What's more expensive, comparison or assignment? - comparison

I've started reading Algorithms and I keep wondering, when dealing with primitives of the same type, which is the more expensive operation, assignment or comparison? Does this vary a great deal between languages?

What do you think?
At the lowest level one does two reads, the other does a read and a write.
But why should you really care? You shouldn't care about performance at this level. Optimize for Big-O

Micro-optimization is almost always the wrong thing to do. Don't even start on it unless the program runs too slowly, and you use a profiler to determine exactly where the slow parts are.
Once you've done that, my advice is to see about improving code and data locality, because cache misses are almost certainly worse than suboptimal instructions.
That being done, in the rather odd case that you can use either an assignment-based or comparison-based approach, try both and time them. Micro-optimization is a numbers game. If the numbers aren't good enough, find out why, then verify that what you're doing actually works.
So, what do you mean by a comparison? Conditional jumps cause problems to any vaguely modern processor, but different processors do different things, and there's no guarantee that any given one will slow things down. Also, if either causes a cache miss, that's probably the slower one no matter what.
Finally, languages are normally compiled to machine code, and simple things like comparisons and assignments will normally be compiled the same. The big difference will be the type of CPU.


Should imposing additional constraints improve solving time for SMT solvers?

I have a SMT application (built on Haskell SBV library), which solves some complex equation against single s variable in Real logic using Z3. Finding solution takes about 30 seconds in my case.
Trying to speed things up, I added additional constraint s < 40000, as I have some estimation of solution. I was thinking that such constraint would shrink the search space and make solver return the result faster. However, this only made it slower (it didn't even finished in 10 minutes, actually).
The question is: can it be assumed that additional constraints always slows down/speeds up solution process, or there are no general rules and it always depends on circumstances?
I'm worried that even my 30-seconds algorithm may contain some extra constraint that isn't necessarily needed, but just slows the process.
I don't think you can make any general assumptions about this. It may or may not impact solving time, assuming sat/unsat status doesn't change.
Equalities usually help (as they propagate freely), but for anything else, it's anybody's guess. Also, different solvers can exhibit differing behavior for the same addition.
One way to think about this is that the underlying DPLL(T) algorithm is essentially a very smart glorified search algorithm. It keeps producing "learned lemmas" with the hope that it will find a contradiction with a previously known fact. The new "constraint" you add might cause it to generate a ton of correct but irrelevant lemmas that makes it go down the deep-end with no useful result. (Quantified formulae are usually like this: You can instantiate them in a million different ways; but unless you find the "correct" instantiation, all they do is end up polluting your search space.)
At least that's been my experience!

Why is the CAP theorem interesting?

Is there anything mathematically interesting about the CAP theorem? Looking at the proof, there seem to be four different cases for two different statements across two formalisms. The CAP theorem holds in the three trivial cases and not in the fourth one. All of which use extremely roundabout proof techniques to say something extraordinarily simple.
3.1 Thm 1. If two machines have no communication whatsoever, they cannot contain consistent data.
3.1 Corollary 1.1 If two machines are not allowed to wait to receive messages from each other and the communication line between them is arbitrarily slow, you get an inconsistent result if you write to one and then immediately query the other.
4.2 Thm 2. If two machines that are allowed to wait-with-timeout have no connection whatsoever, they still cannot contain consistent data.
... but if the communication line between them has guarantees about worst-case transmission time, then you can just wait for the timeout each time you perform a write and CAP theorem doesn't apply.
Am I missing something here? The proof techniques used in the paper seem to be more like the kind of thing you find in the generals-on-a-hill problem (which IS nontrivial) where the generals can set a time to coordinate their attack and agree they're going to do it, but they can't agree that they agree. But I just can't see how that applies here.

Interview question on stack

recently my friend attended intv, he faced this question(intviewer made this up from my fren's answer to another question)
Say, we have option to use either
1) recursion --> uses system stack, i think OS takes care of everything
2) use our own stack for only data part and get things done.
to fix something. Which one do you prefer? and why?
assume stack size wouldn't grow beyond 100.
I would use the system stack. Why re-invent the wheel?
Function calls, while not really slow per se, do take non-zero time. Therefore an iterative solution can be slightly faster.
More often thatn not, simplicity is better than a slight performance gain.
Dont overkill a solution, and loose maitainability/readability for 1ms if you are not going to use that 1ms.
Just remember that whatever clever little hack you put together has to be maintained (and proven to work first for that matter) where as many standard/system solutions are available, that has been proven. (see Reinventing the wheel).
If it is really system crytical that you reduce memory allocation and enhance performance, you have your work cut out for you, and be prepared to spend some time proving that your solution is better/faster and stable.
Interesting to see the general preference for recursion on here, and a few who assume that the recursive implementation will necessarily be clearer or more maintainable... maybe, maybe not :-).
recursion typically avoids an explicit loop
recursion can sometimes simply use local variables inside the function to avoid a container storing results as they're calculated
recursion can make it trivial to reverse the order in which sub-results are gathered
recursion means there's a limit to the depth of information being processed, where-as often a loop implementation easily avoids this, or at least has memory requirements that more accurately reflect the data-processing needs
the more widely applicable you want your software to be, the more important it is to remove arbitrary limits (e.g. UNIX software like modern vim, less, GNU grep etc. make minimal assumptions about file/line/expression length and dynamically attempt whatever they're asked / many here will remember old editors and vendor-specific utilities e.g. one "celestial" company's grep that would never match results at the end of a too-long line, editors that SIGSEGVed, shutdown, corrupted or slowed down into uselessness on long lines or files)
naive recursion can result in spectacularly inefficiently combined sub-results
some people find recursion easier to understand, some find it harder - definitely it suits how we think about some problems better than others
Depends on the algorithm. Small stack usage, system stack. Lot of stack needed, go on the heap. Stack size is limited by OS beyond which OS throws stackoverflow ;-) If algo uses more stack space then I would go with stack data structure and push the data on the heap
Hm, I think it deppends the problem...
The stack size, if I got your point, is not only what limits you from using one or another.
But wanting to use recursion... well, no bads, really, for the length of the stack, but I'd rather make my own solution.
Avoid recursion when you can. :)
Recursion may be the simplest way to solve a particular problem. An iterative solution can required more code and more opportunities for errors. The testing and maintenance cost may be greater than the performance benefit.
I would go with the first, use the system stack. That being said the language FORTH there are two system stacks. One is the return stack and the other is the parameters stack. This offers some nice flexibility.

Erlang: What are the pros and cons of different methods for avoiding intermediate variables?

At one point while traveling the web, I came across a great page which contrasted the clarity and terseness of different methods of doing a sequence of operations without having to make a bunch of throwaway variables, e.g., Var1, Var2, Var3. It tried list comprehensions, folds, maps, etc. For some reason, now matter what I google, I can't find it again. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? Or want to explore the topic anyway?
Your question doesn't make much sense.
List comprehensions, fold, and map aren't for avoiding variables (nor are they interchangeable), they're the right ways to process data depending on what you're trying to do.
This is the article you were looking for:
It is probably more of an art than a science. In a nutshell my advice is to lean away from using throw-aways as a general habit, but equally, do not be afraid of using them intelligently and sparingly where you feel appropriate or necessary.
When you are starting to learn then by all means use throw-away variables if it helps you break things down into understandable chunks. But try to break away from that sooner rather than later, as using throw-aways may at times make your code harder to maintain and modify. On the other hand, even when you are experienced you may sometimes find that it is worth using throwaways for the same reason : keep things readable and manageable for less experienced programmers. Purists may say that you should never use them, but I believe that when you consider the lifetime costs of software maintenance it is important to remember that readability is very important. Maybe this argument doesn't apply if you are lucky enough to work in an environment that only hires the best of the best, but for the rest of us that's simply not a reflection of the real world.
The bottom line : what is "right" depends on your skill level, the skill level of your peers, what you are doing, and the likely volatility, complexity, and lifetime of the code. Use your best judgement.
In response to the answer saying the question doesn't make sense, you would certainly think it made sense if you saw the article to which I'm referring. The point is to elegantly process a series of statements without redundant intermediate variables. Zed is right on target. I really wish I could find the original link because it was super detailed and went through 5 or 6 methods, some of which were referenced from the erlang mailing list, and weighed the pros and cons of each.

Memory efficiency vs Processor efficiency

In general use, should I bet on memory efficiency or processor efficiency?
In the end, I know that must be according to software/hardware specs. but I think there's a general rule when there's no boundaries.
Example 01 (memory efficiency):
int n=0;
if(n < getRndNumber())
n = getRndNumber();
Example 02 (processor efficiency):
int n=0, aux=0;
aux = getRndNumber();
if(n < aux)
n = aux;
They're just simple examples and wrote them in order to show what I mean. Better examples will be well received.
Thanks in advance.
I'm going to wheel out the universal performance question trump card and say "neither, bet on correctness".
Write your code in the clearest possible way, set specific measurable performance goals, measure the performance of your software, profile it to find the bottlenecks, and then if necessary optimise knowing whether processor or memory is your problem.
(As if to make a case in point, your 'simple examples' have different behaviour assuming getRndNumber() does not return a constant value. If you'd written it in the simplest way, something like n = max(0, getRndNumber()) then it may be less efficient but it would be more readable and more likely to be correct.)
To answer Dervin's criticism below, I should probably state why I believe there is no general answer to this question.
A good example is taking a random sample from a sequence. For sequences small enough to be copied into another contiguous memory block, a partial Fisher-Yates shuffle which favours computational efficiency is the fastest approach. However, for very large sequences where insufficient memory is available to allocate, something like reservoir sampling that favours memory efficiency must be used; this will be an order of magnitude slower.
So what is the general case here? For sampling a sequence should you favour CPU or memory efficiency? You simply cannot tell without knowing things like the average and maximum sizes of the sequences, the amount of physical and virtual memory in the machine, the likely number of concurrent samples being taken, the CPU and memory requirements of the other code running on the machine, and even things like whether the application itself needs to favour speed or reliability. And even if you do know all that, then you're still only guessing, you don't really know which one to favour.
Therefore the only reasonable thing to do is implement the code in a manner favouring clarity and maintainability (taking factors you know into account, and assuming that clarity is not at the expense of gross inefficiency), measure it in a real-life situation to see whether it is causing a problem and what the problem is, and then if so alter it. Most of the time you will not have to change the code as it will not be a bottleneck. The net result of this approach is that you will have a clear and maintainable codebase overall, with the small parts that particularly need to be CPU and/or memory efficient optimised to be so.
You think one is unrelated to the other? Why do you think that? Here are two examples where you'll find often unconsidered bottlenecks.
Example 1
You design a DB related software system and find that I/O is slowing you down as you read in one of the tables. Instead of allowing multiple queries resulting in multiple I/O operations you ingest the entire table first. Now all rows of the table are in memory and the only limitation should be the CPU. Patting yourself on the back you wonder why your program becomes hideously slow on memory poor computers. Oh dear, you've forgotten about virtual memory, swapping, and such.
Example 2
You write a program where your methods create many small objects but posses O(1), O(log) or at the worst O(n) speed. You've optimized for speed but see that your application takes a long time to run. Curiously, you profile to discover what the culprit could be. To your chagrin you discover that all those small objects adds up fast. Your code is being held back by the GC.
You have to decide based on the particular application, usage etc. In your above example, both memory and processor usage is trivial, so not a good example.
A better example might be the use of history tables in chess search. This method caches previously searched positions in the game tree in case they are re-searched in other branches of the game tree or on the next move.
However, it does cost space to store them, and space also requires time. If you use up too much memory you might end up using virtual memory which will be slow.
Another example might be caching in a database server. Clearly it is faster to access a cached result from main memory, but then again it would not be a good idea to keep loading and freeing from memory data that is unlikely to be re-used.
In other words, you can't generalize. You can't even make a decision based on the code - sometimes the decision has to be made in the context of likely data and usage patterns.
In the past 10 years. main memory has increased in speed hardly at all, while processors have continued to race ahead. There is no reason to believe this is going to change.
Edit: Incidently, in your example, aux will most likely end up in a register and never make it to memory at all.
Without context I think optimising for anything other than readability and flexibilty
So, the only general rule I could agree with is "Optmise for readability, while bearing in mind the possibility that at some point in the future you may have to optimise for either memory or processor efficiency in the future".
Sorry it isn't quite as catchy as you would like...
In your example, version 2 is clearly better, even though version 1 is prettier to me, since as others have pointed out, calling getRndNumber() multiple times requires more knowledge of getRndNumber() to follow.
It's also worth considering the scope of the operation you are looking to optimize; if the operation is time sensitive, say part of a web request or GUI update, it might be better to err on the side of completing it faster than saving memory.
Processor efficiency. Memory is egregiously slow compared to your processor. See this link for more details.
Although, in your example, the two would likely be optimized to be equivalent by the compiler.
