YAML parser in Delphi? [closed] - delphi

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Are there any YAML parsers or YAML Serialization libs in Delphi?

I have recently started a Delphi-YAML project on BitBucket:
At least, I've got something running, but there are many tests missing and there are probably many bugs hiding.

I don't know about a full YAML implementation, but JSON (a subset) is getting pretty popular and there are even some Delphi libraries listed on the JSON site. Delphi 2009 is even using (a slightly modified version of?) JSON in DataSnap.

May be it is high time to implement a YAML parser in Delphi...
Copy code from PyYAML (but Python is a dynamically typed language)
Or take a look at SnakeYAML which is written in a statically typed language (Java)

Free Pascal also has some json libs.
I garbled up something like this to interface with PHP once. Here is the code:
Note that it is more proof of concept than an usable lib.

This open source C# YAML parser looks like it could be a starting point for a Delphi implementation:
YamlDotNet - A .NET library for parsing and emitting YAML


GeoJSON open source library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have made an extensive search on the net but were still in vain.
I am looking for an open source GeoJSON library.
Help me please.
Last update:
My preference goes for something build on top of SuperObject library.
GeoJSON specification.
I'm using SuperObject to parse (geojson) results that i pull from GeoServer.
GeoJson is not that complicated so i don't think it matters much which library you use.
AFAIK there is none.
But you can easily retrieve and create a GeoJSON content with a JSON library. GeoJSON content is just a tree of JSON objects.
Recent versions of Delphi have a built-in JSON parser.
Or take a look at Delphi JSON library for XE2 available for object serialization to find out some libraries. I like the one embedded in DWScript.

View VRML file with WebGL-capable browser [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a legacy application that generates VRML 1.0 files. I'd like to build a WebGL-based web interface that can display these VRML files. Is there an easy way to do so?
Edit: Specified that they are VRML 1.0.
If you can get it to VRML 2.0 (VRML '97) using a tool like the above-referenced one from Parallelgraphics, you can use the Fraunhofer Institute's tools (see discussion and links to InstantReality at http://www.x3dom.org/?page_id=532) to go from VRML 2 to either X3DOM or X3D. With Firefox or Chrome and a current graphics card and driver, you've got the WebGL support needed to run X3DOM. X3DOM handles only a subset of X3D, but can be referenced straight from XHTML and CSS, or plug-ins required. It's at a much higher level and easier to deal with than dealing directly with WebGL.
As I understand it, X3D is a development from VRML, and there's a WebGL-based renderer for it called X3DOM. Converting over is unlikely to be zero-effort, but it might be easier than trying to make the jump all the way to a "native" WebGL format.
VRML can be pretty complex with lots of interactivity and it doesn't look like a ont-to-one converter is available. However, here is what you could try:
Convert your VRML file to a standard OBJ file using something like MeshConv
Import the converted file in CopperLicht (Free) or CopperCube (Not free)
You will then have some kind of conversion of your VRML file which you can fine-tune.

Is the F# language reference documentation available in an offline format (PDF, CHM)? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've found several posts on hubFS of people asking if there is, or will be, offline documentation for F#. These posts haven't been answered. So I want to give it a shot and ask the same question here on SO.
Where I've looked for offline documentation so far:
The April 2010 CTP release of Visual F# (version 2.0) is available for VS 2008, but it comes without an offline help.
There's a question on SO about offline documentation for various programming languages, but F# isn't mentioned there at the time of this writing.
There is of course Microsoft's F# language reference documentation (available on MSDN), which could be downloaded for offline browsing using e.g. wget.
Does anyone know whether any "official" offline documentation is on the way, anytime soon?
(And related to this, even tough it might be hard to answer objectively: Would it be reasonable to expect that F# won't undergo ECMA or ISO standardization, ie. there likely won't be a standards document describing the language?)
Doesn't directly answer the question but the F# language specifications are here:
F# 3.0 (PDF, HTML)
F# 2.0 (PDF, HTML)
These links are taken from the F# team blog post "Updated F# Language Specification for F# 3.0 Now Available".
Apparently, it is now: https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharpdocs
I'm hoping this will easily convert to a Dash docset or that there's some local-hosting solution for snappy offline indexing and search.

In search of an easy parser generator [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need a simple parser generator. The language does not matter. It only has to be easy and well documented.
Have you looked at ANTLR?
I found SableCC for Java pretty easy to use, back in the days of my compiler construction classes. A tutorial is here.
Edit: Those days were a few years back. Looking at the other answers, you might be better off with ANTLR. I'll let the votes decide!
You're definitely going to want to take a look at ANTLR. It's not only well-documented but is considered one of the de-facto utilities for language designers.
If you want to work in Visual Studio and possibly use C#, look at MPPG from Microsoft, part of the Managed Language Services SDK.
I'm fond of bison, also known as yacc. It's not terribly hard, but it requires knowing C.
If you are more a Perl person, Parse::RecDescent is not difficult either.

Code snippets for Delphi? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a good code snippets application for Delphi or general purpose with IDE integration? I would like to store Code, queries, notes, etc..
GExperts has a Code Librarian feature for code snippets amongst many other nice features and integrates with the IDE. Well worth to check out even if you don't decide to use the Code Librarian feature.
Delphi 2006 and later has Live Templates. They are a bit tricky because you've got to edit XML files to really make them work, but they are powerful when they do. See Nick's Live Templates Camtasia Presentation. Ctrl-J is the shortcut to invoke this.
Prior to that, Delphi 2005 and earlier had simple code snippets. I believe Ctrl-J also invoked them.
Another option is to use Castalia and its Code Templates feature.
Dittos to Ozmosys above.
Also check CodeSnip Database Viewer from the delphidabbler:
I use Knowledgebase from Ozmosys. It hasn't been updated in a while, but it works, and it is written in Delphi. Ozmosys
I have to endorse Ozmosys' Knowledge Base too. The reason it hasn't been updated in a while is that it just works. When I DID have issues early in the development of the program, the author was very responsive and quick about doing it. It's logical and easy to post code and other types of hints. I use it every day, juggling the three or so projects that seem to be perpetually on my plate.
