how to maintain database output in combo box or dbgrid after closing TAdoconnection - delphi

In this question my objective is to retrieve a database table content.
populate dbGrid, close connection.
If I use the following code, dbgrid or combobox are going to loose the information.
adoQry := TADOQuery.Create(self);
adoQry.Connection := adoConn;
adoQry.Prepared := true;
adoQry.Active := True;
on e: EADOError do
MessageDlg('Error while doing query', mtError,
[mbOK], 0);
for i := 0 to adoQry.RecordCount - 1 do
In case dbGrid, I use StringGrid and it works for me.
However, sometimes I would like to use dbGrid, but not sure how to keep a content with the close connection to the database (after retrieving the content, of course)
Any suggestions, examples would appreciated.

You can populate a TClientDataSet with your Query ResultSet, and then link the TClientDataSet to the TDBGrid.

If I remember correctly (it a long time agoo I used it, and i can't try it from here), you can set the connection on til adoQuery to nil, and then it behaves like a disconnected dataset (like t-client dataset).
But the data goes away if you close the dataset (adqQry).
In the comment it was stated that the above statement is incorrect (and I still haven't tested it).
But in this Microsoft Knowlegde Base article "How To Create ADO Disconnected Recordsets", it shows the same technique.
The same technique is also described in the Delphi about article "TOP ADO programming TIPS"
It it correct that setteing connection to nil in most dataset, also closes the dataset.

Benny is correct. You may have to use an TAdoDataSet instead of a TAdoQuery. TAdoDatasets and TClientDatasets have similar functionality. From my understanding, the TAdoQuery components were designed to help migrate a BDE app to dbGo.


Delphi DBGrid date format for Firebird timestamp field

I display the content of a Firebird database into a TDBgrid. The database has a 'TIMESTAMP' data type field that I would like to display with date/time format:
'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss'. (Now its displayed as 'YYMMDD HHmmss')
How to achieve this?
I tried this:
procedure TDataModule1.IBQuery1AfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
TDateTimeField(IBQuery1.FieldByName('timestamp_')).DisplayFormat := 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss';
But this causes some side effects at other parts of the program, so its not an alternative. For example at the 'IBQuery1.Open' statement I get the '...timestamp_ not found...' debugger message in the method that I clear the database with.
function TfrmLogger.db_events_clearall: integer;
result := -1;
with datamodule1.IBQuery1 do begin
With SQL do begin
if not Prepared then
Open; //Exception here
Result := 1;
on E: Exception do begin
I get the same exception message when trying to open the query for writing into the database.
*EDIT >>
I have modified the database clear as the following:
function TfrmLogger.db_events_clearall: integer;
IBQuery: TIBQuery;
IBTransaction: TIBTransaction;
DataSource: TDataSource;
result := -1;
//Implicit local db objects creation
IBQuery := TIBQuery.Create(nil);
IBQuery.Database := datamodule1.IBdbCLEVENTS;
DataSource := TDataSource.Create(nil);
DataSource.DataSet := IBQuery;
IBTransaction := TIBTransaction.Create(nil);
IBTransaction.DefaultDatabase := datamodule1.IBdbCLEVENTS;
IBQuery.Transaction := IBTransaction;
with IBQuery do begin
result := 1;
on E : Exception do
ShowMessage(E.ClassName + ^M^J + E.Message);
After clearing the database yet i can load the records into the dbgrid, seems like the database has not been updated. After the program restart i can see all the records been deleted.
The whole function TfrmLogger.db_events_clearall seems very dubious.
You do not provide SQL_DELETE_ROW but by the answer this does not seem to be SELECT-request returning the "resultset". So most probably it should NOT be run by ".Open" but instead by ".Execute" or ".ExecSQL" or something like that.
UPD. it was added SQL_DELETE_ROW = 'DELETE FROM MEVENTS'; confirming my prior and further expectations. Almost. The constant name suggests you want to delete ONE ROW, and the query text says you delete ALL ROWS, which is correct I wonder?..
Additionally, since there is no "resultset" - there is nothing to .Close after .Exec.... - but you may check the .RowsAffected if there is such a property in DBX, to see how many rows were actually scheduled to be deleted.
Additionally, no, this function DOES NOT delete rows, it only schedules them to be deleted. When dealing with SQL you do have to invest time and effort into learning about TRANSACTIONS, otherwise you would soon get drown in side-effects.
In particular, here you have to COMMIT the deleting transaction. For that you either have to explicitly create, start and bind to the IBQuery a transaction, or to find out which transaction was implicitly used by IBQuery1 and .Commit; it. And .Rollback it on exceptions.
Yes, boring, and all that. And you may hope for IBX to be smart-enough to do commits for you once in a while. But without isolating data changes by transactions you would be bound to hardly reproducible "side effects" coming from all kinds of "race conditions".
FieldDefs.Clear; // frankly, I do not quite recall if IBX has those, but probably it does.
Fields.Clear; // forget the customizations to the fields, and the fields as well
Open; // Make no Exception here
Halt; // << insert this line
Result := 1;
Try this, and I bet your table would not get cleared despite the query was "opened" and "closed" without error.
The whole With SQL do begin monster can be replaced with the one-liner SQL.Text := SQL_DELETE_ROW;. Learn what TStrings class is in Delphi - it is used in very many places of Delphi libraries so it would save you much time to know this class services and features.
There is no point to Prepare a one-time query, that you execute and forget. Preparation is done to the queries where you DO NOT CHANGE the SQL.Text but only change PARAMETERS and then re-open the query with THE SAME TEXT but different values.
Okay, sometimes I do use(misuse?) explicit preparation to make sure the library fetches parameters datatypes from the server. But in your example there is neither. Your code however does not use parameters and you do not use many opens with the same neverchanging SQL.text. Thus, it becomes a noise, making longer to type and harder to read.
Try ShowMessage(E.ClassName + ^M^J + E.Message) or just Application.ShowException(E) - no point to make TWO stopping modal windows instead of one.
Datamodule1.IBQuery1.close; - this is actually a place for rolling back the transaction, rather than merely closing queries, which were not open anyway.
Now, the very idea to make TWO (or more?) SQL requests going throw ONE Delphi query object is questionable per se. You make customization to the query, such as fixing DisplayFormat or setting fields' event handlers, then that query is quite worth to be left persistently customized. You may even set DisplayFormat in design-time, why not.
There is little point in jockeying on one single TIBQuery object - have as many as you need. As of now you have to pervasively and accurately reason WHICH text is inside the IBQuery1 in every function of you program.
That again creates the potential for future side effects. Imagine you have some place where you do function1; function2; and later you would decide you need to swap them and do function2; function1;. Can you do it? But what if function2 changes the IBQuery1.SQL.Text and function1 is depending on the prior text? What then?
So, basically, sort your queries. There should be those queries that do live across the function calls, and then they better to have a dedicated query object and not get overused with different queries. And there should be "one time" queries that only are used inside one function and never outside it, like the SQL_DELETE_ROW - those queries you may overuse, if done with care. But still better remake those functions to make their queries as local variables, invisible to no one but themselves.
PS. Seems you've got stuck with IBX library, then I suggest you to take a look at this extension
Among other things it provides for generic insert/delete functions, which would create and delete temporary query objects inside, so you would not have to think about it.
Transactions management is still on you to keep in mind and control.

Delphi DBGrid showing compressed rows

I am having the strangest of issues with Delphi's DBGrid.
I noticed that Sometimes, and I mean only sometimes (It is completely random) when I load rows into a delphi DBGrid, the grid does not show the data.
It instead shows a couple of compressed rows, basically the delphi rows are so narrow in height that the information cannot even be read.
What would be the cause of this? And how can one fix it?
I have finally been able to catch the rows do it myself to get an image.
As you can see, the rows are technically showing as 1 is selected. But it is asif they are being compressed very close together so that it apears to be empty...
Please see the image below:
ANY IDEAS would be awesome as to what is causing this, and how to prevent it...
This problem occured to me, too. And I think I have solved.
In my situation I was calling ADOQuery.Open(); inside TThread, and this ADOQuery was bound to DataSource and it was bound to DBGrid. I suspected there may be something with execution in a secondary thread, so I played a little with ADOQuery.
Here's what I did that solved my problem. Before calling ADOQuery.Open() and before starting a new thread, I did DataSource.DataSet := nil;. I assign Thread.OnTerminate := RefreshGridFinished;. Then I start that new TThread with some procedure in which ADOQuery.Open(); eventually is called. Then, when TThread finishes, I have this handler, which will assign fetched and full ADOQuery aka DataSet to DataSource:
procedure TMyForm.RefreshGridFinished(Sender: TObject);
DataSource.DataSet := ADOQuery; // I assign fetched dataset
if TThread(Sender).FatalException <> nil then
Thread := nil; // Class field

Disabling the login prompt without using the TDatabase bypass

I am currently trying to connect to a database using an ODBC Alias to SQL Server. The problem I'm having is that when I use my TQuery object to get the information it always requests login details (nevermind whether I've specified them in the ODBC creation). I don't mind manually setting them in the code, but I can't find how to do that.
The most common solution I've found is to use the database component and go through that. However that comes with its own issues. Due to my dataset being so large and the database component converting the dataset to a Paradox table I keep getting a BDE error of 'Temporary Table Resource Limit'.
I don't get this error if I ignore the database component (which is fine) however this leaves me with the login prompt issue. Has anyone found a way to bypass this for TQuerys without swapping to other connection paths such as ADO?
I'm a bit rusty with the BDE but I don't think there's an easy way to avoid the login prompt if what you're saying is that you're not using a TDatabase component in your project.
The reason is that when you attempt to open your TQuery without a TDatabase (or TSession) component in your project, the default Session object in your app will call the routine below from within your TQuery's OpenCursor:
{ from DBTables.Pas }
function TSession.DoOpenDatabase(const DatabaseName: string; AOwner: TComponent): TDatabase;
TempDatabase: TDatabase;
Result := nil;
TempDatabase := nil;
Result := DoFindDatabase(DatabaseName, AOwner);
if Result = nil then
TempDatabase := TDatabase.Create(Self);
TempDatabase.DatabaseName := DatabaseName;
TempDatabase.KeepConnection := FKeepConnections;
TempDatabase.Temporary := True;
Result := TempDatabase;
As you can see, if the session can't find an existing TDatabase component with the right name, it creates a temporary one, and it's the call to Result.Open that pops up the login prompt, without, so far as I can see, giving you any opportunity to supply the password + user name before the pop-up (the Session's OnPassword doesn't seem to get called in the course of this).
Obviously you need to check using the debugger that that's what's happening in your app, a temporary TDatabase being created, I mean.
If what I've suggested in the Update below didn't work and I were desperate to avoid using a TDatabase component, I would look into the possibility of maybe deriving a TQuery descendant, and trying to override its OpenCursor to see if I could jam in the user name/password.
Anyway, seeing as you say you're not using an explicit TDatabase, if I understand you correctly, because of the "Temporary Table ..." issue, and seeing as the Session will create a temporary one anyway, I suppose it might be worth your while investigating why the temporary one doesn't provoke the "Temporary Table" error, whereas using a TDatabase component in your app evidently does. Idapi32.Cfg configuration issue, maybe? At the moment, I can't help you with that because I can't reproduce your "Temporary Table" error, despite using my TQuery to do a SELECT on a SqlServer table to return 250,000+ rows.
Oh, that's a point: Does your table contain any BLOBs? I seem to recall there's an Idapi config parameter that lets you reduce the temporary storage space the BDE uses for BLOBs (to zero, maybe, but it's been a long time since I used the BDE "for real").
Update: The thought just occurred to me that since your query seems to work with Session dynamically creating a TDatabase object, maybe it would also work with a TDatabase which you dynamically create yourself. I just tried the following, and it works for me:
procedure TForm1.DatabaseLogin(Database: TDatabase;
LoginParams: TStrings);
LoginParams.Add('user name=sa');
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ADatabase : TDatabase;
ADatabase := TDatabase.Create(Self);
ADatabase.AliasName := 'MAT41032';
ADatabase.DatabaseName := 'MAT41032';
ADatabase.SessionName := 'Default';
ADatabase.OnLogin := DatabaseLogin;
+1 for an interesting question, btw.

Getting Delphi 7 to play with SQL Server Compact 3.5

We have an old application that was written in Delphi 7. It is currently connected to an old Oracle Lite database that is being retired. The powers that be have chosen to move the data to a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database instead. After sepending a good amount of time moving everything over to the SQL CE database, I am now tasked with getting the Delphi application to play nice with the new databases.
The people who are supposed to be smarter than I am (my boss), tell me that I should be able to simply modify the connection and everything should be back in order. However, I have been banging my head against my monitor for two days trying to get the ADO connection in the Delphi application to work with our new SQL CE database.
A slightly simplified example of what I'm working with:
The connection is made in a global object with a TADOConnection named "adoConn":
procedure TGlobal.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
adoConn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=path\db.sdf;';
adoConn.Connected := True;
Shortly after this, a procedure is called to populate some messages. In an effort to trouble shoot the application, I've simplified the code to make a simple query and show the results in a message box. The procedure receives a parameter for the SQL string, but I'm ignoring it for now and manually inserting a simple select statement:
procedure Select(const SQL: string);
adoQuery : TADOQuery;
adoQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
adoQuery.Connection := Global.adoConn;
adoQuery.SQL.Text := 'select * from CLT_MESSAGES';
While not adoQuery.Eof do
// Here I just created a MessageDlg to output a couple of fields.
Everything compiles just fine, but when I run the application I get the following error:
"Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value."
I've done some additional trouble-shooting and found that the error is happening at adoQuery.ExecSQL. I've tried several different versions of the connection string and a couple different ways of trying to query the data, but it all ends up the same. I either can't connect to the database or I get that stupid "Mutliple-step" error.
I appreciate, in advance, any assistance that can be offered.
Don't use ExecSQL for queries that return recordsets.
Set either the AdoQuery.Active property to True or use AdoQuery.Open to execute a SELECT statement.
After changing your code we see the real error which is DB_E_OBJECTOPEN.
After digging deeper it seems that this is a known bug in the OLE DB provider and nvarchar fields bigger than 127 characters.
these references seem to confirm this:
SO: SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 gives "Multiple-step operation generated errors" error for simple query
Changing the cursor type to server side solved the 127 char issue for me :)

Is there some better way to copy all DataSet Fields and their properties to another DataSet?

I'm cloning a TClientDataSet and I want to copy all the fields to the clone (which is a new DataSet), I know I can loop through the Fields and copy the info, or make 2 instances of my class and just clone the cursor, but is there some better way? Something like create a new DataSet and assign the fields info?
The following class helper method works for me:
procedure TDataSetHelper.CopyFieldDefs(Source: TDataSet);
Field, NewField: TField;
FieldDef: TFieldDef;
for Field in Source.Fields do
FieldDef := FieldDefs.AddFieldDef;
FieldDef.DataType := Field.DataType;
FieldDef.Size := Field.Size;
FieldDef.Name := Field.FieldName;
NewField := FieldDef.CreateField(Self);
NewField.Visible := Field.Visible;
NewField.DisplayLabel := Field.DisplayLabel;
NewField.DisplayWidth := Field.DisplayWidth;
NewField.EditMask := Field.EditMask;
if IsPublishedProp(Field, 'currency') then
SetPropValue(NewField, 'currency', GetPropValue(Field, 'currency'));
Anyone has a better way for doing this?
If you just want to copy the field definitions you can do the following:
Of course this assumes you created FieldDefs for ds1.
Are you looking for a more aesthetic way of doing it or a faster way of doing it?
If the former, create your own classes that hide the loop.
If the latter, don't even worry about it. A very wise coder once said to me: disk access costs; network access costs; maybe screen access costs; everything else is free.
Don't confuse the size of the source code with execution time. Looping a thousand times through memory and copying bits is undetectable compared to the initial handshake of a database connection.
If you're going to loop through the dataset to make a copy, remember to call DisableControls on it before, and EnableControl afterwards.
Without that, things can get really slow if you've got visual controls showing the data of the dataset on your form.
Would CloneCursor work for you?
first tclientdataset: open fields editor. add all fields if not already shown. select all fields. copy to clipboard.
second tclientdataset: open fields editor. paste clipboard in fields editor.
you should now see identical fieldDefs for both tclientdatasets now.
