Fixtures and Selenium and Rails (oh my?) - ruby-on-rails

What data do you use with Selenium tests on Rails apps? Do you load from fixtures? Use an existing dev db? Use a separate (non-fixture) db?
I'm considering my options here. I have a Rails app with a large Selenium test suite that runs on a modified version of Selenium Grid. Part of the process, right now, is loading a large set of fixtures, once, before the test suite runs. It's a LOT of data. Most of it is reporting info exported from our production db. When I set it up originally, I exported the data to yaml from Oracle.
Now there's been a schema change in some of the reporting tables, so of course I have to regenerate the fixture data. There is so much of it that it's not worthwhile to edit the files by hand. But it seems inefficient to have to regenerate for every little schema change - not to mention that it's yet another step to remember to do. Is there a better way?
EDIT: I originally intended to load the fixtures before each test and unload them after each test, like regular Rails tests. But it takes about 15 minutes to load the fixtures due to this reporting data. There are 200+ tests, and the suite runs every 12 hours. I cannae bend spacetime captain!
EDIT 2: I also agree that having this big set of fixtures is a bad smell. I'm not sure how to pare it down, though, because the reports aggregate a lot of data and much of the value of the selenium tests is that they test the reports.
Even if it's a small set of data,'s still another set to keep co-ordinated with schema changes. (We have a separate, smaller set for unit, functional, and [Rails] integration tests.)
Which brings me back to my original question - are there other options besides doing it by hand, or remembering to regenerate them each time?

If you can, the best possible thing to do is have a system in which each Selenium test gets it's own data state (ie: DB tables dropped and recreated, bootstrap data re-inserted, and caches cleared). This is easier said than done and usually is only possible if the project planned for it from the start.
The next best thing is to have a consistent DB state for each test suite/run. This is not as nice since there is now a strong chance that some tests will depend on the success of previously run tests, making it more difficult identify true failures vs. false negatives.
The worst case, IMO, is to use a static DB in which each test run mutates the date. This almost always leads to problems and is usually a "project smell". The key to doing it the "right way" (again, IMO) is to be vigilant about any state/schema change and capture it as part of the automated test/build process.
Rails does a good job with this already with Migrations, so take advantage of them! Without knowing your situation, I'd generally question the need to run Selenium tests against a snap of the full DB. Most DBs can (or should) be distilled down to less than 1MB for automated testing, making automated schema migrations and data reset much more efficient.
The only time I've seen a "valid" reason for massive DBs for Selenium tests is when the DB itself contains large chunks of "logic data" in which the data affects the application flow (think: data-driven UI).

I think you're asking two questions here that are intertwined so if I'm to break it down:
You want to get test data into and out of your DB quickly and fixtures aren't doing it for you.
You've been burnt by a schema change and you want to make sure that whatever you do doesn't require eight iterations themed "fiddling with the test data...still" :)
You've got a couple of alternatives here which I've hashed out below. Because you've mentioned Oracle I'm using Oracle technologies here but the same thing is true for other DB platforms (e.g. Postgresql):
Rake tesks that call PL/SQL scripts to generate the data, nasty horrible evil idea, don't do it unless there's no other option. I did it on one project that needed to load in billions of rows for some infrastructure architecture tests. I still sulk about it.
Get your DB into a dump format. For speedy binary dumps check out the exp/imp and data pump utilities. This will allow you quick setup and teardown of your DB. Certainly on a rails project I worked on we used rake tasks to exp/imp a database which had around 300k records in under a minute. Also check SQLLoader which is the logical dump utility, as its logical its slower and requires you to have control scripts to help SQLLoader understand the dumps. However, the benefit of the logical dump is that you can run transformation scripts over them to massage the data into the latest format. Sadly though just like fixtures all these tools are pretty sensitive to change in the schema.
Use a plugin such as Machinist or Factory Girl to make the generation of the data nicer. You still incur the penalty of using ActiveRecord to setup the DB but these fake object generators will help you stay close to you migrations and are a lot less hassle to maintain than fixtures.
Combine approaches 2 and 3. What happens here is that you make some test data with say Machinst. You export that test data to a dump and then reload the dump during each test run. When the schema changes update the Machinist config and re-export.
Hope that helps.

I'm currently on a project with an enormous Selenium test suite--actually, the one Selenium Grid was written for--and our tests use a small amount of reference data (though we don't use Rails YAML fixtures) and object factories for one-off data needed for particular tests.
Alternatively, on many of the ThoughtWorks Rails projects I've been on we've written checkin scripts that incorporate a number of pre-commit hooks--for example, running the tests before allowing a commit. One thing you might consider trying is writing (or customizing) a similar checkin script that will check for schema changes and reload the reference data as needed.
See e.g. Paul Gross's rake commit tasks on Github.


Database Changes Outside Ruby/Rails Migration

we have several technologies accessing the same database. At the moment, Ruby/Rails is used to create migrations when making changes to the database. The question is a simple one:
Is it possible for our DBAs to make changes to the database (not using Ruby migrations) without stepping on the Ruby devs toes and breaking the Ruby web application?
If so, some generic details about how to get started or pointed in the right direction would be great! Thanks.
I can tell you from experience that this is not the best idea, one that you will eventually regret and later, inevitably, reverse. But I know that it does come up. I've had to do them (against my will or in case of extreme emergencies).
Given the option, I'd push back on it if you can in favor of any solution that bring the SQL closer to the repository and further away from a "quick fix" to the database directly. Why?
1) Your local/testing/staging/production databases will diverge, eventually rendering your code untestable in a reliable way
2) You won't be able to regenerate your database from "scratch" to match production
3) If the database is ever clobbered, you won't be able to re-create it in any sensible way.
DBA's generally don't care about these things until something in the code breaks, and they want you to figure it out. But, for obvious reasons, that now becomes quite difficult.
One approach I have taken that seems to make everyone happy is to do the following:
1) Commit to having ALL database changes, big or small, put into a repository with the code. This means that everything that has happened to the database is all together in one place.
2) Each change, or set of changes, should be a migration. A migration can be simply running an SQL file. But, it should be run from within a migration for all the testability benefits.
So, for example, let's say you have a folder structure like:
- database_updates
-- v1
--- change_1.sql
--- change_2.sql
-- v2
--- change_3.sql
--- change_2_fix.sql
Now, let say you want to make a change or set of change via SQL. First, create a new version folder, let's call it "v1". Next, put your SQL scripts in this folder. Finally, create a migration:
def change
# Read all files in v1 folder, and run the SQL
(I have code that does this, happy to share the gist if you find yourself using this approach)
Since each migration is transactional, any of the scripts that fail will cause all of them to fail.
Now, let's say you have the next set, v2. Same exact thing. And, we have a history of these "versioned" changes, so we can look at the migration history and see what's been run, etc.
As a power user note, this set up also allows for recourse if things fail; in these cases, we can opt to go back to v1:
def up
# run v2 scripts
def down
# run v1 scripts
For this to work, v1 and v2 would need to be autonomous -- that is, they can destroy and rebuild entities without any dependencies. If that's not what you want, just stick with the change method.
This would also allow you to test for breaking changes. Let's say it is reported that something doesn't work anymore with v6. You can rollback your database migrations to v5, v4, etc (because you are doing a migration per folder) and test to see when the test broke, and correct it with v7.
Anyway, the end game of it all is that you can safely check out this project from a repository, create your database, run rake db:migrate and know that your database structure resembles exactly what is deployed elsewhere. And, worst case, if your database gets clobbered, you can just run all your scripts from v1 - vN and end up with your database back again.
For DBA's everything remains SQL for them, they can just send you a file or set of files for you to run.
If you want to get fancy, you could even write a migration generator that knows how to handle a line like rails g migration UpdateDBVersion version:v7 to take care of the repetitive boilerplate.
As long as everyone relies on the same updated schema.rb or structure.sql, everyone will share the same database 'version'.
See this SO answer for more insight.
Changes to the database, tables, or indexes should be made using ActiveRecord migrations whenever possible. This specifically ensures that development and test environments remain logically in sync. Remember that developers must be capable of accurate development and testing against the same database structure as occurs in the production environment, and QA teams must be able to adequately test such changes.
However, some database features are not actually supported by ActiveRecord migrations, and may only be applied directly to the database. These features are often database-specific, such as any of the following:
Stored procedures
Indexes with function-based columns
Virtual columns
Essentially any database-specific features that don't have an ActiveRecord abstraction will be made directly to the database.
Sometimes, however, other applications require the addition of tables, columns, or indexes in order to operate properly or efficiently. These other applications may simply be used to view/report against the database, or they may be substantial business applications that have their own independent database requirements and separate development teams. Occasionally, a DBA may have to step in and create an index or provide some optimization needed to solve a real-world production performance issue.
There are simply far too many situations for shared database management to give a definitive answer. Depending on the size of the organization and the complexity of the needs for the shared management, there may be many ways to solve the problem of a shared database schema that are specific to the application or organization.
For instance, I have worked on applications that shared a database with as many as 10 other applications, each of which "owned" portions of the schema and shared other portions with the other teams, all mediated through the DBA group. In situations such as this, the organizational structure and change control process may be the only means of solving this problem.
Whichever the situation, some real-world suggestions may help avoid problems and mitigate maintenance woes:
Offer to translate SQL DDL commands into ActiveRecord migrations, where possible, so that DBAs can accomplish their needs, and the application team can still appropriately maintain the schema
Any changes made outside the ActiveRecord migration should be thoroughly tested for impact to the project in a non-production environment by the same QA resources that test the actual Rails application
Encapsulate any external changes in a .sql file and include the file as part of the project in version control
If the development team is using the same database product in development (some cannot, due to licensing or complexity), those changes should be applied to the developer database instances, as well
It's best if you can apply the changes during a migration, even just by calling the relevant CLI tools as a migration step - the exact mechanism will be database-dependent, as well
Try to avoid doing this more than is absolutely necessary, as this can significantly reduce the database independence of the application, even between versions of the same database product (limiting upgrade opportunities)

speed up test cycle on rails 2.3.10

I've got a fairly big scary legacy app with no tests that I'm trying to build some tests into. My problem is that the schema's rather large, and to drop the database and reload it takes 56 seconds. to run all my tests (so far) takes 2. I'm using transactional fixtures, it runs each test without reloading the db, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to load the test environment once, build the db, then run tests over and over without needing to drop the db and rebuild? a 1 minute test cycle doesn't sound like much, but it really adds up. transactional fixtures should ensure the db doesn't get muddy ya?
Trying to figure it out, I didn't see anything that would do what I wanted, and before diving into the rake gem to try and modify the rake test task, I figured I'd ask, since i get the feeling I'm doing it wrong.
Don't drop the database; you're shouldn't be testing database creation, so doing so is often a TDD anti-pattern. Instead, truncate your tables. You can do this in a number of ways, but a very common way is with the DatabaseCleaner gem.

Is it a good Idea to drop the database after every integration test case?

We're using Grails as our web framework and we have integration tests that we want to have isolated. One idea that was brought up is to drop the database after every test case. What are alternative and more applicable ways to achieve test isolation.
we were doing two things:
rollback transaction. this deals with most of the problems (DML) but not all (for example sequences). also sometimes you need to commit a few transactions to make a proper tests. that's why we:
reset the database. you can achieve it in many ways: use frameworks that cleans data (db-unit), do manual reverts of inserted data, drop db or, as we did, truncate all tables and run custom script (if you need to reset sequences or something else). it's much faster than dropping and recreating db. it worked really good
You probably don't need something that aggressive. Each integration test is run in a transaction that's rolled back at the end of the test, so you shouldn't see anything from previous tests. There are cases where you want to commit a transaction though, so you can disable the automatic transaction and rollback and manage things yourself. That will increase the likelihood of data pollution between tests but it's easy enough to fix.
Since the database is in-memory initially, it's relatively inexpensive to drop the whole database and re-create all of the tables and objects, but this will be significantly slower if you move to a "real" database, e.g. a local install of Postgres to ensure that tests are running as close to how the code will run in production as possible.

Rollback informix database

I have some code that uses an Informix 11.5 database that I want to run some tests against.
If the tests fail they will often leave the database in an inconsistent state that needs to be manually resolved before the tests can be run again.
I would like to automate this so that the tests do not require manual intervention before running the tests again.
My current solution is to write some code that does the cleanup, but this means the code must be maintained whenever potential new inconsistent states can occur in new features.
The code runs a lot of stored procedures, which themselves often use transactions. As Informix does not support nested transactions I can't just wrap up all the work in one big transaction.
Is there another way to create a checkpoint which I can restore the database back to?
You could create a virtual machine with an undo disk and after you run the test you can close the virtual machine without saving the changes. It's equivalent to like you never ran the tests!
If this is a development only server, how about taking a Level 0 ontape system archive before the test? I think this can be done via the sysadmin functions too (not sure though), so it can be automated. After the tests you just restore the archive.
Changing database state - and resetting it back to a known state - is one of the reasons that the Unit Test community spends time and effort avoiding testing against databases. It is a tough problem.
Informix 11.50 does support savepoints; however, it does not support one BEGIN WORK after another without an intervening COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
To the extent possible, have the tests create and load a set of tables with the known data. One way of achieving that is to create a whole new database for the test. However, this is only borderline feasible if you need to test with high volumes of data.
I don't think this issue is in any way unique to Informix - it is a general problem with testing DBMS operations.

how to "test" an externally managed db in rails

Background: We have a dependency on an externally managed database. This is a company-wide resource. We have a read-only account into it and have no control over or input into the schema or contents.
Issue: We're using ActiveRecord as our ORM into said resource; we manage the connection information separate from our central db connection information. It worked out fine. We have some characterization tests that verify that our ActiveRecords retrieve the data for a few know datapoints. However, we have no test/dev environment replacement strategy for this database. Right now all of our environments are configured to use the production database connection:
That sucks
We don't want the production password on the build server, so our build is broken
The queries to the production database server are slow and because caching is off in test/dev our homepage loads REALLY slow locally
So we need something else in test/dev mode.
Q) Why not just have another sqlite database locally that mimics the schema of the production database?
A) Because we've tried that for another connection and it's lousy for at least a couple reasons.
It's fairly complex managing the separate schema (sqlite db file) in the rake process just for testing/dev.
Testing ActiveRecords outside of a schema that's managed by some process that ensures schema consistency between environments is largely meaningless.
The database configuration doesn't feel like the right seam. The database connection aspect of this, and thus the AR, is not part of what we're developing, it's just a connection library in this case. As long as we can ensure our test/dev replacement for it acts the same as the production AR, then it doesn't matter if we use AR for this in test/dev. I hope that made sense, it's an important point.
Q) You could use SchemaDumper to grab the schema of the production database and use it to generate the test database. That way all the SQLy details would be automated and it would look more like typical rails stuff.
A) Yeah, that would be pretty hot, but SchemaDumper doesn't seem to play nicely with the production database connection. It just hangs after a while and we don't get the whole schema. Bummer. That also doesn't avoid having to manage that whole other database file and work managing said file into our rake tasks.
What I really want to do is to have production use the ARs that are tested in the characterization tests and then have another object that's a plain old PORO that reads stuff out of a yaml file (like a fixture) that replaces the object in the test/development/build environments.
Q) But Najati, isn't putting that stuff in a yaml file the same as defining the schema?
A) Well, yeah, sorta. Its just a lot more direct and easier to manage if it's in some PORO that loads some crap out of a yamlfile than if I also have to work some half-baked schema management into our build tasks; we do this currently and it's pretty lousy and, frankly, doesn't seem to be buying us much. Also the test schema and the test data fixture duplication the information: "this is what we want the test version of this data to look like" - why do we need both? I claim "So that you can use the same AR in both environments." is not a sufficient argument to justify the complexity of managing the extra sqlite db file.
Q) I feel like there's something you're not telling me.
A) I've been cheating on my Weight Watchers. Also,
In the past when I've had something like this my solution looked like this:
Characterization tests that capture the important aspects of the external service's behavior, run not with the unit test suite, but as a separate process on the build server, maybe once every 4 hours or every night or whatever.
A fake implementation that used the same set of tests to exercise it's behavior to ensure that it was providing similar functionality to the test/dev environment.
Spring (and probably dependency injection containers in general) makes this easy. You just swap out beans in your environment-specific bean config and the test env just goes on it's merry way.
Given my understanding/knowledge, Rails doesn't seem to be lending itself to this very well. I supposed I could redefine the class in my test/dev environment scripts, but that seems really shady. For one thing, I don't know if that would keep the model from being loaded at application start-up, and another, that would add yet another strange wrinkle to our Rails project, another bit of magic that would make the project harder to come up to speed on. I want something that feels like the "service replacement" strategy used in Spring that doesn't require hard-to-find/understand RoR magic.
Uhh. I'll stop there and see if that much prompts anything. Thanks for taking the time to read!
You don't actually test the database. You're testing your models that interact with the app or other 'original' code that might touch the database. If there is magic in the prod database, take it out and put it in fixtures or factories. The fixtures and factories load the test data into a test instance, for example: db_test. When the test has passed or failed the database is rolled back with transactions and your tests can (and should) run atomically. If you are trying to build an app that tests a database, that's a different story. For everyone else, use the testing design that Rails provides: fixtures or factories and a "test" rails database defined in config/database.yml. The YML file swaps out for the dependency injection functionality. It's just a hash of variables, you don't need any pojo spring tricks to swap out environments. :) When rails runs your tests with fixtures or factories, it will load only the test environment as defined in database.yml. This will also integrate nicely with rspec, guard and other tools. When I save one of my models, it creates some data in my test db, runs my test and cleans up the database all just by hitting the save button on my source file.
Integration tests should still use this same mechanism. The only thing that makes this process annoying is legacy databases and I've worked some magic there with metaprogramming to minimize the hassle.
Take a look at factory_girl for factories. And episode railscast #275:
I think you have only two options: either you duplicate the database in some way, or you separate the ORM into a thin (as thin as possible) layer and mock it out in your tests.
Besides, you may have an AR schema ready in your db/schema.rb.
