Modify a model in an ActionFilter -

I have an actionfilter that I am running OnActionExecuting in ASP.NET MVC 2. Essentially I would like the actionfilter to sanitize my data and replace the current model (which will be passed to subsequent action filters and also my action method) with the sanitized model. Is this possible and is it a bad idea - if so why?
Thank you in advance,

If you need to deal with your models, you're likely going to be dealing more within the scope of a single Controller (unless all your Controllers use the same model types?). An alternate approach would be to override the OnActionExecuting() and OnActionExecuted() methods of the Controllers themselves. This allows you to keep your business logic within the controller scope.
Generally ActionFilters are used for cross-cutting concerns - something that you want to run for many action methods, regardless of where they exist in the app. So unless your model sanitization logic applies across many controllers and actions, or is very generic (which perhaps it is, in which case your approach is probably good), you might want to bring it out of the filters and into your controllers. If it's something that can apply broadly, then an ActionFilter is just fine.

Here's for MVC v1, I hope this is not changed in v2:
var view = filterContext.Result as ViewResultBase;
if (view != null)
view.ViewData.Model ...
I don't see why you want to do it in OnActionExecuting, but if you must, do it there, and set some flag (private field) that OnActionExecuted has to tweak the resulting Model. But you'll have to use the latter anyway, except if you assign the .Result - in this case your action won't be called at all and the assigned result will be used.

BTW, for MVC 3 & 4:


Sending a parameter to the controller in ASP MVC 2

I am writing an area for administering several subsites, almost all of the functionality will be the same across each site (add/edit/remove pages etc) and my repository on instantiation takes the SiteIdentity so all the data access methods are agnostic in relation to this. The problem I have at the moment is trying to make my action methods also agnostic.
The URL pattern I want to use is along the lines of:
A naive approach is to have each action take the identity parameter, but this means having to pass this in to my repository on each action as well as include it in the ViewData for a couple of UI elements. I'd much rather have this something that happens once in the controller, such as in its constructor.
What is the best way to do this? Currently the best I can come up with is trying to find and cast identity from the RouteData dictionary but part of me feels like there should be a more elegant solution.
It sounds like you want to use OnActionExecuting or a Custom ModelBinder to do that logic each time you have a specific parameter name (also known as a RouteData dictionary key).
Creating a custom modelbinder in ASP.NET MVC
Creating an OnActionExecuting method in ASP.NET MVC, Doing Serverside tracking in ASP.NET MVC
You have access to your route values in Request.RequestContext.RouteData, so you can make base controller and public property SiteIdentity, in such case you can access it from all actions in all inherited controllers.

Attributes on Areas in ASP.NET MVC 2?

The "Admin" area in my app contains a bunch of controllers, and it's a bit repetitive to put an [Authorize] attribute on all of them. Is there a way of telling the framework that all controllers in a certain area should have certain attributes?
Edit: Inheritance is not a solution in this case. First of all the controllers already inherits from a custom class, and secondly, it should be about decorating the classes, not inheriting them.
MVC 3 has a new feature called Global Action Filters which would be perfect for what you are doing. Since you're probably not on MVC 3 yet, you can also implement Global Action Filter in earlier versions of MVC by following this example. Just customize the solution to filter check if you are in the "Admin" area for the currently executing request, then apply your Authorize attribute.
This will allow you to do this without having to apply a common base class as you requested.
You could create a base controller that all controllers in this area derive from and decorate it with the [Authorize] attribute.
There are four options,
Create a separate base controller and make admin sectionsu inherit from it
Add the Authorise Attribute to the controller class instead of each method / Actrion
Decorate each on individually
write your own logic for authorization and add that to your current base controller

ActionFilter or RenderAction in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC controller with several action methods, all of which need the same bit of data. This data requires a lookup that can only be done with the route values (so, I can't do the lookup in the constructor). I'm sure this has been discussed at length, but I've yet to find a satisfactory recommendation.
What's the best way to get this data without repeating myself in each action method? I'm working through:
Create an Action Filter, this seems like the best bet, but where do I store the object, in the action parameters? Is it appropriate to create a ViewModel object in an action filter and pass it directly to the action methods, for them to fill out the rest of the ViewModel object?
Create a child action (Html.RenderAction) to render this data, but this requires a second set of lookups since the child action requires another full cycle of instantiating the controller.
Helper method/property called in each action method.
Thought or opinions on a best approach here?
A filter is probably your best bet and you can store the object in ViewData.
Another option (not a better one) is to create your own controller base class that overrides the ExecuteCore method and does the lookup there.
I did this for logging since I want to log each page view and I didn't want to have to add a filter to each and every controller I made. In mvc 3 there will be a way to declare global filters which can fix this as well.
Ok, so given what you've told me, I would suggest using a custom ModelBinder.
It's the best fit for the situation. I would argue that using a filter is the wrong approach because a filter's job isn't to bind data - that's a job for a ModelBinder.
EDIT: I've just been thinking about it and I'm a little bit torn if you should use a model binder or not.
The general rule of thumb I just came up with is that if you need the ProjectDetails inside the action itself, use a ModelBinder but if you don't need the ProjectDetails inside the action, use an ActionFilter to just add it to your model / viewdata.
Maybe someone else could throw their 2c in.
You could override the OnActionExecuting() method in your controller and get the data there.

Mvc viewpages and custom data for all pages

I need some data to be available on all the viewpages inside the website. The data comes from an parameter supplied to all the routes, i want to get that param and get the according data for it and make it available for all the views (including the master pages).
It would be nice if it could be done in one place.
What do i need to do to get that functionality, can it even be done?
The easiest (may not be the best) would be to write a base Controller class that
1) handles one of the following events to do the job:
2) Sets the data you want to have available in ViewData.
3) Use the ViewData from your views.
4) All your Controllers must inherit from your custom base Controller.
This might not be the nicest of all approaches as I usually try to avoid inheritance like the plague, but it will work. Other options.
1) Implement it in an ActionFilter and make sure add the attribute to all ActionMethods.
2) Use something like MVC Turbine to define ActionFilter's that trigger for all ActionMethods in you ASP.NET MVC Application.

Is it possible to override an attribute which has been applied at controller level on a specific method?

If I've applied an authorisation attribute at controller level, is it possible to override this on one of the methods on that controller?
That depends upon what kind of "override" you want. You cannot remove the attribute which is on the class, but you can add the attribute to the method again in order to make things more restrictive.
Update in response to comments. First, making your own AuthorizeAttribute is somewhat dangerous. AuthorizeAttribute contains code which interacts with the caching attributes in order to ensure that the cache cannot serve protected content to a non-authorized user. At a minimum, you should subtype the existing AuthorizeAttribute rather than creating something wholly new. Generally, however, it's a better idea to use the existing AuthorizeAttribute and specialize your authorization by creating a new/finding an existing ASP.NET membership provider.
I don't think it would be good design to have a filter on an action which "overrides" a filter on a controller. However, you could change the design of the filter on the controller to not require authorization on an action of a certain name. You could, for example, override the AuthorizeAttribute.AuthorizeCore method to test for an action name in the same way the existing method tests for the user name and the roles. Take very careful note of the comments in this method regarding thread safety.
I'm not sure if this is exactly the same question, but it may help...
How to make ActionFilter on action method take precedence over same ActionFilter on controller
