I want to know if my FIRST and FOLLOW set I made for this grammar is correct or not
S -> TS'
S' -> +TS' | -TS' | epsilon
T -> UT'
T' -> *UT' | /UT' | epsilon
U -> VX
X -> ^U | epsilon
V -> (W) | -W | W | epsilon
W -> S | number
FIRST(S) = FIRST(T) = FIRST(U) = FIRST(V) = FIRST(W) = { ( , - , + , number , epsilon }
FIRST(T') = { *, / , epsilon}
FIRST(S') = { + , - , epsilon}
FIRST(X) = { ^ , epsilon}
FOLLOW(T) = {+ , - , $ }
FOLLOW(T')= {+, - , $ }
FOLLOW(U) = FOLLOW(X) = { * , / , + , - ,$ }
FOLLOW(W) = { ) , $ }
Just a remark:
You said:
Which is correct, but, V can be epsilon which means FIRST(U) = FIRST(V) + FIRST(X)
And X can be epsilon to.
Those epsilons can be quite frustrating sometimes.
There is a little more to say.
Just a few rules:
- Capitals are nonterminal
- lowercase are terminals
- epsilon is used for an empty rule
- $ is used to note the end of the input.
First(a) = {a}
First(A,B) = First(A), if epsilon is not in First(A)
First(A,B) = First(A) + First(B), if epsilon in First(A)
First(A|B) = First(A) + First(B)
Follow(T) includes $ if T is the start symbol
Follow(T) includes First(A) if there is a rule with ..TA..
Follow(T) includes Follow(A) if there is a rule A -> ..T
Follow(T) includes Follow(A) if there is a rule A -> ..TB and B can be epsilon
Follow(T) never includes epsilon
E = TE'
E' = +TE'|epsilon
T = FT'
T' = *FT' | epsilon
F = (E) | id
First(E) = First(T) = First(F) = {(, id}
First(E') = {+, epsilon}
First(T) = First(F) = {(, id}
First(T') = {*, epsilon}
First(F) = {(, id}
Follow(E) = {$, )}
Follow(E') = Follow(E) = {$, )}
Follow(T) = First(E') + Follow(E') = {$, ), +}
Follow(T') = Follow(T) = {$, ), +}
Follow(F) = First(T') + Follow(T') + Follow(T) = {*, $, ), +}
Your grammar is much more complex and a bit weird (are you sure there are no mistakes in the grammar?) but you can follow the rules.
below is the grammar that i am using for a calculator language and my attempt at finding the follow set and the first set of the grammar.
I would love help in figuring out what i am doing wrong when trying to figure out these sets because I feel like i am not doing them correctly at all (at least for the follow sets)
program → stmt_list $$$
stmt_list → stmt stmt_list | ε
stmt → id = expr | input id | print expr
expr → term term_tail
term_tail → add op term term_tail | ε
term → factor fact_tail
fact_tail → mult_op fact fact_tail | ε
factor → ( expr ) | number | id
add_op → + | -
mult_op → * | / | // | %
First set
first(p) = {id, input, print}
first(stmt_list) = {id, input, print, e}
first(s) = {id, input, print}
first(expr) = {(, id, number}
first(term_tail) = {+, -, e}
first(term) = {(, id, number}
first(fact_tail) = {, /, //, %, e}
first(factor) = {(, id, number}
first(add_op) = {+, -}
first(mult_op) = {, /, //, %}
Follow Set
follow(p) = {$}
follow(stmt_list) = {$}
follow(stmt) = {id, input, print}
follow(expr) = {(, id, number, ), input, print, , /, //, %}
follow(term_tail) = {), (, id, number, print, input}
follow(term) = {+, -}
follow(factor) = {, /, //, %}
follow(add_op) = {}
follow(mult_op) = {}
follow(fact_tail) = {*, /, //, %, +, -}
You have certain mistakes in First as well
first(p) = {id, input, print,e}
it will include epsilon
* is missing in the next two -
first(fact_tail) = { *,/, //, %, e} first(mult_op) = {*, /, //, %}
fact_tail → mult_op fact fact_tail | ε
Iam assuming here you actually mean
fact_tail → mult_op factor fact_tail | ε
follow(stmt) = {id, input, print,$}
if you refer to
stmt_list → stmt stmt_list | ε
then stmt is followed by first of stmt_list which includes e so string generated will end, hence stmt is followed by $
follow(expr) = {(, id, number, ), input, print, , /, //, %}
I don't know how you got this, follow of expr is equal to follow of stmt and )
follow(expr) = {id, ), input, print,$}
follow(term_tail) is equal to follow(expr)
follow(term) = {+,-,),id,input,print,$}
follow(fact_tail) is equal to follow(term)
follow(factor) = first(fact_tail)
follow(add_op) = first(term)
follow(mult_op) = first(factor)
I am working on trying to compute the FOLLOW set of the following grammar:
E -> TX
T -> int Y | ( E )
X -> + E | ε
Y -> * T | ε
I have calculated the following FOLLOW set so far:
follow (E) = {$} U {)}
follow (Y) = follow (T)
follow (T) = follow (Y)
follow (X) = follow (E) = {$, )}
follow (E) = first ()) = {)}
I know that the follow (T) / follow (Y) contains {+,$,)} but I am struggling to get to that point.
Any assistance in explaining the method here would be greatly helpful.
Note: I have followed these rules
1) If A is the start symbol put $ in Follow (A)
2) If there is a production B -> αAb, then Follow (A) = First (b)
3) If there is a production B -> aA or B -> αAb where First (b) is ε, add Follow (A) = Follow (B)
I have figured it out (and spent the better part of the afternoon)!
So the rules I'm following for anyone who finds this are:
follow(E) = follow(T)
follow(E) = first ())
follow(X) = follow(E)
follow(Y) = follow(T)
**follow(T) = first(X)** //the important one!
Following these rules you can build the sets:
follow(E) = {$, )}
follow(T) = {$, ), +}
follow(X) = {$, )}
follow(Y) = {$, ), +}
Which concludes the follow sets for the grammar!
E -> TE’
E’ -> +TE’ | ε
T -> FΤ’
Τ’ -> *FΤ’ | ε
F -> (E)| id
1. FIRST(F) = FIRST(T) = FIRST(E) = {(, id}
2. FIRST(E’) = {+, ε}
3. FIRST(T’) = {*, ε}
4. FOLLOW(E) = FOLLOW(E’) = {), $}
5. FOLLOW(T) = FOLLOW(T’) = {+, ), $}
6. FOLLOW(F) = {*, +, ), $}
Here is the grammar and the functions from my lectures...Can someone explain me how FOLLOW works??? I understood how FIRST work but FOLLOW is very difficult to understand...
Have a look at Wikipedia's FIRST_and_FOLLOW_sets
You look for any references of E.
Here (E) and union all following terminals and the FIRST-set of the following nonterminals.
Here only the following terminal ).
F is referenced by FT, *FT'. So FOLLOW(F) is the union of FIRST(T) = {(, id}* and FIRST(T') = {*, ε}.
Finally, FOLLOW(F) = {(, id, *, ε}.
here FOLLOW(F) is find by this way:
T-->FT' means FOLLOW(T) IS subset of FOLLOW(F)
T'-->*FT' means FIRST(T') contain epsilon then except epsilon and add other values to set.
I have the following grammar on which I am trying to learn how to do first and follow. I think I have the FIRST correct. However, the FOLLOW is confusing due to the nonterminal C.
Here is the grammar:
S --> ABC
A --> a | Cb |ε
B --> C | dA | ε
C --> e | f
For the FIRST:
First(S) = First(A)-{ε} + First(C) = { a,f, e, ε}
First(B) = First(C) = {d,e,f,ε}
For the FOLLOW:
Follow(S) = {ε}
Follow(A) = First(B)-{ε} + First(C) = {a,e,f}
Follow(B) = Follow(C) = Follow(S) = { $}
Follow(C) = Follow(B) = Follow(S) = {b, $}
I’m having issues since there are two C one in production A and B?
Am I close to having this?
I think the First already is wrong.
As A and B are optional, and C has a non-empty first:
First(S) = First(A) + First(B) + First(C) - {ε}
First(A) = {a} + First(C) + {ε}
First(B) = First(C) + {d, ε}
First(C) = {e, f}
First(A) = {a, e, f, ε}
First(B) = {d, e, f, ε}
First(S) = {a, d, e, f}
First when occurrence is followed by nt,
Follow of rule when at end.
Follow(S) = {$}
Follow(A) = First(B) - {ε} + Follow(B) = {d, e, f}
Follow(B) = First(C) = {e, f}
Follow(C) = Follow(S) + Follow(B) + {b} = {b, e, f, $}
(I hope I got this right.)
In detail:
Follow(S) = {$} [Start rule]
Follow(A) = First(B) - {ε} [S --> A.BC]
+ First(C) [S --> AB.C as B or First(B) contains ε]
+ Follow(B) [B. --> C | dA. | ε]
Follow(B) = First(C) [S --> AB.C as C does not contain ε stops]
Follow(C) = Follow(S) [S. --> ABC.]
+ {b} [A --> a | C.b |ε]
+ Follow(B) [B. --> C. | dA | ε]
The dot on the LHS like X. --> ... results in Follow(S);
The dot on the RHS like ... --> ... .X ... results in First(X) - {ε}
While there is an ε-production for X, continue: ... --> ... X. ...
Mind, that these are "my" rules, your book might use a slightly different algebra.
I'm answering the following for the grammar. As the firsts are already answered correctly.
follow(S) = {$};
follow(A) = {$,d,e,f};
follow(B) = {$,e,f};
follow(C) = {$,b,e,f};
Reason for including '$' in follow of A, B and C is. If there is a production A ---> ABC in the grammar, where C is nullable then everything in Follow(A) will be Follow of(B).
Can somebody explain step by step type inference in following F# program:
let rec sumList lst =
match lst with
| [] -> 0
| hd :: tl -> hd + sumList tl
I specifically want to see step by step how process of unification in Hindley Milner works.
Fun stuff!
First we invent a generic type for sumList:
x -> y
And get the simple equations:
t(lst) = x;
t(match ...) = y
Now you add the equation:
t(lst) = [a] because of (match lst with [] ...)
Then the equation:
b = t(0) = Int; y = b
Since 0 is a possible result of the match:
c = t(match lst with ...) = b
From the second pattern:
t(lst) = [d];
t(hd) = e;
t(tl) = f;
f = [e];
t(lst) = t(tl);
t(lst) = [t(hd)]
Guess a type (a generic type) for hd:
g = t(hd); e = g
Then we need a type for sumList, so we'll just get a meaningless function type for now:
h -> i = t(sumList)
So now we know:
h = f;
t(sumList tl) = i
Then from the addition we get:
Addable g;
Addable i;
g = i;
t(hd + sumList tl) = g
Now we can start unification:
t(lst) = t(tl) => [a] = f = [e] => a = e
t(lst) = x = [a] = f = [e]; h = t(tl) = x
t(hd) = g = i /\ i = y => y = t(hd)
x = t(lst) = [t(hd)] /\ t(hd) = y => x = [y]
y = b = Int /\ x = [y] => x = [Int] => t(sumList) = [Int] -> Int
I skipped some trivial steps, but I think you can get how it works.