Changing the hash but not moving the page using jquery ui tabs - jquery-ui

I added the following code to change the hash to the tab name:
$("#tabs > ul").tabs({
select: function(event, ui){
window.location.hash =;
} );
This works fine in FF3 but in IE7 it moves down the page (depending on the tab selected anywhere from somewhere near the top of the page all the way down to the very end of the page).
I tried changing it to:
$("#tabs > ul").tabs();
$("#tabs > ul").bind("tabsshow", function(event, ui) {
window.location =;
This leads to identical behavior in both IE7 and FF3, which moves the page down to the top of the selected tab.
I would like the tab to be changed, the hash to be updated, but the page not moved at all, which is how it works in FF3 in my first example, but not in IE7.
Notes: JQuery 1.3.1 / JQuery-UI 1.6rc6

If there's an element on the page that has the same id as what you're setting the hash to, for instance you're trying to set the browser hash to #cars and there's already a div#cars on the page, the browser will scroll you down to where that div is.
To my knowledge, there are 3 possible workarounds
1) Change the browser hash to something else such as #thecars.
2) Change your existing markup in some similar manner.
3) On some event, changing the id of your similarly named markup, then changing the browser hash, then rechanging the name of markup back to it's original value should also theoretically work. This is obviously a bad and slow workaround, just thought I'd mention it.

You could try having a "return false;" after you set the window location but I can't be sure.
Unfortunately, your problems won't end there. There are other issues with navigating back and forth across multiple browsers--nothing may change, page may reload, page state might be mangled, javascript may get reinitialized etc.
You may want to have a look at Tabs v2 which uses the History/Remote plugin though it has not been updated for jQuery 1.3+.
This demo is easier to understand. If you look at the javascript source, you'll notice the use of iframes to handle states.
There is also the History Event plugin and the jHistory plugin to achieve what you want.
Would like to hear back how things turns out and what solution you went with.

What Chris suggested worked for me, had no clue even a div could link via the #. So my solution is quite simple, in the show: event handler, I do the following, it's not perfect in that back button won't be in history, but that's another job for BBQ history plugin. All my divs simply have id="tab-cars", id="tab-trucks"... strip out the 'tab-' part and put it into the url hash.
var name =;
location.hash = '#'+name;


Anchor link to open jquery mobile popups just redirects

I previously used javascript dialogs for confirmation on a mobile web app, but am now trying to switch over to using the new popups feature in JQM 1.2. My initial test doesn't work - no popup appears and I'm simply redirected to the anchor I'm trying to call.
My test code is simple, albeit a bit obfuscated because I'm using haml:
%a{:href => "#popupBasic", :"data-rel" => "popup"} Show popup
%div{:id => "popupBasic", :"data-role" => "popup"} Basic popup div
That said, I don't believe the haml is causing the issue based on reading the final HTML output. Both elements are at equal depth and contained within the element.
In addition, the div does "popup" without issue when I use the following at the console:
$( "#popupBasic" ).popup( "open" )
That makes me believe that the issue lies somewhere in the link or the URL handling. When I do click the link, it instead takes me straight to
Any ideas on how I should be handling the URL differently so that it shows the popup as intended?
After realizing the problem was probably some part of my Javascript, I went through and tried turning off each bit of javascript individually, until I figured out that the problem was with this in my application.js file:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
$.mobile.linkBindingEnabled = false;
which prevents all anchor click handling. Obviously now that I've removed this code the anchor links are working properly. Of course, that means I'm now left with trying to figure out why I added that in the first place and what I just broke by removing it...

jQuery Mobile breaks my site

I load jQuery Mobile on my site when I am only on a mobile touchscreen device. When I do though. It messes up everything. For example, select menus don't work quite right, as well, the words "loading, loading, undefined" appear at the bottom of the page. I know I am missing something but do not know what.
Any ideas on what I could be missing?
EDIT: Okay, So I took out all scripts that I am running except for jQuery and jQuery Mobile. I call jQuery first, then jQuery Mobile. It still breaks aspects of the site.
What it breaks:
- I cannot navigate to any other page via the navbar, if I click on a nav item, and look in the url, the correct url appears (with a # in it) like: /#/about-us/ Then, it just redirects to the home page and the page goes white
Select menus have weird results. It prints out whatever is in the select right beside it. And if you in landscape mode on the ipad and you click on the select, it sends you to the bottom of the page (weird).
it prints out 'loading' twice and 'undefined' once at the bottom of the page
All I have for scripts are jQuery and jQuery Mobile. I should also mention that I am using wordpress so it might have enqueued some other scripts (I have deregistered Wordpress' version of jquery and enqueued my own)
Anyone else experiencing these problems?
jQueryMobile replace your normal links with Ajax one, so every page can be loaded by the ajax, text on docs page:
(..) Ajax is used to load the contents of each page into the DOM as you navigate, and the DOM ready handler only executes for the first page. To execute code whenever a new page is loaded and created, you can bind to the pageinit event. This event is explained in detail at the bottom of this page.
If you want to disable single link to be loaded by the ajax you should write something like this:
<a href="/some_page" data-ajax="false" >link</a>
or do it globally:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
jm also does replacement on other elements so you should try using data-role attribute, for example:
<select id="test" data-role="none">
to disable replacing this element.
For those like me where
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
did not work and the whole page layout seems still broken:
For me this one works (- set it inline before loading the jquery mobile file):
// Preload configuration
$( document ).on( "mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.autoInitializePage = false; // This one does the job
Furthermore if you want to disable jQuery mobile automatic link and form handling via ajax, set (as dvk3 said) ajaxEnabled to false and pushStateEnabled to false as recommended:
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false; // Recommended is false, when ajax is disabled
For further information see:
I'm using v1.4.5
Same happened to me by mixing mobile with other frameworks. Fixed issue but getting custom build of My case was that I needed swipe for touch devices only so used custom min file and nothing was broken after that.
It really depends if you need or you need just a certain functionality, Widgets, events? Use custom version that you can build yourself.
You can make and download yours here :
I hope it worked for you too guys!

jQuery mobile hiding initial page instead of removing it

I've been searching for a way to remove the initial page container after jQuery mobile loaded the next page content via $.mobile.changePage(...)
What I'm experiencing is that this initial DIV element, created when the page is first shown will always remain on the page - and will only be hidden after calling $.mobile.changePage(...)
I need this initial page container to be removed instead, since some old data reside there that should be reset on first page change.
Anyone has a solution? Been searching the web for it but to no avail.
I have also tried to do $('#first-page').remove() after I called $.mobile.changePage(...), but that will remove the initial page and make the new loaded page hidden!
EDIT: solved by clearing up the initial DIV using .html("")
You could just make next page load without ajax, this should remove the initial page.
Hope this helps!
I take it that you are dynamically creating these pages. There is a hidden method in the API, but you can apply it to any page and then upon that page's exit, it will be removed.
So, it might look like this
newpage.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "external-page", true ).one( 'pagecreate', $.mobile._bindPageRemove );
NOTE: Since this is a hidden method, it is part of the hidden API and could be subject to change without notice upon upgrade. Test carefully upon upgrade if you use this.
I did:
$.mobile.changePage('login.html', {changeHash:false});
changeHash (default: true) Type: Boolean Decides if the hash in the
location bar should be updated. This has the effect of creating a new
browser history entry. It also means that, if set to false, the
incoming page will replace the current page in the browser history, so
the page from which the user is navigating away will not be reachable
via the browser's "Back" button.

In a Rails app, how can I make a link load in a div as opposed to refreshing the whole page?

I'm still a beginner at web development. It's not my profession. So go easy.
I started building a rails app today, and realized it would make my application so much better if I could get certain links to display in a separate div instead of a new page, or refreshing the entire page. I'm not quite sure how to search for this, and I keep chasing red herrings with google.
Basically, I have a list in a div on the left side of the page, and when one item from that list is clicked, it should appear in the right div. (Nothing else on the page need be changed)
That's really as simple as it is. Do I need to use Javascript for this? Can I get away with the rails js defaults, or should I be using JQuery?
Is there a way to do this without javascript? I really just need a push in the right direction here, I'm tired of not even knowing how to search for this, or what documentation I should be reading.
Like I said, go easy, and you should just go ahead and err to the side of caution, and assume I know nothing. Seriously. :)
Thanks in advance,
(By the way, I'm developing with Rails 3)
Create your views (along with controllers) to be shown inside the div for each item on the left menu. Lets say we have the following structure now:
Item1 (Clicking on it will fetch:
Item2 (Clicking on it will fetch:
and so on...
make sure you only render the html to be put inside your content div. Should not include <head> <body> etc. tags
In your main page you may have your markup like this >
<div id="leftMenu">
Item 1
Item 2
<div id="content">
Please click on an item on the left menu to load content here
Finally, add the following Javascript (you'll need jQuery; trust me it's a good decision).
$("#leftMenu a").click(function () {
$("#content").load($(this).attr("href")); //load html from the url and put it in the #content element
return false; //prevent the default href action
You will need JavaScript if you want to avoid reloading the page. You can use link_to for links in your lists, and you'll need to use :remote => true to make it send AJAX requests to the server. The server will need to respond appropriately and supply HTML for your div.
link_to documentation is here: (and admittedly it isn't very useful for AJAX functionality).
The last post in this thread shows one possible solution you could use.

jquery ui tabs caching conundrum

I am working on a web-app for my employer and I am using some jquery. I am fairly good at PHP, but lost in jquery. My question is as follows:
I have a a working tabs page that loads a monster PHP page when it first loads. I need to make sure that this particular tab only loads when the page is called (the first time only). I have the initial tab cached, and if you click on another tab everything is fine. The problem is that when you click a link from within the tab it reloads the monster PHP page. Here is the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("ASA").tabs({ cache: true });
function CH(ids){
$("#tabs").tabs("select" , "#CH");
cache : true
function onIFrameLoad() {
Function CH is where I am having trouble (I guess). I have cache:true in there, but it was a shot in the dark. The only tab I want cached (at this point) is the main tab (ASA).
Thanks for the help.
The correct syntax for using cache is
$( ".selector" ).tabs({ cache: true });
However, this would work only if each tab is loaded remotely (ie. ajax). There's no reason to do this if you use the original HTML structure given by the documentation, because all of the contents for all tabs are loaded all initially. You also cannot (as far as I can tell) turn caching on for individual tabs.
What we really need to see is what HTML structure you've got for this. Also, the selector $("ASA").tabs({ cache: true }); probably won't work, as ASA isn't a valid HTML element.
Ok... so it is a complete hack/workaround, but I have a solution. I would love to hear the RIGHT way to do it if someone can direct me, but here is what I did:
In each tab I pre-load a blank iframe.
My links all now point to iframes instead of functions.
Each iframe calls a function to "select" its tab from the parent.
Result is that after load the tab is shown and the main tab is never refreshed.
Again, I know it is a hack, if you have a better way please let me know.
