property name="dir" location="${file}/../" />
<mkdir dir="${dir}" />
Well-behaved Ant tasks are generally expected to create any necessary directory structures unless there is a good reason not to.
Are you writing a task? If so you should add the directory creation logic to your task. If you are getting the task from a third party you should point this fact out to them and have them fix their task. Failing that Dan's solution should work.

Filter a fileset referenced using a refid

I have a fileset (which is returned from the Maven Ant task), and it contains all the jars I need to repack. This fileset is referenced by a refid. I only want to include our own jars, so I would like to filter that. But Ant filesets don't support any further attributes or nested tags if a refid is used.
For example, if the fileset is:
and I want to have a fileset which contains only*.jar
How would I do that?
Try using a restrict resource collection, which you can use like a fileset in any task that uses resource collections to select the groups of files to operate on.
For example, for a fileset returned from your Maven task referenced via an id called dependency.fileset you can declare a restrict resource collection like so:
<restrict id="filtered.dependencies">
<fileset refid="dependency.fileset"/>
<rsel:name name="*.jar"/>
Note you'll have to declare the resource selector namespace as it isn't part of the built-in Ant namespace:
<project xmlns:rsel="">
From here you can reference your restrict resource collection in a similar fashion to how you would reference your fileset. For example, to create backups of your filtered set of files:
<copy todir=".">
<restrict refid="filtered.dependencies"/>
<globmapper from="*" to="*.bak"/>
Of course you can inline your restrict resource collection if you so desire:
<copy todir=".">
<fileset refid="dependency.fileset"/>
<rsel:name name="*.jar"/>
<globmapper from="*" to="*.bak"/>
Have a look at the Ant documentation on resource collections for further information.
I think you'll need to write an ant task for that. They're pretty easy to write though.
In your task, you'll need to call getProject() and ask it to give you the fileset, walk through it, and create a new one.
I 'm using Ant with Ivy. With the help of Ivy it is possible to filter dependencies for retrieval, with the following code in ivy.xml:
<dependency name="Project1" rev="latest.integration" transitive="true" conf="modlibs">
<exclude name="${exclusionRegEx}" matcher="regexp" />
<dependency name="Project2" rev="latest.integration" transitive="false" conf="modules"/>
Maybe a quick look at the Ivy source 'll help?
If you are using a sufficiently recent version of Ant and the JDK, for example, Ant 1.7 and JDK 6, then you can use the optional script task to do what you want. (Earlier versions may also work.) The page I linked to, if you scroll down to the text "The goal is to list the filesizes" then you'll see a sample script that creates a Fileset.
This isn't for the faint of heart, and a custom ant task you write yourself will probably be more flexible. But I wanted to point out the option.
