Consuming XML/SOAP web service in RoR - ruby-on-rails

I know they removed ActionService out of RoR and opted for RESTful web services. I want to know if Rails is a good choice of a framework for consuming XML/SOAP based web services. Can anyone point out some nice resources/tutorials on how to consume a SOAP based web service in ROR?

This is a pretty good step-by-step tutorial for soap4r: [link no longer works]


ASP.NET MVC ntier architecture

I have a standard nteir setup :-
Web server -> App server -> DB server
I have an MVC 5 web application sitting on the web server with controllers calling a WCF services project sitting on the App server. WCF services project uses EF6 to marshal data on the DB server.
I am wondering if WCF is overkill? Is there is an easier way to achieve this same architecture? I am thinking I should have gone with Web API on the app server and then just call the web API from the controllers with the HTTPClient?
Or, I could even just use a plain MVC project on the App server returning JSONResults to the MVC controller on the web server?
It depends...
You have to understand what are the benefits of each set up. This is not exhaustive, just a quick brain dump. This should give you some hints to look further as in the wild world there might be many more reasons for choosing one or another solution.
Why WCF. Are you going to have different clients to your backend ? You need some entreprisy security between clients and you backend ? With WCF you could configure Http, TCP endpoints, set message or transport security and a lot more. It could be needed for example if your doing an intranet application and you would like not only to have your UI (MVC application) but other systems going to it. If this is not needed WCF seems overkill here.
Web Api is also agreat choice if you would like to built more REST oriented api, enabling content-negotiation for different clients (different media-types). Building REST is not about issuing JSON, it's much more and this would be too long to explain it here. If your client is not only your MVC app, but you could have a need for a api for other mobile devices, OAuth authentication and the so, this could be a good way to do.
Plain MVC app would also fit if you don't have any special needs, go for it. No overhead needed. Keep It Simple And Stupid.
I hope this helps
I would not change this.
WCF is a good choice for communication between Web Tier and App Tier. I would never put my App Tier exposed to outside world, so if there is any communication to my app from outside world, it would be through Web tier only and if there is a need to support multiple clients, I would create a WebAPI on web tier and expose that.
I would keep App tier only available to Organization internal and with WCF I would have flexibility to write service code and contracts which can then be exposed over various bindings (transport, security, etc.).If you are building a service in your organization and plan to support multiple protocols, or simply use protocols other than HTTP (tcp, name pipes, udp, etc.) then WCF is indeed a good choice.

Soap based web services using ruby on rails framework

Is it possible to write soap based web services using ruby on rails framework. If yes, can someone please point to a learning resource
Yes, you can write SOAP web services using Rails, However Rails is moving in favour of a REST web service approach. So my personal opinion is if you are starting a brand new Rails app with SOAP web services, consider some other programming language like JAVA, because that has more tools to easily create SOAP web services.
But nowadays all the webservices going towards REST, because of the simplicity it has. Almost all major sites has a REST API.
Furthermore if you are still planning to go ahead with Rails, savon is an interesting gem that you should probably look at.

Web Service and Endpoints in Rails

I am new to Rails and I am creating a RoR web application, their is a mobile component that will connect (CRUD) to the default db I am creating. I need some guidance in writing the web service component and what valid endpoints should look like in this type of app. Any direction would be helpful, thanks.
Ruby on Rails provides restful web service development out of the box, i.e. any app developed on RoR is by nature a RESTful web service. To answer the specifics of your question, consider checking out this SO thread

How to have iOS app communicate with database server?

I have a database on a database server. No web service in place to be consumed by a web application.
If I want my iOS app to communicate with a database server (send & receive data), I know I can create a web service and then call that service from my iOS app. But what web service is recommended for this? Should I just write a .asmx web service in .NET or should I go for MVC WEB API or may be go for WCF ?? I have spend hours doing research on this. Please help.
A lot will depend on where you expect the service to be hosted, and what technology stack(s) are supported by the host. If you are self-hosting, then do whatever works in the technologies you know and understand. If you want to use a host that targets its services to small-to-midsize independent development teams, many providers like Heroku support things like Rails services. PHP is always an option as well. Microsoft-based solutions and Java-based solutions tend to be more widely used in larger enterprises and data centers, and if that's where you'll host your service then these would also be good options. And of course I'm speaking in broad generalities here: For any general trends I might list here there are lots of exceptions where other approaches make sense.
If you'd rather let the decision be driven by what makes things easiest for your iOS code, I would recommend you start with server-side technologies that support REST-ful interfaces using JSON to represent your service's resources. REST-ful services are very easy to consume from iOS, and JSON-based representations of resources are very easy to parse and produce in Objective-C.
I am personally used this approach to set a direction for my app. For the service side, I am going with a Rails implementation of REST-ful web services. I'm a Java developer by profession, but for a small independent project the options for hosting Java services were more limiting than with Rails so I've picked up rails on the side to make my project work. So far it's suited my project quite well.

Can ASP.NET MVC be applied to web services?

I'm planning architecture for a web-based application using web services. It has been recommended that I look into using the ASP.NET MVC Framework. All of the information I'm finding on the MVC discusses its use with web pages, but I have found nothing regarding web services. Can the MVC be used for web services? and if so, where might I find resources to support my research effort?
ASP.NET MVC can be used to create REST web services. For SOAP, you should stick to standard Web Services.
MVC is a UI design pattern. It is not a natural fit to web services.
It's not clear from your question whether you're building a web application that has a web service component, or just a web service. Web services, strictly speaking, don't have user interfaces, so the MVC model wouldn't directly apply. But there's really no substitute for thinking through what you're trying to do in a straightforward way. Architecture patterns can help, but they're only guides. It sounds like you're still feeling your way around, so don't think too much about these sorts of patterns at this stage: figure out what needs to be done and find out what technologies would be best suited to do it with. The overall architecture will emerge eventually.
In order to dispaly data, You could use the mvc built in "JsonResults" to return all kind of entitles or collections in json format, I find it very practice.
If you need some more options I recommend you to use WCF instead of Web Service.
