Delphi - Tree View - delphi

I am looking for a data aware Tree View for delphi
what is the best one to use ?

Virtual TreeView is the fastest, with most features, the best and its free!
(for data aware there are free descants of it, also on that following page)
you will find it here:
virtual treeview control on softgems
here is a tutorial video (in german):
DelphiPraxis Stammtisch Videos
there was also a tutor in the german magazin "entwickler magazin"
Editions: 02/08, 03/08 and 04/08.
Entwickler Magazin

I would recommend the DevExpress QuantumTreeList. It looks really nice, is fast and data aware.

Virtual TreeView

Here is the (not easy to find) VirtualTreeView SVN repository url:
UPDATE: Mike moved the sources to Google Code:


Create column in TEasyListView

I use TEasyListView from I'd like to create a combobox in a column. I can't find any sample to do this from the component demo. If I use TListView, I could follow a trick from but I need to use TEasyListView. Please, give me some guides.
I am not sure but I would guess TEasyListView is a descendant of TListView since pretty much everyone creates new components based on lower level components. Try checking back into the components and you will more then likely find a way to use the "trick" you named above.

How I can add some items to the code completion combobox of the Delphi IDE

I'm working in a Delphi IDE expert and I wonder if it's possible add new items to the code completion combobox displayed by the Delphi IDE when the user press CtrlSpace
What I need is add items to the code completion list based in a specified type.
example suppose which I have a type called TMytype, what I want to do is add addional items to the code completion list when the user type a variable of the type TMytype
check this image
I found your question somewhat confusing but if you are in search of credible source on "Custom Live Templates" and the like on Delphi, head to the blog of Cary Jensen here.
Looking forward to further improvement of the scope of the question, I suggest here another direction to explore:
Source code manipulation using IOTAEditor, IOTASourceEditor, IOTAEditReader and the like
Some Parsing for sanity check prior to apply any modification.
Adoption of Client DataSet as a format to store data (It's serializable) to simplify the coding of IDE editors.
Perhaps I haven't fully grasped the extent of what you are asking here, but you can add templates simply by going to 'View|Templates' from the Delphi IDE. This then opens a template viewer. Press the '+' icon. It opens a template1.xml document which you can then edit so create your new item.
If you wish to do this programatically, just add an xml file (of the same format) to the ..\RAD Studio\code_templates folder.

Is there an edit control for Delphi that allows path editing?

I have various hierarchical structures and would like to allow navigation around then using an editor like the Microsoft one found in the explorer address bar below. Is there such a Delphi component? (Paid for or free)?
TAdvExplorerTreeview from TMS might be what your looking for:
Haven't tried by myself but Roy Klever's PathViewer component looks quite interesting.
I have spent the morning writing such a control. Actually, I wrote a very generic, completely virtual base control, from which I later derived a directory browser control:
The source code is published here
Here are some images:
Style := bbsClassic
Style := bbsFlat
Style := bbsHeader
Style := bbsThemed
Style := bbsCommand
Not sure about anything exactly like that but the BergSoft Next Collection includes a path control similar to that (useful for breadcrumb trails and the like)
It's free providing you don't want access to the source. Source is pretty cheap though and it's a one off cost that'll get you all future updates.

Change rectangle color in Rave runtime Delphi

We print database records in rave using rvproject1 and rvdatasetconnection1 and that works.
How to acomplish this in rave:
If Adotabel1.fieldbyname('something').asstring = 'something' then
Rectangle1 on a data band.color=black
Rectangle1 on a data band.color=green
I believe you must download the Visual Designer Guide.pdf located here What you want to accomplish can be done in several ways(with editor events, from Delphi code, etc). In the manual you will find exactly how to code the band or datatext onbeforeprint event(Rave Report 'language' is very similar to Delphi). At this moment I don't have the time for making you an example.
best regards,

add a new Color scheme to the Rad Studio

It's possible modify or change a color scheme (Color SpeedSetting) in the Rad-Studio?
There is an entry in the Windows Registry? or must edit some file?
Thanks in advance.
It doesn't look easy at first glance.
I found the following under then HKCU path:
with the following sub-keys
List item
Each key has what appear to be color constants but there doesn't appear to be enough constants to make it the right section.
The list of values under each key:
EditForegroundColor IsOEM
UntranslatedItemColor UnusedItemColor
That's all I've got, with out spending a lot more time from the looks of it.
It's probably stored in a BPL as a Opentools API object.
Take a look at OP's, it supplies thousands of themes. Yes, the OP makes one himself.
Thanks for the OP's awesome project.
Thanks for #Nicholas point out this for me.
